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现代高等教育应注重大学生的个性发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
面对新世纪的严峻挑战,现代高等教育必须以大学生的个性发展为首要价值取向,在某种意义上大学生个性发展是现代高等教育的出发点和归宿。本文从大学生个性发展的必要性着手,对马克思主义人的发展观和教育心理科学提供的理论依据进行了论述,并提出了促进大学生个性发展的对策构想。  相似文献   

论新时期大学生价值取向及其价值观教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
进入新世纪以来,随着社会经济文化事业的不断前进,人们的价值观也在进行慢慢的修正,大学生群体尤为如此。本文从当代大学生价值取向入手,论述了新时期大学生价值观的特点及现状,并对其价值观的形成原因进行了分析,阐明了在新时期高等教育中如何加强对大学生价值观的教育。  相似文献   

基于CGSS2010-2013数据,采用扩展明瑟方程方法,引入各省(自治区、直辖市)高等教育劳动力比例估计我国高等教育社会回报率,利用分组回归的方法估计不同地区、不同教育层次劳动力的高等教育社会回报率,结果表明,在控制个人性别、行业、单位性质、家庭条件、父亲受教育程度等个体变量之后,样本总体的高等教育社会回报率为1.62%,即各省(自治区、直辖市)高等教育劳动力比例每提高1%,该地区平均工资水平将提高1.62%。划分劳动力教育层次的分组回归结果表明,高等教育社会回报率对中级劳动力的工资水平影响高于对高级劳动力的影响。划分区域的分组回归结果表明,高等教育社会回报率存在显著地区差异,表现为东部地区最高,西部地区次之,中部地区不显著。东北地区的高等教育社会回报率为0.71%,远低于社会总体平均水平和东部经济发达地区。  相似文献   

<正>针对目前"读书是一笔失败的投资"、"农村孩子读书无用"的错误观点,笔者利用国家统计局城市社会经济调查队每年度进行的"中国城镇住户调查"(CHIP)于2002年和2006年所做的两次城乡个人调查数据,估计农村劳动力和城市劳动力在不同教育阶段的教育回报率,分析教育回报率的城乡和教育阶段差异,指出当前教育改革趋向。随着中国高校扩招后大学生人数的增多,大学教  相似文献   

大学生就业价值取向趋势的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对合肥工业大学2003~2006年应届本科毕业生进行价值取向调查的基础上,从大学生毕业后的去向选择、择业标准、择业地区意向、择业单位性质意向、择业薪酬期望、对择业影响因素的评价等六个方面,综合考察高等教育扩招后大学生就业价值取向的变化趋势并进行分析,得出加强大学生就业价值观教育引导的若干思路。  相似文献   

高等教育正从以教授者为中心向以学习者为中心转化,在此过程中要充分考虑新世纪大学生的特点。如今医科院校的大学生不仅具备新世纪大学生的个性特点与时代特点,而且同时具备医科院校学生独具的成绩优异生集体的特点。本文从新世纪大学生的个性特点、时代特点、医科院校学生特点等三方面入手,对新世纪医科院校大学生的特点进行了分析研究,并以此为基础对医科院校在进行教育教学改革时需要关注的内容提出了启示。  相似文献   

高中生高等教育需求的经济动因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过估计高中生期望的高等教育回报率及其高等教育需求的影响,检验了人力资本理论的基本假设。研究表明,高中生对高等教育的市场回报率有比较准确的预期,他们的高等教育需求也受其期望的高等教育回报率的显著影响。个体的高等教育需求与人力资本理论的解释是一致的,即个体对高等教育的需求,受高等教育的经济回报所激励。  相似文献   

