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以严密标准、系统完整、融汇互通的顶层设计为基础,利用"双元制"确保劳动力再生产质量,通过人才素养与劳动力市场的紧密联系来保障就业,德国职业教育与培训体系的优势显著。但职业性别刻板印象仍广泛存在,使德国教育和就业系统中出现显著的性别差异,加剧了德国劳动力市场风险,不利于职业教育与培训体系的持续健康发展。对此,德国发挥学术界先锋作用,利用研究佐证克服职业性别刻板印象的必要性和迫切性;采取结构调整措施增强"双元制"的吸引力,改善职业教育与培训性别差异;并从不同教育阶段着手帮助学生建立性别平等观念,消解职业性别刻板印象的负面影响,全面应对职业性别刻板印象对其职业教育与培训体系带来的挑战。  相似文献   

Literature on future orientation and motivation was examined for gender differences. Research revealed gender differences from five theoretical orientations: achievement motivation, future time orientation, possible selves, expectancy-value, and social-cognitive. Some of those differences seemed best explained in terms of generational differences in gender role expectations. Gender differences were found in extension and density of future goals. Men had further extension but fewer goals than women. Evidence suggested that women's future expectations have become more similar to men's in the career realm, although women also have maintained their focus on interpersonal goals. An implication is that schools are a potentially powerful sociocultural context that can encourage students to envision futures that are not constrained by gender, race/ethnicity, or other stereotypes.  相似文献   

不同的性别有着自身不同的性别文化,男性和女性按照各自的性别文化规则来规范自己的交际行为。在网络这个虚拟空间,男性和女性的交际与面对面交际一样反映出根深蒂固的性别文化差异。笔者尝试从男性与女性在网络交际与面对面交际中的文化差异、男性与女性网络交际的风格及网络交际道德规范等方面探讨网络交际的性别文化差异,并针对网络交际中出现的性骚扰等现象提出一些看法。  相似文献   

课堂中的“性别刻板印象”分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
性别刻板印象的普遍性和牢固性成为影响女性潜能发挥的因素之一。在此基础上,本文分析了课堂中"性别刻板印象",继而从后现代女性主义教育学的独特视角提出解决这一现象的对策。这一研究有利于对女性教育意识的提高,同时也有利于我国有效课堂教学的进行。  相似文献   

海明威的性别观一直是海明威研究中的关注热点之一。以朱迪斯.巴特勒的性别表演理论为依据,以海明威的短篇小说为研究文本,从男女换装、性别角色转换和同性恋欲望三个理论层面,探讨海明威的性别观,得出结论:海明威并非提倡传统性别角色,拥护男性至上;他在短篇小说中描写社会性别的不定性和可变性,是其对现代社会中性别角色变化和重构的深切关注,是其"双性和谐"理想的表达,这一理想贯穿着海明威的整个写作生涯。  相似文献   

社会心理学的基本观点认为,个体的心理—行为、人际关系、社会观念的形成与存在受到社会影响和个人建构这两个维度的作用。由此出发,个人基于生理/生物差异的性别心理—行为、性别关系、性别观念的形成与发展,也是社会针对性别的影响和个人针对性别的建构这双重作用力形塑的结果。在今天,性别刻板印象和性别两分固化心理对个人的生活和社会发展都造成了诸多不利影响,我们可以从自我重构和改建、社会重构与改建这两方面入手,开创一种新型的社会性别心理,促进社会性别心理从矛盾、冲突走向协调、和谐。  相似文献   

"阴盛阳衰"现象作为当前的一个热点话题引起社会广泛关注。这种现象受现行的教育教学评价体系、家庭教育方式、文化传播、教师的性别角色观等因素影响。其中,教师的性别角色观尤其值得关注。对301名广东省中小学教师性别角色观调查显示:教师的性别角色观存在双性化倾向,理想男生和理想女生的主要特质没有显著差异;教师的双性化性别角色观利于女生发展。理想男生和理想女生的独有特质体现了性别刻板印象,说明教师的性别角色观也受传统文化的一定影响。总的看,双性化是教师性别角色观的一个误区,也是"阴盛阳衰"现象的重要成因。  相似文献   

