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beataboutthebush———打遍树丛?No。beataboutthebush———说话拐弯抹角Yes。例句:Stopbeatingaboutthebush.别拐弯抹角的。beatsme———打我?No。beatsme———问倒我了Yes。例句:Whoishe?Beatsme。他是谁?我不知道!beefup———牛肉向上?No。beefup———付账Yes。例句:Whydon’tyoubeefuprentmoney?你为什么不付租金?Comeon.Beefupyourmoney.来吧!拿出钱来付账。behindhiswife’sback———在他老婆的背后?No。behindhiswife’sback———瞒着他老婆Yes。例句:HewenttoEuropebehindhiswife’sback.他瞒着老婆,偷偷地去了欧洲…  相似文献   

◎谈论位置◎当我们想知道某人或某物在哪儿时,如何进行询问和回答呢?[教材链接]1.—Where’s mybackpack?—It’s under the table.——我的双肩背包在哪儿?——在桌子下面。2.—Is it on the dresser?—No,it isn’t.——它在梳妆台上吗?——不,它不在。3.—Where’s the not  相似文献   

正教材内容:文本内容:Su Yang:Gao Shan,what’s that over there?Gao Shan:It’s a purse.Su Yang:Is that your purse?Nancy:No,it isn’t.Perhaps it’s Yang Ling’s.Su Yang:Where is Yang Ling?Nancy:She’s in the classroom.Su Yang:Come here,Yang Ling.Is this your purse?  相似文献   

先阅读下面对话,了解大意,然后从所给的七个句子中选出五句填入五个空处,请将所选句子的标号字母填 入阿拉伯数字之后。 Ⅰ A: 1 ,madam? B:Yes? A: 2? B:Certainly.You can take a No.6 or No.8 bus.Let me see…Oh yes,you can catch a No.23 trolley bus,too, A:Can I go there on foot? B: 3 .It’s,far from here. A:Where’s the nearest busstop,please? B:It’s over there See? Oh,there come the bus.Hurry up. 4 A:Thanks very much.Bye—bye, B:5 And bye! a.Yes,I think so. b.That’s all right. c.I think you can catch it.  相似文献   

Follow Me     
What are you reading?An English novel.Re a ding A Bookhat’s the ame of it?It’s 〈Jane Eyre〉.Wow, it’s in English, is it hard to read? No reNo, it’s easy reading.双 语 木 屋 Joe: 你在看什么书呢? Kath: 一本英国小说。 Joe: 书名叫什么呀? Kath: 《简·爱》  相似文献   

Mother’s Birthday Present妈妈的生日礼物Kate:Mom,do you know what I’m going to give you for your birthday?Mom:No,honey,what?Kate:A nice teapot.Mom:But I’ve got a nice teapot.Kate:No,you haven’t.I’ve just dropped it.凯特院妈妈袁你知道我要送你一件什么  相似文献   

B:——————.A:————————?B:Yes。1 like apples verv 11luch孓 鞭}、◇公.i^,一、^ √5.A:in the B: A: R-’”. IH()w 111~111}lveople am thereriver?B.一一.Can you help ITleA: .Play jt like this.B:Let me have a [1w.6.A:What’re they in the tree? B:TheyS-e a cat and A:What~30lour is the eat? B: .!《看图对话》答案11 1.h’s s朗’e11=12et’s go 2.j lt’s an apple:Do you likel apples 3.No.I Call’t:Cer—I;tainly 4.he can;It’s too 11a r【{ 5.Onlv one;Yes._}II,r(‘an 6.a bird;li’s bl…  相似文献   

请根据图画完成下列对话,每空一词。1.A:IsBilltallerMary?B.No,heisn’t.A:Whoistaller,BillTom?B:TomistallerthanBill.2.A:classareyou?B:I’minClassOne.A:Whoisshortestboyinyourclass?B:Mikeistheshortestall.Jim’sJohn’s3.A:Whosecoatsthese?B:OneisJim’s,theotherisJohn’s.A:Whichis?B:coatischeaper.4.A:Whichdoyoulike,thejeeporthecar?B:Ilikethecarbetter.A:Why?B:Because(因为)thecargoesthanthejeep.5.A:Whichdoyoulike,birds,cats,monkeys?B:Ilikemonkeysbest.A:Canyouseemonkeysinthepark?B:,I.6.A…  相似文献   

Unit 71.How much are these pants?这些裤子多少钱?(1)要点精讲:how much在句中用来提问价钱,相当于句型:What’s the price of…?  相似文献   

