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混龄教育是一种幼儿园教育的基本组织模式,对于幼儿的语言发展产生着一定的影响。通过阐述幼儿园混龄教育的基本概念和内涵,本研究分析了混龄教育对幼儿语言能力的影响,提出了营造良好的语言环境、引导幼儿正确进行语言模仿及丰富混龄幼儿游戏活动等策略,以期提高幼儿的语言交际能力。  相似文献   

2001~2011年我国幼儿混龄教育研究的文献计量分析显示,混龄教育研究文献的数量在近11年间基本呈逐年增长趋势,文献作者主要是幼儿园一线教师和高校研究者,且相对集中于江苏、广东等省份,内容大多是对幼儿园混龄班和混龄活动的经验总结.存在的问题主要包括:研究机构类型单一,研究力量比较薄弱;研究地区相对集中,关注的广泛度不足;研究的视角和方法比较单一;对混龄教育的课程研究不足等.未来的混龄教育,要丰富幼儿混龄教育的研究视角及方法,加强幼儿混龄教育的国际比较和跨文化比较研究,深入研究幼儿混龄教育的课程问题并探讨混龄教育最适宜的年龄范围和组织形态等.  相似文献   

混龄班教育是指让不同年龄的儿童在同一个班级中长期共同生活、相互帮助、相互学习,从而使幼儿的人际交往能力得以提高的一种教育方式。相关研究表明,混龄班教育打破了以往对幼儿同龄交往的限制,有助于幼儿情感、社会性、认知、个性等方面的发展。通过查阅国内外相关资料发现,国内有关幼儿混龄教育的文献资料较国外来说相对匮乏,而且大部分探讨的都是间断性混龄教育,很少特别针对长期混龄班进行研究的。所以基于混龄班的视角,探讨混龄教育对幼儿的意义,发现我国幼儿园实施混龄班教育的存在的问题,并根据问题探寻出一系列完整的解决策略,是值得研究者深入探讨的重要课题。从而为国内幼儿园的混龄班教育提供更多的理论指导,促进幼儿同伴交往能力的提高。  相似文献   

混龄教育为幼儿提供了与异龄同伴交往的机会。由于区域活动深受幼儿喜欢,我国一些幼儿园以它为载体开展混龄教育。采用观察和访谈相结合的方法,对混龄活动区幼儿的异龄交往状况进行了研究,研究发现,混龄区活动材料、教师素养、幼儿间的熟悉程度、认知与交往水平的差异等因素对异龄交往主题的形成及异龄交往的频率与质量有影响。为了更好地促进混龄区幼儿的交往,教育者需精心创设混龄区环境,努力提升专业素养。  相似文献   

幼儿混龄教育是迎合社会和时代要求的一种幼儿教育组织形式.本文向读者具体介绍了幼儿混龄教育的含义及其存在的社会意义,从教育理论发展的角度探析了混龄教育存在的理论依据,并分析了现阶段做好混龄教育可能面临的诸多方面问题,如幼儿混龄教育中可能会遇到的师资问题、课程建设问题、混龄教育评价问题以及来自家长方面的问题,这些问题的妥善解决对于混龄教育的有效开展具有重要的现实意义.在文章最后笔者谈到了自己对幼儿混龄教育建设的策略思考,以期为进行混龄教育的试点提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

在不同的幼儿阶段可以使用不同的教育方法进行教育,通过对幼儿进行良好的引导,帮助幼儿形成良好的社会性发展。幼儿混龄交往的教学模式是当前幼儿教育中主要的教学方式,通过不同年龄阶段的学生之间进行接触和交流帮助幼儿发展。本文主要阐述了我国幼儿混龄交往中的利和弊,通过对利弊进行分析,提出自己的一些建立,例如完善混龄交往的内容、采用多样化混龄交往模式进行幼儿混龄教育,从而为幼儿建立良好的成长环境。  相似文献   

混龄教育是指将年龄相差在12个月以上的儿童组织在一起进行生活、学习、游戏的教育组织形式。混龄教育的组织形式使幼儿有机会与异龄同伴互动交往,据研究显示,混龄环境更有益于幼儿认知、社会和情感的发展。但是,只是把不同年龄的幼儿随意编在一个班级中并不能使混龄教育的益处自动产生。要充分发挥混龄教育组织形式的益处,关键还要在于教师的教育组织角色的发挥。  相似文献   

