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研究目的 :心理健康监测系统有待配套健全 ,虽然我国目前心理健康监测工具较多 ,但都有各自的侧重 ,对大范围普查有一定的局限性。需要编制一种概括性高、简便、易于推广的综合性工具。研究方法 :对全国 10个城市的 334 2名成年人的SCL— 90、EPQ、社会支持量表进行测试 ,并对测试样本进行了统计学聚类、主成分因子及其他相关因素分析处理。研究结果 :优化筛选出SCL— 90量表 45个条目、EPQ量表 42个条目。  相似文献   

大学生抑郁情绪与体育锻炼干预实验   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
李娜 《体育学刊》2001,8(4):32-33
采用EPQ量表、流调用抑郁自评量表(CES-D)筛选陕西师范大学1-2年级的学生抑郁倾向高分者为研究对象,以体育兴趣小组为活动方式进行实验研究,发现大学生抑郁状况与个性特征存在着显著相关,改善抑郁倾向的效度与体育锻炼关系显著.有计划、有目的安排体育锻炼和娱乐性群体运动兴趣小组,更有利于改善抑郁状况和情绪稳定性个性特征.  相似文献   

运用体育运动处方和团体心理辅导相结合的综合模式对焦虑大学生进行干预治疗,构建有效治疗焦虑大学生的干预模式.采用状态—特质焦虑量表和焦虑自评量表进行综合心理状态测评,筛选研究对象,实施自由恢复、体育运动处方恢复、团体心理辅导恢复、体育运动处方加团体心理辅导恢复4种干预措施治疗8周.治疗结束后再次采用上述量表对研究对象进行综合心理状态测评.研究结果表明:与自由恢复组相比,其余3组焦虑倾向均有所改善.在干预治疗前后,测定研究对象血清5-羟色胺(5-HT)和脑源性神经营养因子(BNDF)以及血浆中皮质醇(COR)含量,干预治疗后,除自由恢复组外各组研究对象的5-HT、BNDF和COR含量有显著性提高(P<0.05或P<0.01).研究结果表明:采用积极的干预措施可缓解焦虑大学生的焦虑状态.  相似文献   

通过查阅资料总结前人的研究方法和经验,提出关于运动员意志品质结构的8个维度:目的性、独立性、果断性、勇敢性、坚韧性、自制性、自觉性、自信心。此次研究的主要任务是编制适用于测量所有运动员意志品质的量表,对初编114个条目经过测验分析,筛选出56个项目。研究结果:(1)分量表和总量表的重测信度达到显著性水平;分量表和总量表的内部一致性比较理想,DLX、YGX量表有点偏低。(2)各分量表之间的独立性比相关性高;分量表与总量表之间的相关性较高;同时效度良好。(3)采用验证性因素分析抽取8个因子能够独立的解释量表的8个维度。  相似文献   

我国部分优秀赛艇运动员动机水平与运动成绩关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在当今竞争日益激烈的运动竞赛中 ,运动员要想取得优异的运动成绩取决于多种因素。1  研究对象与方法1.1 研究对象辽宁省赛艇运动队 2 4名、广东省赛艇运动队运动员 18名 ,共 4 2名 ,平均年龄 2 2 .5岁。其中运动健将 (包括国际与国家级运动健将 ) 2 0名 ,一级以下 (包括一级与二级 )运动员 2 2名 ,平均训练年限 4 - 6年。1.2 研究方法心理测量法。采用由叶平博士等编制的《中国标准化竞技动机量表》(GMP -C问卷 )为测试工具 ,主要从 5个方面测量运动员的竞技动机。该量表是信、效度较高的测量工具。2   研究结果2 .1 我国赛艇运动…  相似文献   

G804.8 20012394运动员心理应激量表的编制与.初步分析=Development and preliminary analysis forpsychological stressful scale 0f athlete[刊.中,I]/潭先明,陈小敏∥广州体育学院学报.-2000.-20(4).-73-77 表4 参4(SML)运动员∥心理∥应激∥量表∥编制根据心理问卷的编制原则,笔者在调查研究的基础上编制了运动员心理应激问卷,并进行了相关的分析。研究结果表明,该问卷45个条目可以分属于不同的因子维度之中,效度及信度都比较理想,可以用来评价运动员的心理应激水平。  相似文献   

G818.1 9900192测定校园休闲计划量表的发展研究[刊,中,I]/杰姆维斯//体育科技信息.-1997.-17(4).-20-25(YYW)休闲//大学//设施//计划//测量  相似文献   

大学生体育课倦怠量表的编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究大学生体育课倦怠现象,通过访谈收集了大量的题项,对收集的题项征询专家意见,集中讨论进行筛选和评定,经过被试、再测等过程,在统计分析的基础上编制了大学生体育课倦怠量表.该量表包括缺乏成就感、情绪低落和行为不当等3个因子,22个题项,具有较高的信度和效度,是测查大学生体育课倦怠现象的有效工具.  相似文献   