彩彤 《今日中学生》2015,(Z1):51-52
Byron:Did you hear about what happened to Howard?Vance:No,what?Byron:Someone stole his car!Vance:Really?What did it happen?Byron:Last night.He left it parked in front of his girl friend’s house andwhen he came out to go home,it was gone.Vance:Wow!That’s really tough(倒霉).He just bought it lastmonth,didn’t he?Byron:Uh-huh.Fortunately,he’s got insurance(上保险)and the po-  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.T:What’s that?S:It’s a door.T:Look at the door.It’s dirty(脏的)(.边做动作边说)Let’s clean the door,OK?Ss:OK.2.T:×××,clean the door,please.引导该生边做动作边说:All right./OK.3.熟读该句型:Clean the door,please.All right./OK.4.师指窗户,问:Is that a door?S:No,it isn’t.T:What’s that?S:It’s a window.T:Look at the window.It’s dirty.×××,clean the window,please.S:All right./OK.5.同法教学单词desk,sofa,table,chair,并操练句型  相似文献   

【教材目标】a.能够听懂会说本模块功能句“Is it a…?Yes,itis./No,it isn’t.”及听懂、会说单词“m onster,help”。b.能运用所学语言询问物品,并给予回应。c.促进学生间的了解,培养学生的合作意识。【教学重点】学习“Is it a…?Yes,it is./No,it isn’t”.并能在实际情景中运用。【教学难点】“Is it…?”的连读及运用。【教学准备】挂图、卡片、图片、V CD、调查表【教学过程】Ⅰ、W arm erT:H ello,boys and girls。Let’s say a chant,OK?Ss:OK。T:W hat’s that?W hat’s that?Ss:Pencil,pencil,it’s a pencil.(每只手…  相似文献   

1.—Jane,your dress is beautiful.—#$A.No,it isn’t.’B.Yes,it is.*C.Where?,D.Thank you.2.—Help yourself to some fish,please.—12.A.Thanks.I’ve had enough6B.No,I can’t8C.I don’t like it:D.OK3.—I’m sorry I broke the window.—>?.A.That’s rightB B.Not at allDC.Never mindF D.My pleasure4.—Shall I close the window,Mr and Mrs White?—??.A.Don’t do that?B.No,you mustn’t?C.No,please don’t?D.No,you can’t5.—Don’t make any noise in the living room!My baby is sleeping.—??.…  相似文献   

I.单项填空1.——Ⅵ‘here is Kitty? I can’t“nd her an)rwhere. 一She’s . A.in a doctors’ B.at her d()ctor’s C.in the doctors’ D.at doctor’s2.一I’m sony t0 haveA.】’m sorrv.tooC.Never mindkept you waiting so 10ngB.Y0u are rightD.That will doyour timely help and I’m not just A.Y0u’re weJcome B.Thank C.1)on’t say s0 D.You’d4. 一So it’s nothing se订ous, D0ctor? —— ~一.T11e child wiJl he all right A.5.Mr A.Yes B.No.Green suggestedit is C.N0£hat the letterVOUhetter not…  相似文献   

Do You Know Me?     
Boy:Isn’t the headmaster(校长)a fool(傻瓜)? Girl:Do you know who I am? Boy:NO.Girl:I’m the headmaster’s daughter.Boy:And do you know who I am? Girl:No.Boy:Thank goodness(谢天谢地).  相似文献   

例如:1.问职业:——What does your father do?你父亲是做什么工作的?——He is a teacher.我父亲是教师。2.问几点钟:——What’s the time now?现在几点钟?——It’s half past five.5点半。——What time do you usually go to work?你通常几点上班?  相似文献   

The family调查员:What is your father’s name? 小弟:Happy(高兴)!! 调查员:What is your mother’s name? 小弟:Smile(微笑)! 调查员:Are you joking(开玩笑)? 小弟:No!!,That’s my sister!!I am kidding(捉弄)!! 调查员:Byebye!  相似文献   

亲爱的小朋友《,小学生导刊》一年一度的“小读者节”又到了。:Today is April2nd.It’s Reader’s Day.:Yes.We should have a significant(有意义的)day.Let’s go to the library to read some books.和把好朋友小魔女、小飞象一块叫上,向图书馆走去。刚走到图书馆门口,小魔女看到眼前那么多书架,立刻问“:你们知道书架用英语怎么说吗?”:Shelf.:No!No!It’s should saybookshelf”.小飞象:It’s also can sa“y bookcase”.小魔女:Wonderful!小魔女告诉大家《,小学生导刊》从2003年开始,把4月2日设为小读者节。她问:Do you know t…  相似文献   

(满分:120分)Ⅰ.听力(20分)A.听对话,选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分)B.听句子,选择正确的答语。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.H old on,please.B.Good m orning.C.No,thank you.I’m full.D.Good.7.A.It’s Sunday.B.It’s April22.C.That’s a good idea.D.It’s12o’clock.8.A.Let m e give it to you.B.Yes.H ere you are.C.Yes,you m ust.D.No,you needn’t.9.A.W hy not go?B.No,I’m not glad.C.Sorry,I’m afraid not.D.No,I don’t.10.A.Thank you all the sam e.B.See you later.C.It’s very kind …  相似文献   

1.——那个女孩是谁?——她是我的朋友,凯特。误:——Who’S that girl? ——He is my friend,Kate.正:——Who’s that girl. ——She is my friend,Kate.  相似文献   

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