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The Education Department at the Museum of the Rockies and the Kellogg Center for Adult Learning Research at Montana State University conducted a national study of adult museum programs from 1996–1999. A total of 508 adult program participants, 75 instructors, and 143 planners of adult programs in museums were interviewed either via telephone or in person. The study sought to answer three questions: (1) From participants' perspectives, what constitutes an excellent museum program for adults? (2) What teaching strategies are employed in successful and innovative museum programs? and (3) Does the informal learning environment of a museum offer anything unique to the adult learning experience? This research effort is one example of how university museums advance our understanding of informal education theory and its application to practice.  相似文献   

The professional identity of librarians is established with regard to the current understanding of their knowledge practices. The global phenomenon of false and untrustworthy information circulating on social media platforms paints a new issue that librarians must conquer. Messages, content, news, and information on the web make it challenging for librarians to educate users as to where the sources come from and the need to evaluate for credibility and trustworthiness. During the pandemic, and with a surge of information disorders on social media, the World Health Organization recommended building resilience to misinform-ation and engaging and empowering communities to take positive action. This research seeks to explore the relationship between professional identities and the participation of librarians in an infodiverse environment, specifically by exploring how Filipino librarians applied aspects of their knowledge practices to the evaluation of social media health information during the pandemic.  相似文献   

Abstract This article describes Project ASTER III (Active Science Teaching Encourages Reform), a science professional development program for early elementary teachers, which is based on the premise that people learn best by doing. Very few professional development programs focus on early childhood teacher development and how best to integrate informal science centers into teaching. In ASTER III, development teams—consisting of university scientists, science educators, K‐3 teachers, and educators from a hands‐on science museum—developed 5E lesson plans aligned with the Ohio Academic Content Standards and the National Science Education Standards in conjunction with the museum’s exhibits. This study explores the impact of the ASTER III model on teacher perceptions about the role and effect informal science museum visits have on subsequent teaching and student learning.  相似文献   

实现科学教育改革愿景并提高公民科学素质的唯一方法就是使科学探究和科学本质同面向所有学生的科学机构结合起来。非正规环境中的教育者可通过多种方式影响公众对科学、科学探究和科学知识本质的理解,而这是正规教育难以实现的。因此,非正规教育工作者自己需要理解科学探究和科学本质的内容,并有效利用非正规教育环境向公众传达上述理解。  相似文献   

Student deep participation in library work allows students to actively participate in library operation and become deeply involved in library service and program development. There are usually two levels of deep participation: level I refers to the employment of student assistants in different areas of library routine work, ranging from shelving to IT support; and level II refers to the engagement of students as library partners or collaborators, working with librarians to complete independent project. Sharing Tsinghua University Library's experiences, we provide a holistic view of how the two levels of student deep participation are implemented at an academic library, with a focus on level II. We seek to generate a thorough understanding of the practices and benefits of student deep participation, and encourage academic libraries to create more opportunities to deeply involve students in library work, and to ultimately demonstrate the value and relevance of the library to the campus community.  相似文献   

Humans exhibit a fundamental reliance on interpersonal relations for the acquisition of information. Gatekeepers, who help link people with unknown information, are the “humans” in this human information-seeking process. The gatekeeping phenomenon has been studied in diverse disciplines and this article examines these research literatures to reveal that gatekeepers arise in discourse communities by different means, including cultural certification, informal nomination, or by virtue of their social positions. This multidisciplinary analysis of gatekeeping reveals that information practices are immensely contextual and contingent on the social environment. It enables and substantiates a collectivist perspective of library and information science (LIS). Moreover, this theoretical orientation also prompts us to apply social network analysis (SNA) to LIS in order to study and determine how the characteristics of social relationships and structures affect access to information resources.  相似文献   

