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远程教育成本分析的方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
成本分析在我国远程教育领域中还是一个新的研究主题。本文从远程教育研究方法的角度出发,首先介绍远程教育中常用的成本分类.包括资本成本和经济成本;固定成本和可变资本;以及远程教育中广泛使用的资源共享成本。文章然后描述资本成本的使用年限、以及资本成本的年成本分析方法。作者进而探讨总成本和学生的人均成本的分析方法。包括单因素成本分析和远程教育课程成本分析,文章的最后一部分是考察远程教育的成本函数,包括远程教育中学生人数的变化对生均成本的影响、以及远程教育和面授教育方案的成本比较。作者指出,由于远程教育成本分析的复杂性,本文只能提供研究远程教育成本在方法论方面的指导。  相似文献   

网络远程教育成本研究现状与思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文针对目前我国网络远程教育经济学微观理论研究的匮乏 ,从成本分析范围、成本分析框架、成本效益计量方法以及影响成本效益的因素等方面对目前国外比较成熟的网络教育成本分析研究成果进行了综述和整理 ,并对目前的研究进行了反思 ,指出目前在研究范围、研究方法和研究的信度、效度等方面存在的主要问题和缺陷。此外 ,还提出了对我国网络远程教育成本研究的展望以及初步研究构想。  相似文献   

本文基于教育经济学的成本理论,结合远程教育形式的特点,创建了医学远程教育成本的分析模型.根据该模型,实证分析了北京大学医学网络教育学院近年来的教育成本构成及变化趋势.研究结果表明,医学远程教育有着显著的规模经济效应和正外部性效应,随着招生规模的扩大,其成本效益优势日益明显.  相似文献   

一直以来,远程教育被认为是具有较优的成本-效益,并为广大的发展中国家用于扩大其国民接受教育机会的手段。但是,随着信息技术的发展以及教育需求的变化,在线学习等学习形式的涌现,远程教育的这种优势是否发生了变化, 它还具备原来所拥有的成本-效益优势吗?带着这些问题,本刊记者特别专访了德国籍国际远程教育领域知名学者托马斯·赫尔斯曼博士。托马斯·赫尔斯曼(Thomas Hulsmann)主要从事远程教育经济学研究,重点是开放与远程学习的成本-效益研究。早期,赫尔斯曼作为德国技术联合会的工作人员,在非洲的一些国家从事数学教学工作长达十多年,并于1994年在马达加斯加开发数学教材时转入远程教育领域。目前,他就职于德国奥登堡大学远程教育中心。赫尔斯曼多年来综合前人的研究成果,开创了自成体系的远程教育的成本-效益研究和实证研究方法,对欧洲多个国家的远程教育机构做了实证分析,取得了目前为止对远程教育成本-效益分析最出色的实证分析成果。  相似文献   

娄底电大远程教育成本构成及变化趋势的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据电大远程教育成本的分析模型,实证分析了娄底电大近年来的教育成本构成及变化趋势。研究结果表明,电大远程教育降低教育成本、简化教学环节已经刻不容缓。  相似文献   

数据统计分析是定量研究的一个重要环节,定量研究收集的数据只有通过适当的统计分析技术才能用于描述对象或解释现象。数据统计分析在远程教育研究中占有十分重要的地位,由于不少远程教育实践者和研究者对数据定量分析技术缺乏足够了解,往往难以对研究资料进行深度挖掘,严重制约着远程教育研究的开展和研究水平的提高,因此,从某种意义上说,数据分析技术是现阶段制约我国远程教育研究水平提升的瓶颈。本文以量化数据统计分析的步骤为线索,结合远程教育研究中可能遇到的问题,试图以较清晰的线条,呈现数据统计分析和SPSS 运用的基本要领。  相似文献   

本研究以"网络远程教育"在线课程的讨论区为研究对象,分析了在线异步交流过程中线索的结构以及线索所具有的内容相关性、猝发性、延续性、跳跃性和多任务性等特征.基于线索的在线异步交流分析框架能够揭示学生交互过程的特点,帮助在线教师更好地发挥作用.  相似文献   

网络教育经济分析研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着信息技术的不断发展 ,网络教育在常规教育和远程教育中的应用越来越多 ,并逐渐成为远程教育的主要教育手段。作为一个时代特征的网络教育 ,其经济价值如何 ?如何对这种教育手段进行经济分析 ?该文在对现有文献分析的基础上在网络教育经济分析的理论依据、分析方法、实证研究以及运营模式方面进行了综述 ,从中得出了一些结论 ,以便为同行提供一些参考。  相似文献   

