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棒球运动的活动方式,和其他球类运动有很大的区别,因为棒球进攻与防守是在二个不同时间内进行的;是以一攻一守来获取胜利的。因此根据棒球运动的特点,故而技术方面也就要按照它的活动方式,分为独立的两个部分—进攻技术与防守技术。进攻技术包括:击球、跑垒二种;防守技术包括:傅球、接球、投手投球三种。这些都是棒球运动的基本技术;同时是组成棒球战术的基础及重要的因素。所以作为一个棒球运动员。必须全面地、熟练地掌握及运用这些基本的动作技巧;同时在比赛中根据  相似文献   

垒球比赛中只有攻守全面的队伍才能取得比赛的主动。而胜利者必属于具有强大攻势的队伍。击球是垒球比赛中最主要的进攻手段,击球水平的高低不但直接威胁守方的防守,同时还直接影响着攻队的上垒和得分。随着垒球技术的不断发展和提高,投手投球速度已达100公里/小时,且球路多变。击球员通过握在手中的球棒根据自己的预想和全队进攻战术的需要,将投手投来变化多端的球击成安打或多垒打,是一项复杂而难度很大的技术,击球员只有全面掌握正确的击球技术,  相似文献   

棒球投手肩关节旋转运动特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
棒球比赛中,投手是一支球队的灵魂,在很大程度上决定全局的比赛。肩部力量素质和活动范围是投手有效投球的基础,在很大程度上决定投球技术、机能的发挥。肩关节既是躯干和上肢的连结点,又是上肢运动的支点,是保证上肢完成三维活动的重要结构[1]。因此,肩关节在棒球运动中发挥着  相似文献   

棒球运动是一项竞技性很强’的运动项目,比赛中充满了智慧、速度与力量,因此,也有许多人把棒球运动比喻为运动场上的“桥牌”。在棒球比赛中,投手作为唯一的进攻型防守队员有着无法比拟的重要性。本文就少年棒球投手投球时的上肢动作进行分析研究,从而为少年棒球运动员训练合理化、系统化提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

为进一步明确影响棒球投手投球速度的关键因素,通过中国知网、Web of Science和PubMed等平台以棒球投手、投球速度、运动生物力学和鞭打动作等为关键词,检索并整理归纳20世纪90年代至今的相关文献资料。通过对比国内外优秀棒球投手投球速度和专项技术能力,发现投球时投掷臂肩关节外旋角度、肩关节水平外展角度、肘关节角度、躯干前倾幅度、前腿膝关节角度等运动学指标,投掷臂各环节受力峰值、前腿受到的最大地面反作用力等动力学指标均对投球速度起关键性影响作用。教练员和棒球投手可通过改善上下肢关节角度和角速度等指标参数的大小、增强肌肉力量和柔韧性等手段,完善投手投球技术动作,提高投球速度。  相似文献   

借助三维录像系统,对我国5支棒球队中6名优秀投手进行比赛现场测试,运用运动生物力学原理与方法,对我国优秀棒球投手的投掷臂在投球过程中进行投球技术动作的测试与分析,试图揭示这一技术的运动学特征,并对受试者动作技术的合理性作出诊断与评价。  相似文献   

棒球的基本技术棒球基本技术由接球,传球,击球和跑垒。1.接球用双手到位接球,双眼注视来球,接球时双手应有后挫缓冲动作,以避免碰撞反弹出手。2.传球要用食指,中指及拇指持球。传球和投球一样,前脚要指向目标,传出时注意甩腕,  相似文献   

垒球后摆式投球教法初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了适应国际垒球运动的发展,国家体委要求各体育院、系开设垒球课,改变目前垒球运动比赛成绩好、普及状况差的现状,为今后开展群众性垒球运动,培养青少年垒球后备力量打基础。垒球投手的投球是关键性技术,它是防守中的进攻武器。在国际大赛中,我国家队几次饮恨败于世界冠军美国队,原因就是难以突破投手快速多变的投球。由此可见,投手投球在垒球技术中的地位与作用是至关重要的。现代垒球投手投球技术发展的很快,投球技术的种类在后摆式的基础上已经逐渐地发展到八字绕环式、弓式、绕环式。但是万变不离其宗,后摆式  相似文献   

