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《礼记·聘义》中说:“瑕不揜瑜,瑜不揜瑕,忠也。”(“揜”同“掩”)瑕不掩瑜,即斑点遮盖不住美玉的光彩,比喻小缺点掩盖不了整个事物的“完美”;瑜不掩瑕,比喻优点掩盖不了缺点。《礼记·聘义》的这一说法是告诉人们,看待人、事、物时要忠于事实,要辩证客观地看待人、事、物的本质。  相似文献   

依据人是“一个信息化、全息性的巨复杂适应系统”——“信息复杂全息人”假设,对“事”的结构进行了分析.除以物为主体而形成的“事”之外,还包括以非物为主体的“事”.事成为物,物动为事.物动为“物事”,人动为“人事”;“人事”有动作事素、意识事素、人际事素、人物事素之别.在这四个层次的人事中,动作事素是基础,意识事素是灵魂,人际事素是关键,人物事素是核心.  相似文献   

实质即本质,现代汉语词典对其这样解释:“指事物本身所固有的决定事物性质、面貌和发展的根本属性。事物的本质是隐蔽的,是通过现象表现的,不能用简单的直观去认识,必须透过现象掌握本质。”历史现象纷繁芜杂,有真象也有假象,透过现象看本质并不是很容易的事,因此,许多学生遇到“实质”问题往往会出错。笔者就关于实质的三种设计与解答方法,提出己见,以抛砖引玉。关于“实质”的设计有三个层次,第一种是直接设问,即实质“是什么”。这种问题的解答难度相对较小,可用逻辑思维方法去做。例如:欧共体的实质是A.资本主义自由竞…  相似文献   

相似在认识是一个应用很广的概念,有一般的相似应用和形象思维中的相似应用。相似和相似剩余是形象思维的一对主要思维范畴。相似剩余包括:两个事物形象的不相似部分;两个事物形象相比较观察到的“似又不似”现象;两个事物形象未被观察到的部分。二物的相似可能表征二物的同一或类同,也可能并不表征二物的同一或类同。当二物是否同一并不取决于二者整体的相似幅度的大小时,则需要应用相似剩余方法,特别是要判明二物有无质态相  相似文献   

从室内“生态”设计两大关系要素“人”和“物”入手,剖析了室内设计中“人”和“物”与室内“生态”设计的相互关系,一方面,设计师的高尚人格境界和艺术素养水平决定了室内“生态”设计成败;另一方面,室内“生态”设计最终要服务于——人,对人的需求研究同样是室内“生态”设计的重要内容重内“生态”设计就是要致力于营造一种能与自然和谐相处的低消耗、低污染,且拥有较高的品质和效率的生活空间环境.  相似文献   

芦忠 《阅读与鉴赏》2007,(8):55-55,45
一般地说:可感知的事物总是比不可感知的事物容易描写.无形之物总是较有形的更难刻画表述,所以写景、叙事、抒情三者之中,写景应相对容易,因为“景”乃自然之物,有形有色,有声有息;可观可睹,可听可闻。叙事就相对难些,因为“事”是动态的,有起因、过程、结果,人为之主观因素渗透较深,故把握难度增大。  相似文献   

“物我同一”与生态伦理——庄子的生态伦理思想新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庄子的生态伦理思想主要包括两大方面 ,一是“物我同一”的生态伦理情怀 ,包括三个层次 ,其中“人与天一”强调人与自然的相互融合 ,“物无贵贱”主张万物平等 ,“顺物自然”强调遵循自然规律。二是“万物不伤”的生态爱护观念。庄子认为 ,人应该珍爱万物 ,节约自然资源。  相似文献   

《学记》说:“古之学者,比物丑类”,它是说,古时做学问的人,善于运用事物的类比,以从中体会事物的内在联系。《学记》强调在教学中通过类比,从一事物推及他事他物,触类旁通。且类比的事物形象生动,便于理解领会,对于发展学生的思维能力,提高学习能力和效率是极...  相似文献   

“一分为二”形象地说明了辩证法的对立统一,这是毛泽东对马克思主义哲学的重要贡献之一。近年来不断有学者提出,事物不仅“一分为二”而且还可以“一分为三”,提出用“三分法”取代“二分法”。其实这两个概念具有不同层次和意义,不能随意替代。  相似文献   

一般认为,指物的名词后面加“们”的拟人用法,“们”具有使事物拟人化的作用(黄伯荣、廖序东1997)。这种说法值得商榷。什么是拟人?拟人就是把物当作人来写。“而所谓当作,是使一类事物具有只有另一类事物才能具有的情态动作”(张炼强1994)。这就是说,拟人是写说时让所涉事物具有人的情态动作。用这个观点来考察“指物名词十们”的用例,我们发现“们”并不能使事物拟人化。这可以从三个方面来说明。其一,在拟人的句子里,去掉指物名词后的“们”并不影响事物的拟人化。按理说,如果“们”具有使事物拟人化的作用,那么在…  相似文献   

随着高校管理模式更加人性化,加强学生事务服务成为高校学生工作中较为重要的一部分,“一站式”学生综合事务服务大厅正是体现“以学生为本”的服务理念.结合当下高校大力推进学生事务平台的建设,分析手机媒体在学生事务服务方面的优势.结合手机在大学生群体中的广泛使用提出了基于手机媒体的学生事务平台的发展方向,并从目标用户研究和需求分析与应用系统设计两个方面提出了设计基于手机媒体的学生综合事务服务平台的思路,使“90后”大学生享有更加快捷、便利、贴心的成长成才服务.  相似文献   

