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Cats’ and dogs’ search behavior was compared in different problems where an object was visibly moved behind a screen that was then visibly moved to a new position. In Experiments 1 (cats) and 2 (dogs), one group was tested with identical screens and the other group was tested with dissimilar screens. Results showed that in both species, search behavior was based on processing of spatial information rather than on recognition of the visual features of the target screen. Cats and dogs were unable to find the object by inferring its invisible movement. They reached a high level of success only if there was direct perceptual evidence that the object could not be at its initial position. When the position change was indicated by an indirect cue, cats searched more at the object’s initial than final position, whereas dogs searched equally at both positions. Interspecific similarities and differences are interpreted in terms of the requirements for resetting working memory.  相似文献   

Hood B  Carey S  Prasada S 《Child development》2000,71(6):1540-1554
Two-year-olds' (N = 153) knowledge of solidity was tested in four search tasks adapted from infant looking-time experiments. In Experiment 1, 2-year-olds failed to search in the correct location for a falling ball after a hidden shelf that blocked its trajectory had been inserted in the apparatus. Experiment 2 extended this finding by showing that 2-year-olds failed to take into account the effects of either removing or inserting a shelf in their search for a toy dropped behind a screen. Experiment 3 examined sensitivity to the constraint provided by a solid barrier on horizontal motion. In all three experiments, 2-year-old children searched initially at the location where they saw the object during familiarization. Experiment 4, using multiple test trials but no familiarization to a pretest location, also showed that 2-year-olds failed to take the presence or absence of a barrier into account when planning where to search for a toy they had seen dropped behind a screen. In all of these studies, 2-year-olds showed no evidence of representing solidity and support constraints on the trajectories of falling objects. Experiments 1 and 3 also included 2 1/2-year-olds (N = 31), who succeeded on these search tasks. The implications of the poor performance of 2-year-olds, in the face of success by very young infants on looking-time measures of sensitivity to similar constraints on object motion, are discussed.  相似文献   

Object Permanence in Young Infants: Further Evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent evidence suggests that 4.5- and even 3.5-month-old infants realize that objects continue to exist when hidden. The goal of the present experiments was to obtain converging evidence of object permanence in young infants. Experiments were conducted using paradigms previously used to demonstrate object permanence in 5.5-month-old infants and 6.5-month-old infants. In one experiment, 3.5-month-old infants watched a short or a tall carrot slide along a track. The track's center was hidden by a screen with a large window in its upper half. The short carrot was shorter than the window's lower edge and so did not appear in the window when passing behind the screen; the tall carrot was taller than the window's lower edge and hence should have appeared in the window but did not. The infants looked reliably longer at the tall than at the short carrot event, suggesting that they (a) represented the existence, height, and trajectory of each carrot behind the screen and (b) expected the tall carrot to appear in the screen window and were surprised that it did not. Control trials supported this interpretation. In another experiment, 4.0-month-old infants saw a toy car roll along a track that was partly hidden by a screen. A large toy mouse was placed behind the screen, either on top or in back of the track. The female infants looked reliably longer when the mouse stood on top as opposed to in back of the track, suggesting that they (a) represented the existence and trajectory of the car behind the screen, (b) represented the existence and location of the mouse behind the screen, and (c) were surprised to see the car reappear from behind the screen when the mouse stood in its path. A second experiment supported this interpretation. The results of these experiments provide further evidence that infants aged 3.5 months and older are able to represent and to reason about hidden objects.  相似文献   

We explored infants' ability to perceive stationary, partially occluded objects as connected units (Experiments 1 and 2) with specific appearances (Experiment 3). In each experiment, the infants saw 2 test events involving what appeared to adults to be a tall rectangular object whose middle portion was hidden behind a narrow screen. During the test events, the screen alternately uncovered and covered the object. In Experiments 1 and 2, removal of the screen revealed either a single, connected rectangle (complete object event) or an interrupted rectangle with a gap where the screen had been (broken object event). In Experiment 3, removal of the screen revealed either a rectangle (rectangle event) or a cross-shaped object (cross-shape event). The pattern of infants' looking times at these events suggest that they perceive the unity of the partially occluded object by 6.5 months of age but did not perceive the form of the hidden part of the object until 8 months. The results of baseline control conditions support this interpretation.  相似文献   

