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罗梦丹 《教师》2019,(3):129-129
如果说名师工作室是一座灯塔,名师的示范引领是指向标,那教师专业培养的辐射面到底能有多大?衡阳市刘敏小学语文名师工作室多年来一直致力于教师专业成长的探索。2015年4月,以湖南省衡阳市船山实验小学校长刘敏的名字命名的刘敏小学语文名师工作室(以下简称“工作室”)成为衡阳市教育局正式授牌成立的唯一一个市级小学名师工作室。自成立以来,工作室秉承“名师育名师,名师铸名校”的发展理念,遵循“导师引领、同伴互助、共同成长”的原则,充分发挥名师的示范引领作用,在组织学术交流、教研教改、送教送培、开展课题研究、推广教学和研究成果的过程中,通过传帮带、共教共研共学等方式,帮助工作室成员踏上专业成长的快车道,助推全市小学语文青年教师成长成才,助推衡阳市小学语文教育均衡高效的发展。  相似文献   

名师工作室,是“区域内同学科教师基于共同的发展目标:在具有丰富经验的名师的组织引领下,通过交流、沟通、合作、分享活动来促进教师共同发展的共同体。”沈阳市沈河区为了构建具有区域特色的教师专业成长的发展范式,探索具有创新特色的教师分层次专业成长的区域培训工作新模式,在2009年12月建立了首批4所名师工作室,经过了一年多的实践之后,2011年3月又建立了第二批8所名师工作室。  相似文献   

名师工作室作为教师培养的一种新模式,受到各地教育行政部门的普遍重视。学界对名师工作室的理论探讨较多,但对名师工作室加速教师专业成长的实践操作策略有待于深入研究。通过两轮共6年的实践探索,构建了基于价值引领的名师工作室文化系统,开发了名师工作室研修活动课程体系,形成了“专业阅读,坚定信念夯实理论;课例研究,增强课堂教学能力;智慧表达,提升论文写作水平;实验创新,彰显化学学科特色”的研修策略,有效促进了教师专业发展。  相似文献   

<正>自2013年以来,我们在名师工作室这个“大家庭”里历练与成长了8年。伴随着名师工作室的成长,见证了多位名师的历练过程,感受到历练与成长的快乐。实践证明,名师工作室作为教师学习共同体,是助力教师专业成长的重要平台,对促进教师专业成长具有重要的意义。但是,随着名师工作室运行时间的推移,也逐渐凸显出一些问题,  相似文献   

名师工作室是近年来兴起的学校教研平台之一,通过领衔名师的引领带动,组建教研共同体,通过教学研讨、课题研究、专题讲座、网络互动交流等形式,进而开展教学研究。实践证明,名师工作室发挥名师对教师成长的引领和带动功能,能培养出一批学科骨干教师,促进教师的专业成长。笔者作为福建省小学体育阮光清名师工作室核心成员,在工作室的建设与管理、促进工作室成员教师专业成长方面做了研究与实践,收效明显。  相似文献   

作为新出现的教师专业发展共同体,名师工作室以“促进教师专业发展”为主旨。然而,名师工作室运行的现实状况并没有充分体现这一主旨,在组织建设、运行机制、绩效评估等方面出现了一些问题。因此,需要引发教师反思“我为什么参加名师工作室”、“我如何参加名师工作室”和“我对名师工作童的态度”等方面的问题。要进一步提升教师作为教师专业发展共同体的功能,需改善名师工作室的入口、强化名师工作室的运行机制、拓展名师工作室的边界。  相似文献   

名师工作室承载着培养和引领青年教师成长的重任。名师工作室要从价值引领、专业引领和目标引领三个方面入手,激发教师的内在驱动力,引领教师幸福成长。以名师工作室为依托,培养一批有教育情怀、有责任担当、有扎实底蕴,能静下心来教书、潜下心来育人,既能仰望星空,又能脚踏实地,有幸福能力的教育者。  相似文献   

