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瞿秋白是伟大的马克思主义者,卓越的无产阶级革命家、理论家、宣传家,中国共产党早期主要领导人之一。1923年1月,仅24岁的瞿秋白回到了祖国,不久即参加了党中央的领导工作,他努力“应用革命理论于革命实践”,对中国革命理论的提出作了开拓性、创造性、奠基性的贡献。而特别突出的是表现在他对关系到中国革命成败的根本问题——无产阶级领导权的问题上的独特贡献。是他最早也是最完整地论述了这个问  相似文献   

瞿秋白在中国现代化史上做出过重大贡献:一是积极宣传马列主义和十月革命;二是最早运用马列主义研究中国社会和中国革命;三是支持上海的“左联”运动,积极领导化反围剿斗争;四是介绍马克思主义艺理论,提出中国无产阶级艺革命基本思想;五是苏区化建设的重要领导和开拓。瞿秋白不仅是中国革命早期的重要领导人,更是杰出的学家、理论家、翻译家。  相似文献   

周恩来是伟大的无产阶级革命家,也是伟大的无产阶级军事家,是中国人民解放军的重要创建人和领导人之一。周恩来是党内最早认识武装斗争重要性的先驱,是军队革命政治工作的开拓者。周恩来的无产阶级军事思想在第二次国内革命战争的中期形成,在大革命前后的革命实践中,他在开展武装斗争、创建人民军队、实行人民战争、战略战术研究等方面进行了开创性的探索,对新中国的创立和国防事业的建设做出了不可磨灭的贡献。  相似文献   

瞿秋白同志是我党最早重视农民问题的领导人之一.他对农民运动,无论在理论上还是在实践方面,都作出了自己独特的贡献.在理论上,他认识到;农民问题是中国国民革命的中心问题,土地和政权问题是农民的主要问题,农民问题的彻底解决非无产阶级的领导不可.在实践方面,他勇敢而坚定地支持了农民运动.  相似文献   

瞿秋白是中国共产党早期的著名活动家和领导人之一,也是我党重要的理论家和宣传家。他在理论上对中国革命有许多重要的贡献。第一次国内革命战争时期,他对中国社会各阶级的正确分析,就是这种贡献之一。一九二四年一月,国共第一次合作的实现,有力地促进了工农运动的蓬勃开展,国民革命的形势日益高涨。但同时在统一战线内部资产阶级与无产阶级争夺革命领导权的斗争日益尖锐,这要求共产党人进一步解决谁是革命的敌人?谁是革命的朋友?革命的领导阶级是谁?革命的同盟军是谁?不解决这些问题,敌我友就会混淆,人民革命力量就不能发展,中国革命就无法前进。  相似文献   

瞿秋白是我党最早重视武装斗争的领导人之一,他的武装斗争思想的发展,基本上分为三个阶段。第一阶段是从一九二二年加入中国共产党,到一九二五年“五卅”运动前后。瞿秋白在参加和领导中国革命的实际斗争中,特别是通过“五卅”运动以后,开始认识了武装斗争在中国民主革命中的重要地位和作用,提出了“中国之解放必在于一  相似文献   

武装斗争是中国革命取得胜利的三大法宝之一。周恩来是中共最早懂得武装斗争和革命军队极端重要性的无产阶级革命家,是开拓中共军事工作的先驱,是中国人民军队的主要创建者和卓越领导人之一,在长期武装斗争实践中,周恩来积累了丰富的经验,开创了十个最。  相似文献   

瞿秋白是中国共产党早期主要领导人之一,是卓越的无产阶级革命家和理论家。他最早探索了中国政治民主化的进程要分两步走,阐述了中国民主政治的理论,为中国的民主政治建设的理论做出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

毛泽东同志是伟大的马克思主义者,是伟大的无产阶级革命家、思想家和战略家,同时又是伟大的诗人和文艺理论家.他和我党许多领导人一道,在领导中国人民革命的实践中,将马列主义普遍真理与中国革命具体实践结合起来,凝结成了光辉的毛泽东思想.毛泽东同志在亲身参加并指导革命文艺实践中凝结成的毛泽东文艺思想是毛泽东思想的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

中国共产党的创始人之一,伟大的无产阶级革命家董必武同志,是我国政法工作方面一位最早的卓越领导人。早在一九一四年,他二十九岁时,就东渡日本,一面参加孙中山先生领导的同盟会,从事革命活动,一面学习和研究法律。在我国民主革命时期,他在革命根据地一直主持政法工作,曾担任最高人民法院院长和工农监察委员会主席。中华人民共和国成  相似文献   

