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Research into emotion regulation in sport has predominantly focused on intrapersonal regulation of emotion response systems (i.e. subjective experience, cognitions, behaviours or physiological responses). However, researchers in social psychology have suggested that the emotion regulation process is inherently social and interpersonal. This shift represents a significant change in how emotion regulation is conceptualized and, given the intensity of emotions experienced in sport, represents a potentially productive line of enquiry. This review addresses interpersonal emotion regulation in sport, and draws attention to work in social psychology that might inform future sports research. Specifically, the utility of social-functional approaches will be considered.  相似文献   

The literature concerning links between sport knowledge, sport performance and academic ability is reviewed and related to empirical evidence obtained from a GCSE examination in Physical Education, together with GCSE Mathematics and GCSE English grades. For most sports examined, there was a small but significant positive correlation between sport performance and GCSE Mathematics and English grades, confirming the findings of most previous research. Using a multilevel multivariate model, average sport performance, academic ability and sex were important explanatory variables for sport knowledge, yet only academic ability was an important explanatory variable for the concept of physical education knowledge. Ability in game sports, rather than athletics, were related to sport knowledge. Males scored higher for sport knowledge than females, after taking into account sport performance and academic ability. The effects of sport performance and academic ability on sport knowledge were stable across schools, but there was some evidence that the effect of sex varied across schools. These findings support theories of a role for sport knowledge in sport performance; that such a role should be greater in game sports; that academic ability is important for gaining such knowledge; and they highlight differences in sport knowledge between the sexes.  相似文献   

体育活动自我效能感主体作用机制分析及其培养对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用班杜拉自我效能感理论,分析学生参与体育活动过程中自我效能感的主体作用机制。指出:自我效能感通过学生在参与体育活动中的选择过程、思维过程及情绪反应,影响着学生参加体育活动态度、自我认知评价及行为表现,直接决定着学生活动时的内部动机。提高学生自我效能感有利于培养学生终身体育意识和形成正确的自我认知评价。并针对如何培养提高学生自我效能感提出合理有效发展对策。  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(4):526-549
This article about doping and anti-doping measures and policy in West Germany in the context of the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich is part of a research project about ‘Doping and Anti-Doping in West-Germany’, supported by the German Government. The intention of this paper is to describe, analyse and discuss the process of changing relationships between state (including various governing sports bodies) and sport (including the German sport associations and federations) in West Germany in the context of the Munich Olympics, and how doping and anti-doping was dealt with in national and international high-level sports. The paper is based on relevant archives and documents from governmental and sports organizations, as well as on the current German and international state-of-the-art of doping (and anti-doping) research.  相似文献   

随着碳中和、碳达峰行动目标被纳入生态文明建设,环境可持续发展受到越来越多的关注。作为人类社会测量环境影响的重要指标之一,碳足迹方法的引入为体育可持续发展提供了丰富的数据支持和科学的理论依据。研究从碳足迹的概念出发,系统梳理了体育活动中碳足迹的研究进展与实践举措。学术研究方面:基于大型体育赛事的碳足迹研究是当前研究的核心内容,基于体育场馆和体育参与者的研究引入相关理论探讨场馆选址、个体差异与碳足迹排放量之间的关系。实践应用方面:国际奥委会和国际足联等体育组织是体育活动中碳足迹实践的引领者,体育全球化发展带动了各地区体育组织对赛事碳足迹的关注。研究认为:碳足迹应用推动体育发展从人类中心主义向生态中心主义转变,促进国际倡议与个体行动的统一,提供体育对环境影响的量化信息,并增进体育从业者对可持续发展的关注。  相似文献   

大城市大众体育比赛经营的法律保障研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
大城市大众体育比赛的组织、经营和管理必须要运用法律法规手段来引导、规范以保障赛事的顺利进行。从对比赛参与群体、经营者和大众体育赛事推动城市发展3个方面的法律保障进行分析研究,发现已有的体育法规在某些方面难以跟上社会体育和体育产业新的发展形势。提出大城市大众体育比赛法律保障的相关对策,尤其应探索体育产业发展趋势,提高体育立法的前瞻性。  相似文献   