从名师工作室运行的定位、实践、管理和思考4个方面论述了名师工作室的运行机制,对名师工作室促进教师专业成长的内在机理进行了深入的探讨。  相似文献   

“名师工作室”是当代教育发展的产物,随着教育改革的深入,“名师工作室”已成为促进教师专业发展、培养优秀教师的重要形式,为发挥名师的引领和示范作用,打造学科骨干队伍,促使新的名师不断涌现,不断壮大名师队伍做出了应有的贡献。本文主要从内涵、价值、作用及运作策略等方面对“名师工作室”进行解读。  相似文献   

江西省瑞金市金穗学校立足生源“杂”、师资“弱”的校情,通过创立校级名师工作室、打造教师成长共同体等方式,探索引领教师阶梯式成长的可行路径。一是组建“草根”名师工作室,完善相关管理机制,形成教师发展新模式;二是探索构建阶梯式成长机制,同时基于教师实际工作中的真问题开展深度研修,真正为教师专业发展助力;三是发挥工作室的引领辐射作用,通过共研共享引领教师队伍整体提升,通过送教送研带领城乡教师共同发展。  相似文献   

This article offers an account of a series of writing workshops involving English teachers in Victoria, Australia, known as the stella2.0 project. It argues that storytelling can potentially provide a valuable counterpoint to the ‘knowledge’ underpinning standards-based reforms. The argument serves to introduce two other essays published in this issue of Changing English: ‘Storytelling and Professional Learning’, in which Brenton Doecke articulates a standpoint about storytelling that helped to shape the workshops, and ‘Professional Learning and the Unfinalizable: English Educators Writing and Telling Stories Together…’, by Graham Parr and Scott Bulfin, in which they inquire into the conceptual foundations of the stella2.0 project and discuss some of the writing generated by teachers in the workshops.  相似文献   

In their teacher preparation and professional development training, early childhood teachers learn about the importance of play for children’s development; yet they are rarely taught how to play with children. Once in the classroom, many teachers do not interact responsively to children’s play; instead they ignore, interpret, or dominate the activity. Building on the theory that play is a collective activity similar in form to improvised performances, and that teachers can develop their ability to play collectively, this article presents findings from a pilot project that explored the use of improvisational (“improv”) theatre workshops as a professional development tool for preparing teachers to be better players. The analysis of the data suggests that the skills associated with responsive teaching can be taught through participation in improv workshops and that learning to improvise can give teachers new ways to understand their role in the classroom.  相似文献   

This study explores the impact that co-designing a virtual manipulative, Fractions Lab, had on teachers’ professional development. Tapping into an existing community of practice of mathematics specialist teachers, the study identifies how a cooperative enquiry approach utilising workshops and school-based visits challenged 23 competent primary school teachers’ technological, pedagogical and content knowledge of fraction equivalence, addition and subtraction. Verbal and written data from the workshops alongside observations and interviews from the school visits were analysed using the technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) framework. The findings show that the assumptions of even experienced teachers were challenged when Fractions Lab was shared as an artefact on which they were asked to co-design and subsequently interact with, using it in subsequent phases of the cooperative inquiry process. Two original aspects of successful co-design of virtual manipulatives through communities of practice are identified and offered to others: (1) careful bootstrapping of the first design iteration that gathers intelligence about the content area and the technological affordances and constraints available; and (2) involvement of highly motivated teachers who perceive themselves as agents of change in the domain area.  相似文献   

This article reports on an innovative pedagogical approach within the Learning Partnerships program in which school students help to ‘teach the teachers’ within pre-service teacher education. Classes of school students join with classes of pre-service teachers to provide input on how teachers can enhance school students’ engagement and wellbeing. The article draws on data collected from 125 students (aged 13–16) and 120 pre-service teachers in these workshops. Findings generated from a mixed methods study combining pre-workshop focus groups (n = Students: 38, Teachers: 33) and post-workshop focus groups (n = Students: 69, Teachers: 15) and post-workshop surveys (n = Students: 96; Teachers: 101) demonstrated that the workshops were mutually beneficial for both students and pre-service teachers. Participants found that workshopping together enhanced their belief in the possibility of positive student–teacher relationships. The pre-service teachers reported greater confidence in communicating with young people about the issues that affect student engagement and wellbeing. The school students reported that they were more willing to use teachers as a source of help. Implications include the need for increased attention to a ‘third space’ for learning in teacher development which provides opportunity for learning with and from young people about how to foster their engagement and wellbeing.  相似文献   