女性创业中的性别歧视根源及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与在就业领域中一样,女性在创业过程中也面临着类似的性别歧视与偏见。统计歧视论、双元劳动市场论、偏好歧视论、人力资本论是用来解释性别歧视成因的四种观点,而最终根源似乎仍脱离不了性别角色刻板印象。虽然性别歧视普遍存在于职场,但女性对此却有不同的知觉与反应,性别歧视知觉会对女性的创业态度、创业压力和职家冲突产生负面影响。  相似文献   


Attitudes and perceptions of teacher behavior regarding students' gender roles were investigated. A questionnaire was administered to 221 Israeli teachers and responses were analyzed according to gender and education setting. Results indicate no extreme egalitarian or chauvinistic responses. In general, elementary school and female teachers gave more gender egalitarian responses to questionnaire items in comparison with male and secondary school teachers. Only 15% of teachers in this sample had attended courses on gender equality. Over 50% of teachers did not respond to the question concerning their school's gender policy. Those findings may reflect a relative lack of teacher awareness concerning the in-depth nature of gender stereotypes and their overall influences. Results may indicate compulsory courses and seminars on gender self-awareness during teacher training.  相似文献   

Given the ambition to decrease gender segregation in higher education, it is essential to understand the considerations made by the gender minority in segregated fields of study. This article interprets the resistance met by girls choosing gender-untypical paths, and analyses how they explain and justify such choices. The context of Norway provided both the framework for the study and a lens for understanding the girls’ experiences. Interview data show how the girls understand their own and others’ educational choices in light of ideas of gender equality. Arguably, claiming to be ‘one who dares’, and anchoring their choices in egalitarian ideals, strengthened their motivation in the face of resistance. Furthermore, the resistance was not rooted in stereotypes around competence but based on gender role expectations. This suggests that cultural beliefs about women as primarily caretakers, and the notion that appearance relates to educational choices, are more resistant to change than stereotypes about women and technical competence.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent of gender differences, and discusses the role of gender in musical instrument learning. It focuses on the collective instrumental experiences of 1493 Chinese students (774 boys and 719 girls attending grades 7–13) within Western and non‐Western musical traditions in Hong Kong. The discussion draws attention to gender differences in the learning of Chinese and Western musical instruments, in musical interest and instrumental learning, and in the reasons why students learn or do not learn musical instruments. The paper argues that, while female and male students exhibit different attitudes towards the types of instruments learnt, significant correlations exist between their interest in music and parental support for their instrumental learning. Gender is brought to the fore by the pedagogical actions of the teacher, the mass media and by parental efforts to reduce gender bias and stereotypes through school, public and family education.  相似文献   

随着我国妇女地位地不断提升,女性形象也愈加频繁地出现在各种媒介上。人们通常认为,媒介形象总是"直接"、"真实"地表现了现实,但社会性别理论却认为媒介塑造的女性形象易从男权角度对性别进行概括和简单的归类,进而使得女性形象模式化、角色定型化。男权文化孕育了媒介模式,媒介模式反过来强化了人们头脑中的男权文化观点,由此形成了受众对女性形象的性别刻板印象的无意识,而受众的性别印象又是媒介表达的动力和来源。在这个过程中,媒介起了强大的作用,因此,媒介应当作为一支独立的力量,承担起改变女性性别误解主要的责任,从而促进和谐发展。  相似文献   

现代传媒中的性别表征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大众传播媒介是现代人主要的心理源泉。传媒对社会群体的表征受到国内外心理学家、社会学家和传媒研究人员的极大关注。通过对传媒性别表征特别是男性人物表征的考察,揭示了传媒表征发展的一些特点和减少刻板印象的意义。  相似文献   

Recruiting and retaining females within science, engineering and technology continues to challenge many European higher education institutions. This study looks at female self-perceptions relating to effective research work and career progression. Focus groups are used to examine the attitudes and experiences of females and a questionnaire is used to explore perceptions in four main skills areas: group work; communication; personal awareness; project planning and management. The study indicates consistent female concerns on issues pertaining to effective female role models, negative work-role stereotypes and the work–life balance of an academic career. For all four skills areas, the average confidence scores of the female participants fell below those of males, but these differences were only statistically significant for perceptions on group work and communication skills and prior to an intense skills development course. Based on these findings, a student workshop on gender issues has been developed, an outline of which is presented.  相似文献   

