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法制教育≠道德教育:一种德育学辩护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法制教育不等手道德教育,二者在作用机制、形式、效果、范围诸方面存在较大区别。二者之间的关联并不必然导出法制教育就是道德教育或德育必须包涵法制教育的结论;二者的区别远大于联系。法制教育未能如其所是地担当道德教育的职责。道德学所采取的正确立场是:二者应当并行不悖,互不干扰。等同论或包涵论会导致德育外延膨胀,边界突破、概念泛化及混淆非道德范畴与道德范畴的界限,这于学理无据,也会给法制教育和道德教育同时带来损害。  相似文献   

间接道德教育既有其内在的合理性又有其自身的可能性限度。它是与直接的道德教学互为补益的学校德育的基本存在方式,是德育之非预期性、多学科性、弥散性的必然体现,是弥补直接道德教学之局限性的必要补充。间接道德教育主要涉指德育影响机制、作用结果,更多具有形式意蕴;不能将其完全寓于各科教学中,也不能作为德育惟一和主要的形式;否则,就会遭致德育边界的突破以至德育泛化之苦果,从而不可避免地给学校德育带来危害。  相似文献   

自我教育:高校主体性道德教育的归宿   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章通过介绍学界部分学者对德育范畴自我教育的界定,强调了德育领域中自我教育的重要性;从德育范畴的自我教育和智育范畴自我教育的区别出发,提出了德育范畴的自我教育具有教育目标的自我取向、教育内容的自我选择、教育方法的自我践履、教育过程的自我调控、教育效果的自我评价等五个具体特征;从道德的本质、大学生的心理和道德发展水平、高校主体性道德教育的目标追求等角度论证自我教育是主体性道德教育的归宿;最后提出了如何在实施主体性道德教育中让大学生走向自我教育的几点做法。  相似文献   

概念泛化了的我国“大德育”巳步入无所不包却一无所能的尴尬境地。在“大德育”理论框架下,德育方式出现了主知主义与主行主义的两种偏向。德育本应道德教育,德育为教育的道德目的。道德教育应该是社会价值引导与学生个体自主建构的统一。  相似文献   

道德的道德教育:学校德育的伦理回归   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,学校德育中存在着大量“非道德”和“不道德”因素。“非道德”的道德教育主要表现为非道德因素对道德的渗透、异化,甚至是直接取代;“不道德”的道德教育主要表现为有违道德基本精神的道德灌输和悖离道德基本原则的道德欺骗。“非道德”和“不道德”的遗德教育容易模糊德育的内涵和外延。引发学生的逆反、戒备和敌视心理,不利于学校德育的有效开展。确立道德的道德教育观念,让道德教育回归到道德的范畴之内,以合乎道德的方式进行道德教育,有利于提高学校德育的实效性。  相似文献   

陈梅香 《湘南学院学报》2005,26(4):120-121,124
学生的道德心理是道德主体性的内在依据,既是道德教育内化的基础,也是德育的目标。针对违纪学生的道德心理状况,应以心理健康教育为切入口,加强高校违纪学生的思想政治教育,从而提高违纪学生的德育实效,探索对违纪学生的长效教育机制。  相似文献   

德育泛化是指“对学生的非道德行为加以‘不道德'或‘道德'评价,并施以教育干涉”;其本质是不当教育对非道德行为的否定.尽管众多因素干扰了德育泛化的识别,但其危害真实存在:对道德教育、道德权威、学生行为自由的多重侵犯.基于归因分析,本文就如何矫正德育泛化提出了相应举措.  相似文献   

檀传宝博士新作《学校道德教育原理》以学校“道德教育”为主线,以德育对象的道德人格与生命质量的提升为终极目标,从如何发挥学习者的道德主体性,确实提高德育实效的角度,对道德教育原理的几个基本命题──德育范畴、德育的本质与功能、德育对象、德育目的、德育过程、德育内容、德育课程、德育方法、德育主体、德育环境等,作了深入系统的探究,有许多独到的见解。 第一,从人的社会生活出发,把具有道德主体性的人作为德育活动的起点和归宿。《原理》将德育定义为“教育工作者组织适合德育对象品德成长的价值环境,促进他们在道德价…  相似文献   

析德育概念在中国的嬗变——兼论“大德育”现象   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
德育是道德教育的简称,这是古代中国和近代中国的教育事实,也是中国学者们的共识,但却在现当代中国经历了一个嬗变的过程,由最初的道德教育泛化为政治教育、思想教育、道德教育和心理教育等内容的总称,形成了中国特色的大德育概念。本文考察了德育概念泛化的历史过程,并对其原因及弊端进行分析。  相似文献   

本文分别从道德教育与心理教育产生的渊源、道德教育与心理教育采用的教育方法的差异等方面阐述了道德教育与心理教育的区别。同时,从道德教育离不开心理教育、道德教育必须同心理教育有机结合等方面明确了道德教育和心理教育的内在联系。从而论证了将道德教育同心理教育有机地结合起来,把心理教育纳入德育教育的工作计划,在心理教育过程中灌输德育的知识和理念,才能真正地为社会培养出具有健康心理和优秀道德品质的高素质人才。  相似文献   

Philosophers tend to assume that theoretical frameworks in psychology suffer from conceptual confusion and that any influence that philosophy might have on psychology should be positive. Going against this grain, Dan Lapsley and Darcia Narváez attribute the Kohlbergian paradigm's current state of marginalization within psychology to Lawrence Kohlberg's use of ethical theory in his model of cognitive moral development. Post‐Kohlbergian conceptions of moral psychology, they advance, should be wary of theoretical constructs derived from folk morality, refuse philosophical starting points, and seek integration with literatures in psychology, not philosophy. In this essay, Bruce Maxwell considers and rejects Lapsley and Narváez's diagnosis. The Kohlbergian paradigm's restricted conception of the moral domain is the result of a selective reading of one tendency in ethical theorizing (Kantianism). The idea that moral psychology may find shelter from normative criticism by avoiding ethics‐derived models overlooks the deeper continuity between “ethical theory” and “psychological theory.”