张文江 《神州学人》2007,(11):28-29
沈坤荣,1963年8月出生于江苏省吴江市。经济学博士,现任南京大学经济学院副院长、教授、博士生导师,理论经济学博士后流动站学术带头人之一,国家经济学基础人才培养基地领导小组组长。曾获得首届中国博士后学术大会优秀论文一等奖、江苏省哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖、江苏省高等教育教学成果特等奖、宝钢教育基金优秀教师奖、国家级高等教育教学成果二等奖、江苏省高等学校教学名师奖。教育部"新世纪优秀人才支持计划"入选者,2006年荣获"新世纪百千万人才工程"国家级人选,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。  相似文献   

大学生社会实践是高等教育的重要组成部分,是提升大学生综合素质的重要载体.进入新世纪,大学生社会实践受到党和国家的高度重视,并取得了丰硕成果,但实践中也出现了一些问题,诸如形式实践、过度实践、虚假实践等消极现象拉低了实践活动的质量.基于此,笔者对大学生社会实践活动重入高质量、高价值轨道提出了相关对策.  相似文献   

对滁州学院大学生职业价值取向调查结果显示,大学生价值取向趋向"多元化""利益化"和"自我化",原因主要有高等教育改革、社会主义市场经济发展和东西方文化交互影响以及来自家庭和大学生自身等方面。提出要加强大学生职业发展与就业创业教育和指导,帮助学生树立合理的职业价值取向;设立就业心理咨询机构,提升大学生心理素质;有效开展"三个课堂"一体模式,提高学生就业能力。  相似文献   

Unlike previous studies on educational returns in developing countries, this paper examines the distributional impacts of education on wages using a recently developed econometric approach – unconditional quantile regressions. The results yield unconditional impacts of education at different points of the wage distribution and, therefore, are more informative from a policy perspective than both traditional regression and quantile regression methods commonly used for estimating educational returns. We use a nationally representative dataset on labor markets in India, collected in 2005–2006. The results reveal significant heterogeneity in education's effects along the wage distribution and striking differences in these patterns by gender: the effect of primary education is found to be significantly higher for women than men in the middle of the wage distribution; while the effect of post primary education exhibits a distinct pattern whereby women get significantly higher rewards than men above the median and significantly lower rewards than men below the median. These findings have direct implications for the targeting of education policies that seek to reduce gender wage inequality.  相似文献   

Fan‐sing Hung 《Compare》2008,38(2):155-171
This paper compares the returns to education in transitional economies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), such as Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic and the Ukraine in the 1990s, and in China in the 1980s and 1990s. In the pre‐transition period, the returns to education in the six CEE countries were low at about 2–4%, while those in China were even lower at less than 2%. As the process of transition towards a market economy evolved over time, the returns to education steadily increased, and non‐state sector workers and young workers were rewarded with higher returns to their education than their counterparts in the state sector and older age categories. The marginal returns to university education are the highest of all of the marginal returns to various education levels. Moreover, the results show that it took about a decade for the six CEE countries, and two decades for China, to raise their respective returns to education to the 10% level.  相似文献   

Based on one of the most widely used datasets by foreign-based sociologists, this paper examines the rate of returns to education in rural China. Compared with the previous studies that showed rather low rates in rural areas throughout the 1980s, this study finds a considerably higher rate in 1996. A chief contributor is the rapid non-agricultural development, which creates enormous upward mobility opportunities, particularly for the more educated. Due to the uneven economic development nationwide, the rate of returns to education varies widely across regions. In areas with less developed non-agricultural sectors, it remains low. In contrast, where off-farm employment is widespread, it is much higher. In addition, the labor market is functioning to allocate the more educated to better-paid jobs, but has yet to produce higher returns to education in non-agricultural sectors than in the agricultural sector. However, changes may be occurring in coastal regions. Translated from Zhongguo Shehui Kexue 中国社会科学 (Social Sciences in China), 2006, (3): 98–109  相似文献   


Household survey data for II Latin American countries are used to assess earnings differentials by type of secondary education during the late 1980s. Introduction of the cost of the curriculum allows for the estimation of private and social rates of return to investment in education by type of secondary school curriculum. The paper documents mixed results. In some countries the private returns to vocational schooling are higher than the returns to general secondary schooling. Introducing differential cost of curriculum and estimating social returns to schooling results in much lower returns to vocational schooling.


