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第四点计划是杜鲁门政府提出的、对第三世界国家进行开发援助的政策,属于美国在第三世界冷战战略的重要组成部分。其目的是通过美国提供的经济、技术援助,帮助稳定非共产党政权,遏制共产主义的渗透;并确保这些国家以“民主方式”实现经济发展和社会进步;同时,为美国国内生产力拓展海外市场和原料供应,确保美国经济安全。  相似文献   

布什政府上台以来,突出强调美国的国家利益,推行单边主义。但“9·11”事件后,布什政府调整了美国对外战略的优先次序,将反恐作为优先目标。美国对华政策也随之进行调整,由“战略竞争对手”定位为“建设性合作关系”。2002年两国高层往来增多,但布什政府从未放弃对华遏制防范战略。  相似文献   

"颜色革命"与美国中亚战略的调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李小圣 《天中学刊》2006,21(3):38-41
中亚在美国的全球战略中占有重要的地位。为了实现对中亚的控制,争夺丰富的油气资源,遏制中国和俄罗斯,布什政府在“输出民主”的口号下,在中亚策划发动了“颜色革命”。美国通过介入中亚国家的选举,支持反对派,成功地更迭了某些国家的政权,在这些国家建立起亲美疏俄政权。美国主导这场“颜色革命”的根本目的是为了实现自己控制中亚的战略意图。但是,美国这种战略企图的实现决非一帆风顺。  相似文献   

中东作为连接两洋三大洲之地,伊斯兰教、基督教和犹太教的源头以及世界石油的主要产地,一直是美国外交战略的重心所在。随着伊拉克战争的打响,布什政府开始在中东实行民主改造新战略。本文试分析美国在民主和平论外衣下的新干涉主义在中东政策的具体实施,并对美国在中东民主化进程扮演角色和实际效用进行批判。  相似文献   

“9.11”后,布什政府对美国的教育战略作了调整。这一调整,由《美国教育部2002~2007年战略规划)全面地反映了出来。从这份新规划来看,美国未来的国家教育战略走向集中体现在四个方面:教育服务于国家利益的一面将更为凸显;以“平等”服务于“卓越”,并扩展“卓越”的内涵;以教育管理体制改革作为追求“卓越”的切入点:将文化、科研、管理作为追求“卓越”的三个保障。  相似文献   

“新帝国主义论”作为一种理论,在美国的媒体界十分盛行。“新帝国主义论”的含义是指:在全球化时代,美国作为唯一的超级大国,有权用先发制人的手段向“落后国家”或“失败国家”输出民主,即西方人普遍认可的美国式的自由民主价值观。在此基础上整合世界,以形成组织有序的美国新帝国治下的和平世界。该理论主张建立美国单极霸权下的单极世界,主张在当前国际环境下,为了美国的国家安全,美国要坚持反恐、要先发制人;主张国家主权有限,要求其他国家配合美国的反恐行动和称霸行为;主张在国际事务中美国要担负起作为世界唯一超级大国的使命,有权利有义务向一些“失败国家”和“落后国家”输出美国的民主,有权利在国际事务中实行“双重标准”。  相似文献   

战后美国对第三世界国家发展援助,是美国外交战略的重要组成部分,它会随着国际形势及美国外交战略的变化而不断调整,除了现实的政治经济利益考量外,美国的主要出发点就是按照美国的标准塑造受援国的政治经济体制。发展援助体现了美国强大的经济实力,恰当运用这一实力,可以很好地维护本国的国家利益,并有助于加强本国的软实力;反之,则会造成国家软实力的流失。冷战结束后,美国对外发展援助出现了一些新的特点,突出体现在发展援助由经济领域转移到政治领域,民主援助逐渐成为美国发展援助的重点。  相似文献   

美国的亚洲外交似乎总是处于“失败一一总结教训--再失败--再总结……“的无休止轮回中.在欧洲屡试不爽的均势战略、民主改造、和平演变等手段在亚洲不是遭遇失败,就是收效甚微.……  相似文献   