Object permanence was assessed for cats and dogs, using tasks analogous to those typically employed for human infants. Neither species solved all of the problems correctly when rewarded only by the discovery of a hidden toy. However, both species showed that they had fully developed concepts of object permanence when the problems were changed so that the animals had to search for hidden food in an odor-control procedure. These results indicate that sensorimotor intelligence is completely developed in these nonprimates.  相似文献   

Infants' ability to mentally track the orientation of an object during a hidden rotation was investigated (= 28 in each experiment). A toy on a turntable was fully covered and then rotated 90°. When revealed, the toy had turned with the turntable (probable event), remained at its starting orientation (improbable event in Experiment 1), or turned to the opposite side (improbable event in Experiment 2). Results demonstrated a developmental progression between 14 and 16 months of age in infants' sensitivity to spatial object relations and their ability to track the orientation of an object during hidden rotation. Experiment 3 showed that 14‐month‐olds' performance improved with hands‐on training, highlighting the role of action experience in cognitive development.  相似文献   

Previous research indicated that 4-month-old infants perceive the unity of a center-occluded object when its visible ends share a common lateral translation in space. The present work investigated the class of motion relationships that can specify object unity to infants, specifically, asking whether it includes all rigid translations. 3 experiments tested the informativeness of 2 axes of translation not previously studied: translation in depth and vertical translation. These motions also allowed assessment of certain interpretations of previous results that invoke specific sensory consequences of lateral movement, rather than perceived motion, as underlying perceived unity. Experiment 1 provided evidence that a small extent of translation in depth specified the unity of an object, but only to the subgroup of infants who detected the motion. Experiment 2 used a greater displacement in depth and found clear evidence for perception of object unity. Experiment 3 indicated that vertical translation, in which the 2 visible areas of the partly hidden object undergo dissimilar changes, also specifies object unity to infants. These results suggest that infants' perception of object unity depends on perceived coherence of motion, no matter how specified, and that the class of informative motions includes all rigid translations.  相似文献   

This article investigated the interplay of 12-month-old infants’ perception of affordances for locomotion and their ability to respond to the mention of hidden objects. In Experiment I, a toy was hidden in an ottoman that was placed on a cabinet out of infants’ reach. Infants were more likely to look at, point to or approach the ottoman when there were stairs leading to it than when there were none. The stairs did not help infants respond by highlighting the target corner of the room (Experiment II) or by boosting their engagement with the study events (Experiment III). This suggests that infants’ perception of the accessibility of the hiding location influences their ability to respond to speech about absent things.  相似文献   

This study investigated the nature of infants’ difficulty understanding references to hidden inaccessible objects. Twelve‐month‐old infants (N = 32) responded to the mention of objects by looking at, pointing at, or approaching them when the referents were visible or accessible, but not when they were hidden and inaccessible (Experiment I). Twelve‐month‐olds (N = 16) responded robustly when a container with the hidden referent was moved from a previously inaccessible position to an accessible position before the request, but failed to respond when the reverse occurred (Experiment II). This suggests that infants might be able to track the hidden object's dislocations and update its accessibility as it changes. Knowing the hidden object is currently inaccessible inhibits their responding. Older, 16‐month‐old (N = 17) infants’ performance was not affected by object accessibility.  相似文献   

