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Rats shocked once by a stationary, wire-wrapped prod bury it if suitable materials are available. Does this conditioned defensive burying occur when rats have the opportunity to flee from the source of aversive stimulation, or is it limited to situations such as those in which it had previously been studied—those in which the relatively small test chamber confined each rat to the immediate vicinity of the prod? In the present experiments, the capacity of rats to flee from the shock prod was enhanced by increasing the floor dimensions of the test chamber up to 200X80 cm (Experiment 1) or by providing the rats with an opportunity to seek refuge in a separate, safe compartment (Experiment 2). Although both of these modifications to the usual conditioned-defensive-burying paradigm significantly reduced the duration of burying and the height of the accumulated mounds, burying remained well above control levels in all experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Hooded rats and golden hamsters were shocked by one of two prods in a chamber with a sawdust-covered floor. Rats buried the prod through which they had been shocked, but hamsters displayed no burying behavior. Hamsters may not have buried the prod because they could not perform the required motor pattern. However, hamsters can carry and pile food pellets. Therefore, in a second experiment, rats and hamsters were shocked in a chamber with wooden blocks on the floor. Rats piled blocks around the prod through which they had been shocked, but hamsters did not. The third experiment established that, like rats, hamsters can associate a prod with shock in one trial, since they showed differential avoidance of a prod through which they had been shocked. Since hamsters are nonsocial and rats are social, these results are consistent with suggestions that burying sources of aversive stimulation evolved as an altruistic behavior.  相似文献   

Rats shocked once by a stationary, wire-wrapped prod mounted on the wall of the test chamber incorporated sand, wooden blocks, or commercial bedding material on the floor of the chamber into a defensive response. They moved the available material toward and over the shock prod in all three conditions, adapting the response topography to the particular demands of the available material. In the sand and bedding conditions, the rats buried the prod by pushing and spraying piles of the material with snout and forepaws, whereas, in the blocks condition they picked up the blocks with their teeth and placed them individually around the prod. In Experiment 2, the rats buried the shock prod with blocks even when they had to first carry the blocks to the prod from the back of the chamber. Thus, conditioned defensive burying is not a simple, reflexive response to objects paired with a painful stimulus: it is a complex behavioral sequence that can vary as a function of the availability of burying materials.  相似文献   

Time spent in various behaviors by the rat was recorded in a defensive burying paradigm. Experiment 1 revealed that rats spent more time burying the shock prod than a control prod and that doubling the size of the test chamber did not have a significant effect on the time spent in any behavior. In Experiment 2, the location of bedding material in a two-compartment test chamber was found to affect the occurrence of burying (both the shock and control prods) and burrowing behavior. Burying did not occur when bedding was not available in the shock compartment but was located in the escape compartment. Burrowing was more likely to occur when bedding was in both compartments than when it was in only one compartment. Immobility and escape latencies were shorter than burying latencies in all subjects. Burying was viewed as belonging to a second stage of defensive behavior.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats received a session of 80 inescapable tail shocks or no shocks while restrained in a tube. During tests of conditioned defensive burying 24 h later, the bedding of the chamber contained odors from either stressed or nonstressed conspecific donor rats. Following a single prod shock, subjects that had had prior shocks or that were tested with the stress odors spent significantly less time burying the prod, made smaller piles of bedding, and displayed more freezing behavior. The combination of prior shock and stress odors during later testing enhanced these effects. In Experiment 2, a yoked group of rats that was given inescapable shocks, in contrast to a group that had wheel-turn escape training and one that was restrained but not shocked, later showed significantly less burying and more freezing when tested for defensive burying with stress odors present. In both experiments the duration of burying and the heights of piles were positively correlated, and both of these measures were negatively correlated with freezing. The demonstrated capacity of unconditioned stress odors to mediate different degrees of fear, depending upon the controllability of prior shock, is related to other studies of learned helplessness, and the predominance of freezing over burying is discussed in terms of various types of defensive strategies, stimulus-control processes, and the author’s stress-coping-fear-defense (SCFD) theory.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine whether a naive observer rat would avoid contact with a shock prod after watching a demonstrator rat contact, be shocked by, and defensively bury the prod. We found that observer rats took longer to contact prods that had delivered a shock to and been buried by a demonstrator rat than to contact prods that had not delivered shock and had not been buried. However, observer rats contacted prods buried by an unseen demonstrator rat or by an unseen experimenter with the same latencies as those for prods they had seen deliver shock to and be buried by a demonstrator rat. In large enclosures, subjects took 1–2 h longer to contact buried prods than to contact unburied prods. We conclude that alteration of the physical environment by individuals receiving noxious stimulation can significantly reduce the probability that conspecifics will contact the noxious stimulus. Observational learning per se, however, need not be involved.  相似文献   