美国从建国之初就在中东推行民主战略。美国民主战略的理论依据主要为“天生优越论”、“天赋使命观”和“民主国家和评论”。美国在中东的民主战略经历了初步推行、全面推行和强制推行三个时期。美国民主战略的实质是最大限度地实现其国家利益。理论上缺乏合理性,实践中采取双重标准,伤害了中东人民的民族自尊。  相似文献   

布什上台执政以来,不仅美国政府与知识精英对国家大战略进行了激烈和充分的研讨、分析、评估,而且布什政府也重新调整了国家大战略布局的轻重缓急,并且基本确定了具有自身特征的战略构想、战略意图和战略目标。我们以大战略理论作为分析视角,综合布什总统本人及其核心班子成员的言行,对布什政府入主白宫以来所展示出来的国家大战略的内涵与特质予以梳理和解析,能够他我们更好地把握和洞察美国的战略走向。  相似文献   

This paper examines the underlying reasons for the formulation of policies and practices to abate the growing problem of the ‘educated’ unemployed through the initiative of vocational education and training schemes. The paper outlines the main reasons why in Singapore there is a convergence between its vocational education and training strategy and work while this is not generally so for many other Third World countries. It then focusses its discussion on the reasons why there is a mismatch between vocational education and training and work in many Third World countries. The paper concludes by suggesting an alternative strategy for Third World countries through which they may be better able to interface education and work.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the Western models of university development with its accompanying Eurocentric knowledge systems adopted by Third World countries. It discusses the various productive and counterproductive effects of these alien features to Third World universities, their research institutions and the knowledge output of their academic communities. It goes on to discuss the possible contributions that can be made within the ambit of South-South educational interchange for the development of a self-reliant higher education system among Third World nation states accompanied by an interdependent and more equitable world knowledge order. The final part of the paper examines the prospect of a self-reliant higher education and knowledge-generation system, developing in Third World countries, in the light of rapidly growing information technology which is dividing the world into information-rich and information-poor countries.This article is a revised and expanded version of a paper presented by the author at the 20th Annual Conference of the British Comparative and International Education Society held at the University of Hull in September 1985. The author acknowledges the critical comments and useful suggestions offered by S. Gopinathan, S.N.R. Kazmi and Peter Worsley on earlier drafts.  相似文献   

With reference to selected Third World countries, the paper generalizes, within a broad analytical framework, the underlying reasons for the formulation of policies and practices to abate the growing problem of the ‘educated’ unemployed through the initiation of vocationally-oriented educational programmes. It outlines the main reasons why the implementation of vocationally-oriented educational strategies did not converge with and reinforce other related employment initiatives to achieve their intended goals. Discussion is then focussed on why there is a mismatch between educational training and work, which has given legitimate grounds to many Third World countries to question whether the assumptions that underlie vocationally-oriented education are a ‘fallacy’. In conclusion, an alternative educational strategy is suggested. This strategy not only outlines how it may be possible to interface education and work, but also how greater efficiency and equity can be brought about in this relationship.  相似文献   

2011年初,世界银行正式公布了其未来10年的教育战略——《全民学习:投资于人民的知识和技能以促进发展——世界银行2020教育战略》。世界银行指出,实现"全民学习"(Learning for All)的新愿景是促进发展中国家长期经济增长和减贫的关键。未来10年,世界银行将重点支持两大教育优先事项,通过三大主要途径给予实施,并开发了8项性能指标和5项影响指标进行评价考核。此外,与世界银行以往出台的一系列教育战略相比,本次教育战略在目标、理念、重点事项等方面都呈现出不同以往的新特征。  相似文献   

肯尼迪政府时期,第三世界成为美苏争夺的重点,被视为"民主橱窗"的印度成为美国优先援助的对象,战后对印度的开发援助达到高潮。肯尼迪政府对印度的开发援助,更多是从意识形态、全球战略和国家利益的视角来考量。  相似文献   

阿尔特巴赫以其教育依附论思想而闻名国际比较教育界。他在分析了西方国家和第三世界国家高等教育现状的基础上,以中心与边缘、新殖民主义及中心的边缘,边缘的中心等概念作为切入点,指出第三世界国家和工业化国家在教育上存在着不平等的关系。理解阿尔特巴赫的教育依附论思想对比较教育方法论的研究有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

