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李宇 《教育与考试》2023,(3):52-57+62
PISA是一项为期三年的国际调查,旨在通过测试15岁学生的技能和知识来评估教育体系。通过探究PISA测试的方法论存在的问题,如样本收集、对学校课程的忽视、无法呈现现实语境和翻译,得出PISA测试结果的科学性和客观性存在一定缺陷,并从数字治理和政策借用两个方面探讨了PISA测试可能会对未来教育产生的数字霸权和教育同化。  相似文献   

近年来,PISA测试的效应及其影响在全世界范围内不断扩大,也招来了不少国际学者批判的声音。针对PISA测试的批判体现出视角多元化的特点,聚焦的议题主要涉及PISA测试的技术、内容,以及政治层面的影响。从社会学角度进行分析,PISA测试体现了新全球主义和新自由主义的属性。基于国际学者对PISA测试的批判,我国的基础教育质量监测应汲取PISA测试长处、规避其不足,理性看待PISA测试的结果及其解释,并建构中国本土教育质量监测体系。  相似文献   

在PISA2006(国际学生评价项目)测试中,芬兰又一次夺得桂冠,而在此前的PISA2000、PISA2003测试中,芬兰已经两次蝉联第一,据统计,芬兰义务教育阶段的学生成绩优秀率达94%,有“奇迹教育”之称。从PISA2000、PISA2003到PISA2006,先后经历了对阅读、数学和科学三个侧重点的考查,PISA2006注重对学生科学素养的评价,主要是看学生对科学知识的了解程度,以及他们运用科学知识和科学理解力辨别、陈述、解决日常生活问题的能力。芬兰政府认为,他们的学生之所以有好的表现,部分原因是政府在1996年到2002年间逐步实施的旨在培养学生卓越科学能力的发展规划。  相似文献   

杨海燕 《教育文汇》2008,(11):21-22
在PISA2006(国际学生评价项目)测试中,芬兰又一次夺得桂冠,而在此前的PISA2000、PISA2003测试中,芬兰已经两次蝉联第一。据统计,芬兰义务教育阶段的学生成绩优秀率达94%,有“奇迹教育”之称。从PISA2000、PISA2003到PISA2006,芬兰先后经历了对阅读、数学和科学三个侧重点的考查。PISA2006注重对学生科学素养的评价,主要是看学生对科学知识的了解程度,  相似文献   

PISA是国际学生评估项目的缩写(Programme for International Student Assessment),是经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的成员共同开发的项目,其目的是测试15岁学生是否掌握了参与未来知识社会所必需的基础知识和基本技能,从而建立一套学生评价方面的教育指标,为各国制定教育政策提供参考。从2000年开始,PISA每三年实施一次。根据本文研究的选题,以下将以2003年的PISA(以下简称PISA2003)数学试题为例进行探讨。  相似文献   

国际学生评价项目──PISA2003对学生的阅读、数学/科学素养以及问题解决的能力进行了测评。分析研究PISA2003的测评原则与目的、测试框架与方法等,可对我国实施教育质量监控予以一定启示。尤其是PISA2003对测评结果的分析,对我国教育政策的制定和教育改革的深化有着重要参考价值。  相似文献   

基于PISA阅读素养测试框架及内容,分析PISA阅读素养在概念定义、阅读文本、阅读层级三个方面的变化,发现PISA阅读素养测评社会化、扩大化、高阶化的三个特征。我国语文核心素养教育应该构建读写联合体、重视多文本教学、实施元认知策略指导。  相似文献   

经合组织于2013年12月3日发布了最新的PISA测试报告,上海学生在数学、阅读、科学三大测试领域的成绩均位列世界第一。这是继2009年之后,上海第二次参加PISA测试并折桂。本刊编辑部就PISA热点问题采访了经合组织PISA测试项目专员吉尔勒莫·蒙特(Guillermo Montt)。吉尔勒莫·蒙特以PISA测试为重点介绍了相关的国际测评项目,并就教育均衡、师资发展等问题进行了阐述。  相似文献   

PISA测试结果的每一次公布都会引起世界的瞩目,各国政府及相关教育政策决策者会依据其结果对其相关教育政策作出调整。在正式实施测试之前,OECD会提前公布相关测试框架,这会在一定程度上影响未来的教学与评价走向。PISA2021测试框架最为显著的一个变化体现在数学素养定义中的数学推理,侧重在数学推理的介绍及其与问题解决的关系。通过对PISA2021的分析发现,数学推理包括演绎推理和归纳推理,贯穿问题解决的全过程,所有数学活动的展开都围绕数学推理而进行。  相似文献   

