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反义是一种非常重要的语义现象,语义研究绝不可轻视它的存在。英语反义词不仅限于反义词对,也包括具有对比关系或对立关系的多项词词群。英语反义词必须具有共同的词义系统和概念系统、相同的词性和语法功能,能共同出现在某种语境中,形成对立或对比现象。根据逻辑原理,我们认为英语反义词之间只存在两种复杂关系:一种是两个概念语义上绝对相反,逻辑上相互排斥,之间可进行非此即彼、非彼即此的推演的“矛盾”关系;一种是两个概念外延不同,相互排斥,但不能进行非此即彼、非彼即此的推演的“反对”关系。  相似文献   

类比是根据两个对象或两类事物间存在着的相同或不同属性,联想到另一类事物也可能具有某种属性的思维方法.然而,任何物质都有其差异性,用类比方法推理获得的结论很可能正是两个对象的差异点而陷入错误.所以类比推理的逻辑根据是不充分的,带有或然性,不能作为一种严密的化学方法,即类比不能代替证明.在化学思想中,正是这种局限性对学生学习新知、解决新问题产生消极性的干扰作用.掌握类比推理在解题中的种种负迁移效应,对克服负迁移做到正迁移十分重要!  相似文献   

林小锋 《中学理科》2006,(11):89-90
类比是根据两个对象或两类事物间存在着的相同或不同属性,联想到另一类事物也可能具有某种属性的思维方法.类比联想可发现新的化学知识,也可寻求到解决化学问题的方法和途径;可培养学生的发散思维、创造性思维及合情推理能力;类比更被誉为科学活动中“伟大的引路人”。与之相对应的,高中新课标把培养学生的类比推理能力作为主要的能力培养目标之一,并且近几年高考多次出现类比思维的问题.然而,任何物质都有其差异性,用类比方法推理获得的结论很可能正是两个对象的差异点而陷入错误.所以类比推理的逻辑根据不充分的,带有或然性的,不能作为一种严密的化学方法,即类比不能代替证明.在化学思想中,正是这种局限性对学生学习新知、解决新问题产生消极的干扰作用.掌握类比推理在解题中的种种负迁移效应,对克服负迁移和做到正迁移十分重要!  相似文献   

迁移是指已经获得的知识、技能、甚至方法对新知识、新技能的影响。积极的影响称为正迁移,或简称迁移;消极的影响则称负迁移。教学中充分发挥正迁移的作用,有利于优化教学过程,提高教学质量。在小学数学教学中,根据知识结构与学生的年龄特征,常常采用类比、延伸、转换等方法进行迁移,使学生获得新的知识、技能。类比性迁移,这是抓住知识系统中的同类要素及联系,利用它们之间的相互影响来认识、理解和掌握新知识,这样使学生获得的新知识是前后连贯的,比较牢固的。例如,教学“比的基本性质”这一内容时,运用“比”与“除法”的关系(或“比  相似文献   

林曦 《机械职业教育》2000,(9):22-22,28
类比法是一种以比较为基础的逻辑推理法。它根据两个或两类特殊的研究对象之间存在的某些方面形式间的相同或相似,进行对照、类比,甚而进行推断。所以,它是一种有价值的思维方法。在“电工基础”的教材中,可供类比的内容相当丰富,恰到好处地应用类比法,除传授给学生知识、增强教学效果外,还教给学生一种做学问的方法。在教学中,可采用以下几种方法。一、共存类比法共存类比法是利用某一系统各因素间所具有的共存关系,对照另一系统各因素间有类似的共存关系。例如表1所示的电路与磁路的类比关系。我们可以在讲授电路的欧姆定律和基…  相似文献   

关于技能之间迁移机制 ,目前占主导地位的观点是西格勒和安德森的“共同要素理论”。这一理论认为 ,两种技能之间发生迁移的条件 ,是它们之间必须共有相同的过程性知识。这一观点忽视了陈述性知识在迁移中的作用 ,受到一些研究者的批评。单独考虑过程性知识或陈述性知识 ,都不能有效地解释技能之间的迁移。两种技能之间是否存在迁移 ,受到过程性知识之间的关系、对陈述性知识的精细加工、对过程性知识的精细加工、被试认知能力 (先前知识、认知水平、元认知水平等 )四个因素的综合影响  相似文献   

