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阅读不仅是一种认知活动,也是一种心理活动;阅读所达到的效果不仅与基础积淀、阅读方法等紧密关联,更与阅读心理有着密切的联系。很多教师习惯指导上偏重阅读方法与阅读技巧,忽略了阅读心理的研究与指导。在笔者看来,语文的有效阅读指导需要了解并进一步把握学生的阅读心理,调动提高语文阅读的内驱力。  相似文献   

近年来数学阅读受到广泛关注,在新课程改革理念的引导下,高中生数学阅读研究取得了一系列成果.笔者从数学阅读的研究内容、研究方法、研究结论,三个维度对近10年来我国高中生数学阅读研究进行评述.总结现有研究的经验,为未来该研究领域的发展提供依据.并提出了5条未来研究的具体建议.  相似文献   

为了提高学生的阅读能力,笔者参考了国内外许多学者的研究及个人的教学经验,从词汇、语法结构和阅读策略三个方面对英语阅读教学提出了方法和建议.  相似文献   

本文综合地概述了笔者近几年来关于中小学生语文阅读能力结构的系统研究.笔者提出了新的研究能力结构的方法“活动——因素分析法”,然后用这个方法对中小学生的语文阅读能力结构进行系统的研究.首先分别编制了适用于小学六年级、初中三年级及高中三年级学生的三套语文阅读水平量表,用以进行施测获得因素分析的数据,然后运用斜交旋转的技术对获得的数据进行因素分析,得出三个年级的语文阅读能力结构构成因素,并运用“活动分析法”与“鉴别性测验插入法”对分析出来的因素的心理实质进行鉴别,揭示它们的心理实质.进一步,笔者对这三个年级学生的语文阅读能力结构进行分析,探索了该能力结构构成的发展特点及发展模式.  相似文献   

在初中语文教学过程中,名著阅读的地位越发重要。名著是需要静下心来潜心阅读的,培养兴趣,指导方法,尤为重要。笔者作为执教多年的语文老师,更加重视学生在阅读名著时的方法以及体验。所以笔者结合学生的年龄特点和阅读现状,制定了切实可行的阅读方法,采用科学的名著阅读导学策略,从而引导学生更加高效地阅读名著,学习国内外传统的文化,不断完善自己的人格。  相似文献   

本文对初中语文记叙文阅读的有效性进行了研究,研究了语文记叙文阅读有效性的含义,笔者认为记叙文阅读有效性的定义是为了遵循阅读本身的规律,依据记叙文本身的特点选择适当的阅读方法,可以节省大部分的时间来完成任务。初中语文记叙文低效表现在初中学生文体阅读意识淡薄牵制记叙文阅读无法可寻和记叙文阅读水平的高原现象,使之面临的困惑有增无减。造成低效的原因,不仅是学生的责任也有老师的,需要我们去探讨,避免问题的发生。  相似文献   

我们在谈到阅读的时候更多的时候都会想到阅读文学名著,想到语文课上的种种阅读方法和技巧。然而,学科不同,需要阅读训练的重点和内容也都不相同。当然,语文方面的阅读是各种阅读的基础和前提,但是,这并不等于语文的阅读搞好了,其他的阅读就水到渠成,万事大吉。笔者认为,我们应该重视其它学科的阅读,并且研究其特点。本文以政治学科的阅读为例,重点讨论政治阅读教学的方法和策略,以抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

对小学生来说,阅读是非常重要的,阅读既是学习的内容也是学习的工具。针对目前阅读教学,笔者发现小学生对阅读并没有太大的兴趣,在阅读中经常会出现各种问题,比如生僻词过多,不善于使用阅读工具;基础知识不扎实,阅读耐力较差;阅读习惯不佳,为了阅读而阅读的现象严重。针对小学阅读教学存在的问题,笔者认为小学语文教师应该创新教学模式,从学情出发,认真研究阅读的内容,让学生掌握阅读技巧和方法,这样才能提升阅读教学的有效性,促进学生的长远发展。  相似文献   

泛读教学的目的就是提高阅读速度和理解能力.本文通过对影响学生英语阅读能力的因素分析,通过笔者凭着多年的教学实践经验和研究,探讨了提高阅读理解能力的几种有效方法,旨在培养学生良好的阅读习惯,并且能够灵活运用各种阅读策略,从而达到"多读,会读,读好"的境界.  相似文献   

<正>评点是一种传统的读书方法,受到很多学者的推崇。古人云"读文无批注,即偶能窥其微妙,日后终至茫然,故评注不可已也。"语文教育家张志公先生认为评点学习方法是传统学习经验中留下来的有用的方法之一。从2012年开始,笔者学校开展评点式语文阅读教学的课题研究,笔者有幸参与其中,对评点阅读和教学进行了长期的研究。笔者认为,要想成功开展评点式阅读教学,首先应教给学生评点阅读的方法。最宝贵的学习  相似文献   