Two strains of rats (albino Wistar and hooded PVG/c) were exposed to a conditioned defensive burying paradigm that consisted of placing rats in a test chamber with bedding material on the floor, shocking them with a shock prod, and recording the time each rat spent in burying responses toward the prod. Various behaviors other than burying (freezing, grooming/paw licking) were observed by a time-sampling procedure during the control, conditioning, and extinction sessions, each of which was 15 min in duration. Wistar rats generally showed behavioral inhibition, as evidenced by less burying, lower exploratory and ambulatory behavior, and higher freezing behavior. PVG/c rats spent significantly more time engaged in burying and accumulated more bedding material in the conditioning session than did the Wistar rats. No significant differences between the two strains of rats were observed during the extinction session in terms of these measurements. The results indicate that Wistar rats have a greater tendency to freeze when coping with the noxious stimulus in a conditioned defensive burying paradigm, whereas the dominant coping style for PVG/c rats is defensive burying.  相似文献   

Natural sources of aversive stimuli are frequently well-defined material objects that are present both before and after the aversive event. In the present experiment, rats acquired information about such a source after the aversive event and used this information to guide their subsequent defensive reactions to it. The rats were shocked by one of two possible sources, either a black or a striped prod, mounted on opposite end walls of the test chamber. Immediately following the shock, the houselights were momentarily extinguished and the patterns on the two prods were automatically switched for subjects in the experimental condition or left unchanged for subjects in the control condition. The rats were left in the chamber for another 5 min with the patterns in their new positions before being removed for 2 min while the two prods were mounted on the side walls. During the ensuing test of conditioned defensive burying, the rats in the control condition directed the majority of their burying behavior at the prod exhibiting the pattern displayed by the shock source prior to and during the shock administration. In contrast, the rats in the experimental group buried the prod exhibiting the pattern displayed by the shock source during the postshock period more than they did the prod displaying the pattern present on the shock source prior to and during the shock administration.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, male rats were exposed to either aggressive (i.e., alpha) or nonaggressive conspecific colonies and tested 24 h later, with or without alpha odors, for freezing behavior and burying of a wall prod that had been the source of a brief electric shock. The results indicated that prior defeat experience and the presence of alpha odors alone during testing had no significant effects, but the combination of prior defeat and alpha-odor testing significantly decreased burying and increased freezing behavior. In Experiment 2, we examined the effects of noncontact exposure to a cat, as a predatory Stressor, during subsequent prod-shock tests involving the presence or absence of cat odors. Exposure to a cat failed to disrupt later prod burying and did not produce freezing. However, the presence of cat odors during testing significantly reduced the amount of defensive burying,without resulting in an increment in freezing. In Experiment 3, rats were given 1, 5, or 30 inescapable preshocks in the presence of either cat odors or a hedonically neutral citronella odor and were tested 24 h later for prod burying and freezing with or without these odors. Both the cat and the citronella odors resulted in a significant reduction in burying and an increase in freezing for rats given 5 and 30 preshocks and tested in the presence of these respective conditioned odors. For the groups that were given 5 preshocks, preshock and later testing in the presence of cat odors resulted in significantly less prod burying and more freezing than for rats that were preshocked and tested in the presence of citronella. The findings of these three ethoexperimental studies are discussed in terms of the learned-helplessness theory, the stress-coping-fear-defense (SCFD) theory, and the concept of selective CS-US associability.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, four groups of male rats were given a session as an intruder in either aggressive (i.e., alpha) or nonaggressive colonies of conspecifics and later received either a 2-h exposure to the odors of the alpha colonies or an exposure-control session with the odors of a nonalpha colony. Two additional groups of rats that had been attacked and defeated by alpha residents were later given a 12-h exposure session with alpha-colony odors or nonaipha-control odors. Twenty-four h after the colony-intruder session, all subjects were given a single 6.5-mA shock from a prod with alpha-colony odors present in the bedding of the test chamber. Attacked rats that had been given exposure-control sessions showed significantly less prod burying and greater freezing than nondefeated subjects. This implies that the alpha-colony odors elicited conditioned fear. In contrast, the attacked subjects that had been given a pretest exposure session with alpha-colony odors showed significantly more prod burying and significantly less freezing. This suggests that the alpha-odor exposure resulted in the extinction of fear to these odors. Furthermore, the 12-h exposure to alpha-colony odors was found to be more effective in reducing fear-mediated responses than was the 2-h exposure. In Experiment 2, three groups of rats were exposed to a cat while they were in a protective cage; later they were given a 12-h exposure session with cat odors, a 12-h exposure-control session with no cat odors, or no exposure treatment. Compared with the two control groups, the subjects that were exposed to cat odors showed less freezing during subsequent prod-shock tests in the presence of cat odors, but they did not show prod burying. The reported changes in fear-mediated reactions to the odors of conspecifics and a predator are discussed in terms of both associative and nonassociative processes.  相似文献   

