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There is a general agreement about the important role that music can play in the education and daily lives of children with severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties. But what are the distinctions and relationships between music education, music therapy and music as a vehicle for other forms of learning, occupation, development or engagement? To what extent are professionals in schools aware of these issues and prepared to explore them from an informed perspective? In this article, Dr Adam Ockelford, Deputy Director of Education and Employment for the Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB), Sally Zimmermann, Music Education and Employment Advisor (RNIB); and Professor Graham Welch, Chair of Music Education and Head of the School of Arts and Humanities, Institute of Education, University of London, present and expand on the key findings from their recent research project, 'PROMISE', which examined the Provision of Music in Special Education and specifically in schools for pupils with severe or profound and multiple difficulties. The authors conclude their paper with an acknowledgement that a great deal of significant work takes place in these contexts at present but that further research, leading to the provision of new resources for curriculum and staff development, is crucial to the realisation of music's full potential in the lives of pupils with severe and profound and multiple learning difficulties.  相似文献   

音乐教师培养是音乐教育发展的重要课题。本文围绕中日两国高校音乐教育专业课程设置、音乐教师资格证书制度、中小学音乐教师任用、中小学音乐教师职后进修等问题,总结归纳出有益于中小学音乐教师培养的经验和措施,以作为我国音乐教师培养工作的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

《全日制义务教育音乐课程标准》为我们展示了中小学音乐教育一系列崭新的价值观念和教育理念。高师音乐教育专业是培养未来中小学音乐教师的工作母机,教育理念、课程结构、课程教学模式等与中小学音乐教育改革的成败休戚相关。在中小学音乐教育正在发生重大变革的关键时刻,高师音乐教育专业应以中小学音乐教育为立足点,以《标准》为依据,在教育理念、课程结构、课程教学模式等方面进行调整,以适应新时期中小学音乐教育的需要。  相似文献   

音乐教育是以发展提高学生的艺术素养为目的的素质教育。但是,当前不少学校的音乐教育并没有贯穿这一教学目标,这导致了在实际教育过程中出现了许多问题。我们应该明确音乐教育的基本目标与主要功能,发挥教师的主导作用,尽快走出音乐教育的误区。  相似文献   

Music therapists have been working in special education contexts for many decades, utilising research and case studies to inform practice. Growing interest in the link between the creative arts and well-being has led music therapists to consider what aspects of their knowledge others could feasibly appropriate in the school system. An action research approach was utilised to explore this question, grounded in partnerships between university-based music therapy researchers and staff at a school for learners on the autistic spectrum. Five cycles of planning, action, observation and reflection framed the collaborative partnership, with a music therapist acting as consultant to explore how music could be used across the school day. The greatest shift evidenced through qualitative and quantitative analysis was in the area of relationship building. Rather than seeing music as a tool that supports the acquisition of specific skills, the professionals and students in the school came to understand that music could be a meaningful part of their encounter with one another. This is congruent with music therapy research findings that also emphasise the ways music can be used to motivate, evoke and elicit meaningful responses from young people. Some limitations were identified in the sustainability of music practices in the school, particularly when other parts of the school culture were changing.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of the National Plan for Music Education there have been significant changes in music education within England. Whilst some celebrate figures that report increased access and engagement, many teachers and others continue to have legitimate concerns regarding the quality of the music education on offer in schools and Music Education Hubs. There are concerns that the provision of music education is incoherent and patchy across the country. Many would argue that the opportunity to access high-quality music education has become a ‘postcode lottery’. There is a sense that the fragmentation of music education as a result of curriculum reforms and the diversity of approaches taken by Music Education Hubs and other bodies has significantly enhanced this incoherence. This article seeks to review the policy and practice of music education in England over the last 10 years. It draws on recent research from various sources and maintains a particular focus on government policy and the consequences of this for the field as a whole. It reflects on how things could be improved in the future. It argues for a clearer focus on a practitioner-led approach to research and advocacy, in particular one led by the notion of ‘policy as practice’ rather than continuing with the current approach and its intrinsic failings.  相似文献   

随着新的中小学《音乐课程新标准》的推出,对高师音乐教育人才的培养模式提出了新的挑战。针对高师音乐教育的现状,必须加强对高师音乐专业学生的人文素质的培养,加大高师音乐教育专业的教学改革力度,使高师音乐教育专业的学生毕业后能更好地为中小学音乐教育服务。  相似文献   

中学音乐教育是实施全面素质教育的重要内容和渠道.培养高素质人才,提高中学生对音乐艺术的感受和审美能力是音乐教育的基础任务,想象力和体验力的培养是中学音乐教育的重要内容.  相似文献   

高等师范音乐教育是培养中小学音乐教师的摇篮,当高师毕业生走出校门跨入中小学教师队列的时候,同时也是对高师教育教学质量的检验。新的《音乐课程标准》对中小学音乐教师提出了更高的要求,面对音乐新课程新标准的启用,高师音乐教育教学的改革迫在眉睫。本文从高师音乐教学的培养目标、课程设置、课堂模式、考核评估几方面提出了改革的构思和建议,以达到为基础教育培养合格音乐师资的目的。  相似文献   