类比是根据两个对象或两类事物间存在着的相同或不同属性,联想到另一类事物也可能具有某种属性的思维方法. 类比联想可发现新的数学知识,类比可寻求到解决数学问题的方法和途径;可培养学生的发散思维、创造思维及合情推理能力;类比被誉为科学活动中"伟大的引路人",与之相对应的,高中新课标(实验)把培养学生的类比推理能力作为主要的能力培养目标之一,并且近年来高考也出现了类比思维的问题. 然而,任何物质都有其差异性,用类推方法推理获得的结论很可能正是两个对象的差异点而陷入错误. 所以类比推理的逻辑根据不充分的,带有或然性,不能作为一种严格的数学方法,即类比不能代替证明. 在数学思维中,正是这种局限性对学生学习新知、解决新问题产生消极性的干扰作用. 本文就类比推理在数学解题中的种种负迁移效应作一些探讨.  相似文献   

类比是指通过两个对象类似之处的比较,由已经获得的现有知识去解决新的问题或做出新发现和猜测。迁移是一种学习对另一种学习的影响。数学学习的迁移机制有宏观机制和微观机制。在小班化教学活动中我们应注意培养学生的类比迁移能力。类比迁移理论能够优化学生认知结构。  相似文献   

据江苏省对98年化学高考试题27题抽样调查,该题通过率仅为0.28.许多考生对此简单的气体制备和收集的操作步骤一筹莫展。认真分析一下,本题实际上是考查学生把常规气体制备和排水集气法的实验技能迁移到该题中去的能力.心理学家指出:迁移即一种学习对另一种学习的影响.当这种影响对学习起促进作用时,称为“积极迁移”或“正迁移”;反之为“消极迁移”或“负迁移”.那么,在高中阶段应如何培养实验技能的迁移能力呢?一、重视实验技能概括,揭示迁移要素产生迁移的必要条件是两个学习活动之间存在着共同成分,而实现迁移的关键则在…  相似文献   

时间要素虽然是任何试题的必要条件之一,但其表示方式则可以有所不同,有外显的或内隐的两种,即可以在材料、情景中直接交代,也可以通过其中某个或某些其他要素间接表示,如重要人物、事件或遗存、文献、文物、作品等。考生必须根据已学过的知识,从这个或这些要素的特征或联系中汲取才能正确思考和回答问题。  相似文献   

This study examined differences in transfer of analogical reasoning after analogy-problem solving between 40 gifted and 95 average-ability children (aged 9–10 years old), utilising dynamic testing principles. This approach was used in order to examine potential differences between gifted and average-ability children in relation to progression after training, and with regard to the question whether training children in analogy problem-solving elicits transfer of analogical reasoning skills to an analogy construction-task. Children were allocated to one of two experimental conditions: either children received unguided practice in analogy problem-solving, or they were provided with this in addition to training incorporating graduated prompting techniques. The results showed that gifted and average-ability children who were trained made more progress in analogy problem-solving than their peers who received unguided practice experiences only. Gifted and average-ability children were found to show similar progression in analogy problem-solving, and gifted children did not appear to have an advantage in the analogy-construction transfer task. The dynamic training seemed to bring about no additional improvement on the transfer task over that of unguided practice experiences only.  相似文献   

Although there has been considerable research into knowledge transfer for over a century, there remains a need for specific, validated techniques for teaching for transfer. This article reports on classroom-based research in which students learned about complex systems and climate change with agent-based computer models using two different instructional approaches based on productive failure (PF). In both PF approaches, students initially explored a problem space on their own and then received teacher-led instruction. One treatment group used climate computer models whereas the other group engaged in analogical comparisons between the same climate computer models and complexity computer models in different domains. The study found both groups demonstrated significant learning gains by posttest on assessments of declarative and explanatory knowledge and on within domain near transfer. However, students in the two models treatment group performed at a significantly higher level on an across domain far transfer problem solving task. Theoretical and practical implications are considered.  相似文献   

A new approach to change misconceptions of students is to build on ideas which match their students' existing intuitive knowledge. This can be done by analogy. The use of an analogical relation between the known and the unknown can help students learn new information and discard or modify misconceptions. Previous studies have confirmed this result in such areas as mathematics. The present study examined the use of analogical instruction to overcome misconceptions about conservation of matter. Students who understood the concept of conservation of matter when iodine was evaporated were able to transfer their understanding to the evaporation of acetone. This indicates that teaching by analogy can be an effective tool in science. The author is now studying the relative effectiveness of conflict training and learning by analogy.  相似文献   

任何名词概念只能在文化整体中被理解。近代以来,中西语言互释中的格义与反格义,导致了关于中国文化的一系列"有"、"无"之争。在对中西文化中几个基本名词概念的互释——形而上学与metaphysica,本体,本体论与noumena,ontology,自然科学与natural science进行初步反思与澄清的基础上,给出中西科学文化源流:从文字语言与思维方式,超越类型与文化取向,学问或哲学体系、科学性质与研究方法的大略对照与简要说明。以图抛砖引玉,有待来者。  相似文献   