远程教育成本核算研究对现代远程教育经济分析、政府高等教育政策制定以及远程教育机构发展决策都具有重要意义。当前远程教育成本项目分类较多,但存在成本数据不易获取、成本对象不清晰等不足。对远程教育机构而言,教育成本核算可按照教育支出的经济分类及资产使用情况设置成本项目,即工资福利支出、商品和服务支出、对个人和家庭的补助以及资产折耗。  相似文献   

远程教育微观经济学研究远程教育事业或产业的经济现象和经济活动规律。主要包括对远程教育系统和远程教育过程的经济学研究两部分。教育系统的经济学研究主要关注远程教育系统、院校、项目的投资效率和成本分析;而远程教育过程的经济学研究则主要关注远程教育课程开发与发送、多种媒体教学以有各类学习支助服务中的投入产出、成本核算 和成本分析。同时将它们传统面授教育投资进行比较,从而为远程教育系统的设计、规划和管理,以及为基于信息技术和媒体的远程教育课程开发和远程教与学的设计提供可靠的经济学依据。  相似文献   

A professional academic identity is important because it supports a sense of belonging and contributes to the scholarly advancement of a discipline. However, a professional academic identity for those involved in teaching research methodology is particularly complex and diverse. This research surveyed 144 academics from 139 universities in 9 countries, who are involved in teaching research methodology, and examined the extent to which participants construct their professional academic identity around research methodology. The study also sought to examine whether participants view research methodology as a distinct discipline. Findings show that academics teaching research methods inhabit multiple identities. Some identified as expert researchers, while others associated with particular research methods, along with a clear epistemic attachment, within a particular area of scholarly inquiry. Furthermore, few participants described themselves as research methodologists, and stressed the significance of teaching research methodology as a distinct discipline. Findings also revealed that the majority of the institutions involved in the study approach research methodology as ‘a service course’ and predominantly taught by volunteer academics. This study contributes to our understanding of how research methodology courses are organized, and the broader implications of the different approaches to the scholarly advancement of research methodology as a distinct subject.  相似文献   


The last twenty years have seen an increased emphasis around the world on the quality and quantity of research in response to national research assessments, international league tables, and changes in government funding. The prevailing attitude in higher education embeds research as the ‘gold standard’ in the context of academic activity. However, a key feature of this trend is significant gender differences in research activity. We argue that research productivity is related to identification as a researcher, and that identifying as ‘research-active’ or not would appear to depend upon how an individual academic subjectively defines ‘research’. This article brings together two hitherto separate bodies of work (1) the impact of gender on academic research careers, and (2) academic conceptions of research. Through a combination of interviews, focus groups and questionnaires, we investigate the extent to which interpretations of ‘research’ and ‘research activity’ differ by gender within an institution in the UK and the potential impact of these interpretations. Although the research found that there are many similarities in the interpretations of ‘research activity’ between genders, we found one important difference between male and female participants’ conceptions of research and its relationship to teaching. Significantly, our findings suggest that there is a need to expand our existing conceptualisations of ‘research’ to include ‘research as scholarship’ in order to address the obstacles that current understandings of ‘research’ have placed on some academics. Self-definition as a researcher underlies research activity. A narrow conception of ‘research’ may prevent individuals from identifying as ‘research-active’ and therefore engaging with research.  相似文献   

Funding of academic research in Nigerian universities by Government (5 per cent recurrent grants) is a policy dictated by the National Universities Commission (NUC) as the central body for allocating research funds. This research fund, little as it is, is irregular and inadequate and to make it worse is difficult to access. These aforementioned factors have contributed to the decline in research activity as a means of attaining sustainable development in Nigeria. Thus, this article proposes a dual support system of funding academic research as follows: a devolution of the power of the NUC as the central body for administering research funds and the encouragement of another separate body such as the Education Tax Fund (ETF) to promote a healthy competitive research process and collaborative research among university research groups and individuals. These separate bodies (NUC and ETF) should be similar to the dual support system of operation, policies and procedures in the UK, where there is the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and the Research Councils. These bodies collaborate to build and maintain a sustainable research base in the UK. The dual support system as it is operated in the UK is very efficient in backing research in universities, because the research is supported at a marginal cost and provides a research council component of provision irrespective of geographical location.  相似文献   