我国加入WTO的最大挑战就是市场化改革,加入WTO的重要行动是加快市场化改革进程。与WTO的条例和法规接轨,我国的体育法制将逐步得到完善;我国的体育市场管理法规将更加规范;体育经纪人、体育保险、体育融资、体育彩票、体育人才交流、体育知识产权及体育信贷等将融入经济全球化的运行轨道;各种地方保护政策将随着市场化的发育和成熟而渐趋消亡。  相似文献   

“体育大国”与“体育强国”提出的由来与涵义的演进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了进一步推动我国由体育大国向体育强国迈进,采用文献资料调研和比较研究方法,对"体育大国"体育强国"提出的由来与涵义的演进,进行了初步的研究和探讨.结果认为:"体育强国"与"体育大国"这两个词汇,严格来说都是外来语,而且两者的涵义是动态的;体育大国的涵义最初与体育强国相似,后来主要是指奥运会上或其他国际大赛中的金牌数量;"体育强国"涵义的演进经历了"奥运会上名列前茅"、"奥运会上名列前茅为主"、"奥运会上名列前茅、基础性大项的水平与其他世界大赛的成绩"、"竞技体育和群众体育协调发展、群众体育发展水平为主"几个阶段.  相似文献   

The 150th birthday of the German Labor Party Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) provides a good opportunity to research and discuss the genesis of the workers' sport movement in Germany. In this article, the German workers' sport history is placed in a broader context of the development of the German club sports system. This system emerged in the middle of the nineteenth century and was strongly influenced by national or nationalistic, as well as socialist ideas and concepts of workers' sport. The chronological context therefore commences long before 1893, when the socialist workers' gymnastics federation (ATB) was formally founded. The history also does not end in 1933, when the socialist organisations were destroyed by the Nazi regime. The concepts, ideas, visions and morality of workers sports are still alive – at least partly – in current sports.  相似文献   

Contrasting views and data are available on the issue of whether combative sports facilitate or reduce aggression. In the present study levels of hostility were assessed in two groups of martial arts students using the Buss-Durkee Inventory. Levels of hostility on a variety of the sub-scales were compared with scores from similar samples of participants in a body contact, aggressive but non-combative sport (rugby football) and a competitive sport with no body contact or direct aggression (badminton). When the effects of age and length of training were controlled by use of partial correlation there was no evidence to support group differences in either the combined score from the varied sub-scales of the inventory or the more specific assaultive sub-scale. However, there was evidence to suggest a significant effect of length of training on hostility levels in martial artists. Beginners attracted to the martial arts were more hostile but the hostility declined with the duration of training. No difference was apparent in this respect for students participating in either jui jitsu or karate. It is suggested that such differential effects with respect to length of training may lead to the overall absence of the between-sport differences. The results provide tentative support for the notion that the discipline of the martial arts may reduce assaultive hostility rather than serve as a model for such behaviour, yet support the need for prospective longitudinal studies on intra-individual hostility.  相似文献   

分析珠三角绿道规划建设、绿道体育研究活动以及绿道体育文献成果现状,发现绿道体育理论研究已经滞后于绿道体育实践,研究主体不足,研究方法单一。社会转型期,绿道体育研究趋势为:研究思路应囊括宏观、中观、微观多维度;研究方法应结合多学科中外文献,定性分析结合定量分析,理论研究配合实证研究;研究趋向领域为绿道体育实践与文化内涵、绿道体育产品开发与供给主体多元化、绿道体育公共服务、绿道体育旅游、绿道体育组织管理与规制、绿道体育管理绩效评估等。  相似文献   