Home teaching materials generated in the social culture play an important part in the socialization of children's gender roles. They not only transmit to children the gender biases and role stereotypes that exist in the social culture, but also reproduce and consolidate these stereotypes and rationalize the gender biases in society. Family teaching materials must be reformed so that children may receive equitable gender education.  相似文献   

Gendered patterns in mathematics and science interest emerge in early childhood, develop over time, and ultimately reflect advanced course selection in secondary education. During the crucial time adolescents become aware of their strengths and interests and specialize accordingly, they get the opportunity to participate in out-of-school learning programs such as mathematics and science competitions. This raises the question whether mathematics and science competitions contribute to gender equity by equally promoting female and male interests. In this article, we present a systematic review on gender differences and the mechanisms explaining success and failure in mathematics and science competitions. On an international level, we found large gender differences regarding participation in all Olympiads with the exception of the biology Olympiad. In fairs and national Olympiads, overall participation rates were not gendered as such, but females preferred biology topics whereas males preferred physics related topics. Male and female achievement in fairs was comparable, but males clearly outperformed female participants at the Olympiads, with the smallest differences in the biology Olympiad. Variables and theoretical frameworks explaining participation and achievement and the role of gender in mathematics and science competitions are discussed. We suggest that gender stereotypes, through their influence on self-concept and interest, play an important role in the mechanisms resulting in low female participation rates in and beyond mathematics and science competitions (especially in physics and chemistry). The mechanisms we found explaining female representation during a national selection competition might be considered as reflecting those in female mathematics or science careers and could thus serve as food for thought on countering the gender gap in mathematics and science.  相似文献   

人们在辨认、理解和认同一些社会现象时,往往会受到长期以来形成的认识传统的影响。而在当今社会,人们的思维和认识传统的形成又和杂志、互联网、广播、影视等大众传播媒介的影响密不可分。本文通过对媒体中的性别角色定型现象的分析和对一份大学生调查问卷的研究,分析了大众传播媒介中的性别歧视现象,考察了年轻人对待传媒的性别角色定型现象的态度以及他们对这种现象的敏感性,进而阐述了媒介研究的重要性。  相似文献   

In the 1960s and 1970s many researchers in the USA noted the prevalence of gender stereotypes in books for children. Numerous studies showed that females were typically portrayed as passive, dependent and generally incapable, and that males were typically portrayed as active, independent and generally competent. Stereotype patterns were consistent across a variety of reading materials, including picture‐books, fiction for older readers and school‐books. Some researchers questioned what the potential effects of such stereotypes might be on readers, but few examined these questions empirically. A review of this literature led us to question whether increased awareness about the potentially harmful effects of gender stereotypes had led to their elimination from books intended for young readers. This paper describes the data we collected on a set of picture‐books. We found that while the prevalence of stereotypes has decreased somewhat, the decreases in quantity and in kind have not been statistically meaningful. A discussion of the effects of gender stereotypes on affective development and on cognitive development is also presented.  相似文献   

性别角色是幼儿不断社会化的产物,会对其成长产生多方面的影响。有针对性地对幼儿进行性别角色教育,可以弥补男女幼儿性别角色中各自的缺失,促进幼儿的全面发展。文章基于幼儿园幼儿展开研究,概括了这一阶段幼儿性别角色发展的一般现状,对其影响因素进行了分析,并从正确的家庭教育理念等方面提出了一些促进幼儿性别角色健康发展的教育对策。  相似文献   

平等性别教育长期作为教育中的次要问题,教育学界对此也存在不少误解。“零和式”的教育使性别平等问题走向了极端。平等性别教育的目标不仅是使女生享有平等的教育的机会,同时使男生受益。打破教育体制中固有的性别成见才是实现平等教育的根本途径。  相似文献   

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