本研究对中小学教师参与校本教育科研的现状进行了调查和因素分析,并提出了若干建设性意见。研究结果显示:有相当数量的学校领导对校本教育科研不够重视,没有建立校本教育科研管理制度;教师对校本教育科研的认识参差不一,许多教师存有错误认识或认识模糊;影响教师参与校本教育科研的主要因素依次是:没有时间精力、缺乏研究经费、缺乏研究资料、缺乏研究方法知识以及思想不重视;教师参与课题研究撰写论文及发表论文在性别、学历、任教学科和学校类型等方面无显著性差异,而在年龄、教龄和职称等方面有显著性差异;教师从事教育科研与学校领导态度、学校教育科研制度以及教师的教育科研知识技能有显著性相关,而与教师对待教育科研的态度无关,我国的校本教育科研目前是一种"制度推动型校本科研"。  相似文献   

Action research with principals: gain,strain and dilemmas   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The scientific status of action research is characterised by confusion and disagreement. This article discriminates between action research identified with professional work in schools and action research as a research strategy. Action research as professional work, does not have the same claim on documentation and publication, and can better be described as critical inquiries or action learning to separate this from a research strategy. This article discusses strengths and weaknesses of action research as a research strategy, and its potential of generating theory about educational leadership. First, the article focuses on how practitioners in collaboration with external researchers played a generative role in developing an analytical framework which gave a better understanding of educational leadership within a specific context. A dilemma language for educational leadership was constructed in order to capture important aspects of principals' work, and the analysis of experienced dilemmas highlighted a perspective of leadership as relational and dialectic. Secondly, the article gives an analysis of the researcher's dilemmas which emerged as significant through action research methodology. The dilemmas were related to goals of action research, to the role as an external facilitator and to publications of findings. It was impossible to escape from situations where different interests emerged and there always seemed to be a trade-off. The article underlines that an analysis of the role of self in social inquiry serves as a critical context in order to understand the research findings.  相似文献   

Research capacity building has become a prominent theme in higher education institutions in China, as across the world. However, Chinese TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) academics’ research capacity has been quite limited. In order to build their research capacity, it is necessary to understand their perceptions about research. This case study focuses on TEFL academics in a Chinese research university with the purpose of describing their motivation to conduct research, the value they accorded to research and their views about the institutional research requirements. Six TEFL academics from the sample university were interviewed. The findings indicate that the Chinese TEFL academics’ research endeavour was driven by external and internal needs. Research was recognised as having a multi‐dimensional value, but various concerns were expressed about the institutional research requirements. The findings suggest several implications for institutional and departmental research administrators to further support TEFL academics’ research capacity building.  相似文献   

For a variety of reasons, education research can be difficult to summarize. Varying contexts, designs, levels of quality, measurement challenges, definition of underlying constructs, and treatments as well as the complexity of research subjects themselves can result in variability. Education research is voluminous and draws on multiple methods including quantitative, as well as, qualitative approaches to answer key research questions. With increased numbers of empirical research in Instructional Design and Technology (IDT), using various synthesis methods can provide a means to more deeply understand trends and patterns in research findings across multiple studies. The purpose of this article is to illustrate structured review or meta-synthesis procedures for qualitative research, as well as, novel meta-analysis procedures for the kinds of multiple treatment designs common to IDT settings. Sample analyses are used to discuss key methodological ideas as a way to introduce researchers to these techniques.  相似文献   

As teacher educators, we want our research to be influential in contributing to educational policy and practice, but there remains little understanding about ways in which teacher educators might more productively engage with each other and policy-makers so as to maximise their research impact. Drawing on an empirical study and policy document analysis, this paper seeks to foster a generative ‘researcher-policy-maker dialogue’ by understanding more about policy-makers’ perspectives of what shapes their decision-making and the current role of research evidence in those decisions. Using a research utilisation theoretical framework and discourse analysis, data revealed various factors that served as barriers or enablers to using research in making education policy decisions. Results indicated that policy-makers largely position research as key to solving their policy problems. As such they sought better communication strategies to utilise research findings in a timely, free and publicly accessible, user-friendly manner. Overall, they called for a greater dialogue and engagement at all stages of the policy process and criticised what they perceived as a ‘fly in-fly out’ research approach. Recommendations suggest new collaborative approaches and genres are needed for the teacher education research community to have a greater impact in influencing policy.  相似文献   

在邓小平理论研究方法中,普遍存在着重视规范研究而实证研究不足的问题。但由于邓小平理论所具有的实践特性,使实证研究方法的应用更符合目前深入研究的需要。文章对实证研究方法以及人们对它的认识误区做简要说明,强调在规范研究的同时,应加强邓小平理论的实证研究。为使实证研究在邓小平理论研究中更具操作性,提出研究者应进行合作研究,达到提高理论研究水平、指导社会实践之目的。  相似文献   

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