建立之初的美国出现了两类银行,即由州议会特许成立的商业银行和由美国国会法案批准成立的美利坚银行。随着1793年以后商业的日益繁荣,一大批银行经各州特许纷纷  相似文献   

近代光学知识在中国的早期传播中,传入最完整的光学知识是折射定律。明未清初,由耶稣会士先传入关于折射现象的描述;鸦片战争以后,中外学者合作译著《光论》、《光学》两书,折射定律得以准确的传入。  相似文献   


FAST-Track is a support programme for pupils with social and emotional behaviour difficulties. It is designed to integrate the school curriculum, social skills training, reading development, parenting skills and home-school liaison. A 3 year longitudinal study is reported in which schools implementing the full FAST-Track programme were compared with those implementing only the curriculum component. Changes in behaviour were monitored using an amended version of the Rutter Behaviour Rating Scale. Results did not show any clear difference between the two groups of schools but did show substantial differences between individual schools, highlighting the difficulty of demonstrating the effectiveness of intervention programmes given the multiplicity of other factors which determine behaviour change. The implications of these findings for the methodology and practice of intervention programmes in this area are explored.  相似文献   

The goal of the Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed At Risk (CRESPAR) Early Learning program is to ensure that young children reach the 1st grade with the necessary skills and competencies to be effective learners. This goal has been accomplished by 2 integrated areas of research. One area of research focuses on the development of effective practices that promote the development of language and literacy skills in young children. A 2nd area of research examines the systemic issues regarding school policies and teachers' beliefs and expectations that affect classroom practices. Over the past 5 years, the CRESPAR Early Learning Program has been conducting research in these areas, which has added to our understanding of how children learn and what teachers think that they can learn.  相似文献   

Practitioners in early childhood settings meet diverse families and children on a regular basis. Their relationships with these families vary in strength and quality. This article reports a research study using the theoretical concept of goodness-of-fit to examine teacher–child and teacher–parent relationships and their impact on child outcomes within a Head Start population. The child's goodness-of-fit with his or her teacher on temperament characteristics was positively correlated with child cognitive and social outcomes. Also, teachers' and parents' goodness-of-fit on parenting and child characteristics was positively correlated with child social competence. The results and theoretical background are discussed within the context of early childhood education settings.  相似文献   

公鸡来报晓,催人起得早。谁要睡懒觉,脑子不开窍。早睡又早起,有个好身体。早起又早睡,  相似文献   

This paper reports on a case study of two teachers teaching reading in the child's first year of school. The researcher analysed the largely spontaneous, literacy related responses made by teachers to children and the comments these teachers made about their thoughts and actions in interviews after the teaching sessions. Very little direct teaching was observed and teachers seemed to be reacting more often than working in a proactive way. This has been termed ‘crisis management’ by some, but it is argued here that this ‘reaction’ was, in reality, purposeful interaction.

These teachers worked at building bridges between children's experience and their literacy learning. Analysis of the interactions suggested ways in which teachers may adopt procedures that go some way towards compensating for the differences between home and school learning. The writer argues that demands for an organisational structure that reduces individualisation could be counter‐productive for the youngest children in school.  相似文献   

This article is directed to two issues: the extent to which children in early intervention programs are experiencing repetition in their curriculum from one year to the next (as manifested by reiteration of Individual Educational Program [IEP] objectives), and whether repetition results, at least in part, from establishing initial objectives that are too difficult for the children. The authors reviewed objectives from two sequential IEPs on 36 children from 15 programs in 10 states across the country, Although the data were too "messy" for a complete classification of objectives, careful inspection revealed a great deal of repetition and near-repetition in consecutive IEPs that were separated, on the average, by approximately one year. By matching objectives, where possible, to the expected age of mastery as indicated on a standardized instrument, and to the child's functional age, the authors found a clear tendency for children's objectives to be beyond their developmental level. It is concluded that although slow children will of course learn slowly, the data of this study, confirmed by research in child development, suggest that some of the reiteration in early intervention may be the result of excessive demands rather than the "need for repetition" intrinsic to those with mental retardation.  相似文献   

This paper gives background information on early childhood services in Ireland and presents the results of a survey of the preschool experiences of 1065 children. The results of the survey suggest that the majority of children experienced some form of early childhood service before starting school. The most common service was a playgroup although a significant proportion of the children had experienced home‐based care with a relative or family day care provider. The implications of the findings for the development of a policy on early childhood services are discussed.  相似文献   

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