This article considers student analogical reasoning associated with learning practice in creating bio-inspired robots. The study was in the framework of an outreach course for middle school students. Fifty eighth and ninth graders performed inquiries into behavior and locomotion of snakes and designed robotic models using the BIOLOID robot construction kit. We analyzed the interdomain analogies between biological and robotic systems elaborated by the students and evaluated the contribution of the analogies to the integrated learning of biology and robotics. The analogies expressed by the students at different stages of the course were collected and categorized, and their use in knowledge construction was traced. The study indicated that students’ reasoning evolved with learning, towards an increased share of deeper analogies at the end of the course. We found that analogical reasoning helped students to construct knowledge and guided their inquiry and design activities. In the proposed framework, the students learn to inquire into biological systems, generate analogies, and use them for developing and improving robotic systems.


In most work investigating factors influencing the success of analogies in instruction, an underlying assumption is that students have little or no knowledge of the target situation (the situation to be explained by analogy). It is interesting to ask what influences the success of analogies when students believe they understand the target situation. If this understanding is not normative, instruction must aim at conceptual change rather than simply conceptual growth. Through the analysis of four case studies of tutoring interviews (two of which achieved some noticeable conceptual change and two of which did not) we propose a preliminary list of factors important for success in overcoming misconceptions via analogical reasoning. First, there must be a usable anchoring conception. Second, the analogical connection between an anchoring example and the target situation may need to be developed explicitly through processes such as the use of intermediate, bridging analogies. Third, it may be necessary to engage the student in a process of analogical reasoning in an interactive teaching environment, rather than simply presenting the analogy in tetext or lecture. Finally, the result of this process may need to be more than analogical transfer of abstract relational structure. The analogies may need to be used to enrich the target situation, leading to the student's construction of a new explanatory model.  相似文献   

两种活动在两类素质发展中的作用及其关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学生的素质发展是在自身的能动活动中实现的。而活动具有两种不同的类型,即“知识活动”与“实际活动”。与这两种活动相对应,人的素质也有两种不同的形式,即“知识活动素质”和“实际活动素质”。在这两类素质的发展中,知识活动与实际活动所发挥的作用及两者间的关系是不同的。对于知识活动素质的发展来讲,知识学习起着主要的作用,而实际活动或直接经验起辅助作用;而在实际活动素质的发展中,知识学习或间接经验的获得只是一个基础和起点,实际活动或直接经验起着关键的作用。  相似文献   

Analogies can play a relevant role in students’ learning. However, for the effective use of analogies, teachers should not only have a well-prepared repertoire of validated analogies, which could serve as bridges between the students’ prior knowledge and the scientific knowledge they desire them to understand, but also know how to introduce analogies in their lessons. Both aspects have been discussed in the literature in the last few decades. However, almost nothing is known about how teachers draw their own analogies for instructional purposes or, in other words, about how they reason analogically when planning and conducting teaching. This is the focus of this paper. Six secondary teachers were individually interviewed; the aim was to characterize how they perform each of the analogical reasoning subprocesses, as well as to identify their views on analogies and their use in science teaching. The results were analyzed by considering elements of both theories about analogical reasoning: the structural mapping proposed by Gentner and the analogical mechanism described by Vosniadou. A comprehensive discussion of our results makes it evident that teachers’ content knowledge on scientific topics and on analogies as well as their pedagogical content knowledge on the use of analogies influence all their analogical reasoning subprocesses. Our results also point to the need for improving teachers’ knowledge about analogies and their ability to perform analogical reasoning.  相似文献   

Transfer, the process of using knowledge or skills acquired in one context in a new or varied context, has long been the topic of spirited debate in the research community. In this chapter, fundamental dimensions that appear to underlie effective transfer are described. These fundamentals — subject-matter knowledge, general cognitive and metacognitive strategies, and motivation, particularly interest — are referred to as the seeds of transfer. As a means of presenting these fundamentals, five generalizations about transfer, drawn from the extensive literatures in transfer, domain learning, and analogical reasoning, are summarized. In addition, potential instructional barriers to transfer are highlighted, along with critical steps deemed necessary to enhance transfer within academic settings.  相似文献   

Scores on two measures of knowledge of aging were compared and correlated with direct and indirect measures of attitudes toward aging. Knowledge scores were not strongly related (r = .2‐.3) to either indirect or direct measures of attitudes toward older adults, and scores on the knowledge tests were not strongly correlated with each other (r = .25). In general, older subjects had higher knowledge scores and more positive attitude scores than did younger subjects. The age effect for knowledge remained after attitude was controlled. Suggestions for improving tests of general knowledge of aging are offered.  相似文献   

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