Rats were shocked in the black but not the white compartment of a shuttlebox and then exposed to the black compartment in the absence of the shock unconditioned stimulus (US) to extinguish fear responses (passive avoidance). In five experiments, rats were then shocked in a reinstatement context (distinctively different from the shuttlebox) to determine the conditions that reinstate extinguished fear responding to the black compartment. Rats shocked immediately upon exposure to the reinstatement chamber failed to show either reinstatement of avoidance of the black compartment or fear responses (freezing) when tested in the reinstatement chamber. In contrast, rats shocked 30 sec after exposure to the reinstatement chamber exhibited both reinstatement of avoidance of the black compartment and freezing responses in the reinstatement chamber (Experiment 1). Rats shocked after 30 sec of exposure to the reinstatement chamber but then exposed to that chamber in the absence of shock failed to exhibit reinstatement of the avoidance response and did not freeze when tested in the reinstatement chamber (Experiment 2). Rats exposed to a signaled shock in the reinstatement chamber and then exposed to that chamber in the absence of shock also failed to exhibit reinstatement of the avoidance response (Experiment 5). These rats showed fear responses to the signal but not to the reinstatement chamber. Finally, rats exposed for some time (20 min) to the reinstatement chamber before shock exhibited reinstatement of the avoidance response but failed to freeze when tested in the reinstatement chamber (Experiments 3 and 4). These results are discussed in terms of the contextual conditioning (Bouton, 1994) and the US representation (Rescorla, 1979) accounts of postextinction reinstatement.  相似文献   

Rats were selectively bred for high versus low saccharin ingestion, a putative measure of enhanced stress and emotionality (Dess, 1991). In Experiment 1, third-generation Occidental high-saccharin (HiS) and low-saccharin (LoS) rats were tested for saccharin ingestion and emotionality. The saccharin test confirmed that the lines differed on the selection phenotype. In addition, LoS rats were more emotional, as evidenced by longer emergence latencies and more defecation in a modified open-field test. In Experiment 2, LoS rats had lower quinine preference scores and drank saccharin-adulterated glucose less avidly. These outcomes are reminiscent of the behavior shown by inescapably shocked rats. Unlike helpless rats, however, LoS rats drank less avidly during a dilute sucrose test, an effect more reminiscent of chronic mild stress. The lines did not differ reliably on intake of concentrated glucose or Polycose, even when the latter was mixed with saccharin. In Experiment 3, LoS rats preferred saccharin less strongly than did HiS rats at concentrations of 0.05% to 0.7% and had an aversion to a 1.0% solution. In Experiment 4, LoS rats were affected more by shock, as assessed by stress-induced anorexia. These and other recent findings support the notion of shared mechanisms for taste, emotionality, and stress vulnerability.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the relationship between activity during shock and the magnitude of subsequent impairment of shock-elicited fighting in the rat. Different levels of intra-shock activity were engendered in two ways. In Experiment 1, differing temporal forms of inescapable shock were employed to produce markedly different levels of activity. In Experiment 2, a passive-escape procedure was used to explicitly reinforce nonmovement during shock relative to a yoked, inescapable shock control. Results indicated that relative to the performance of subjects not previously shocked, fighting impairment was produced only by those prior treatments that promoted reduced intrashock activity. Since one of the prior shock treatments involved inescapable shock but the other did not, these findings may be viewed as strong support for the notion that behavior during shock, rather than uncontrollability, is the critical determinant of the observed impairment effects. There was some suggestion in both studies that shock treatments that resulted in sustained or increased intrashock activity tended to produce augmentation of fighting. Both inhibitory and facilitative effects of prior shock exposure are discussed in terms of an interacting response theory of shock treatment effects.  相似文献   

The present experiment was run to test the hypothesis that, when shock was signaled, rats would develop effective coping responses so as to reduce the current flow through them. A 1-sec shock was delivered through a grid floor by a fixed impedance ac shock source. The current-flow measure was taken over the last 30 of 90 trials given over 3 days and indexed by “gross skin conductance” or GSC (shock). The rat under the signaled shock condition (n=15) showed higher GSC (shock) than did the rats under the unsignaled shock condition (n=14). Thus, the result contradicted the hypothesis. There was no indication that the rats developed any preparatory response during the 5-sec signal, in terms of either GSC (signal) or posture. The results were discussed with reference to the preparatory-response hypothesis and various other possibilities.  相似文献   