This paper explores the difficulties that novice teachers confront at two economically, socially, and academically disadvantaged schools in the state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. The researchers employed the action research tradition. Problems were identified using participant observation during reflexive workshops conducted with novice teachers and also in school settings. Teacher-generated written documents during the workshops were also analyzed. The difficulties these teachers face include issues related to parent involvement, resources, students’ basic learning background, teaching strategies for students with particular needs, discipline, work overload, and career preparation and curricular reform. The identified challenges are similar to those that beginning teachers typically experience. However, results of this study highlight the ways in which the immediate working context and characteristics of Mexico’s educational system uniquely impact and structure the experience of novice teachers in disadvantaged schools.  相似文献   


This paper reports on case studies of three teachers managing an education reform focussed on assessment, during a busy period of curriculum change in an Australia state Participants attended multiple professional development opportunities including a number of state-wide, systemically-facilitated assessment workshops. The most significant finding to emerge, as narratives of change unfolded over a nine- month period, was the diversity of teachers’ approaches to change. All three were insightful about practices that required change and could identify personal and professional attributes that would assist their management of change. All teachers attended the same systemic workshops and all had access to the Education Department’s published literature about assessment. Yet they organised and implemented change in very different ways. Each teacher’s approach was based on personal assumptions about learners and learning, the reform they agreed to implement, and their preferred approaches to incorporating new assessment practices into their existing repertories. Approach taken was a major determinant of experience of change and thus is an aspect of change management important to inservice-providers, teachers and school leaders. The paper concludes with an overview of a PD package designed with the findings of this research project in mind.  相似文献   


This study reports the findings of a mixed method research study (qualitative and quantitative) on the effectiveness of specifically developed learning resources and workshops on handwashing for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in the UK. The A Germ’s Journey educational resources were developed to aid both young children’s understanding and engagement with microbiology and hand hygiene, currently there are limited learning resources that teach young children about the cause and effect of germs. The methods used to evaluate the resources in this study include: questionnaires (completed by parents and teachers), observations of the children during the workshops using the resources and follow-up interviews with teachers. The data was collected in six individual case studies (three in inner city locations and three in rural locations) consisting of EYFS classes in primary schools and nurseries. Results found that the developed learning resources were successful in aiding children in EYFS’s knowledge of germs and related health issues (80–100% (p?<?0.05) of parents and teachers strongly agreeing/agreeing), with teachers reporting that they had seen an increased understanding in their pupils since participating in the workshops.  相似文献   

This study documented the process of evolution of the continuous design and revision of the tools of a novice mathematics teacher educator–researcher (MTE-R) as he planned and implemented design-based professional development workshops for in-service mathematics teachers in Taiwan. In order to effectively facilitate teachers designing and implementing their own conjecturing activities during the workshops, the MTE-R fostered their professional learning and growth through reflection upon students’ performance. From the perspective of activity theory, this study examined the evolution of the MTE-R’s mentoring activities and tools whose design gradually changed from being based on the literature content toward being learner-centered activities with teachers as learners. Such evolution not only enhanced teachers’ learning outcomes, but also facilitated the MTE-R’s own professional growth in different areas, including mathematics, mathematics learning, mathematics teaching, teacher education, and, in particular, the extrapolation of generic examples for understanding mathematical concepts.  相似文献   

教学实施中的默会知识和教学对话中的明言知识相互转化对促进教师实践性知识发展具有重要作用。对美国某高校参加翻转课堂工作坊的六位老师的学习经历和教学实践经历展开叙事研究,可望实现解决知识创生螺旋(SECI)中“薛定谔猫悖论”之目的。以SECI模型为“外螺旋”,在两两相邻的“社会化”“表征化”“联结化”“内在化”知识状态中分别嵌入“内隐架构”“对话传播”“迁移吸纳”“练习创生”的“内螺旋”,形成“知识创生双层螺旋”能更清楚地展现高校教师积累、生成、运用、创新实践性知识的实然“全貌”,亦可为我国新时代激发教师实践智慧,提高教师专业素质水平,弘扬立德树人信念提供参考。  相似文献   

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