The ability of 1-year-old infants to remember the location of a nonvisible target was investigated in 3 experiments. Infants searched for a toy hidden in one of many possible locations within a circular bounded space. The presence, number, and spatial arrangement of local cues or "landmarks" within this space were varied. The results of Experiment 1 showed that search performance was highly successful when a landmark was coincident with the location of the toy ("direct"), but less successful when a landmark was adjacent to the target location ("indirect"). The results of Experiment 2 suggested that search with an indirect landmark may be more fragile than search with no landmarks at all. In Experiments 3a and 3b, 2 different configurations of indirect landmarks were employed; search performance was equally poor with both of these and was inferior to search with no landmarks. It is concluded that infants of this age are able to associate a nonvisible target with a direct landmark and are able to code the distance and direction of a target with respect to themselves or with respect to the larger framework. However, there was no evidence that they can code the distance and direction of a target relative to another object. The difficulty of coding with indirect landmarks is interpreted in terms of cognitive complexity and conflict between spatial strategies.  相似文献   

2 experiments were carried out to investigate 18- to 30-month-old children's memory for the location of a hidden object. In the first experiment, young children were observed in 2 different memory-for-location tasks, both conducted in their own homes. In 1, a toy was hidden in a natural location, and in the other it was hidden in one of a set of boxes with picture cues on top of them. Memory performance was significantly better when the toy was hidden within the natural environment. The effect of different types of hiding locations was examined further in the second experiment. No age differences were found when an object was hidden either in the natural environment or in 1 of a set of unmarked boxes (although performance was better in the former condition). However, in the third condition the older subjects (24-30 months) effectively used a landmark cue (a nearby piece of furniture) to help them remember in which plain box a toy had been hidden, but the young subjects (18-22 months) did not profit from such potential cues. The results, as well as some previous research with delayed-response tasks, were interpreted as reflecting developmental changes in very young children's ability to exploit available cues. The pattern of results suggested the possibility that 2-year-old children are capable of a simple form of mnemonic strategy, actively associating an available cue with the information to be remembered.  相似文献   

信念、态度、行为是构成文化的三个有机构成要素。就教师文化来说,教师的信念处于其中的最深层次,它是无形的,只有通过教师的态度所起的中介作用,才能在教师的行为上得以显现。教师的信念、态度、行为以及这三个要素相互之间的关系,是审视与剖析教师文化构建机制的一把钥匙。衡量教师文化是否生成,关键要看教师信念是否确立,并体现为信念引领下积极的工作态度以及与态度相对应的外在行为方式。教师文化构建应重在确立教师的崇高信念,形成教师的积极态度,并最终内化为教师的自觉行为。  相似文献   

When an object moves behind an occluder and re-emerges, 4-month-old infants perceive trajectory continuity only when the occluder is narrow, raising the question of whether time or distance out of sight is the important constraining variable. One hundred and forty 4-month-olds were tested in five experiments aimed to disambiguate time and distance out of sight. Manipulating the object's visible speed had no effect on infants' responses, but reducing occlusion time by increasing object speed while occluded induced perception of trajectory continuity. In contrast, slowing the ball while it was behind a narrow or intermediate screen did not modify performance. It is concluded that 4-month-olds perceive trajectory continuity when time or distance out of sight is short.  相似文献   

This article presents a review of the literature on object permanence with an emphasis on research on children with severe disabilities. Object permanence is the realisation that objects continue to exist in time and place even when they are no longer visible. This understanding is achieved across Stages IV(VI of Piaget’s Sensorimotor Period. Children with intellectual disability, physical disabilities, blindness, and autism develop object permanence in a similar sequence although at a slower rate than children without disabilities. Challenges with regulation make it difficult for children with autism to demonstrate object permanence knowledge in Stage VI tasks. There is ample evidence that children with severe disabilities benefit from direct and systematic instruction of object permanence. Assessment‐based instruction, establishment of visual attention, consideration of the characteristics of the object to be hidden (including the impact on differential attention), repeated naming of the object, individually appropriate prompting procedures, and direct reinforcement have been found to support mastery of object permanence in children with disabilities.  相似文献   