Disabled sports participants are a small proportion of sports participants at English public sports centres; but they are important to the social inclusion agenda. This paper aims to provide a detailed insight into the preferences and behaviour of disabled sports participants.It investigated whether there were statistical differences: first, between the disabled sports participants and the non-disabled sports participants in terms of (1) social demographics, (2) patterns of participation, (3) travel, (4) sports activities and (5) customer satisfaction; and second, between age, ethnic, socio-economic and gender groups of their subsamples, on (2), (4) and (5) again. Disability is defined as having any long term illness or health problem which limits a person's daily activities or the work that a person can do. The data collected through the National Benchmarking Service, for 458 sports centres from 2005 to 2011, revealed that about 9% of over 150,000 sports participants were disabled. Swimming, using fitness equipment and keep fit related exercises were the top three most frequently stated main sports activities by the disabled. It was also more likely for the disabled to participate in organised activities, own a leisure card and participate regularly when compared with the non-disabled participants. In addition, the disabled were also more likely than the non-disabled to travel to the centre by public transport, from home and travel a longer journey time. The industry weaknesses as identified by the disabled relate to physical evidence of the sports centres, particularly cleanliness attributes. Measures that can be taken to increase sports participation by the disabled include competent support at sports centres, promotions through discount schemes or leisure cards, and free transportation to sport centres in catchment areas with high proportions of disabled in their population.  相似文献   

In contrast with the Netherlands’ status as a sports nation, academic articles on Dutch sports history are scarce. In this paper, we would like to establish a ‘textual’ basis for further research. By means of a large-scale digital analysis, we have been able to depict important phases in the Dutch ‘sportification process’. Sport gradually infiltrated Dutch society: first it was mentioned as an English word in bilingual dictionaries, translated literature and ego documents. Then, English sports were described in recreational education books. Indeed, from 1845 onwards, English teachers at Dutch elite schools played an important role in the actual practising of English sports such as cricket, hockey and football. Together with the founding of sports clubs, specific sports manuals were published. Finally, via the introduction of sports sections in general newspapers, sport (as term) was widely diffused in society. Hence, in 1910, Luitje Van Der Wal was the first to translate the English word sport as ‘sport’ in K. Ten Bruggencate’s Engelsch Woordenboek. To be sure, this sportification process did not please everyone. There were warnings about the negative aspects that the adoption of English sports would create. Nonetheless, even traditional Dutch activities became sportified in a modern way.  相似文献   

We hypothesised that resiliency may protect adolescents against risky behaviours, and that both the practicing of sports, and gender are moderating variables in relationships between resiliency and risky behaviours. The study included 18-year-old pupils from a selection of secondary schools (n = 556). A total of 188 individuals practiced competitive sports and the remaining 368 participants were non-athletes. The participants were examined with the Resiliency Assessment Scale for Children and Adolescents (SPP-18) and with a survey containing questions and statements related to high-risk “experiments with adulthood”. Adolescent athletes showed higher levels of resiliency than their peers. The power of the “Determination and Persistence in Action” effect on “Alcohol” scale differed significantly between male athletes and male non-athletes. Only in the athletes groups were higher scores on this scale reflected by lower values on the “Drugs” scale. Moreover, it is possible to observe differences in undertaking risky behaviour between male and female athletes. The analysis of risky sexual behaviour suggests that sport is a risk factor for men, and a protective factor for women. These data suggest that consistent prophylactic and psycho-educative activities, with a special attention to differences between genders, should be provided to all the adolescents, irrespective of their sport performance levels.  相似文献   

"体育"一词作为外来词,其外延和内涵一直在不断丰富和发展,但是其仍是学术界争议和研究的热点。本文主要运用文献资料法、对比分析等方法对我国"211工程"重点院校中体育院系的称谓和体育类核心期刊刊名中涉及的"体育"一词进行调查,并与其相应的英文翻译进行对比,进而分析被国内统一翻译为"体育"一词英译背后的不同内涵。调查分析显示,无论是在高校还是期刊中其名称的叫法上显得过于单一,并且大量使用"体育"一词,其对应的英文名称也仅局限于"Sport"和"Physical Education"两个词,且用法不尽相同。从中文名称的单一化表达到英文名称差异中显现的统一,这样的结论值得我们思考,随着"体育"一词外延的无限扩大,它已经承载了过多的重量,我国"体育"应该寻找更为宏大的词语承担起日益广义的"体育"概念。  相似文献   