棒球投手投球技术生物力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2004年全国棒球联赛上场一线投手为研究对象,选取两名外援及三名优秀国手为优秀组,上海队投手的五名队员为一级组.用JVC L9800高速摄像机选取100格/s的拍摄速度对投手前三局投球动作进行平面定机拍摄.用SBCAS2图像解析系统对投手投快球动作进行动作技术分析.旨在探讨我国棒球投手投球技术特点,为提高投手的投球技能提供参考.  相似文献   

棒球投手投球的运动生物力学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述近年来国内、外学者对棒球投手的运动生物力学研究成果。研究认为,目前对棒球投手的生物力学研究主要运用高速摄影、等速肌力测试、表面肌电图、三维测力台等科研手段,对影响棒球投球球速技术动作的关键因素以及优化投球动作以减少运动损伤等方面进行研究,提示我国学者对此方向可进行深入研究与探讨。  相似文献   

According to recent motor control studies, it is important to know probabilistic structure of his/her own motor errors to choose an optimal motor plan (i.e., where you aim at) to maximise the expected gain. In this study, we questioned if pitching form determines the probabilistic structure of pitching errors in baseball pitchers. Eighteen collegiate baseball pitchers with various pitching forms including right- and left-handed overarm, sidearm and underarm throwers threw 100 pitches aiming at a target located 90 cm above the ground. Two dimensional distribution of pitch location was fitted by using bivariate normal distribution and 95% confidence ellipse was calculated. In order to quantify the pitching form, the direction of the throwing arm trajectory in frontal plane was calculated. The direction of the long axis was dependent on each participant’s pitching form (e.g., right overarm pitchers pitched along a right-up–left-down ellipse and left overarm pitchers pitched along a left-up–right-down ellipse). This was confirmed by circular correlation analysis (P = 0.98). These results suggest that different mechanisms, potentially errors in pitching mechanics and errors in ball release timing, might contribute to errors along the long axis and those along the short axis.  相似文献   

通过对近20多年来国内、外学者对棒球投手的运动生物力学研究成果进行整理分析研究,研究认为,目前对棒球投手的生物力学研究主要运用高速摄影、等速肌力测试、肌电图、三维测力台等科研手段,从运动学、动力学、肌电学方面对影响棒球投球动作质量及投球速度的关键部位和因素进行了深入研究,并在此基础上对优化投球动作以减少运动损伤等方面进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Baseball pitching must be performed with correct technique if injuries are to be avoided and performance maximized. High-speed video analysis is accepted as the most accurate and objective method for evaluation of baseball pitching mechanics. The aim of this research was to develop an equivalent qualitative analysis method for use with standard video equipment. A qualitative analysis protocol (QAP) was developed for 24 kinematic variables identified as important to pitching performance. Twenty male baseball pitchers were videotaped using 60 Hz camcorders, and their technique evaluated using the QAP, by two independent raters. Each pitcher was also assessed using a 6-camera 200 Hz Motion Analysis system (MAS). Four QAP variables (22%) showed significant similarity with MAS results. Inter-rater reliability showed agreement on 33% of QAP variables. It was concluded that a complete and accurate profile of an athlete's pitching mechanics cannot be made using the QAP in its current form, but it is possible such simple forms of biomechanical analysis could yield accurate results before 3-D methods become obligatory.  相似文献   