The structure of studies of moral education is basically interdisciplinary; it includes moral philosophy, psychology, and educational research. This article systematically analyses the structure of studies of moral educational from the vantage points of philosophy of science. Among the various theoretical frameworks in the field of philosophy of science, this article mainly utilizes the perspectives of Lakatos’s research program. In particular, the article considers the relations and interactions between different fields, including moral philosophy, psychology, and educational research. Finally, the potential impacts of the new trends emerging from natural sciences that seem to be challenging to existing theoretical frameworks of moral education are examined using the vantage points of philosophy of science.  相似文献   

Positive psychology has significantly influenced studies in the fields of moral philosophy, psychology and education, and scholars in those fields have attempted to apply its ideas and methods to moral education. Among various theoretical frameworks, virtue ethics is most likely to connect positive psychology to moral educational studies because it pursues eudaimonia (flourishing). However, some virtue ethicists have been concerned about whether the current mainstream concept of positive psychology can apply directly to moral education because it focuses on subjective aspects of happiness, but not its objective and moral aspects. Thus, I will consider whether the concept of purpose, which was investigated recently by a group of psychologists and emphasizes both subjective and objective aspects of happiness, can address this issue. I will examine whether purpose is a moral virtue contributing to flourishing, consider if its nature is possibly a second-order virtue and whether it is distinguishable from other second-order virtues.  相似文献   

由于受东西方文化交融、经济体制转轨和社会转型等诸因素的影响,当前我国在公民道德建设领域普遍存在着道德评价失范、价值取向混乱、非道德主义泛滥和道德知行分离等道德困惑问题。为加强公民道德教育和道德建设,就要着力加强公民的道德心理培养,提高公民的道德水平,积极塑造公民道德个体的主体人格、主体意识等,并把公民道德建设与全面提升公民素质结合起来,把道德教育与法制管理结合起来。  相似文献   

全文以传统德育方法为起点,分析传统德育方法的特征,潜藏在方法背后的观念、传统德育方法的优缺点以及心理咨询方法的特征,比较了心理咨询与德育的异同,提出德育中借鉴使用心理咨询方法的限制和条件,介绍心理咨询方法在德育中的具体使用。认为有必要在德育中有限制、有条件地引入心理咨询方法等新因素来补充、丰富德育方法,以改善传统德育方法,并使之更符合现代社会的要求。  相似文献   

学校德育呼唤生活的回归,是我们当前德育的共识。学校是进行系统道德教育的重要阵地,只有将生活引入到校园之中,建构生活化校园,使学生的校园生活保持完整性、丰富性和实践性,才能真正促成学生完整的道德品性的养成。  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to examine the possibility of an account of morality and moral psychology that can be accepted from an integrated perspective within the context of moral education. Recently, attempts have been made to integrate two typical approaches to moral education — the cognitive and the virtue approaches. Before this can be done, however, a preliminary exploration to examine whether there is any theoretical foundation for attempting such an integrated approach would appear necessary. An integrated approach to moral education means to teach both virtues and forms and to cultivate both knowledge and behavior. This study analyzes what kinds of moral judgments a human being as a rational agent makes and what are the motivations for ethical action. It then attempts to demonstrate two things: moral values which a rational human being recognizes aim for universality and simultaneously reflect diverse situations; and his or her motivation is activated through all of habit, emotion, and understanding.  相似文献   

现代道德教育面临着无力的困境,其主要原因在于学生对道德教育存在一定程度的不接受心理。教育应创设良好的道德环境,提高自身的综合素质,更新教育内容,探索有效的道德教育方法,提高大学道德教育效果。  相似文献   

从分析人的心理、思想、行为的关系入手,明确提出心理健康教育与德育有着必然的联系,且二者存在着相互作用.心理健康教育补充了德育的内容,为德育提供了新的方法与途径,同时也为德育的有效实施提供了心理基础.德育对人健康心理的形成会产生重大影响,主要表现为德育的价值导向作用、需要引导作用、认知改组作用、人格塑造作用和环境创建作用等.  相似文献   

This article is intended as an initial investigation into the foundations of moral psychology. I primarily examine a recent work in moral education, Daniel Lapsley’s and Darcia Narvaez’s ‘Character education’, whose authors seem to assume at points that criteria for discerning moral actions and moral traits can be derived apart from ethics or moral philosophy. This assumption, which appears to stem from misconceptions about both the virtues traditionally understood and the non-empirical nature of moral-philosophical theorising, is problematic: (1) it courts moral relativism, which would preclude arguing for the superiority of any model of moral education, (2) deriving or validating a morality through empirical methods involves a self-undermining stance about the nature of empirical justification and (3) empirical criteria used to delineate morality are unavoidably arbitrary. After examining similarly problematic works by David Wong and Lawrence Kohlberg, I conclude that moral psychologists must wrestle with the problem of moral criteria through substantive engagement with moral philosophy.  相似文献   

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