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英国校长培训模式评介   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
英国校长培训由“国家校长专业资格”(简称NPQH)、“校长领导与管理计划”(简称HEADLAMP)和“在职校长领导计划”(简称LPSH)三个层次组成,该模式特色为:具有较高的研究含量;采用高效低耗的培训形式;培训内容力求反映21世纪教育环境的新要求;充分考虑学员的个别化需求;十分重视对备选校长的培训。  相似文献   

英国校长专业资格(NPQH)制度既是校长任职资格证书制度,也是英国首个适用于有志于担任校长者的国家级培训项目,基于校长专业标准而设计,于1997年正式运行,并于2004年成为校长法定资格证书。联合政府2010年上台后进行改革,2012年初取消其法定强制性。我国《义务教育学校校长专业标准》于2013年正式颁布,在此背景下研究NPQH的变迁,对我国职前校长培训具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

台湾中小学候用校长职前储训分为全台湾集中培训、各县市自行培训和委托高校培训三种形式,其课程目标大致可概括为培养高尚品德、提高教育专业知能及强化学校领导知能三个方面,这对于校长专业能力的发展具有重要意义。实现储训课程与候用校长专业能力发展二者之间的契合有两个抓手:一是参照领导理论增强储训课程实务力度;二是引进英国NPQH模式增强储训课程个别适应性。由此可给予内地校长任职资格培训以相应启发:一是理论课程与实务课程并重;二是设置完善的博雅课程;三是形成个性化的校长任职资格培训课程体系。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中期,英国中央政府全面实施中小学校长培训工作以来,在培训理念与价值、培训计划与实施、培训内容与方法、培训机制与评估等方面的专业化取向已经越发明显。本文基于对英国中小学校长培训专业化发展取向特点的探析,旨在为我国中小学校长培训更为专业化的开展提供一定借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

英国校长的国家标准 英国学校校长的国家标准主要目标是: 制定教师职业核心领域明确的要求; 在各方面帮助教师制定和调整职业计划、培训,有效地工作,以及制定旨在促进他们提高效能的明确目标;  相似文献   

英国校长的国家标准 英国学校校长的国家标准主要目标是:制定教师职业核心领域明确的要求;在各方面帮助教师制定和调整职业计划、培训,有效地工作,以及制定旨在促进他们提高效能的明确目标;  相似文献   

香港是一个国际性大都市,曾长期作为英国的一个殖民地。1997年香港终于又回到祖国的怀抱。由于历史的原因,香港教育发展有许多自己的特色,有成功的经验,也有很多亟待改正的缺陷。就中小学校长培训而言,1999年政府公布了《校长领导培训课程咨询文件》,明确提出了加强校长培训、提高校长和学校效能的计划,并决定只有接受了有关培训课程的人士才能担任校长。本文拟就香港中小学校长培训和专业发展的现状与前景作一介绍,并探讨其对内地校长培训工作的启示。校长培训的现状:雄心勃勃的计划虽然香港地区中小学校长培训在历史上并没有引起…  相似文献   

当前台湾要求建立中小学校长专业证照制度的呼声越来越高,但是理论上的共识却受制于实践上的障碍,主要体现在教育行政部门人力资源紧张、动机不够强烈、经费拮据、对专业化的自信心不足等方面。其前行之路须厘清四个主要关系:一是确定认证办理机关,以“国家教育研究院”为主体,高校和地方教育行政部门辅之;二是明确认证对象资格,建议先在候用校长中开展,再逐步推广到现任校长;三是完善认证培训课程,可借鉴英国NPQH建设个性化体系;四是建立认证专业标准,其中制订能力与道德伦理标准尤为重要。这同时也为大陆中小学校长专业化发展提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

英国“学校领导者发展框架”是以国家校长标准为基础,根据校长专业发展规律设计的校长专业发展培训项目系列。本文介绍了校长发展框架提出的背景、设计理念与内容,并探讨了英国“学校领导者发展框架”对我国校长培训工作的几点启示。  相似文献   

英国“学校领导者发展框架”是以国家校长标准为基础,根据校长专业发展规律设计的校长专业发展培训项目系列。本文介绍了学校领导者发展框架提出的背景、设计理念与内容,并探讨了英国“学校领导者发展框架”对我国校长培训工作的几点启示。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the distribution of employment-related organised education and informal learning in the Canadian workforce. The paper draws on a large-scale survey, the Changing Nature of Work and Lifelong Learning (WALL), which was based on structured and standardised telephone interviews with a representative sample of 5783 Canadian members of the employed labour force. In exploring the determinants facilitating employment-related informal learning, three analytical categories of factors derived from previous research on learning participation were used: individual-level factors, job characteristics and workplace environment. The analyses focus on differences in individuals, jobs and workplace characteristics among adult workers who acquired or improved their job-related skills through different training pathways. In addition, analyses were performed to compare the extent to which these factors differ in their influence on learning decisions among workers who combine both organised education and informal learning and those who receive only informal learning. The results indicate that important predictors of participation in employment-related organised education and informal learning are age, educational attainment, learning skills, occupational class, education-job relation, degree of autonomy, degree of labour intensity, principal area of production and organisation size.  相似文献   

