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华新 《当代传播》2006,(5):105-106
本文阐述了媒体图书馆对新闻采编工作的重要性,并对如何更新媒体图书馆的理念、摆正其位置,以更好地发挥图书资料对新闻采编的支持作用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

网络环境下计算机、网络信息技术在图书馆的广泛应用,给图书馆采编工作带来了前所未有的冲击和新的挑战。如何适应新环境下的采编工作、正确定位新形势下图书馆采编人员的角色,对于网络环境下图书馆采编工作的开展和创新有着极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

新形势下高校图书馆采编工作的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着高校图书馆采编业务外包工作的开展,图书馆的工作重心有了转移。采编业务外包有利有弊,研究如何利用业务外包的优势,规避业务外包可能引起的弊端,灵活充分地运用业务外包的手段,达到图书馆馆藏建设的最大效益化,是新形势下高校图书馆采编工作的新思路。  相似文献   

《新闻采编人员不良从业行为记录登记办法》已于5月17日起正式颁布实施。据了解,从事新闻采编活动的人员自不良从业行为记录登记之日起,将根据情节严重程度,被严格限制从事新闻采编工作的期限,最严重者将终身不得从事新闻采编工作。  相似文献   

《新闻采编人员不良从业行为记录登记办法》已于5月17日起正式颁布实施。据了解,从事新闻采编活动的人员自不良从业行为记录登记之日起,将根据情节严重程度,被严格限制从事新闻采编工作的期限,最严重者终身不得从事新闻采编工作。  相似文献   

新形势下高校图书馆采编工作的变化及对策   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
网络时代的到来和采编业务外包模式的兴起,使高校图书馆采编业务发生了较大地变化。随着采编对象、采购方式、采访质量和编目技术的变化,采编工作成本得到降低、图书馆人力资源得到解放。然而,也使图书分编质量与馆藏质量难以保证,并助长了图书馆采编人员的依赖性。由于这些变化,迫使高校图书馆必须对采编工作采取新的对策,提高采编业务人员的素质、做好风险控制与做好采编工作的转型。  相似文献   

郑幸子 《兰台内外》2020,(10):43-44
由于科技的发展,图书馆采编工作的成本也随着采购办法、编目技术改革以及采编对象的变化而逐步降低。但是采编业务外包的模式下,也降低了图书的馆藏质量和分编质量,同时图书馆的采编人员还容易对其产生依赖,导致不良的后果。高校应该根据时代的发展,对新的采编工作的形式变化采取相对应的对策,提高采编人员的工作门槛,做好风险预算与控制的工作。  相似文献   

采编工作是图书馆的基础业务工作,做好图书馆采编工作对整个图书馆有着极其重要的意义。透过近年来高校图书馆采编工作的现状,分析采编工作效率低下的原因,提出做好高校图书馆采编工作的建议。  相似文献   

在图书馆业务外包背景下,图书馆采编人员面临职业认同偏低、对自身价值产生怀疑等现实问题.文章阐述了提升采编人员自身素养、实现自我价值的途径,并对如何在新的工作背景下开展采编工作进行了讨论.  相似文献   

本文结合目前图书馆采编工作现状,详细地探讨了馆配公司的工作流程及其对图书馆采编工作的影响,提出注重馆配公司人员编目业务培训、图书馆采访馆员主动收集数据、解决审校数据与收集书目信息矛盾的方法、馆配公司对图书馆采访工作应提供的多元化服务以及利用新技术加强图书信息共享,以期提升馆配服务于图书馆采编工作的绩效.  相似文献   

李武  刘宇 《出版科学》2012,20(3):17-24
基于期刊共被引数据,本研究利用分层聚类和多维尺度分析方法考察新闻传播学期刊的集群分布及彼此之间的亲疏关系。数据分析表明:(1)新闻传播学期刊首先区分为新闻传播类期刊和编辑出版类期刊两大分支。(2)在新闻传播类期刊中,《电视研究》和《中国广播电视学刊》两者关系密切,但与其他期刊关系疏远。其他期刊按其亲疏关系又大致区分为两类:以学术研究为主导的研究型期刊和以实践总结为主导的行业性期刊。(3)在编辑出版类期刊中,《读书》和《中国图书评论》两者关系密切,但与其他期刊关系疏远。其他期刊按其亲疏关系又大致区分为三类:科技编辑出版类期刊、以出版为重点的出版类期刊和以编辑为重点的编辑类期刊。  相似文献   

“陷阱新闻”与“隐性采访”、“传媒假事件”既有联系又有不同,它可以被看作是两者的交集。作为在实践中已变得越来越普遍的新闻现象,“陷阱新闻”有必要成为一个独立的概念。“陷阱新闻”导演事件、欺骗式采访和以审判者自居的特征,都是对新闻伦理规范的违背。  相似文献   

本文分析了由图书馆馆员进行视频编辑工作的优势和劣势,对视频编辑工作所需软硬件的选择提出了自己的看法,证明了图书馆具备了开展视频编辑工作的能力和条件,并列出了几种类型的视频编辑项目,并建议推广已有的经验。  相似文献   


Interviewing has, of course, become a common place occurrence. Most adults are familiar with the nature of the transaction, but perhaps not with the complexity of what is actually happening. Modern interviewing as we have come to understand it is basically a post-World War II phenomenon. One of the major changes is the development of interviewing ordinary people (as compared with the more typical past practice of interviewing elites or at least only the significant players). In Learning from Strangers: The Art and Method of Qualitative Interview Studies, Weiss observes that interviews permit listeners “to learn about places, environments, organizations, fashions, careers, and cultures with which they would otherwise have no contact or exposure. But perhaps more telling is that interviews also reveal “interior experiences” including perceptions, and how they are interpreted. The human condition covering events, families, work, and all the emotions from joy to grief become open for all to witness” (Weiss, p. 1).