古汉沿“×之谓”式和“×之谓×”式,是不同的句法结构,前者是“宾+之+动”,后者是“主+之+动-宾”。确定主语或宾语,庖区分句法、语义、语用不同平面,不能认为凡施事就一定是主语,凡受事就一定是宾语。两式的“之”字,均为指示代词,起复指作用,作被复指词语的同位语;被复指的词语是宾语,“之”就是宾语;被复指的词语足主语,“之”就是主语;以前所说“之”是宾语前置标志的说法应当修正。  相似文献   

This paper provides a systematic review of instruments that have the potential to measure the quality of project-based science and technology (S&T) learning environments in elementary school. To this end, a comprehensive literature search was undertaken for the large field of S&T learning environments. We conducted a horizontal bottom-up analysis of the aspects measured by the retrieved instruments and their operationalisation. We distinguish 11 components. The most frequently evaluated components are prior knowledge and backgrounds, connection with reality, science as inquiry and level of initiative and group work. Overall, the results suggest a considerable diversity in the operationalisation of the components found. Particularly, for connection with reality, science as inquiry and level of initiative and group work, this is related to (1) the object of measurement (e.g. variety in aspects evaluated) and (2) the extent to which the used concepts are clarified. Consequently, some scales, items and questions were found to be a closer fit with aspects of project-based learning environments than others. Additionally, most of the retrieved instruments cover science and not technology or project-based education. This review can be used when searching for a scale, item or question to measure particular aspects of S&T learning environments.  相似文献   

黑格尔的“异化”概念,我们可以从三个方面去理解:其一是意识、精神分裂为二或树立对立面;其二是指意识发展到精神阶段出现的人类的对抗性社会;其三是指人的本质是通过劳动外化,转化为对象。通过这三方面的分析,揭示黑格尔的唯心主义性质和合理内核。  相似文献   

爱情诗是《诗经》中的一种重要题材,主要是指恋歌以及和婚姻爱情生活相关的诗篇。在此主要以《诗经》中描写男女相思爱慕、征夫思妇情怀的诗歌为研究对象,以诗中描写的时空距离为切入点,试图对此类诗歌的创作动因、抒情艺术方式以及抒情艺术特征等问题作出简单的分析和探讨。  相似文献   

物质本身是纯粹的思想创造物和纯粹的抽象。由于缺乏主体意识传统的辩证唯物主义教科书把物质本身客体化为世界本原,相应地把意识看作对抽象物质的反映,从而背离子马克思主义哲学的实践原则。在哲学史上,存在三种主体性,与此相应,物质和意识各有三层含义。马克思的唯物物把看作是对象,现实、感性,看作是实践活动的产,把意识看作是对象,现实、感性和反映。  相似文献   

胡风的现实主义主张,是以高扬的主观战斗精神向客观现实博击从而达到同客观真实深层次结合为特征的。本文从创作主体、客观对象和主体与对象的结合这三个方面的特殊要求探索胡风坚持的现实主义的特殊内涵。  相似文献   

Teachers’ learning in a learning study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The point of departure in this study is the question: do teachers who develop theoretical knowledge of the variation theory change the way(s) they offer their pupils the object of learning due to the theoretical framework. The aim of the study is to describe this development, i.e. to find if and how teachers developed theoretical knowledge when planning instruction, and in what way(s) this has an impact on the pupils’ learning outcome when using contrasts in the instruction. The theoretical framework is strongly content related, and by analysing the learning object’s critical aspects the teachers are guided to focus on the content in this particular way. The question “what does it take to develop knowledge about the object of learning?” has to be answered by the teachers before choice of teaching method is made. The research method used is Learning Study, a fusion between lesson study and design experiment. The teachers (6) have carried out nine research lessons in three Learning Study cycles (containing three lessons each). The pupils belong to three different classes and are between 9 and 11 years old. The result shows how the teachers gradually use the variation theory when planning instruction and how the learning outcomes shown by the pupils improve. The developed theoretical insight seems to affect the teachers’ ways of seeing the object of learning, such as subtle changes of how to organize the critical features of the learning object, are discerned. In every learning study cycle contrasts are used in one lesson, and in the analysis of the effect of the contrasts, the two remaining lessons are used as control groups. The results show the impact of contrasts in the pupils’ learning outcomes. The need to complement a lesson study with a theoretical perspective on learning is that the teachers are then given the opportunity to make use of the theory when planning instruction individually, not only in a lesson study. There again, the Learning Study model seems to be a powerful model with which to develop teachers’ understanding of the theoretical framework.  相似文献   

Inquiry learning is a widely recognized method for fostering inquiry competence in science education. Nevertheless, there is discussion about how to best support students while working on inquiry tasks (in this case: experiments on causal relationships). To identify the kind of support students need in order to design experiments in upper grades, an empirical study consisting of two parts was conducted. The first part, a quantitative test (N?=?96), tested students' competences in designing an experiment. It was found that students need scaffolding in basic aspects of designing (like dependent and independent variables), to reach higher levels, since only about thirty percent reach levels II or III out of three levels. On more reflective aspects (like confounding variables, test times and repetitions), only a maximum of twenty-five percent reached level I or higher; therefore, even more support is needed on these aspects. The second part of the study was a qualitative video-analysis of students' discussions, designs and implementations of an experiment. It was found that support is needed on procedural knowledge and understanding. Possible implications for inquiry support are discussed.  相似文献   

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