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1.引言文[1]讨论了重复性赛制问题的数学模型,并证明"2n-1局n胜"制是一种公平的比赛,重点研究比赛局数的相关概率分布问题.本文侧重探讨"2n-1局n胜"制下比赛局数的数学期望,它的计算公式和经典的卡塔兰  相似文献   

文中给出了Zbaganu常数与James常数的关系,并利用这个关系式和Orlicz空间中James常数的下界估计,得到了一类自反Orlicz空间中Zbaganu常数的精确值.  相似文献   

目的:通过测定电路中通过的电子数与电子的摩尔数从而确定阿佛加德罗常数。讨论:已知的测定阿佛加德罗常数的方法都是太抽象或太昂贵,或者给不出较准确的结果,不适合在一般中学使用。通过计量电解水时通过电量的库伦数(可求出电子数)和产生氢分子的摩尔数(可求出电子的摩尔数)可以测定阿佛加德罗常数。这是一个快速、节约、而且可靠的方法,此实验可重复做,误差小于5%。建议在讲课前就开始进行电解,课上重点放在讲解装置、测定原  相似文献   

关于阿伏伽德罗常数的考查,大纲中明确规定:理解阿伏伽德罗常数的含义,并能进行有关计算,通过对物质的量、气体体积、阿伏伽德罗常数之间的相互关系来达到一定的理解程度和应用能力,同时对有机化合物等物质中的化学键的键数、氧化还原反应中的电子转移数、盐类水解等知识加以综合利用.对此,对于常见的考查类型及解题技巧做如下总结.  相似文献   

阿伏加德罗常数是摩尔的基准,它的本质是指12g^12C所含有的碳原子数,通常用NA表示。通过阿伏加德罗常数可以将物质的质量、气体的体积、物质的量等物理量与微粒数联系起来,在科研、生产中的使用非常广泛,因此阿伏加德罗常数及其应用一直是高考的热点,几乎是每年必考的传统试题,而且命题者往往有意设置干扰性因素,使考生疏忽而铸成大错。从历年试题的设陷方式来看,解答阿伏加德罗常数试题时,必须注意下列问题:  相似文献   

阿伏加德罗常数(NA)是历年高考的热点,经久不衰,此类题目多为选择题,且题量和题型保持稳定,主要考察学生的判断能力、计算能力及对概念的理解和应用能力.这类题型所涉及的内容非常丰富,综合性强.为了更好的搞好本专题复习,特归纳如下方面.一、阿伏加德罗常数与微观粒子数的有关问题1.阿伏加德罗常数与分子数、原子数例1(2012年新课标)用NA表示阿伏加德罗常数的值.下列叙述中不正确的是()  相似文献   

由一个数学问题引出了调和级数,并通过对调和级数的敛散性的研究,讲授了级数收敛的定义,子列收敛定理、正项级数收敛的判断准则、单调有界原理以及欧拉常数等高数知识,最后介绍了如何利用欧拉常数计算一些数列的极限值.  相似文献   

初中物理课本为了从物体的质量求重量,引入了常数“g”,并且给出了计算重量的公式G=mg。课本编者在《新编初中物理(第一册)的教学》(参见《物理教学》1982年第五期)一文中也一再指出:“在这里g只是换算常数,其数值是通过千克力和牛顿的关系给出的,单位是牛顿/千克。”这就是说g这个“换算常数”,主要是为了使学生能够以此由物体的质量求重量,它实质上是质量的千克数与地球上重量的牛顿数之间的换算关系,为此复合单位牛顿/千克中的千克指的是质量而不是力。但不少老师对此产生了误解,在实际教学中将“换算常数”说成了“单位换算常数”,这就有加以讨论的必要了。  相似文献   

根据惠更斯-菲涅耳原理,应用Matlab软件编程,模拟了光栅衍射条纹次极大强度的分布图形,通过改变缝数、光栅常数和缝宽等参数,观察到次极大衍射条纹的相应变化,得出了缝数越多,则次极大的相对强度越小,而光栅常数和缝宽则只能改变次极大的分布。计算机仿真方法扩展了光栅衍射问题的研究途径与方法,具有一定的应用价值,尤其对于教学具有直观作用。  相似文献   

阿伏加德罗常数是高考的热点,也是学生学习的重点.有关阿伏加德罗常数的试题,思维跨度大,每个小题可以考查一个或多个知识点,各个小题之间除了载体阿伏加德罗常数外,考查的其他知识之间可以没有任何联系,这种题作为选择题,.出题比较灵活,可以弥补高考知识点覆盖面的问题,使重要的知识点尽可能的都被考查,所以倍受命题者青睐.在高考试题中,其主要考查物质所含的粒子数目(质子数、中子数、电子数、离子数、电荷数);涉及多个知识点,如物质结构知识、弱电解质的电离平衡和盐类的水解、气体摩尔体积及氧化还原反应等.  相似文献   

用初等方法给出了经典Catalan数的一些非常有趣的恒等式,并得到了组合数的一组恒等式.  相似文献   

Spanish Catalonia knew a period of political and literary grandeur before being relegated to the role of a Spanish province and deprived of its linguistic identity.