The paper estimates the returns to overeducation by the Over-Required and Undereducation (ORU) model. The estimated results indicate that the returns to overeducation are positive, but lower than the returns to required education, which suggests that while overeducated employees’ earnings are diminished, they still can benefit from it. The paper also attempts to estimate the returns to overeducation by occupations, industries and regions. The result shows that in the field where educational level has much to do with the skills required by employers, education-job match has a greater effect on one’s earnings, such as professionals and skilled persons. On the contrary, education-job mismatch has little effect on one’s earnings, such as non-skilled employees, administrative and clerical employees. In addition, the returns to overeducation are lower or insignificant for those working in competitive but lower paid industries and areas. Conversely, the returns to overeducation are higher for those working in the highly monopolized and highly paid industry and area. It can be argued that regardless of the incidence of overeducation, those with higher level of education prefer to choose the lower level of job in these industries and areas.  相似文献   

Brazil fell behind in higher education attainment for the cohorts born in the 1950s and 1960s. We jointly model educational choices, labor force participation and wages, and compute the average, marginal and internal rate of returns to schooling after controlling for changes in ability composition at all levels of education. We find very high returns to college, which indicate that the disappointing trend in higher education could reflect binding credit constraints, psychic costs or uncertainty about future earnings gains from schooling.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the dynamics of rate of returns for postgraduate education and the determinants of wage premiums for postgraduate labor, especially for the impact of higher education expansions, in terms of quantity and quality, since the late 1990s in Taiwan. Utilizing quasi-panel data over the 1990–2004 period and employing the double fixed effect model, the empirical results first confirm the existence of wage premiums for workers with postgraduate degrees. However, the analysis on the dynamics of wage premiums finds that it ranged from only 1.40 to 11.67% and decreased sharply in 2004, indicating that the pecuniary reward for postgraduate qualification seems not to be as high as expected. Along with the rapid expansion of higher education, the concern about its negative impact on rate of returns to education is witnessed in this study. The sharp increase in the supply of postgraduate labors appears to have a negative impact on an individual’s wage premium. Similarly, a decline in the postgraduate labor quality along with higher education expansion has contributed to a negative wage effect.  相似文献   

Recent research on economic returns to higher education in the United States suggests that those with the highest wage returns to a college degree are least likely to obtain one. We extend the study of heterogeneous returns to tertiary education across multiple institutional contexts, investigating how the relationship between wage returns and the propensity to complete a degree varies by the level of expansion, differentiation, and cost of higher education. Drawing on panel data and matching techniques, we compare findings from the US with selection into degree completion in Germany and the UK. Contrary to previous studies, we find little evidence for population level heterogeneity in economic returns to higher education.  相似文献   

The paper estimates the returns to overeducation by the Over-Required and Undereducation (ORU) model. The estimated results indicate that the returns to overeducation are positive, but lower than the returns to required education, which suggests that while overeducated employees’ earnings are diminished, they still can benefit from it. The paper also attempts to estimate the returns to overeducation by occupations, industries and regions. The result shows that in the field where educational level has much to do with the skills required by employers, education-job match has a greater effect on one’s earnings, such as professionals and skilled persons. On the contrary, education-job mismatch has little effect on one’s earnings, such as non-skilled employees, administrative and clerical employees. In addition, the returns to overeducation are lower or insignificant for those working in competitive but lower paid industries and areas. Conversely, the returns to overeducation are higher for those working in the highly monopolized and highly paid industry and area. It can be argued that regardless of the incidence of overeducation, those with higher level of education prefer to choose the lower level of job in these industries and areas. __________ Translated from Beijing Daxue Jiaoyu Pinglun 北京大学教育评论 (Peking University Education Review), 2007, 5(2): 136–146  相似文献   

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