The authors explore how fictional narratives (stories) can be used as a learning tool in the context of informal science environments and specifically science centers. They base their argument on an analysis of the theoretical, structural and epistemological properties of stories and how those can serve to establish a story as a cognitive tool. They offer an example of an application of these properties to a story‐based learning design called “The Emperor who only Believed his own Eyes” in the context of a large, public science center, and specifically an exhibition about “senses”. This paper focuses on the idea of a “hack,” a museum sanctioned strategy for exploring the potential and implications of narrative‐based design as a way to reinterpret science exhibits in a way that can engage young users in content exploration and offer recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

Many forms of alternative media empower marginalized populations by providing the tools of media production as an outlet for their voices. Drawing on the experiences of youth collected from semi-structured ethnographic interviews, the preliminary research presented in this paper demonstrates how youth, in their own words, are empowered through their participation in the alternative media production process. Since the relationship between empowerment and radio production is currently unexplored, critical media literacy is applied to illustrate how production can enfranchise the creator. Although the production of the radio artifact initiates the process, it is the legitimacy of the discursive space that is truly empowering for youth.  相似文献   

The open science movement, although not new to social science broadly, has gained momentum recently within communication science. In response, journals in our field have begun encouraging open science practices, from data and materials sharing to submitting preregistered research reports. However, this momentum has also led to some confusion over what is and is not considered open science and what the value of open sciences practices is. In this editorial we lay out an “onion model” of open science that describes increasing levels of transparency and suggests how open science practices can be understood less as a revolutionary concept but more as a logical extension of some of the historical pillars of scientific norms. Through this model, we provide tangible steps for how scholars may begin thinking about how to introduce open science practices into their current and future empirical efforts.  相似文献   

非正式环境中的科学学习,在目的、发生方式上与课堂教学存在相似也有很多不同。理解非正式环境中科学学习的本质,是设计、开发和评价博物馆教育项目的基础。美国国家研究理事会组织成立的非正式环境下科学学习项目委员会梳理了美国近20年在该领域的研究,出版《非正式环境中的科学学习:人、场所与活动》,用大量实证研究反映出非正式科学学习的特征、结果和研究方法。本文汲取其中生态学视角和学习框架两个方面对该书做一个导读。  相似文献   

This study explores how consumers react to advertisers' attempts to influence editorial content of media. Two practices are explored: complementary editorial (magazines giving editorial mentions to advertisers' products or services) and attempts at content censorship. Specifically, the study looks at how adult female readers of women's magazines make sense of the 2 aforementioned practices. Findings indicate that women believe editorial mentions of advertisers' products and services can be useful. Based on what the women in this study stated, attempts by advertisers to prevent media content from being published has greater potential to damage the credibility of both the advertiser and the magazine. Participants drew a basic distinction between the practices of complementary editorial and advertiser influence to prevent content: Editorial provides information, but advertiser influence to prevent content denies information.  相似文献   

By creating new media channels that enable anyone to reach the public directly, the Internet has reduced the need for a middleman, resulting in the “disintermediation” of science communication. New providers of informal science learning are emerging in community settings, as well as in sources online. These changes raise the critical question of how science centers can adapt to an expanding ecosystem of mediated and unmediated sources. This article points out strengths of science centers that offer some grounds for optimism. Promising efforts are identified and possible directions are proposed at the community and institutional level.  相似文献   

Abstract This article outlines a different view of the changing nature of adult learning in the Internet era. The old model of learning—the warehouse—is being replaced by a “just‐in‐time” system of information acquisition. The NRC report focuses too heavily on finding missions for existing institutions and pays too little attention to the pervasive changes in information acquisition and adult learning in all areas. An analysis of existing data demonstrates the relative impact of formal and informal learning and points to opportunities for enhanced adult science learning in the future. In a just‐in‐time world, museums and similar informal learning institutions will need to be less dependent on their physical setting and more focused on learning as the end product. It will also be necessary to find a viable revenue model to support this emerging mission.  相似文献   


