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历史地图是浓缩的历史,是对客观历史进程更直观、更简明的反映。运用地图,能有效地帮助教师讲清重点、难点;利用地图,培养学生的审美能力;借助地图,培养学生的比较能力;巧用地图,激发学生的创造性思维。  相似文献   

周学文 《成才之路》2009,(18):62-62
历史地图与抽象、枯煤的文字叙述比起来,具有形象、直观的特点。在教学中,教师应当明确历史地图的教学功能,重视对历史地图的教学,积极鼓励学生多运用历史地图。历史地图有哪些功能呢?①有助于学生建立空间概念,从而进一步理解和运用历史知识。②有助于使学生更深刻地理解地理环境对历史发展的影响。  相似文献   

陈燕 《考试周刊》2013,(78):131-131
历史地图中包含了丰富的历史信息,使文字叙述更直观形象,有利于学生理解历史、走进历史,培养学生提取信息的能力。在掌握历史知识的基础上,学生通过自主学习、合作可以绘制地图,这样既增强了学生对历史知识的理解能力,而且增强了学生之间的合作性、自主性。  相似文献   

对于高中生来说,将更具体化、更具有信息化的事物摆放在学生面前,才可以让学生更好地了解到学习状况。在学习高中历史的过程中,若涉及古代历史事件、战争、地区地域等内容章节的时候,若是将地图运用到历史教学之中,可以让学生更直观地将历史信息展现在人物面前。因此,在高中历史的教学之中,作为高中历史教师,应当充分利用地图对于历史教学的作用,并展开充分的研究与探讨。  相似文献   

历史地图与抽象、枯燥的文字叙述比起来,具有形象、直观的特点。在教学中,教师应当明确历史地图的教学功能。重视对历史地图的教学,积极鼓励学生多运用历史地图。  相似文献   

历史地图与抽象、枯燥的文字叙述比起来,具有形象、直观的特点。在教学中,教师应当明确历史地图的教学功能,重视对历史地图的教学,积极鼓励学生多运用历史地图。历史地图有哪些功能呢?1.有助于学生建立空间概念,从而进一步理解和运用历史知识。2.有助于使学生更深刻地理解地理环境对历史发展的影响。例如,最早产生资本主义萌芽的意大利为什么没能持续发展,进而较早地进行资产阶级革命?仔细分析《新航路的开辟》《宗教改革后的新旧教并立》等图,就可以得出意大利资本主义未能持续发展的原因:政治方面,封建割据;经济方面,未能形成统一的国内市…  相似文献   

在历史课程教学工作中除了教材文字以外还有一项重要的教学资源就是历史地图。相较于文字内容来说,历史地图具有更加直观、鲜明的表达,对历史事物空间状态有直观的表现,在日常教学活动中,通过历史地图的辅助,可以有效提高学生的学习兴趣,增强历史知识理解程度,是历史课程优化教学的重要资源。本文立足历史课堂教学实践,对历史地图在课堂教学优化中的应用相关内容进行了简要的分析论述。  相似文献   

林源 《高教论坛》2002,(6):52-53
历史地图是历史教科书有的机组成部分,它形象地反映了课文的内容,能给学生以直观、整体的认识;历史教师在课堂教学中应重视历史地图的运用,以激发学生的兴趣加深学生对历史知识的理解和掌握。  相似文献   

历史地图和历史课文都是相辅相成的,是历史教材中的重要部分。在初中历史课堂教学中,选择合适的历史地图,不仅能提供给教师更为形象、直观的感受,而且还能提供给学生场域性的历史认识,以激发出学生的学习兴趣,并促进学生解决历史问题的能力提高。鉴于此,本文主要对初中历史教学过程中历史地图及其选择进行探讨,并提出历史地图在初中历史实际教学中的应用策略。  相似文献   

古人曰“左图右史” ,足见对历史地图的重视。确实 ,在学习历史的过程中 ,当遇到疆域、重大历史事件和战役等方面的内容时 ,历史地图与抽象、枯燥的文字叙述比起来 ,具有形象、直观的特点 ,正所谓“即书而求难”“即图而求易”。作为历史老师 ,在实际历史教学当中 ,应当积极鼓励学生多运用历史地图这种形象、直观的表现形式 ,加强他们对所学历史知识的理解和掌握 ,以求事半功倍。初中是中学生开始学习阅读和运用历史地图的重要阶段 ,我认为老师在教学中应该注意以下几个方面。培养学生掌握阅读历史地图的基本知识初中生在初期很少或根本没有…  相似文献   

Concept maps have been recognized as an effective tool for students to organize their knowledge; however, in history courses, it is important for students to learn and organize historical events according to the time of their occurrence. Therefore, in this study, a time sequence-oriented concept map approach is proposed for developing a game-based environment to facilitate students' learning of historical events and their organization during the gaming process. With this approach, students can easily learn the precedence relationships among the historical events that occurred in different time periods with the time sequence-oriented concept map. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, a historical role-playing game has been developed for an elementary school history course to examine the students' performance in terms of learning motivation, self-efficacy and learning achievements. A subject unit, the “Siege of Fort Zeelandia by Zheng Cheng-Gong,” was chosen as the history topic. The results show that the proposed approach can significantly enhance the students' learning achievement, but did not affect their learning motivation or self-efficacy for the history course. As a consequence, it is concluded that students can benefit from concept maps in terms of enhancing their learning achievement, but they do not necessarily enjoy using concept maps in game-based learning activities.  相似文献   