1975年通过并于1978年正式施行的以“回归主流”为主旨的美国P.L.94-142(现为《残障者教育法案》IDEA)使美国学校情境中进行的音乐疗法发生了变化,也给面向特殊儿童的的音乐治疗师提出了新的挑战。本文通过对有关文献资料的分析,阐述了学校情境中的音乐疗法和音乐教育的相互关系,从音乐治疗师的角度,介绍了P.L.94-142实施前后的学校情境中特殊儿童音乐治疗概念和方法的变化与发展过程,在此基础上,对中国音乐疗法在特殊教育领域中的发展提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

随着新课程改革的深入和发展,义务教育阶段音乐新课标的推行和实施也历经了十年的实践和检验。其实施效果如何,各界对它的评价和反馈又如何,对这些问题进行梳理和反思,将有利于我们明确音乐新课标修订的着手点,认清课改的方向,进一步推进音乐新课改和中小学音乐教育的健康发展。  相似文献   

"即兴演奏"是一项特殊的音乐技巧,是创造与表演、灵感与技术的完美结合.在现代音乐教育中,"即兴创作与表演"作为培养学生创造力和全面提高学生音乐素养的重要手段,被成功地运用于世界各国的音乐教育实践中,我国义务教育<音乐课程标准>也将"即兴创造"列为重要的教学内容.高师音乐教育应将"即兴创作与表演"纳入其课程体系中,并承担起"即兴创作与表演"理论研究与教学实践的重要角色.  相似文献   

中国学校音乐教育始于清末民初。贡桑诺尔布作为杰出的民族教育家,于1903年7月在内蒙古地区引用了西方学校教育模式,创办和实施了学校音乐教育。他所创办的学校音乐教育,开创了我国民族学校音乐教育之先河,具有中国学校音乐教育初创时期的一般特征和示范意义。这一创举在历史上对开启民智、富民强国起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

多元文化已经成为一种国际化趋势.以多元文化教育理念为支撑的音乐教育也开始出现在世界大中小学,我国的学前音乐教育应该把握这一时代的发展趋势.本文对多元文化音乐教育的背景和理念进行了阐述,并对在我国学前音乐教育中如何体现和实施多元文化这一理念作了分析.  相似文献   

To date, theoretical and conceptual scholarship on anti-racism has been advanced through leading contributions from several disciplines (e.g., sociology, education, psychology). Still, there remain fewer empirical studies on anti-racism constructs, and we know little about the development of anti-racism among diverse youth across key stages of development. In this special section of Child Development, we sought to address this gap by highlighting scholarship in developmental science that attends to the development of anti-racism in children across contexts (e.g., families, schools) and developmental stages (e.g., early childhood through emerging adulthood). In our introduction to the special section, we review the collective contributions of included studies and outline recommendations for future research in the development of anti-racism in youth.  相似文献   

This study explored the role of student (e.g., age, language background, gender), home (e.g., parent/caregiver education), and school (e.g., school type, size) socio-demographic factors in students’ school (e.g., in-school arts tuition, arts engagement), home (e.g., parent/caregiver–child arts interaction), and community (e.g., arts attendance, arts tuition) arts participation. The sample comprised 1172 elementary and secondary school students from 15 schools. Findings revealed that student and home socio-demographic factors were the most salient in predicting arts participation across school, home, and community contexts. Age, gender, and prior achievement were the key student socio-demographic factors, while parent/caregiver education and occupation were also associated with students’ arts participation. Implications for practice and intervention pertinent to young people’s arts participation are discussed.  相似文献   

学校音乐教育是传统音乐文化保存和传递的重要手段。将中华民族文化作为系列化的教材进入学校,是具有无与伦比的文化学和教育学意义。因此,积极发展我国的民族音乐教育,将民族音乐编成教材,让民族音乐走进课堂,是当今中国音乐教育事业的重要战略举措之一。  相似文献   

音乐教学论课程既具有较强的理论性、又具有强烈的实践性,恰当的运用案例教学不失为一种行之有效的方法;在实际教学中,棠例教学既可渗透于理论讲授之中,也可与音乐课堂教学实践相蛄合;既可采用专题性、综合性的案例教学形式,也可采用案例对比性、实践性的案例教学形式;通过案例教学可以改革传统的教学模式,成功地实现音乐教育理论与音乐教学实践的结合,从而使学生获得从事音乐教育教学工作应具备的能力和素质。  相似文献   

理工院校加强音乐素质教育的作用和途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
音乐教育是提高大学生综合素质的重要手段。相对其他院校,理工科院校开展音乐教育十分薄弱。通过对目前理工院校音乐教育现状与问题的分析,本文阐述了音乐教育的多方面作用,提出从音乐教学思维模式、教学方法、引入高雅艺术和严肃音乐进校园、合理设置音乐选修课等四方面加强音乐教育。  相似文献   

廖家骅先生作为当代中国音乐理论家、音乐教育家,为中国音乐教育学科的发展奠定了重要的基础,可称为“中国音乐教育学科的领路人”。基于对廖家骅学术成果的系统梳理,从其对音乐审美特性、音乐教育审美特性、音乐教育与审美心理和智力发展等方面的研究总结其音乐教育美育观;从其对高师音乐教育人才培养的职责、高师音乐教育培养目标等问题的关注概括其音乐教育通才观;从其对一线音乐教学、教育现状等现实问题与实践性问题的关注与评论提炼其音乐教育实践观,从而对他的音乐教育思想进行全面阐释。对廖家骅音乐教育思想的研究既是对我国音乐教育事业发展成就的总结与回顾,也是对我国当代音乐教育进一步发展的启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

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