对2008-2011年初国内外运动心理测量的研究进行系统的梳理和文献学分析.结果表明:(1)心理测量的方法并不过时,仍是运动心理学研究的主要方法之一;(2)国外学者运用心理测量法研究的比例高于我国学者;(3)新编或新修量表仍以竞技运动心理为主,锻炼心理次之,体育心理较少,我国学者相对更重视体育心理测量工具的研发;(4)国外学者相对更为重视竞技心理的研究,而我国学者更为重视锻炼心理领域的研究;(5)中外心理测量研究的水平相当,量表研究的质量参差不齐.为迸一步提高我国量表研修的质量,提出以下建议:(1)尽力提供更多的信效度参数,努力提升数据的质量;(2)量表研究的理论基础应该加强;(3)充分发挥因子分析的作用,统计参数的表达应更加规范;(4)更多地以积极心理学为导向对心理健康进行测量.  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生参与身体锻炼的动机并为之提供有效的评价工具。方法:根据心理测量的编制原则,在调查研究的基础上,结合国外现有的有关量表编制了大学生锻炼动机量表。结果:通过项目分析和因素分析,在37个测试题目中确定了18个条目(因子负荷>0.4)作为正式量表的题目,以特征值大于1为标准,抽取了4个因子,分别为体能与健康、乐趣和宣泄、外表和形体,以及社交和休闲,通过验证性因素分析(Lisrel8.52),得出量表的Cronbachα在0.79~0.84之间,累积解释变异量为52.33%,4个分量表代表4个不同的潜在变量,模型的拟合度良好,显示了量表具有良好的信度和效度。结论:量表比较符合设计构想,可以用来对大学生参与锻炼的动机进行客观评价。  相似文献   

We examined variations in dart-throwing performance during the daytime in 12 participants. Two distances from the dartboard were investigated - the normal distance (short throws) and another 50% further away than this (long throws). Intra-aural temperature and subjective fatigue were measured, and errors in performance were assessed as the radial distances of throws from the bulls-eye and the standard deviation of these distances. Long-distance throws improved significantly throughout the daytime and correlated positively with intra-aural temperature (r= -0.49, P=0.002 and r= -0.49, P=0.002 for errors and standard deviation of errors, respectively), but not with subjective fatigue (r= -0.10, P=0.56 and r= -0.05, P=0.74 for errors and standard deviation of errors, respectively). Short-distance throws were associated less with intra-aural temperature (r= -0.46, P= 0.005 and r= -0.17, P=0.31 for errors and standard deviation of errors, respectively), and worsened with fatigue (r=+0.34, P= 0.040 for errors). Compared with the short-distance throws, the long-distance throws were performed significantly less well than could be accounted for by the increased distance (mean errors were increased 1.67-2.78 times and standard deviation of errors of errors 1.58-3.68 times), supporting the concept of a trade-off between force of contraction and accuracy of performance. Throwing darts can be used as a model for investigating factors that influence motor performance, and our results indicate that the effects of time of day upon performance depend upon the relative importance of force and accuracy.  相似文献   

以2008至2012赛季中国足球超级职业联赛作为研究对象,从市场经济学的角度出发采用职业体育竞争平衡相关指数的研究方法,对各个赛季的赢球率标准差、赢球率标准差比率、集中度以及赫芬达尔指数进行竞争平衡状态的分散度以及集中度分析。研究结果表明五个赛季中2008赛季中超联赛的竞争平衡状态最差,其次为2011赛季、2010赛季、2012赛季以及2009赛季。中国足球超级联赛竞争平衡特征呈现反复波动性,缺乏稳定性与提高趋向性。我国职业足球联赛的竞争平衡没有随着职业体育的发展有明显的进步。  相似文献   

用加速度传感器测量自行车运动能耗,结果显示:佩戴在脚踝处的加速度传感器记录的各个方向的counts平均值明显大于佩戴在腰部的counts平均值(P〈O.05);运用FreedsonVM3计算模型计算的腰部预测MET平均值显著低于标准MET平均值(P〈0.05),而脚踝部预测MET平均值则显著大于标准MET平均值(P〈0.05);本研究推导的模型计算的预测MET平均值与标准MET平均值基本一致,没有显著性差异。  相似文献   