历史地图是高中历史教学的重要内容之一,将多媒体技术应用于历史地图教学有着传统教学方式所不具备的优势。通过一种新颖的多媒体历史地图的制作方法,把历史元素与原始地图分离,使得历史地图的展示更为灵活,更具表现力,从而更充分地发挥历史地图的教学功能。  相似文献   

新一轮基础教育课程改革明确提出了地理教育要使学生具有初步的地理科学素养,而地理科学素养的基础就是"地图素养","地图素养"的核心就是地图技能。中学生的地图技能分为识图技能、读图技能、填图技能、绘图技能、用图技能等。在课堂中设置画图活动、学生自制地图集和地图册、开展地图制作比赛活动、制作地理模型,能培养学生的绘图技能。在课堂教学中培养学生的用图技能,通过地图专题训练培养学生运用地图解决实际问题的能力,可使学生养成经常运用地图的习惯和对地图的兴趣。  相似文献   

University students are too often challenged by their limited skills in application, investigation, relational thinking, and communication of ideas. In this study, we have combined 3 tools that potentially can support and foster students’ development in the above mentioned areas through student collaboration, concept mapping, and electronic technologies. The participants in this study were 26 students in two intact classes in learning theories. In groups of 3 to 5 students, they were asked to generate 3 concept maps and accompanying prose over the term on 3 major issues in the field of learning. Through the use of interviews, questionnaires, and student generated concept maps, students reportedly enjoyed concept mapping for its organizational and relational properties but preferred sharing their concept maps and dialoguing with one another in a synchronous mode where immediate feedback and flow of thinking could be maintained when involved in constructing maps. Moreover, they did not like the redundancy offered by both prose and concept map outputs, suggesting that while concept mapping can be an arena for generating and generally structuring ideas, prose can be a means of communicating such ideas in a form that is common to most people. This is particularly important for teachers and students who have difficulty navigating through maps alone.  相似文献   

在英语写作教学中引入思维导图,能进一步丰富教学资源、创新教学模式,从根本上突破写作难点。教师在英语写作教学中可以从正确引入思维导图、开拓学生写作思路、引导学生自制思维导图、创设生动的写作情境等方面入手,正确应用思维导图,提高英语教学质量和效率。  相似文献   

Effective reading strategies, including using graphic organizers, question answering, and considering story structures, can help students improve reading comprehension. However, these reading strategies are not fully supported by both printed books and e-books. Students who master these reading strategies can learn effectively. By contrast, students without effective reading strategies cannot grasp thinking contexts, which leads to unfavorable learning outcomes. This paper presents a novel e-book interface that features thinking maps and a question answering mechanism on the same page. The thinking maps and question answering mechanism can stimulate students to reflect on reading content, which in this study was college entrance exam compositions, and help students to more effectively understand the context of their reading content. After we developed our reading system, 61 participants were recruited for system evaluation. The results indicate that students in the treatment group acquired significantly more vocabulary and understood the story structure more competently than did students in the control group. Treatment group participants expressed that they were satisfied with the thinking maps and question answering mechanism.  相似文献   

区域地理在地理教学中占有重要的地位.主要从如何学会阅读地图,并善于使用地图以及强化区域地图的空间位置,让学生学会图文结合、图文并用和学习技能在区域地理学习中的应用等方面,通过对区域异同点的对比,归纳区域总体特征,使学生对区域各要素的掌握和区域综合性有更加明确的知识脉络.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify an adequate approach for revealing conceptual understanding in higher professional education. Revealing students’ conceptual understanding is an important step towards developing effective curricula, assessment and aligned teaching strategies to enhance conceptual understanding in higher education. Essays and concept maps were used to determine how students’ conceptual understanding of international business can be revealed adequately. To this end, 132 international business students in higher professional education were randomly assigned to four conditions to write essays and to construct concept maps about an international business research topic. The conditions were: essay alone, essay after concept map, concept map alone, and concept map after essay. An assessment rubric was used to assess the breadth and depth of students’ conceptual understanding. Results show essays are the most adequate approach for revealing conceptual understanding of international business. In particular, concept maps revealed fewer facts and less reasoning than essays. Essays written after concept maps were less effective than essays, possibly since students perceived these essays as redundant. Further research is suggested on how educators can foster conceptual understanding.  相似文献   

本轮基础教育课程改革中,角色扮演受到许多历史教师的重视.但是,他们对角色扮演与培养历史思维的内在联系缺乏系统的认识.角色扮演对培养历史思维的作用主要体现在三个方面.首先,角色扮演有助于学生理解历史概念,便于学生把握历史文本.其次,角色扮演有助于学生重建历史事件,从而认识历史的真相.最后,角色扮演为学生阐释历史提供了巨大的空间,有助于学生追寻历史的意义.  相似文献   

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