Students in science disciplines often arrive at college without experience using primary science literature and lacking in skills required to manipulate information. A cohesive, curriculum-integrated information literacy program is crucial in teaching science majors how to determine information needs and to locate, evaluate, synthesize, and use information. Described are the best practices, challenges, and assessment tools as applied in the implementation of a four-year science information literacy program at a large state university.  相似文献   

近年来,愈来愈多的北美高校图书馆参与学习分析项目或计划。《SPEC Kit 360:学习分析》是美国研究图书馆协会在对其成员馆参与学习分析项目或计划调查的基础上发布的报告,内容涉及成员馆参与学习分析项目或计划涵盖的数据收集、数据存储、数据共享、数据保护、隐私政策、日常程序及培训、参与学习分析合作等方面,分析此报告,能够深入了解北美高校图书馆参与学习分析的现状,对我国高校图书馆参与学习分析实践具有研究价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

"Quality Assurance" (QA) is a practical tool for library management, a link in the library's relationship with administrative decision makers. Instituting or refining a QA program takes into account formal and informal methods. Described are one library's program and problem-solving model, the role of others in the library's program, types of recordkeeping, and integration of the library program with organizational QA. Positive results include participation in management-level activities and improvement in quality and delivery of services and products. Ten suggestions are made to begin a QA program.  相似文献   

This article presents results from case studies of online grief communities for bereaved parents in Denmark and Sweden, analyzing how development of practices and norms for grieving and mourning online are related to the conditions for participation in the online forums, and to dominant ideas of grief in society as such. Rooted in contemporary research on grief and mourning, we discuss practices of tabooization, de-tabooization, or even re-tabooization in the different online forums and how norms and traditions are performed, challenged, and negotiated in the various formats.  相似文献   

This article examines the ways in which the transfer of information about farming practice is gendered, and how the gendering of access to agricultural information affects the social realities of farming women. The research focuses on a sample of Ontario female farmers who were interviewed extensively about their farming practices, including the ways in which they sought and found information to help them further their farming knowledge. It was found that female farmers utilized both formal and informal channels of information, but that these channels were not readily nor easily accessible to female farmers. Attempts to extract needed information resulted in the manifestation of issues regarding social and professional legitimacy. Female farmers must, therefore, devise alternate strategies and networks for information gathering. The study demonstrates that information acquisition in farming is a socially mediated process which reflects the socially constructed gender relations of agriculture itself.  相似文献   

Abstract The Science Explorations program was developed by the Milwaukee Public Museum (MPM) out of a desire to use the unique resources of MPM to advance informal science education and to address a community need of local and national concern: improving science education and accessibility for underserved audiences. In 2002, with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and private donors, MPM launched this after‐school program for a target group of urban, mostly minority, middle school girls, a group at risk for underachievement in science and technology. The museum staff built a combined program with five middle schools and also sought to reach out to family members of the participating girls in order to increase support for the young women's science endeavors. A three‐year evaluation of the Science Explorations program demonstrated positive findings from primarily quantitative data. An aim of this article is to present findings from the qualitative data to shed light on the reasons this program met nearly all of its targets. Findings from case studies and qualitative interviews suggest that the museum staff's efforts to demystify science—a process that provided ongoing access to real scientific endeavors and invited personal contact with scientists—influenced the program's success. Findings also suggest that strong school liaisons may help increase family support for young women's scientific pursuits, which can in turn play a role in their success in this program.  相似文献   

Abstract The National Science Foundation (NSF) funded the National Research Council report Learning Science in Informal Environments to synthesize the growing body of diverse research underlying informal science learning. Intended outcomes were to establish a base for future research, to provide evidence‐based guidance for those developing and delivering informal learning experiences, to broaden the definition of “learning” beyond that typically used in formal education, to encourage knowledge sharing across the heterogeneous informal science education field, and to provide a measure of external validation for the value of learning in informal settings. NSF investment in this study is part of a larger ongoing effort by the Informal Science Education program to advance knowledge and practice and build capacity in the field.  相似文献   

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