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In order to engage in our larger discussion, we needed to share our definitions, framings, and theorizings of what “intercultural” and “intercultural communication” mean to us and how we inflect these based on our own experiences, identities, and perspectives. Discussants break down how they understand the notion of “intercultural” behind commonly used and circulated terms in our scholarship.  相似文献   

This essay examines the rhetoric/politics of Yasukuni Shrine as an experiential memory-scape, a material and discursive ground to frame and enact banal patriotism and militant nationalism. As a powerful mnemonic and rhetorical institution, Yasukuni Shrine (re)produces a nationalistic narrative and identity by (con)fusing natural feelings of individual grief and cultural tradition of commemoration with national heritage of banal patriotism. By (con)fusing what is “particular” and “universal,” Yasukuni Shrine establishes its rhetorical ground to justify a “banal” sense of patriotism that slips into the “ordinary yet honorable” fervor of militant nationalism, while effectively evading its moral/ethical reflexivity.  相似文献   

Since 2004 an international research group of Wood Technologists has been given by the Louvre Museum the task of analysing the hygro-mechanical state of the Poplar (Populus alba L.) panel on which Leonardo da Vinci painted his “Mona Lisa”, namely verifying the appropriateness of the thermo-hygrometric conditions in its exhibiting showcase, where the microclimate is actively controlled, and assessing the potential consequences of any hypothetical fluctuation. In order to acquire data about the mechanical behaviour of the panel, and to feed and calibrate appropriate simulation models, the team has not only set up a continuous monitoring by means of automatic equipment, but has also performed manual measurements on the occasion of the annual openings of the showcase where the masterpiece is conserved and exhibited. This paper reports about techniques used for estimating the forces acting between the wooden panel and its frame (the châssis-cadre), and their location, such data being of primary importance for evaluating the panel's internal stresses. The contact forces have been calculated on the basis of the local contact pressures, imprinted on a pressure-sensitive foil as a range of saturation values of the colour developed in the contact areas. The forces calculated as above have also been compared with the contact forces between the panel's back face and the crossbeams pressing it against the châssis-cadre, which have been measured by means of a load cell. As could be expected, the results from so different techniques do not strictly coincide; however the agreement is fairly good.  相似文献   

Matthew N. Eisler 《Minerva》2013,51(2):225-251
The ambiguous material identity of nanotechnology is a minor mystery of the history of contemporary science. This paper argues that nanotechnology functioned primarily in discourses of social, not physical or biological science, the problematic knowledge at stake concerning the economic value of state-supported basic science. The politics of taxonomy in the United States Department of Energy’s Office of Basic Energy Sciences in the 1990s reveals how scientists invoked the term as one of several competing and equally valid candidates for reframing materials sciences in ways believed consonant with the political tenor of the time. The resulting loss of conceptual clarity in the sociology of science traces ultimately to the struggle to bridge the disjunction between the promissory economy of federal basic science and the industrial economy, manifested in attempts to reconcile the precepts of linearity and interdisciplinarity in changing socio-economic conditions over a half century.  相似文献   

In recent times there has been a surge in interest on policy instruments to stimulate scientific and engineering research that is of greater consequence, advancing our knowledge in leaps rather than steps and is therefore more “creative” or, in the language of recent reports, “transformative.” Associated with the language of “transformative research” there appears to be much enthusiasm and conviction that the future of research is tied to it. However, there is very little clarity as to what exactly it is and what criteria might be used to design policy instruments to make more of it happen. In this paper, we contribute to the construction of a framework within which some conceptual clarity might be gained. We develop four analogies, or metaphors, that are found in the discourse about “transformative research” and show what they imply for the meaning of the notion and, as a result, both the phenomena that might be associated with it and the levers that would be available to design policy instruments. The analogies serving as theoretical metaphors that we propose, and also document to be present either explicitly or implicitly in the discourse about “transformative research,” are the stock market highlighting risk; the process of evolution and its selection mechanisms; the process of popular culture and the power of “hot” events; and exploration of the frontier of the unknown. No single analogy covers all the relevant issues. Together they help identify a field of phenomena and the potential and challenges “transformative research” presents to policy.  相似文献   