Rats were given tone-footshock pairings with a 0-, 10-, or 30-sec trace interval between tone offset and shock onset. Half the rats within each trace interval were tested for their conditioned fear of the tone through a lick suppression procedure; the remaining rats were evaluated for their fear of the background or contextual cues through their avoidance of the compartment in which conditioning had occurred. Less conditioning was observed to the tone with increasing trace intervals. However, conditioned fear of the context increased with increases in the trace duration. The ability of the more predictive stimulus, the tone, to overshadow the contextual cues was determined by the tone’s temporal contiguity with the footshock. The need to incorporate temporal parameters within current theories of conditioning is discussed.  相似文献   

Genotypically based within-species differences in defensive burying were examined in 180 mice representing 15 inbred strains. Each mouse was tested twice in a cylindrical test chamber containing two similar prods. In the first test, one of the prods was electrified, whereas in the second test (24 h later), neither prod was. Although most strains selectively buried the shock prod in the first test (as determined by bedding-height-at-prod and position-of-highest-bedding-pile criteria), some strains did not discriminate between the shock and dummy prods and still others displayed little prod-directed bedding displacement at all (thereby resembling a heterogeneous nonshocked control group). In general, burying tended to be somewhat reduced in the second test, but strain differences in retention were observed. Factors contributory to the observed differences among strains and the need for multiple measures of burying are discussed. Collectively, these findings indicate that intraspecific genetic variation, acting at multiple burying-relevant behavioral levels, can be an important determinant of the expression of the defensive-burying response in mice.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the capacity of a nominal CS to overshadow background stimuli. Rats received CS-shock pairings in one compartment of a double-compartment apparatus. After training, the shock compartment was re-presented but in the absence of both the CS and shock, and overshadowing was assessed by measuring the rats’ latency to enter the compartment. In the first experiment, predictive values of temporal cues provided by CS onset and CS offset were manipulated. Rats readily entered the shock compartment, provided shock onset had previously been predicted by CS onset or CS offset. This indicates that background cues in the shock compartment had acquired little associative strength during training. In contrast, rats avoided the shock compartment under every condition in which shock onset had not previously been predicted by either CS onset or CS offset. In the second experiment, a precise temporal cue provided by CS onset was dissociated from other factors arising from CS-shock contiguity. It was found that rats’ reactions to the shock compartment after training was governed by both temporal and contiguity factors. The results are relevant to theories which state that conditioning is a function of a competitive relationship between stimuli present in an animal’s environment during training.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 employed a shock box in which light beams ran at 10, 15, 20, or 25 cm above the floor level of the box. Four groups of nine rats each were trained to avoid shock by cutting the light beams or letting them pass by, which the animal accomplished by upward or downward change of its posture. Training employed a discriminated avoidance paradigm, 60 trials per day for 5 days, with a 5-sec CS-US interval. Acquisition of the rearing avoidance response was observed only in the 15-cm condition. Using the same apparatus as in Experiment 1 and with a beam height of 15 cm, the rearing avoidance response was successfully conditioned in five rats using a nondiscriminated avoidance conditioning paradigm. There was good evidence of temporal discrimination in these animals.  相似文献   

Three experiments were performed to study the immediate-shock freezing deficit, a deficit in freezing in rats that results when electric shock is delivered immediately upon exposure to a novel context. This deficit was accompanied by failures to detect evidence of passive avoidance (Experiment 1) or potentiation of the auditory startle response (Experiment 2). The deficit in freezing was attenuated by preexposure to the shocked context (Experiment 3). The results support the view that fear-related behaviors are activated by signals for shock rather than by shock itself. They also suggest that the immediate-shock freezing deficit is due to a failure to process the to-be-conditioned contextual cues (Fanselow, 1986a, 1990).  相似文献   

Experiment 1 investigated the proposition that rats cover the source of aversive stimulation with the bedding material available to them and sought to determine whether familiarization with this material would affect burying. The results indicated that rats are no more likely to cover an aversive object than they are not to cover it, although they collect a considerable amount of bedding material in the area surrounding the aversive object. Experiment 2 demonstrated that the rat’s defensive “burying” toward an aversive object is affected by the subject’s predisposition to displace material toward the front side of the apparatus. Some theoretical complexities involved in considering the act of “burying” toward an aversive object as a defensive behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

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