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This article describes the recent development of Finland as a learning and information society. Education, training and research have been seen as core factors to accelerate development towards a society where all citizens have a high level of competence in using information and communications technology (ICT) in their lives. A short review is given of the present situation in schools and teacher education and of how governmental strategies have guided the development and use of ICT for a learning society in Finland. The strategies of teacher education departments in universities are then analysed with the main focus on how teachers learn to use ICT as a tool which opens up high-quality learning opportunities for pupils and challenges teachers' growth as professionals. Cases have been selected to describe good examples of teachers' pre-service and in-service education. These draw a picture of how ICT is applied in different fields of teacher education. At the end of the article some trends from the late 1990s to early 2002 will be summarised. These trends are: using ICT more as a mindtool, moving towards more collaboration, interactivity and active learning, more integration of ICT in curricula and a better technical and pedagogical infrastructure.  相似文献   


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have had significant impacts on many sectors in today’s knowledge economy. In developing and emerging countries, ICT have enhanced equity, quality, and efficiency in the education sector. However, the adoption of ICT in the South Asian countries’ education sector has not been at scale and its impacts have been limited. There are several gaps and issues that are hindering the wider adoption of ICT and limiting its impacts in the education sector. Through the case studies of the adoption of ICT for education in Bangladesh and Nepal, this paper examines the gaps and issues to be addressed in order to better leverage ICT to enhance education equity, quality, and efficiency. This discussion is guided by the ICT in the education framework that has been developed by the authors, and could provide insights into the state of ICT in education and offer strategies to better leverage ICT for the education sector of other countries in South Asia and the region.  相似文献   

This study explores the introduction of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Kenyan secondary schools. Specifically, it is a case study of four schools with no previous access to ICT. The professional development programme from which data for this study were drawn was designed to support teachers learning to integrate ICT in the curriculum. Using a mixed-method research approach, the authors collected data from multiple sources and triangulated the views of various stakeholders: questionnaires with teachers, focus groups with teachers, school leaders and ICT coordinators, field observations and document analysis. While the broader programme focused on the use of ICT, the results highlighted in this study focus on the development of the four schools with respect to 1) vision building, 2) leadership, 3) collaboration, 4) expertise and 5) access to adequate resources. The discussion centres on the challenges and opportunities inherent in understanding how to prepare schools in developing countries to integrate ICT in education.  相似文献   

This article summarises research carried out between 2006 and 2008 by IPTS (Institution for Prospective Technological Studies) in collaboration with a consortium of experts from 10 member states, led by ICEGEC. The project gathered information on eLearning developments to assess drivers and barriers and to suggest implications for policy and research in the 10 member states that joined the European Union in 2004. Three examples of countries (Estonia, Hungary and Slovenia) demonstrate that, while the group is not homogeneous, commonalities can be detected. Reports show that all the EU10 countries have been catching up with the older member states in ICT penetration and skills, but large digital divides remain due to regional, social and economic divides. Educational institutions are equipped with ICT, but not always at the same level in classrooms as in EU15. Universities are using ICT in education, but mostly for material provision purposes. Enterprises seem to have higher usage of eLearning solutions than in EU15, but these are not equally available for all employees. Lack of focus and coordination in policies to support eLearning developments has been assessed to be a major barrier. In general, EU10 seems to be facing similar challenges to other European countries, although specific efforts are needed to help close the divides and engage people in lifelong learning with the new opportunities ICT could provide.  相似文献   

东南亚金融危机期间,东亚各国的教育遭受了不同程度的影响,很多国家的入学率下降,辍学率上升,低收入家庭受到较大冲击。而教育系统各层面也针对这次经济危机做出了相应的调整。此外,为了缓解经济危机对教育的冲击,政府也采取了诸如提供奖学金、补贴和减免学费等政策,并收到了良好的效果。因此,面对当前的金融危机,我国教育系统可借鉴东亚国家的经验,在短期和长期方面做好准备。  相似文献   