学前混龄教育是近年来教育研究的热点和难点之一。文章对中国幼儿园混龄教育的相关文献进行了梳理,研究发现:混龄教育课程建构的理论依据研究较缺乏,课程目标设计注重共性目标、层次目标和异龄互动目标的结合,课程内容的选择强调综合考虑全体幼儿发展的普遍性需要和各年龄阶段幼儿发展的个性化需要。课程实施突出实行多样化和灵活性的教育途径和具体组织形式。课程评价坚持课程方案评价、实施过程评价与课程效果评价三位一体的评价体系。研究认为,以后还需要加大对幼儿园混龄教育课程体系的研究力度,重视幼儿园混龄教育课程的园本化探索,关注农村幼儿园混龄教育的课程建设。  相似文献   

<正>当我国独生子女社会化问题成为一种普遍现象时,为了让幼儿能体验兄弟姐妹之间的情感,我园在"十二五"期间,进行了幼儿混龄学习方面的研究、思考与尝试,实施了《间断性混龄学习的有效性研究》课题,为幼儿创设一种自然的教育生态环境,为幼儿提供异龄互助式的学习机会和空间。一、对国内外关于混龄学习的有效性研究为使我园幼儿的混龄学习活动能够有效开展,我们查阅了国内外关于混龄学习的资料,国外:可追溯到19世纪的"一间  相似文献   

区域活动是幼儿非常喜欢的一种活动,它作为混龄教育的载体无疑是一种很好的形式。混龄区域活动为幼儿提供了与同龄、异龄伙伴交往的机会,为幼儿营造了一种自然的教育生态环境。奉研究通过对混龄区域活动中幼儿异龄交往现状的观察.寻找幼儿交往行为发展现状的影响因素,以有针对性地提出指导策略,提高混龄区域活动中幼儿异龄交往的频率与质量,促进幼儿的全面发展。[第一段]  相似文献   

云南农村学前教育取得可喜的进步,但也还存在若干问题。通过调查发现,主要问题是适龄幼儿入园率低,以民办为主,小学与幼儿园(班)混龄教育普遍,师资不足且素质较低,办学条件差。对这些问题进行疏理,并就产生这些问题的原因进行分析。  相似文献   

Patterns of friendship in 66 ungraded primary classrooms were investigated. A sample of 1168 ungraded primary students participated in rating and nomination sociometric assessments which yielded independent information concerning overall acceptance by the classroom peer group and the presence of reciprocated friendship dyads. Analyses revealed that both peer acceptance level and age relative to classmates influenced whether children had friends, the total number of reciprocated friendships, and the numbers of friendships with children who were of different ages relative to classmates. Previous research had suggested that ungraded primary students who are relatively younger than their classmates are less well accepted by their classmates. Results confirmed and extended this research by demonstrating that relatively younger children in mixed-age classes also are less likely to have reciprocated friendships with classmates. These results suggest that teachers in mixed-age preschool and primary programs may need to implement practices which assist friendship formation, especially for the younger class members.  相似文献   

农村小规模的发展是我国振兴乡村教育,实现公平而有质量教育追求的关键环节。借助关键词共词聚类分析法和社会网络分析法,对国外已发表的一百余篇SSCI期刊文献的共词分析发现,相比我国,国外农村小规模学校的发展较早,研究主题丰富,涵盖了高质量复式教学研究、政策视角下农村小规模学校的存续研究、农村小规模学校的社区文化功能研究、校长角色研究、师资建设研究以及学生身心健康发展研究六个主题,为我国农村小规模学校的发展提供了以下启示:从关注政策绩效转向关注教学实效;从单一的资源依赖转向多元的资源互通;形成“知其所需”的师资建设思路;重视学生的身心健康。  相似文献   