David Silverman refers to the “interview society” (p. 248) in his 1997 Qualitative Research: Theory, Method and Practice (London: Sage), and that was a decade ago. Today we find ourselves being exposed more and more to a panoply of interviewing experiences. This essay review is designed to present the most recent books with both sides of the equation presented. Guidance on how to be a successful interviewer, and also how to be a wise and sensible interviewee can be found in the following pages. The neutrality of the interviewer is assumed, but should not always be taken for granted as various astute observers note.

The subject domain of interviewing in mass media contains a range of topics considered below. The essay begins with general resources. Fielding's edited work, titled Interviewing, is the most unusual, as this four-volume book set contains “classic” journal article reprints. While there are no articles specifically on mass media, the individual contributions all pertain to the general topic and cover issues and findings that are relevant to the conduct of interviewing in mass media.

As one element of the mass media, entries dealing with interviewing in journalism, follow. Of particular note in this category are Brady's The Interviewer's Handbook and the treatment of the online journalism environment as found in Craig's 2005 chapter. As the title suggests, Brady's work presents a “how to” approach. Craig's contribution brings interviewing into the electronic/computer era and addresses the special challenges and benefits associated with it.

The interviewing in mass media section includes a review of Elsberg's Media Interview Owner's Manual, Barber's The Craft of the Media Interview, and Jones' Winning with the News Media. These, and other entries in this section, provide the core of the recent literature by highly experienced interviewers, and would be useful to anyone contemplating an interviewing career or interesting reading for the person attempting to understand the techniques used by the professionals.

In the era of television and the Internet, radio interviewing still has a place, and Beaman's Interviewing for Radio more than adequately addresses the special consideration of the medium. Television interviewing is covered in Merlis' How to Make the Most of Every Media Appearance. The broader category of video interviewing is treated in The Video Performer, a manual written by Dreibelbis. Bull analyzes the highly specialized world of political communication via television appearances in his work titled The Microanalysis of Political Communication.

The special kind of interviewing found in the public relations environment closes this essay. These works are guides or “how-to” presentations. All are useful, but the Palmer volume may prove to be the most valuable in terms of what to avoid and how to use the media for your own purposes.  相似文献   

信息时代采编部门服务观念转变探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周雪虹 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(5):201-202
从改变服务意识淡薄的观念,转变采访系统信息服务模式,更新信息服务内容,分析反馈信息等四个方面探讨采编部门在信息时代如何转变观念,更好地为读者服务。  相似文献   

外来务工人员是现代城市建设和运行的主要力量,但因种种原因,他们的文化权益得不到保障。东阳市图书馆在为外来务工人员服务方面做出了一定的尝试与实践,如免费办理借阅证、与外来务工子弟结读书对子、主动送书上门、关注"横漂一族"等,在未来工作中也设想开展移动阅读、就业信息咨询、职能培训等服务。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(6):855-870
Self-determination theory says intrinsic and extrinsic motivations influence our goal-oriented behavior and determine satisfaction. For TV news workers, those motivations include deadlines, breaking news, multiple-screen obligations, competition, and the desire to produce quality journalism each day. In this study of nearly 900 broadcasters, those with work autonomy and organizational support have a great deal of job satisfaction and say they are producing a high quality of journalism. Of the sample, 19 percent (N = 155) who said they intend to leave TV news within five years had significantly lower levels of job satisfaction, organizational support, autonomy, and perceptions of work quality. The primary reasons for leaving the industry include salary, family issues, and concerns about the quality journalism they are producing.  相似文献   

图书馆核心价值及其实现   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:28  
"图书馆核心价值"是一个颇具现实意义的研究课题.研究"图书馆核心价值"必须首先树立明确的图书馆价值观,必须认识到图书馆的核心价值在于实现公共知识服务效益.服务是图书馆存在的理由,是图书馆的生命力所在,是社会对图书馆认同的基础,图书馆的效益和价值必须首先体现在服务绩效上.实现图书馆核心价值是一项系统工程,必须深化改革,提升理念,优化资源,加强协作,搞活服务,和谐阅读,培育人才,完善管理.  相似文献   

高校图书馆良好的形象需要通过各种宣传活动在读者心目中树立起来。图书馆的宣传内容主要包含两方面:一是资源的宣传与推广;二是新闻学意义上的宣传。文章所指的宣传工作即是新闻学意义上的宣传。该文以图书馆网站上的新闻报道内容为研究对象,追踪南京地区6所高校图书馆网站上的新闻动态栏目,分析高校图书馆的对外宣传工作,并给出合理化建议。  相似文献   

本文阐述了高校图书馆面对本科教学质量评估形势,作者从文献采访工作的实际出发,进行了思考。  相似文献   

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