Emotional expressions are abundant in children’s lives. What role do they play in children’s causal inference and exploration? This study investigates whether preschool-aged children use others’ emotional expressions to infer the presence of unknown causal functions and guide their exploration accordingly. Children (age: 3.0–4.9; N = 112, the United States) learned about one salient causal function of a novel toy and then saw an adult play with it. Children explored the toy more when the adult expressed surprise than when she expressed happiness (Experiment 1), but only when the adult already knew about the toy’s salient function (Experiment 2). These results suggest that children consider others’ knowledge and selectively interpret others’ surprise as vicarious prediction error to guide their own exploration.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 compared food-storing marsh tits and nonstoring blue tits, and Experiment 2 compared food-storing jays and nonstoring jackdaws, in a one-trial associative memory task, Birds obtained a reward by returning to the site where they had eaten part of the reward 30 min earlier. In “visible” versions, the reward was visible in Phase 1 but hidden in Phase 2 so that the bird had to search for it; in “hidden” versions, the reward was hidden in both phases. No species differences were found in performance in the visible version. However, in the hidden version, the 2 storers preferentially returned to rewarded sites, whereas nonstorers preferentially returned to sites that had been visited in Phase 1, irrespective of whether or not they contained a reward. This suggests that storers differ from nonstorers in the way they discriminate between remembered events.  相似文献   

For adults, ownership is nonobvious: (a) determining ownership depends more on an object’s history than on perceptual cues, and (b) ownership confers special value on an object (“endowment effect”). This study examined these concepts in preschoolers (2.0–4.4) and adults (n = 112). Participants saw toy sets in which 1 toy was designated as the participant’s and 1 as the researcher’s. Toys were then scrambled and participants were asked to identify their toy and the researcher’s toy. By 3 years of age, participants used object history to determine ownership and identified even undesirable toys as their own. Furthermore, participants at all ages showed an endowment effect (greater liking of items designated as their own). Thus, even 2‐year‐olds appreciate the nonobvious basis of ownership.  相似文献   

企业资产结构由有形化向无形化方向发展。无形资产在企业资产总额中所占的比重越来越大,尤其在高科技领域可占到50%~70%。衡量企业价值的主要标志以物质资源为主,转为以无形资产为主。企业竞争不再是有形资产竞争而是无形资产竞争,无形资产丰富程度和质量高低关系到企业是否能取胜。在市场经济条件下,无形资产成为企业最重要的投资对象,相应对无形资产的核算管理也越显重要。分析我国无形资产的现状,针对管理及核算存在的问题提出改进的建议,将有助于无形资产的会计核算及经营管理。  相似文献   

高校校园体育文化,是校园中隐藏在体育运动背后的一种独特的文化,是校园文化的重要组成部分.体育文化教育是大学生素质教育最理想的潜在课程,充分发挥体育文化的教育作用,弘扬校园体育文化,对于塑造大学生的健康体质和完整人格具有重要意义.高校体育教育要将体育运动与文化融为一体,使学生们的身体与心灵、精神与品质得到完满统一发展,使学生们的潜能与美德得到充分地开发,增强学生身体素质,塑造学生的人文精神.  相似文献   

Mental rotation is an important spatial processing ability and an important element in intelligence tests. However, the majority of past attempts at training mental rotation have used paper‐and‐pencil tests or digital images. This study proposes an innovative mental rotation training approach using magnetic motion controllers to allow learners to manipulate and interact with three‐dimensional (3D) objects. Stereovision allows learners to perceive the spatial geometric form of a 3D object. This approach allows learners to perceive 3D objects in space through stereovision and make mental rotation visible from each intrinsic and invisible mental rotation step using motion‐interaction methods. This study examines the effects of user training performance and perceptions. The results indicate that the proposed approach can improve user mental rotation ability effectively. Learners expressed high degrees of concentration toward the mechanism that included direct control and immediate feedback. The results also suggest that female testers perceive greater degrees of playfulness toward the mechanism and improve more through training than male testers.  相似文献   

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