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基于模块化的中国装备制造业自主创新的制约与突破   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
装备制造业中模块化生产方式比较普遍,发达国家的跨国公司是模块化生产网络中的核心企业,掌握着关键模块,而包括中国在内的发展中国家的企业是模块制造商,在模块化生产网络中从属于跨国公司.模块化分工下中国装备制造业自主创新能力与世界先进水平还有不小差距,装备制造业自主创新受制于跨国公司强大的买方势力和自身创新体系的欠缺.为此,装备制造业自主创新的突破应主要关注创新网络的建立和创新环境的优化.  相似文献   

基于资源集成的自主创新模式辨析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在对原始创新、集成创新、引进消化吸收再创新这三种主要创新模式进行比较分析的基础上,提出一种新的创新模式——基于资源集成的企业自主创新模式;构建基于资源集成自主创新模式的理论及过程模型,对基于资源集成的自主创新与集成创新这两种模式进行比较;最后,提出自主创新导向下企业内部资源集成和外部资源集成的途径。  相似文献   

不同层次创新主体自主创新策略研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刘娜  薛耀文  耿丽萍 《科学学研究》2007,25(6):1203-1208
 本文分析了自主创新的内涵与实现形式,研究了超大型、大型、中小型企业的特点以及对原始创新、集成创新、引进消化吸收再创新三种自主创新实现形式选择实施的策略,最后阐述了对不同层次创新主体自主创新梯度发展策略。  相似文献   

模块化体系结构创新的网络协调机制研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以IT为代表的模块化产业体系,在不断的技术进步和网络发展的背景下,模块规模报酬递增、模块操作和网络效应的叠加形成了模块化的价值创新网络,但是受到体系瓶颈的约束,价值创造的潜力并没有得到充分挖掘.这提供了模块化体系结构创新的价值推动力,也决定了不同的创新协调机制.与模块的创新不同,模块化体系结构的创新需要整个网络的创新协同.开放的网络结构、关于创新的知识集成,以及通过开放的知识产权策略建立信任和合作机制,在模块化体系结构创新的过程中具有重要作用.  相似文献   

自主创新的区域化战略思考   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
自主创新是区域调整产业结构、增强竞争能力的主要原动力,创新区域化是自主创新的主要推动力;在我国自主创新战略中应强调区域的作用。在此基础上,提出了区域自主创新的集群创新战略、企业推动战略、技术集成战略、核心技术突破战略等若干战略及相关政策措施。  相似文献   

张利庠 《中国软科学》2007,8(4):127-133
本文通过对我国农业企业自主创新调查问卷的分析,提出影响我国农业企业自主创新的因素和障碍,分析了农业企业自主创新的特殊性,并据此总结出我国农业企业自主技术创新策略模型,提出了农业企业四大创新平台的建设,即技术创新平台、市场创新平台、文化创新平台和知识创新平台。农业企业的创新策略体系通过技术创新平台的整合集成、市场创新平台的产业链互动、文化创新平台的自催化机制、知识平台的超循环机制得以全面实现。  相似文献   

基于“绿色+创新”的视角,提出以模块化策略为抓手,以双元绿色创新为中介路径(匹配运作实践中企业针对不同模块选择的差异化创新幅度),进而实现企业绩效的理论框架。特别结合定制化的运作趋势,提出“中间层知识”(即产品如何适应各种应用场景的新知识)的间隙以及由此可能造成的协同研发过程中的风险,从而探究供应商参与的负向调节作用。对189家中国制造企业的实证检验结果表明,产品模块化正向促进双元绿色创新与企业绩效;双元绿色创新正向促进企业绩效;开发式绿色创新和探索式绿色创新在产品模块化与企业绩效之间存在中介与链式中介作用;供应商参与负向调节产品模块化与双元绿色创新的关系。研究结果为丰富模块化理论研究及企业应用模块化策略实现绿色发展提供理论和管理实践参考。  相似文献   

桥接模块化理论和产学研用协同创新理论,构建了一种生态型产学研用协同创新网络,设计了相应的运行机制.结合案例研究发现:通过解构提升创新竞争力的价值信条并赋予相应模块,可以在平衡企业的创新策略前提下有针对性地整合外部资源开展协同创新;以需求为导向、领导企业为核心,融合大学、科研院所、供应商等创新主体在内的生态型产学研用协同创新网络有利于加强能力互补、协调分工,加速技术创新→产品创新→商业化的过渡;将模块化嵌入产学研用协同创新网络并辅以相关运行机制,可以改进协同创新效率.  相似文献   