When reading in the classroom, teachers may use different methods. We examined the impact of different reading conditions on comprehension. Reading aloud involved reading the text aloud for an audience. Silent reading required the students to read the text silently. Follower reading involved listening to another student read the text aloud while having the text available for individual reading. Thirty-six fifth- and sixth-grade students read texts under the three conditions and then took comprehension tests. The students performed equally well under reading aloud and silent reading. Follower reading resulted in worse comprehension. The data suggest that the follower readers focused on their individual reading, making an effort not to listen to the student reading out loud, which consumed cognitive resources. Since reading aloud in the classroom involves not only one loud reader but also a lot of follower readers, silent reading might be the smartest choice.  相似文献   

This study investigated the associations among reading strategy instruction, student motivational factors (i.e., attitudes toward reading, reading self‐concept, and motivation to read), gender, and reading achievement. The analyses were conducted using the Hong Kong sample (students at Level 1, n = 3,875 and teachers at Level 2, n = 133) from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study 2011 through multilevel structural equation modeling. The results showed that, first, the relation between the frequency of reading strategy instruction and student reading achievement was mediated by student attitudes toward reading. Second, the frequency of reading strategy instruction was significantly related to student attitudes toward reading and motivation to read and student attitudes toward reading was significantly associated with reading achievement. Finally, girls had more positive attitudes toward reading, more positive reading self‐concept, higher motivation to read, and higher reading achievement than boys. These findings may shed light on how teachers should arrange their reading strategy instruction to interplay with student attitudes toward reading and motivation to read and to help improve reading achievement.  相似文献   


Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) was implemented for supplementary reading classes in a Korean elementary school. The treatment group children were exposed to PALS during 20 min sessions, 4 times a week, for 8 weeks. The impacts of PALS were investigated in 3 aspects using a mixed-methods approach: improvement in reading attitudes, reading skills, and student perceptions of the intervention. Data collection includes reading attitude measures, standardized reading comprehension test scores, student satisfaction survey, student interviews, and student journals. The PALS group students showed significantly enhanced reading attitudes and reading skills. Consistently, qualitative data analysis also revealed affirmative influence of PALS on students’ attitudes toward reading. Finally, the findings also suggested social benefits of PALS including developing cooperative skills and friendships.  相似文献   

构建语文阅读毕业标准,可以从积累、理解和欣赏三个层面展开,在积累方面,学生应该在增加语言材料上达到一定的指标;在理解方面,学生应该能够用自己的语言重新表达相同的文本信息,具体表现为解释、推断、转换等不同行为并完成相应的行为指标;在欣赏方面,学生应该能够用自己的语言对文本信息作出价值判断,并获得相应的情感体验,主要表现为朗读与词语赏析等行为并完成相应的行为指标。  相似文献   

阅读理解是学生在大学英语学习中应该具备的一项重要技能。如何提高阅读能力是当前学生必须解决的主要问题。扩大词汇量;增加阅读量,提高阅读速度;掌握必要的阅读技巧是提高阅读能力的关键。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which teacher ratings of behavioral attention predicted responsiveness to word reading instruction in first-grade and third-grade reading comprehension performance. Participants were 110 first-grade students identified as at risk for reading difficulties who received 20 weeks of intensive reading intervention in combination with classroom reading instruction. Path analysis indicated that teacher ratings of student attention significantly predicted students’ word reading growth in first grade even when they were competed against other relevant predictors (phonological awareness, nonword reading, sight word efficiency, vocabulary, listening comprehension, hyperactivity, nonverbal reasoning, and short-term memory). Also, student attention demonstrated a significant indirect effect on third-grade reading comprehension via word reading but not via listening comprehension. Results suggest that student attention (indexed by teacher ratings) is an important predictor of at-risk readers’ responsiveness to reading instruction in first grade and that first-grade reading growth mediates the relationship between students’ attention and their future level of reading comprehension. The importance of considering ways to manage and improve behavioral attention when implementing reading instruction is discussed.  相似文献   

国锐 《哈尔滨学院学报》2002,23(12):125-127
本文从应用语言学的角度切入,分析了外语阅读过程中阅读动机,阅读模式,语言知识、背景知识和语篇知识等因素与阅读效率之间的关系,并讨论了这些因素在阅读教学上的启示,本文对阅读心理语言学进行观察与探索,有助于指导外语阅读教学,提高阅读质量,开发阅读潜能。  相似文献   

体验对于语文阅读教学具有重要意义,它不仅可以促进学生阅读个性的发展,可以调动学生已有的知识经验,还可以促进情感的内化。体验式语文阅读教学,非常重视学生主体的参与、思想的陶冶和情感的涌动。在阅读教学中,我们可以从阅读兴趣、生活经验、角色转换以及对话交流等角度出发,促进体验的生成,增强阅读教学的魅力。  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of classroom pedagogic reading practices and out-of-school practices in explaining why the reading attainment of Hong Kong Grade 4 students was superior to that of their counterparts in Taiwan in the 2006 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study. Analyses of scores from 9301 students (4712 from Hong Kong and 4589 from Taiwan) revealed that independent reading in school made a distinctive contribution to the reading performance of Hong Kong and Taiwan students after controlling for the effects of students’ and parents’ reading attitudes, the availability of supportive home educational resources and student engagement in a range of reading practices. Out-of-school informational reading was found to be negatively associated with students’ reading attainment for both Hong Kong and Taiwan students. There was evidence that reading aloud in class in Taiwan classrooms significantly contributed to the Taiwan students’ poor reading performance.  相似文献   

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