Currently, in the post‐Franco period, the linguistic autonomy of the province is being restored. The Catalan language, which takes its place alongside Spanish in teacher training and at primary level, has a capacity to facilitate international communication.  相似文献   

There are practical difficulties in making intercultural education a substantial element of inclusion in both primary and compulsory secondary education in Europe. The Spanish education system and, in particular, the Catalan education system, have developed a series of strategies in response to the new multicultural complexity encountered in both the classroom and society as a whole. In this study, several inclusive attempts of the Catalan education system will be discussed. As a consequence of their analysis, educational models that are compatible with the framework of inclusive education will be presented as an effective means of promoting greater social integration and a peaceful coexistence in the school context.  相似文献   

This article examines the factors which contribute to the success of female academics engaging in research in social sciences. The data were obtained through a series of interviews carried out at public universities in Catalonia with women, all of whom were the heads of research groups recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government). These results reveal several aspects relevant for women academics, at both the individual and institutional levels, in terms of employment opportunities, management of research programmes, development of teaching strategies and individual time management. This should assist the development of institutional policies and practices within higher education to help women build successful research careers.  相似文献   

When and whay children change tense subsystem in a written text? 89 French and German pupils and 90 Catalan pupils aged 10, 12 and 14 produced each a fairy-tail, a short news item and a letter. The analysis of tense subsystem alternations in these texts reveals:
  1. that the factors explaining alternations are the same in the observed languages
  2. that in some cases, alternations are errors induced by the difficulty to master different enunciative levels in the text
  3. that most alternations create sense effects in relation to text structure, but since very often no other linguistic unit reinforces the effect created, it may lead to some ambiguity for the receiver.
Nonetheless, the results show that alternation of tense subsystem can be seen as an emerging textual competence.  相似文献   


Language is a crucial feature of national and personal identity. Where Nationality is contested or controlled a particular language may be promoted or prohibited and the language of instruction is often informed by a ‘national’ political agenda. In Spain Franco attempted the suppression of Catalan identity prohibiting the public use of Catalan, schooling was conducted in Castilian. After Franco, in 1975 the new constitution promoted autonomy and self government for Catalonia. The regional government developed an educational policy, teaching Catalan to all children and using Catalan as the vehicular language in schools. The present population of Catalonia is approximately six million, over four million speak Catalan as their first language but there is significant population whose first language is Castilian. The article moves from a discussion of identity and nationalism, to an account of the dynamics of language in Catalonia and the development of Catalan education policy and its implications for questions of identity, nationality, education and language.  相似文献   


It has been proposed that there is a relationship between grammatical aspect and event conceptualization. In addition, it has been proposed that grammaticized concepts that do not have obvious counterparts in the world, like aspect, would be more resistant to restructuring when acquiring a second language. Russian and Catalan both have grammatical aspect, though their habitual uses do not completely overlap. In two studies, we analysed the oral narrative production in Catalan of advanced L2 speakers of Catalan whose L1 is Russian and of native Catalan speakers. In study one, we analysed the aspectual framing of the narrative, while in study two, the participants described 48 short video clips depicting different types of translational movement. Although Russian L1 speakers have acquired the means to express aspectual nuances in Catalan, they consistently differed from Catalan native speakers.  相似文献   

Building a text is a multidimensional endeavor. Writers must work simultaneously on the content of the text, its discursive organization, the structure of the sentences, and the individual words themselves. Knowledge of vocabulary is central to this endeavor. This study intends (1) to trace the development of writer’s vocabulary depth, their vocabulary fluency in writing, and the features of the text they produce (productivity, lexical richness, and text structure) through elementary school and (2) to determine the contribution of the writer’s performance and the text features to the quality of the text. One hundred and eighty bilingual Spanish/Catalan speakers from first, third, and sixth grade took part in the study. They participated in three researcher-created tasks; a synonyms/antonyms task to orally assess vocabulary depth; a semantic orthographic fluency task to examine their vocabulary fluency in writing; and a text writing task to evaluate text quality. Data was analyzed using structural equation modeling in order to examine the relationship between the target writer’s performance and the text features of the written compositions, and the externally evaluated text quality. Results revealed that both writer’s performance on vocabulary depth and semantic orthographic fluency and text features improved with school level. However, the capacity to establish meaning relations between words contributed more directly to the quality of texts than the speed to find words with a specific phonographic correspondence. External evaluation of text quality was more variable for younger students than for older students and was affected by school level mediated by writer performance and text features.  相似文献   

The intent of the article is to provide an analysis of Catalan language use in the school classroom from a historical, political and socio-linguistic perspective. In so doing, this article seeks to explain Catalan's remarkable revival in Catalonia over the past twenty years, particularly in the area of education. Catalan language policy in the schools mirrors language policies pursued in other sectors of Catalan society, and is consistent with Catalan's increasing social and institutional use. The article steadily narrows the focus of its analysis, beginning first with a discussion at the national level, then at the regional level, and finally at the school level. Subsequent to this analysis, the article then sets out what it considers to be the principal challenges facing Catalan in the schools today and in the years ahead, and possible solutions to them.  相似文献   

文[3]定义了Mobius带上的Catalan三角剖分,并计数了这种三角剖分的数目.本文利用生成函数的方法得到了相应的结论.这种推导要比文[3]中的推导简单得多.  相似文献   

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