Ankle sprain is a common injury in volleyball. Poor stabilometric performance (SP) is associated with high risks of sustaining ankle sprain. Balance training can improve SP and reduce ankle sprain, but no research has studied the effects of detraining on SP in highly trained athletes. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of one-month postseason break on SP in female volleyball players. Eleven NCAA female volleyball players participated in two eye-closed single-leg stance tests before and after a one-month postseason break. Stance time, center of pressure (COP) area, COP standard deviation, and COP mean velocity were assessed during the tests. During the postseason break, subjects conducted self-selected exercise and the average training duration was 87% lower compared to the competition season. Subjects demonstrated significant increases in anterioposterior (A/P) COP standard deviation (1.6 ± 0.4 vs. 1.8 ± 0.4 cm, p = 0.05), mediolateral (M/L) COP velocity (6.5 ± 1.5 vs. 7.1 ± 1.3 cm/s, p = 0.05), and overall COP velocity (10.1 ± 2.0 vs. 11.6 ± 1.9 cm/s, p = 0.02) after postseason break. SP decreased in highly trained female volleyball players after one-month postseason break. The decrease in SP indicated a possible increased risk for ankle sprain injury.  相似文献   

采用动态分析法、数据统计法、因素分析法对第6、7届世界田径锦标赛女子400m决赛运动员的50m分段时间、平均速度进行分析统计。结果表明:为了防止后半程速度的下降,应延长400m跑的加速时间;8个50m分段的标准差越小匀速跑的能力越强,前3名选手都有较强的匀速跑能力;最快和最慢50m分段的时间差与运动成绩显著相关;第1名运动员启动速度较快,第2分段控制速度,在第5、6分段速度优势明显。  相似文献   

关于体育传媒信息法律缺失的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
体育信息已经深刻地影响着大众的生活,但是由于商业化运作和个人利益驱使等方面的原因,在体育传媒信息的传播过程中出现了许多法律缺失的现象和价值导向偏差的问题。分析了体育传媒信息中的消极有害信息对大众(尤其是青少年)的认知、情感、行为方面的影响,提出了规范体育传媒信息传播的措施。  相似文献   

对女子三级跳远三跳结构特点的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对我国较优秀女子三级跳远运动员的比赛成绩在 12 80米以上各跳的平均值、标准差和各跳之间、与总成绩之间的相关系数成绩以及跳跃类型等经过统计学分析 ,得出这些女子运动员三级跳远的结构特点 ,并与国内外优秀男子三级跳远的运动员的结构特点进行比较研究 ,提出今后我国女子三级跳远技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

Measurement error is a common problem in several fields of research such as medicine, physiology, and exercise science. The standard deviation of repeated measurements on the same person is the measurement error. One way of presenting measurement error is called the repeatability, which is 2.77 multiplied by the within subject standard deviation. In this article, the two different repeatabilities obtained from two different protocols or “tests” are statistically compared. Briefly, the squared differences between protocols are natural log transformed to achieve normality and compared with a paired t-test. The natural log transformation guarantees that the squared differences follow a normal distribution. When more than two repeatabilities are compared from more than two protocols or “tests,” repeated-measures ANOVA comparing the log transformation of the squared differences is used. When comparing repeatabilities between protocols and between different magnitudes of measurement, repeated-measures ANOVA compares the natural log transformation of the squared differences between protocols and between different magnitudes of measurement.  相似文献   


We examined variations in dart-throwing performance during the daytime in 12 participants. Two distances from the dartboard were investigated – the normal distance (short throws) and another 50% further away than this (long throws). Intra-aural temperature and subjective fatigue were measured, and errors in performance were assessed as the radial distances of throws from the bulls-eye and the standard deviation of these distances. Long-distance throws improved significantly throughout the daytime and correlated positively with intra-aural temperature (r = ?0.49, P = 0.002 and r = ?0.49, P = 0.002 for errors and standard deviation of errors, respectively), but not with subjective fatigue (r = ?0.10, P = 0.56 and r = ?0.05, P = 0.74 for errors and standard deviation of errors, respectively). Short-distance throws were associated less with intra-aural temperature (r = ?0.46, P = 0.005 and r = ?0.17, P = 0.31 for errors and standard deviation of errors, respectively), and worsened with fatigue (r = +0.34, P = 0.040 for errors). Compared with the short-distance throws, the long-distance throws were performed significantly less well than could be accounted for by the increased distance (mean errors were increased 1.67 – 2.78 times and standard deviation of errors of errors 1.58 – 3.68 times), supporting the concept of a trade-off between force of contraction and accuracy of performance. Throwing darts can be used as a model for investigating factors that influence motor performance, and our results indicate that the effects of time of day upon performance depend upon the relative importance of force and accuracy.  相似文献   

为揭示世界优秀女子400米跑运动员速度分配的特征,为提高我国女子400米跑运动成绩和改进训练方法提供科学依据,采用动态分析法、数据统计法、因素分析法对参加第6,7届世界田径锦标赛女子400米决赛运动员的50米分段时间、平均速度进行分析统计。结果表明:应延长400米跑的加速时间;8个50米分段的标准差越小匀速跑的能力越强;最快和最慢50米分段的时间差与运动成绩显著相关(P<0.05)。通过分析第1名的分段时间与2~8名的分段平均时间发现,第1名运动员启动速度较快,第2分段控制速度,第5,6分段速度优势明显。  相似文献   

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