对"体育教育学"的词源——德语"Sportpdagogik"在德语、英语及中文中的概念演变进行了探讨,认为体育教育学是一门从教育角度考察人类各种体育活动的学科,它涉及教育学的基础知识,主要关注人类各种体育活动与教育意义上的活动(如教学、教养、抚育、训诫)之间的关系,注重通过体育活动使人获得教育意义上的发展。针对我国体育教育学的学科研究,建议在概念表述上回归德语"Sportpdagogik"概念的内涵,在研究对象上进一步丰富,在研究内容上进一步充实,在研究方法上明确两个要点,在未来的发展上注重使人们获得"教育意义上的发展",并通过"教育意义上的发展"这个纽带将体育科学体系内的不同分支学科联系起来。  相似文献   

德国体育俱乐部建制探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘波 《体育与科学》2007,28(3):57-60,64
采用文献综述法和调查访问法,对德国体育俱乐部的起源与发展进行回顾,通过大量统计数据对德国体育俱乐部的现状和面临的问题进行分析和讨论,以期全面地介绍德国的体育俱乐部体制并研究其与竞技体育、群众体育和学校体育的关系,为我国的体育发展尤其是全民健身的发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The authors explore the sporting experiences and community strengths of Indigenous Australian women. The intention is to inform both health promotion and contemporary sport management strategies, and policies and practices, leading to better health outcomes for this cohort. The authors employ an interpretative qualitative methodology, which involves the combination of data from a range of sources, including interviews and focus groups with 22 Indigenous women living in urban and rural areas, narratives from elite Indigenous athletes and coaches, as well as findings from a recent Australian Parliamentary inquiry into Indigenous health and wellbeing. Drawing from an agency/empowerment theoretical framework, the authors posit that, given support and opportunities, Indigenous women can become empowered to improve their mental and physical health through participation in sport. Sport managers can facilitate Indigenous women's agency in the effects of colonisation, which continues to be the basis of health issues for this cohort. Listening to Indigenous women and facilitating opportunities for them to take control of their own participation can help facilitate this process. Indigenous-women's only opportunities, partnerships with health agencies and sports organisations, culturally safe spaces and Indigenous women acting as role models are some factors that may augment Indigenous women's agency, and thus empowerment. Government, sports, community organisations and health agencies which provide these conditions in their program design can help to overcome entrenched social, historical and health inequalities that Indigenous women may experience.  相似文献   

Although the topic of sexual violence in sport has gained considerable attention in recent years, prevalence rates of sexual violence experience in German athletes are not yet available. Therefore, the current study aimed to address this by assessing prevalence rates in a comprehensive sample of German elite athletes. Overall, 1529 German elite athletes over 16 years of age from 128 different sports took part in an online survey. Mean age was 21.6 years; 56% were female. Participants were presented with seventeen different sexual violence situations (from sexist jokes to forced penetration) and asked to indicate how often they had experienced each particular situation in the sport setting. Results revealed that 37.6% of the athletes had experienced at least one sexual violence situation in organized sport; 11.2% reported a severe form of sexual violence. Female athletes were affected significantly more often than male athletes, and persons with a sexual orientation other than heterosexual more often than heterosexuals. No significant differences could be found with regard to age, level of performance, type of sports, dis-/ability or migration background of the athletes. These results indicate that sexual violence is a problem that needs to be addressed across elite sports in Germany. Prevention concepts need to be developed and applied across sports contexts.  相似文献   

为了评估播客在大学体育教学中的作用,将大一篮球班分为实验组与控制组。16学时的体育教学后,对实验组的学生进行测试与深度访谈,结果显示:播客对于学生掌握运动技术和技能有很大的帮助,学生非常期待体育课堂中运用播客技术;加强了师生之间的关系;加强了学生之间的联系;增强了学生自主学习能力的培养;实验组学生成绩总分、技术得分显著高于控制组学生得分。需要进一步研究的是,播客参与体育教学评价研究以及播客对于学生情感纬度的作用。  相似文献   

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