对近年来国外学者采用三维高速摄影的方法研究棒球投手投掷臂及球出手瞬时上肢动作生物力学特征的科研成果进行了综述,旨在为国内同行提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Direction of spin axis and spin rate of the pitched baseball   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, we aimed to determine the direction of the spin axis and the spin rate of pitched baseballs and to estimate the associated aerodynamic forces. In addition, the effects of the spin axis direction and spin rate on the trajectory of a pitched baseball were evaluated. The trajectories of baseballs pitched by both a pitcher and a pitching machine were recorded using four synchronized video cameras (60 Hz) and were analyzed using direct linear transform (DLT) procedures. A polynomial function using the least squares method was used to derive the time-displacement relationship of the ball coordinates during flight for each pitch. The baseball was filmed immediately after ball release using a high-speed video camera (250 Hz), and the direction of the spin axis and the spin rate (omega) were calculated based on the positional changes of the marks on the ball. The lift coefficient was correlated closely with omegasinalpha (r = 0.860), where alpha is the angle between the spin axis and the pitching direction. The term omegasinalpha represents the vertical component of the velocity vector. The lift force, which is a result of the Magnus effect occurring because of the rotation of the ball, acts perpendicularly to the axis of rotation. The Magnus effect was found to be greatest when the angular and translational velocity vectors were perpendicular to each other, and the break of the pitched baseball became smaller as the angle between these vectors approached 0 degrees. Balls delivered from a pitching machine broke more than actual pitcher's balls. It is necessary to consider the differences when we use pitching machines in batting practice.  相似文献   

通过对中国棒球队近10年来的重大洲际比赛进行追踪和分析,并与世界一流强队,亚洲三强(日本、中国台北、韩国)作对比研究,发现90年代初期我国成年棒球仍落后于亚洲三强的主要原因是击球技战术落后,多垒打率低。以技促击,以“多垒打”为主的击球技术,是我国成年棒球冲出亚洲的突破口。  相似文献   

Lower to upper extremity sequencing of energy and force is linked by virtue of the scapula. It was the purpose of this study to examine the relationship between passive hip rotational range of motion and scapular kinematics during baseball pitching. Nineteen youth baseball players (11.3 ± 0.6 years; 151.8 ± 8.8 cm; 45.9 ± 10.9 kg) with no history of injury participated. Bilateral hip passive rotational range of motion was measured pre and post pitching a simulated game. Scapular kinematics at the position of shoulder maximum external rotation during the pitching cycle were recorded in the first and last innings of the simulated game. Post simulated game, stance leg hip passive internal rotation revealed significant correlations (r = ?0.57, = 0.01) with scapula anterior/posterior tilt at the pitching event of maximum humeral external rotation. The current study reveals that pitching a simulated game results in alterations throughout the kinetic chain. Specifically, this study strengthens the notion that lumbopelvic-hip complex parameters play a significant role in shoulder motion. With this link identified, it is suggested that clinical focus be directed musculature about the lumbopelvic-hip complex as well as muscles that work to stabilise the scapula during dynamic movement.  相似文献   

There is a need for the prevention of upper extremity injuries that affect a large number of competitive baseball players. Currently available evidence alludes to three possible ways to prevent these injuries: 1) regulation of unsafe participation factors, 2) implementation of exercise intervention to modify suboptimal physical characteristics, and 3) instructional intervention to correct improper pitching techniques. Of these three strategies, instruction of proper pitching technique is under-explored as a method of injury prevention. Therefore, the purpose of this review was to explore the utility of pitching technique instruction in prevention of pitching-related upper extremity injuries by presenting evidence linking pitching technique and pitching-related upper extremity injuries, as well as identifying considerations and potential barriers in pursuing this approach to prevent injuries. Various kinematic parameters measured using laboratory-based motion capture system have been linked to excessive joint loading, and thus pitching-related upper extremity injuries. As we gain more knowledge about the influence of pitching kinematics on joint loading and injury risk, it is important to start exploring ways to modify pitching technique through instruction and feedback while considering the specific skill components to address, mode of instruction, target population, duration of program, and ways to effectively collaborate with coaches and parents.  相似文献   

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