扩招后我国研究生入学选择的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用2008年<高校本专科生学业发展状况调查>和<研究生学业发展状况调查>的数据,对扩招后我国高校研究生入学选择及其入学动机展开了分析.分析集中在以下三个方面:本专科毕业后表示读研意愿的学生群体的特性、研究生入学意愿的影响机制、研究生群体的入学动机及其结构性特征.研究结果显示:1)读研已成为扩招后我国高校学生毕业后的主要发展路径之一;2)毕业后选择升学和选择就业的两大学生群体,其家庭社会经济背景和学业能力存在着显著的差异;3)学生的个体特征、家庭背景、高校教学环境、学生学业参与、学业成绩和经济因素对学生选择升学都具有显著影响;4)研究生入学动机呈现多样化趋势.在保持学术研究兴趣的同时,强化就业竞争力、拓展社会资本以及荻取户籍等非学术型升学导向日趋明显.  相似文献   


In New Zealand, school buildings are being remodelled to accommodate several teachers and a large number of learners in one flexible learning space. School leaders’ perspectives were sought on what is happening in the teaching of reading, writing and mathematics. Interviews of the principal and deputy principal at a case study were conducted, and an online survey was used to target views of school leaders across New Zealand: completed by 115 principals and 56 deputy principals. The research found positive responses to the implementation of flexible learning spaces and the impact on the teaching of these three core curriculum areas. The findings suggest that given appropriate experience of such spaces, New Zealand principals (school leaders) seem to have the attitudes and understanding to support adoption of Innovative Learning Environments and recognise their potential benefits. However, the quality of teaching was key no matter which learning space was considered. Although Innovative Learning Environments, along with the cooperation between teachers that such spaces require, were seen as beneficial to learning, successful implementation will also require those leading the changes to place the learner as the focus of change, particularly for the substantive percentage of students who are underachieving in reading, writing and mathematics.  相似文献   

Existing preparation programmes for school principals have been widely criticized for failing to prepare their students adequately for their future roles. This study investigated a workshop at a principal preparation programme which focused on collaborative learning from personal real-life cases, exploring its potential contribution to the professional development of aspiring principals. Using qualitative methodology, we investigated 99 journal entries written by 12 aspiring principals who had participated in such a workshop. Data analysis revealed three benefits of this way of learning: (1) developing a multidimensional view; (2) acquiring applicable knowledge; and (3); nurturing the ability to doubt. Analysis suggests that collaborative learning from personal cases may be an appropriate pedagogical approach for principal preparation programmes; however, there are some concerns worthy of attention.  相似文献   

刘斌  谢展明  刘萍 《高教论坛》2011,(11):116-119
本研究旨在检验对高职英语后进生进行英语学习策略指导的效果。指导的方式为三名教师分别对三个班的后进生进行学习策略培训,三个月后将受训的后进生英语成绩的变化情况与另外三个班未受训的后进生的同期英语成绩变化情况进行比较。调查发现英语学习策略指导对高职英语后进生的英语学习有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

Blended learning is an effective approach to instruction that combines features of face-to-face learning and computer-mediated learning. This study investigated the relationship between student perceptions of three types of interaction and blended learning course satisfaction. The participants included K-12 teachers enrolled in a graduate-level course. Results indicate that students (a) perceived interaction as important to their learning experiences and (b) were moderately satisfied in their blended learning course. The predictive model of student satisfaction including three types of interaction was reliable. Of the three types of interaction, learner–content interaction was the strongest predictor of student satisfaction when the course design involved a low amount of collaborative activities. Additionally, student personality was found to be a vital factor for interaction and satisfaction in this type of course design. Students who reported having an extroverted personality noted more interaction and a higher level of student satisfaction than those who self-reported as introverted.  相似文献   

This narrative inquiry exploring contemporary Chinese schooling involved three researchers who worked collaboratively as a team. Each researcher resonated with a different image of the principalship embedded in the storied account proffered by Xu Xiaozhang 校长, leader of Hexie Elementary School in Tianjin, China. (1) Principal as the lead teacher; (2) principal as an agent of a harmonious learning community; and (3) principal as a teacher-maker were the images Principal Xu held and expressed. In the interpretive analysis, Xu Xiaozhang’s images of principal were nested one within the other in ways that brought Deweyan pragmatism and Confucian thought fruitfully together. The subtle nuances of the images provide an upclose view of schooling on one elementary campus in China that is of international interest and value.  相似文献   

In this study, it is assumed that “a will to learn” must be present before teachers engage in actual learning activities. In order to explore teachers’ will to learn in workplace situations, a small-scale qualitative study was conducted using a semi-structured interview, observation, a retrospective interview, and a phenomenographic approach to the analysis of the data. The results showed the following behaviors to be indicative of a will to learn among teachers: having the ambition to discover new practices, being open to experiences and other people, being pro-active, attribution of successes and mistakes to internal causes, question-asking after performance, undertaking action to learn, and recognition of learning processes and results. The results also showed three different manifestations of the will to learn to characterize the teachers studied here. The following groups of teachers could be distinguished: those who do not see the need to learn; those who wonder how to learn; and those who are eager to learn. The results of the present study contribute to fields concerned with teacher learning and the motivational aspects of learning.  相似文献   

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