Despite policy and theoretical support for mixed-age classrooms in early childhood, research examining associations between age-mixing and children's outcomes is inconclusive and warrants further investigation, particularly in preschools serving children who are at risk for poor adjustment to formal schooling. One recent study conducted in preschool classrooms serving low-income children found negative associations between age-mixing and children's social and cognitive development. The current study extended this research by examining associations between classroom age composition (variability in ages of children in the classroom) and low-income preschool children's rates of change in school readiness. The sample consisted of 4417 preschool children enrolled in 207 classrooms in a large, diverse urban Head Start program. Multilevel modeling was employed to examine the main effect of classroom age composition, as well as the interaction between classroom age composition and children's age, as predictors of children's rates of change in emergent literacy, emergent numeracy, social and emotional skills, and approaches to learning. In contrast to previous research, classroom age composition was not associated with school readiness outcomes. This study contributes to the conflicting literature examining the associations between age mixing and children's school readiness and calls for a future research agenda to examine age mixing in context that is focused on sorting out these conflicting results. In the meantime, policymakers should consider other relevant factors when making decisions regarding mixed-age classrooms, such as family preference or the capability for teachers to individualize instruction to children based on their individual needs.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that mind-mindedness is an important element of caregiver–child interactions in family and childcare context. This study investigated caregivers’ mind-mindedness in a nationally representative Dutch sample and its relation with structural quality factors (i.e., group size, caregivers’ education and work experience, group type, and situation) and caregivers’ interactive skills. Participants were 99 caregivers recruited in 50 childcare centers. Mind-mindedness was assessed with observations during free-play and lunch situations in infant, preschool, and mixed-age groups (0–4-year-olds). Caregivers’ appropriate and nonattuned mind-related comments were coded as individual (over/toward one child) or group related (over or toward more than one child). Caregivers’ interactive skills were assessed using the Caregiver Interaction Profile (CIP) scales. Research Findings: Caregivers generally refer to children’s desires, thoughts, and emotions in about 10% of their verbal interactions, with a low incidence rate of nonattuned comments (< 1%). Mind-mindedness was found to be significantly associated with structural quality characteristics and caregivers’ interactive skills. Caregivers with greater interactive skills produced fewer individual and more group appropriate mind-minded comments in mixed-age groups. Practice or Policy: We discuss the relevance of mind-minded comments at individual and group level for the future study of mental-state talk in early childhood education and care.  相似文献   

罗璇 《毕节学院学报》2011,29(3):117-120
混龄教育因其在幼儿个性和社会性和谐发展中具有的优势而在发达国家广泛开展。在我国,混龄教育有不同形式的表现。当前国家大力发展学前教育的系列举措以及混龄教育已经取得的实践成果,势必推动混龄教育在中国的普遍发展。  相似文献   

Preschool-age children's experiences within the mixed-age setting of family child care homes and the influences of these experiences on development were examined. Development variables included social and cognitive play, and receptive and expressive language. Consistent with Vygotsky's developmental theory, children's interactions with mixed-age peers were more powerful predictors of development than the mere availability of mixed-age peers. Interactions with older peers were associated with more complex cognitive play behaviors. Interactions with younger and same-age peers were associated with less complex social and cognitive play and lower receptive language scores. Characteristics of the child care setting appeared to moderate children's behavior in the mixed-age environment. Children in higher quality family child care homes with responsive caregivers were less likely to interact with younger children. No evidence was found of different developmental outcomes across developmental domains for older versus younger children.  相似文献   

The goal of our research was to study different forms of organization of pretend play on children's cognitive performance in a mixed-age environment. We studied two forms of management of the playing process: (a) teacher-directed play with simultaneous involvement of all children in the classroom, where the teacher plays the dominant role in the education process directing children's activity, and (b) child-directed play in various small groups. Twenty-six observations were performed on 51 children in two mixed-age classrooms. The mean age of the children was 4.6 years, with age span from 3 to 6 years. Data were collected regarding children's affective and cognitive behavior according to generally accepted taxonomies: Bloom for the cognitive domain, and Krathwohl for affective domain. We found a significant increase in cognitive manifestations during direction of the playing process in groups compared with frontal management of the lesson (113.1 ± 12.1 vs. 45.7 ± 10.3, mean ± SEM, p < 0.0001), which is related with better employment of the powerful education engine of the free-play children.  相似文献   

Preschool-age children's experiences within the mixed-age setting of family child care homes and the influences of these experiences on development were examined. Development variables included social and cognitive play, and receptive and expressive language. Consistent with Vygotsky's developmental theory, children's interactions with mixed-age peers were more powerful predictors of development than the mere availability of mixed-age peers. Interactions with older peers were associated with more complex cognitive play behaviors. Interactions with younger and same-age peers were associated with less complex social and cognitive play and lower receptive language scores. Characteristics of the child care setting appeared to moderate children's behavior in the mixed-age environment. Children in higher quality family child care homes with responsive caregivers were less likely to interact with younger children. No evidence was found of different developmental outcomes across developmental domains for older versus younger children.  相似文献   

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