最近一段时期以来,中国政府高度重视自主创新,制定了一系列自主创新的方针政策和具体措施。《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五规划的建议》再次强调提出,把增强自主创新能力作为科学技术发展的战略基点和调整产业结构、转变增长方式的中心环节,大力提高原始创新能力、集成创新能力和引进消化吸收再创新能力,建立以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研的崭新课题。  相似文献   

基于模块化理论提升企业自主创新能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自主创新能力是企业生存和发展的关键,只有全面提高自身的自主创新能力,企业才能在激烈竞争的市场获得一席之地.文章论述了模块化的基本理论与方法,深入分析了模块化的设计规则,提出了依靠模块化提升企业自主创新能力的原理及实现路径,如加强模块企业核心竞争力的培养、建立学习型组织以提高研发和技术创新能力、提高主导企业对标准的可控性等.  相似文献   

创新发展是中国经济实现快速赶超的基础。当创新发展作为国家战略推进时,包括4个重要方面,即发展战略导向、创新发展组织、创新资本投入和创新发展整体性推进。中国创新发展在以上4个方面均表现出国家主导的特征:在战略选择上,中国改革开放之后先后制定了以扩大出口为导向的大国战略和以自主创新为导向的强国战略;创新组织上,中国发展起了国家战略导向的垂直整合组织方式,以及以高新区为主的环境支撑型创新组织方式;创新资本投入上,形成了中央财政投资项目制、地方政府以投融资平台进行投资的方式,以及各种政府主导的科技金融模式;在国家创新的整体推进上,中国已由工业化推动城市化升级为新型城市化与发展创新性经济互相促进的阶段。以上4个方面形成了中国创新发展的独特路径。  相似文献   

产业集群的形成发展和技术创新模式演变具有协同性。发展中国家产业集群与技术创新的协同演进满足反向双驼峰模型,即第一轮的发展高峰是以市场需求拉动为主导的,而第二轮的高峰是以技术推动为主导的。发展路径由市场主导向技术主导的转变是发展中国家实现集群升级和技术追赶的关键转折点。斗南花卉产业集群经历了上述两个发展阶段,先由市场的扩张发展带动产业集群的配套完善和技术的适应性创新,而后以自主品种的开发推动集群由生产基地向技术中心和创新中心转变。  相似文献   

This study contributes to our understanding of the innovation process by bringing attention to and investigating the process by which innovators outside of firms obtain innovation-related resources and assistance. This study is the first to explicitly examine how user-innovators gather the information and assistance they need to develop their ideas and how they share and diffuse the resulting innovations. Specifically, this exploratory study analyzes the context within which individuals who belong to voluntary special-interest communities develop sports-related consumer product innovations. We find that these individuals often prototype novel sports-related products and that they receive assistance in developing their innovations from fellow community members. We find that innovation-related information and assistance, as well as the innovations themselves, are freely shared within these communities. The nature of these voluntary communities, and the “institutional” structure supporting innovation and free sharing of innovations is likely to be of interest to innovation researchers and managers both within and beyond this product arena.  相似文献   

A detailed survey of 498 high technology small and medium-sized enterprises in the Netherlands shows process innovation by user firms to be common practice. Fifty-four percent of these firms reported developing entirely novel process equipment or software for their own use and/or modifying these, both at significant private expense. Twenty-five percent of the user innovations in our sample were transferred to commercializing producer firms. Many transfers were made without any direct compensation. Very importantly from the perspective of effective diffusion of user innovations, innovations with higher commercial potential - and more general appeal for users - are much more likely to be transferred to producers. The pattern we document of frequent innovation by individual user firms at substantial cost, followed in many cases by voluntary, no-charge information spillovers to producers, suggests that “open source economics” may be a general pattern in the economy.  相似文献   

系统梳理产业创新模式的理论背景,分析资源型城市产业创新现状,利用随机前沿面板模型分析市场导向型、技术导向型创新背景下资源型城市3种创新模式的效能。研究结果显示:无论在市场导向型还是技术导向型创新模式下,自主创新以及自主创新与协同创新的交互项都极大地刺激创新的产出;相对而言,资源型城市重视的技术引进在效能提升方面发挥作用较小。  相似文献   