Skrentny  John D.  Lewis  Kevin 《Minerva》2022,60(1):1-28
Minerva - Studies of education and careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) commonly use a pipeline metaphor to conceptualize forward movement and persistence. However, the...  相似文献   

Vasen  Federico  Sierra Pereiro  Miguel 《Minerva》2022,60(3):375-395
Minerva - Technology development and innovation are fundamentally different from scientific research. However, in many circumstances, they are evaluated jointly and by the same processes. In these...  相似文献   

"平等"这一形而上的概念,在法学中指人在自然意义上和社会意义上的等价,其本身就是联合国公认的"法治"概念的核心构成要素。然而,作者认为,基于自然禀赋,平等是对"自然正义"的曲解,并且在社会谱系中"平等"的滥用不仅使政府权能弱化,同样会造成法律更迭频繁,法治无以为继的后果。  相似文献   

王义道在《北京大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)2008年第3期撰文指出:当今时代,各种学科都通的“全科通才”是没有的。也不可能再出现。所谓“通才”,一般是指那些从事基础学科研究、进行纯学理研究的人,和那些在专业领域从事宏观决策与组织管理的“学科通才”。他们实际上是另一类专才,是不同于在生产、服务第一线上进行具体技术工作的高一层“专才”。  相似文献   

杨琳 《文化学刊》2016,(4):41-43
假装糊涂或装腔作势为什么称为"装蒜"?债务多为什么说"一屁股债"?这是大家颇感兴趣但又找不到答案的难题。"装蒜"最早写作"装酸"。"酸"有假装斯文、装模作样的意思,后人因不知"酸"有此义,故写成了同音字"蒜"。口语中表示欠债时,与"债"搭配的动词往往是"背""负""拖""拉"等词,"背""负""拖""拉"的对象总是在人身后。语言中常用"屁股"指代身后。为了表达的生动,从笼统的"身"移就到具象的"屁股",就有了"一屁股债"的说法。  相似文献   

现代汉语中存在着为数众多的表示假设意义的虚词,以便供人们根据不同的表达需求随时选用。但这些假设义虚词因其意义较虚、过于抽象的特点,成为汉语作为第二语言学习和教学中的一大重难点。对于第二语言学习者来说,清楚了解其内涵,熟练掌握其用法,是十分必要的,因此本文将试对"如果"和"一旦"的异同之处进行对比研究,以期对汉语作为第二语言的学习和教学有所帮助。  相似文献   

赵东玉 《文化学刊》2009,(3):124-127
“男女”这对性别概念,在整个中国历史文化的流程中,贯穿始终,直至当今的社会生活中,仍具有鲜活的生命力。而追究其起源,同样是在先秦时期就已固定形成,是当时人习用常见的性别词汇。  相似文献   

创业路上不可能只赚钱不赔钱,但塞翁失马,焉知非福--阿平1988年从北京一所大学毕业后,赁着一股初生牛犊不怕虎的闯劲,东借西凑筹集了部分资金,开了一家电脑专营店,有  相似文献   

正"决胜全面建成小康社会,夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利",这是习近平同志在党的十九大上做的重要报告。报告将作为党的一份历史文献,有待全党、全民去认真实践。我国自2000年就实现国民经济翻两番的任务,总体上达到小康水平,解决了绝大多数人的温饱问题,但仍有近亿的绝对贫困人口。在衣食住行用方面,人们有了原先绝不敢想的财产性收入,但贫富差距却大大加剧了。13多亿人口的大国,每年可以解决上千万  相似文献   

随着社会快速发展、生活日趋富裕和营养不断增强,肥胖症、糖尿病、脂肪肝、心脑血管病等“富贵病”开始““平民化”。据不完全统计,目前中国肥胖病患者就有数千万人,而糖尿病患者平均每天增加3000人,高血压患者已超过1亿人,并仍以每年2.5%的速度递增。种种迹象表明,富贵病除了与不健康生活方式  相似文献   

LTCM出现败象的征兆始于1997年的东亚金融危机,但基于基金管理人员对信息不对称的识别能力,败象显露得还不明显。但是到了1998年5月,基金回报率已经大幅下跌至亏损,为-6.42%,至6月进一步降至-10.14%,总资本减少了4.61亿美元,从而导致7月份所罗门兄弟公司的套利业务退出该基金。  相似文献   

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