民族主义与二十世纪的战争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民族主义与20世纪的战争有不解之缘。但在不同时期、不同国家和不同类型的民族主义对战争所起的作用存在着重大差异:帝国主义各国民族主义的恶性膨胀导致了两次世界大战,使人类饱受了史无前例的战争浩劫;殖民地半殖民地的民族主义推动了席卷亚非拉的民族解放战争的广泛开展,打碎了西方的殖民体系,广大殖民地半殖民地纷纷取得民族独立;二战后第三世界的民族主义导致了战后频繁的地区冲突和局部战争,成为世界动荡、威胁世界和平的重要因素。  相似文献   

Conclusion This article has sought to highlight a work-experience programme in a Third World country, pin-pointing the factors that militate against the achievement of its desired objectives. Among such factors are problems associated with curriculum organization at the secondary level, not least the negative attitudes that the society generally has towards a practical curriculum. Inadequate funding, largely due to governments aloofness, against a background of pressure on schools to become more selfreliant; wastage of human resources in relation to programme organization; and the lack of effective communication both within the school system and between the school and the community generally-all these are proving to be constraints on the achievement of objectives. Our discussion lends support to Sinclair's (1977) observation, referred to earlier, that Third World countries lack the institutional framework for conducting real-world assignments by pupils in factories and offices. Before curriculum innovations like the WEP can have the desired effects, Third World countries will not only have to deal constructively with negative attitudes and values in relation to practical and manual labour, but they will also have to find ways of initiating employment-generating strategies, so that students who have been prepared for the world of work will have the opportunity to enjoy the right to work. In Third World countries like Jamaica, which are caught in the grip of political and social strife exacerbated by a vicious economic squeeze, these are gulfs which seem too wide to breach at present.  相似文献   

The ILO's World Employment Programme, launched officially in 1969, constitutes the major contribution of the International Labour Organisation to the Second Development Decade in the area of employment objectives and policies. The general aim of the World Employment Programme (WEP) is to provide concrete and specific guidelines to policy-makers and planners on policies and measures which enable them to choose those development strategies which have a greater weight attached to productive employment creation, and to assist in their implementation. The following activities have recently been undertaken to give practical effect to the World Employment Programme. First, so-called comprehensive employment strategy missions have been sent to Colombia, Ceylon, Iran and Kenya (ILO, 1970, 1971, 1972a, 1972b). In the light of a definition and diagnosis of the employment problem in these countries, these missions have proposed a long-term strategy based on fundamental changes in key areas of development policy, including education and training. They have also drawn up an immediate programme of action to face the most urgent problems. Second, regional teams have been established in Latin America and Asia, and several subregional teams are in the process of being constituted in Africa. Set up with a view to making a comprehensive investigation of employment problems in the countries of the region and assisting them in formulating employment policies and programmes, they are keeping under review the progress and obstacles encountered and identifying needs for further direct assistance. Third, a major research programme has been launched. The principal elements of the WEP's research programme are the following major projects which are currently being carried out or are about to start:
  1. population and employment;
  2. technology and employment;
  3. income distribution and employment;
  4. education and employment;
  5. international trade and employment;
  6. urban employment problems; and
  7. feasibility of emergency employment schemes.
This article gives a brief account of the insights already gained and the work under way in the area of education and employment.  相似文献   

The Potential of Book Floods for Raising Literacy Levels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of raising literacy levels in developing countries is particularly challenging when pupils have their schooling in a non-native language. One promising strategy which has been tried and evaluated in the schools of several developing countries is the Book Flood approach. This article summarises the findings of Book Flood studies in Niue, Fiji, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Solomon Islands, and several other countries.The evidence is now strong that it is possible to double the rate of reading acquisition of Third World primary school pupils with a "Book Flood" of about 100 high-interest books, per class, and short teacher training sessions. The benefits for reading skill and enthusiasm are consistent across diverse cultures, mother tongues and age levels, and they appear to generate corresponding improvements in children's writing, listening comprehension, and related language skills. Such skills are typically found to develop very slowly under traditional textbook styles of teaching.The problems of cost per school and cultural suitability of imported books are addressed. Several countries have adopted Book Flood programmes on a national scale, and others are currently planning to do so.  相似文献   

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