The paradox of openness: Appropriability,external search and collaboration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To innovate, firms often need to draw from, and collaborate with, a large number of actors from outside their organization. At the same time, firms need also to be focused on capturing the returns from their innovative ideas. This gives rise to a paradox of openness—the creation of innovations often requires openness, but the commercialization of innovations requires protection. Based on econometric analysis of data from a UK innovation survey, we find a concave relationship between firms’ breadth of external search and formal collaboration for innovation, and the strength of the firms’ appropriability strategies. We show that this concave relationship is stronger for breadth of formal collaboration than for external search. There is also partial evidence suggesting that the relationship is less pronounced for both external search and formal collaboration if firms do not draw ideas from or collaborate with competitors. We explore the implications of these findings for the literature on open innovation and innovation strategy.  相似文献   

Knut Holt 《Research Policy》1978,7(4):342-360
For more and more firms product innovation is becoming the key to survival and future growth. Successful product innovation cannot be based only upon inspiration, fantasy and random ideas; in most firms a purposeful and systematic approach also is required. Information is a key concept in this context. As product innovation activities are very different from day-to-day activities, a special information system is required.Based on an in-depth study of a large firm, it appears that systematic innovation requires: (a) a sound business concept with future oriented strategies and policies; (b) a competent staff who master the necessary tools; (c) an efficient organization with an appropriate information system; (d) relevant methods for diversification studies and product planning; and (e) development of individual products based on systematical provision of information about user needs and proper specification of requirements.In small firms innovations are based more on the entrepreneurial approach. Such firms often demonstrate a very innovative attitude, but many of them are hampered by lack of skills in marketing and management. They also lack supporting services which can provide information about the environment.Considering the importance of small firms in economic development and social progress, they should be given support in their innovative attempts. This can be done by organizing innovation centers which arrange studies, develop courses, and give practical assistance to firms engaged in innovative work. Governments should develop policies and provide information stimulating both small and large firms to innovations that are more desirable from a social point of view.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the role of patents and utility models in innovation and economic growth varies by level of economic development. Using a panel dataset of over 70 countries, we find that patent protection is an important determinant of innovation and that patentable innovations contribute to economic growth in developed countries, but not in developing. Instead, in developing economies, a minor form of intellectual property rights (IPRs) - namely utility models - is conducive to innovation and growth, controlling for other factors. Using Korean firm level data as a case study, we find that utility model innovations contribute to firm performance when firms are technologically lagging and that those minor innovations can be a learning device and thus a stepping stone for developing more patentable inventions later on. Upon reaching higher levels of technological capabilities, firms become more reliant upon patents and less on utility models. Thus the lesson here is that patent protection enhances innovation and economic growth in countries where the capacity to conduct innovative research exists. Where this capacity is weaker, a system that provides incentives to conduct minor, incremental inventions is more conducive to growth. The significance of this paper is to emphasize the importance not just of the strength of IPRs but of the appropriate type of IPRs for economic development.  相似文献   

在经济全球化背景下,技术创新是推动中国稳定跨过“结构性减速”阶段的重要动力。基于中国2009-2018年的省级面板数据,构建三种空间权重矩阵,运用空间计量模型实证分析了不同技术创新模式对区域经济发展的影响作用,探讨了“技术创新-产业结构升级”对经济发展的协同效应,并进一步分阶段对比分析了技术创新、产业结构升级与区域经济发展的内在关系。实证结果表明:(1)技术创新与区域经济发展具有显著的空间相关性;且技术引进、模仿创新及自主创新对区域经济发展具有正向促进作用,其中自主创新最为显著。(2)三种技术创新是否可以提速经济发展取决于产业结构高级化程度。随着产业结构的升级,技术引进和模仿创新对经济发展的增速作用逐渐减缓。(3)产业结构升级对经济增速的作用受技术创新投入的影响。在产业结构既定的前提下,技术创新投入越多,产业结构升级的边际经济效应越小。(4)我国在产业结构不断升级的过程中,各产业通过逐步提高其对技术创新投入的承载吸收能力,实现产业技术水平的全面提升,进而保证区域经济的持续发展。  相似文献   

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