In recent years, countries of the Pacific have been moving strongly towards enhancing inclusive educational practices within a previously segregated education system. Through the Pacific Education Development Framework (PEDF) approved by 14 Pacific Island Education Ministers in 2009, the implementation of regional policies of inclusive education is a priority. To ensure that progress is measurable, these countries have been working collaboratively with several Australian institutions to develop a set of contextually appropriate indicators for measuring disability-inclusive education. This article describes the process adopted in developing these indicators and initial findings regarding the key outcomes. The research is guided by three key principles of collaboration, a need for systemic change and ‘nothing about us without us’. The process adopts a three-stage approach which is outlined and key issues and implications discussed.  相似文献   

当代东南亚国家职业教育发展特点及战略走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第二次世界大战结束后,东南亚各国政府在寻求发展良策中积极转变教育观念,把大力发展职业教育作为办教兴邦的战略重点,创建有特色的职业教育体系,有力地推动了经济与社会的发展。认真研究东南亚职业教育从无到有及移植国际职教经验的得失成败,将有助于丰富职业教育发展理论和创建新型职业教育发展模式。  相似文献   

This article presents a linear-analytical case study on the development of ICT within the educational systems of Chile and South Korea. Through a comprehensive meta-data analysis and bibliographic review, we collected information on both educational systems and their ICT adoption policies. Key differences necessary to understand how both countries have developed their educational systems by integrating ICT were analyzed, including the educational system structure, the organization of state entities responsible for educational ICT, cultural characteristics, the creation of policies regarding ICT in education, and the effectiveness of such policies for the expansion of infrastructure and the ICT curriculum integration. We analyze these key differences in order to understand two cases of ICT integration initiatives on a national level, so that we might better understand the primary factors that influence successful ICT integration, as well as those that may hinder progress in this area.  相似文献   

亚太地区留学教育服务贸易及其启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
经济全球化必然带来教育的全球化。在高等教育国际化的宏观背景下,发展留学教育服务贸易对各国具有非常重要的战略意义。亚太地区留学教育服务贸易发展很快,发达国家在亚洲国家留学生教育服务市场的占有率居高不下,我国应借鉴发达国家经验,采取更多切实可行的措施,大力发展留学教育服务贸易。  相似文献   

Questions about the relationship between religion and politics are discussed with particular focus on the consequences for religious education. Norway is taken as an example of a country where increasing cultural diversity challenges traditional politics of religion. In the present climate of conflicting views on the role of religion in politics, religious education is higher on the political agenda in many European countries, but it is unclear which path the governments choose to follow. For religious educators it is important to engage critically in the political debate about religion, and to show a basic political loyalty towards the education of the individual child and towards improving the lifeworld of children.  相似文献   

在基础教育面临公平和效率等不同层次和水平的挑战之际,许多发达国家和发展中国家通过采取公私合作伙伴关系(PPP)的形式扩大对私人部门的利用,以期改善基础教育服务供给和资金投放。作为达成基础教育目标的非传统途径,PPP在国外基础教育领域的实践已初具成效。探讨PPP的概念及其在国外基础教育领域的主要实践模式对我国基础教育公私合作具重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

根据对亚太国家和地区的调查数据 ,评价了一些已被广泛认可的假设 ,同时也论述了高等教育与社会发展的关系。认为亚太地区发展中国家的高等教育应有相应的优先发展权。文章还对亚太地区高等教育的发展水平和公共政策 (其中也包括关于高等教育和私立高等教育的筹资政策 )作了评价 ,强调必须增加对高等教育的公共投资 ,反对过分依赖成本回收措施和私立高等教育。  相似文献   

The Pacific Island countries are committed to promoting disability-inclusive education through enactment of the Pacific Education Development Framework. To support this move, key stakeholders have identified the need for developing local and contextually appropriate indicators for measuring progress of disability-inclusive education. This paper reports on the usefulness of a newly developed tool (Pacific Indicators for Disability-Inclusive Education – Pacific-INDIE) as a catalyst in implementing inclusive education in the Pacific. Data were collected from a range of stakeholders who have used the Pacific-INDIE in three countries (Fiji, Samoa and Solomon Islands). Thematic analysis was used to identify the key themes relating to the usefulness of the tool. The key themes that emerged from the data included, positive outcomes, challenges, planned future directions, and process issues. The findings discussed are related to how the indicators can best support future policy development and implementation of disability-inclusive education across the region.  相似文献   

加强教育科研 促进教育创新   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
联合国教科文组织 (UNESCO)一贯重视科学研究在增强国家社会经济发展潜力 ,尤其是促进教育创新及改革过程中的作用。在国际教育发展大背景下 ,教育研究的地位相应提高。教育研究注重加强与教育决策和创新实践的联系 ;注重对影响教育质量和学习成绩因素的研究 ;加强对生本课程和学生学习标准及相应的教师专业标准的探索 ;从新的广度及深度探讨信息通讯技术对教育的影响 ;教育研究日益全球化。教育科研要促进教育的全面发展 ,提高改革的成效 ,还应关注和解决诸如教师在教育科研中的作用、恰当地认识和加强研究与决策的关系、教育研究成果的推广应用、教育研究方法的改进等方面的问题。  相似文献   

我国的护理教育与发达国家相比还存在着较大差距。随着中国加入WTO,我国在政治、经济、文化和教育等各方面都受到了巨大的影响,护理教育也面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战。我们应认清目前的形势,紧紧抓住机遇,积极迎接挑战,加强国际交流与合作,提高我国的护理教育质量,使护理教育不断取得进步。  相似文献   

This article explores major issues related to Information Communication Technology (ICT) in education and technology planning. Using the diffusion of innovation theory, the authors examine technology planning opportunities and challenges in Developing countries (DCs,) technology planning trends in schools, and existing technology planning models in schools districts in Dcs. Ideally, this article is intended to advance the discussion grounded on the premise that teaching is not effective without the appropriate use of information and communication technologies resources to facilitate student learning.  相似文献   

The past fourteen years have seen a significant rise in the percentage of Asia–Pacific papers on educational technology (ET) published internationally: from 13.7 % in 2000 to 38.4 % in 2013. This study seeks to identify the overall trends and gaps in this research. Of the 4,332 articles published in five selected international journals between 2000 and 2013, 1,137 (26.2 %) from the Asia–Pacific region [the Asia–Pacific (AP) region includes countries specified by UNESCO and Western Asia (Middle East) countries defined by United Nations] were selected for analysis. It was found that the majority of these came from Taiwan, Korea, Australia, Singapore and China, revealing a need for more studies from such countries as Japan and Indonesia, West and Central Asia and the Pacific Islands. The papers most commonly addressed issues at the micro-level in formal education, particularly higher education, focusing on the introduction of digital technology into on- or off-campus settings. There were few macro-level studies into such areas as policy making, quality assurance or evidence of educational outcomes and impact. It is suggested that researchers should undertake more such comprehensive studies into ET integration, not only in formal education but non-formal, informal, incidental and implicit learning.  相似文献   

受亚太地区崛起和国内高校学生赴外留学需求旺盛等因素影响,澳大利亚联邦政府于2014年提出了区域国际教育资助体系"新科伦坡计划".该计划集奖学金、学生流动、校友参与和社会参与为一体,资助学生赴40个亚太国家和地区留学、实习,反映出澳大利亚国际教育发展理念趋向多元、发展区域化、鼓励流动性、参与主体多样等特征."新科伦坡计划"的实施为澳大利亚学生提供了海外学习实习经历和文化体验,增进了他们对亚太地区的了解和相关工作能力,提升了学生未来参与亚太事务的热情,也进一步巩固和构建了澳大利亚与亚太地区各种组织的联系.但"新科伦坡计划"也面临着文化和语言差异、沟通不畅、缺乏相关信息指导和实习机会以及社会支持力度不够等问题.  相似文献   

马来西亚高等教育国际化策略分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
马来西亚在WTO<服务业贸易总协定>的承诺事项中并没有开放教育服务,但就亚太地区的国家来看,马来西亚是仅次于澳洲与日本,吸引外国学生最多的国家.本文从企业化、私有化和国际化三个维度切入,分析马来西亚高等教育发展的相关政策与措施,并就马来西亚高等教育国际化与马来化的矛盾进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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