作为极具国际影响力的基础教育质量评估项目,PISA2018在测试内容、方式与规模方面都呈现出新的特点。如对学生阅读素养进行了新的诠释,采用了基于计算机的测试和计算机自适应测试等。PISA2018结果显示,我国四省市学生阅读、数学、科学素养表现卓越,教育公平有所改善但仍有待提升,同时四省市教育发展中也存在一些亟待关注的问题。我们需要客观看待PISA测试结果,明确PISA的作用及其限度,并且通过对PISA数据进行深入分析与科学解读,为推动我国基础教育改革提供更为科学的证据支持。  相似文献   

关于三项著名国际学生评价项目的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全国教育进展评价 (简称NAEP)、第三次国际数学和科学教育的再研究 (简称TIMSS -R)和国际学生评价项目 (简称PISA)是当前国际间最为著名的学生评价项目 ,本文拟就 2 0 0 0年NAEP的 8年级评估、TIMSS -R的 8年级评估和PISA三项评价项目的数学和科学领域评估做一比较 ,以便我们了解这些评估的实施背景、基本框架和评估内容  相似文献   

Ji Liu 《牛津教育评论》2019,45(3):315-332
This study explores the multidimensionality of engagements with international large-scale standardised assessments (ILSAs). The objective is to understand how different policy actors—government, media, and citizens—rationalise, report, and perceive China’s PISA participation. First, government archive analysis traces a decade of documents (2005–2015), and the findings show that Shanghai’s initial participation in PISA was rationalised as a policy experiment for learning Western ideas of education governance. Second, media content analysis of two major news outlets indicates that media framing of PISA participation was strategic on timing, intensity, and tone. Third, a public opinion survey yields results which show that low public knowledge of Shanghai’s PISA participation in 2012 is prevalent. Drawing on these findings, this study investigates how the ILSA movement, exemplified by PISA, engages different levels of stakeholders in China.  相似文献   

As the field of education has become a highly internationalised policy field in the last decade, international organisations such as the OECD play an ever more decisive role in the dissemination of knowledge, monitoring of outcomes, and research in education policy. Although the OECD lacks any binding governance instruments to put coercion on States or to provide material incentive, it has successively expanded its competences in this field. OECD advanced its status as an expert organisation in the field of education mainly by designing and conducting the international comparative PISA study. With PISA, the OECD was able to greatly influence national education systems. Basically, States were faced with external advice based on sound empirical data that challenged existing domestic policies, politics, and ideas. One prominent case for the impact of PISA is Germany. PISA was a decisive watershed in German education policy‐making. Almost instantly after the PISA results were publicised in late 2001, a comprehensive education reform agenda was put forward in Germany. The experienced reform dynamic was highly surprising because the traditional German education system and politics were characterised by deep‐rooted historical legacies, many involved stakeholders at different levels, and reform‐hampering institutions. Hence, a backlog of grand education reforms have prevailed in Germany since the 1970s. The external pressure exerted by PISA completely changed that situation.  相似文献   

PISA的评估具有前瞻性,它的焦点不在于评估学生对学校课程的掌握程度,而是着眼于真实生活的挑战。与PISA的评估重点有类似的精神实质,新课程也要求将学生科学素养发展的焦点从“知道什么”向“能做什么”转变。“面向未来”科学素养调查借鉴PISA的思路和方法,探索性地建立了评估科学素养发展的五能力模型和情景化测试的方法。调查的实践成功地描述了学生发展的现状,找到了问题所在,对科学教育提供了有价值的建议。调查证明,以“面向未来”为价值导向,以“能力”为评估对象,是评估学生科学素养发展和科学课程改革的可操作、有成效的评估方案。  相似文献   

This article considers the role played by policy makers, government organisations, and research institutes (sometimes labelled “think tanks”) in the analysis, use and reporting of PISA data for the purposes of policy advice and advocacy. It draws on the ideas of Rizvi and Lingard (Globalizing Education Policy, 2010), Bogdandy and Goldmann (Governance by Indicators/ Global Power through Quantification and Rankings, 2012) and others to explore the ways in which such “agents of change” can interpret, manipulate and disseminate the results of data arising from large scale assessment survey programs such as PISA to influence and determine political and/or educational research agendas. This article illustrates this issue by highlighting the uncertainty surrounding the PISA data that have been used by a number of prominent, high profile agents of change to defend policy directions and advice. The final section of this paper highlights the need for policy makers and their advisors to become better informed of the technical limitations of using international achievement data if such data are to be used to inform policy development and educational reforms.  相似文献   

Education policy has undergone transformation in many countries over the last decade. In this article, we focus on the effects of the most significant international initiative in secondary education, which is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). We analyse two countries that provide variation regarding the degree of change in their respective education policy-making due to this study; while Germany substantially reformed its education system in reaction to its mediocre PISA results, almost no change has been observed in England. As we show, alterations and shifts in ideas of education policy best account for such a change.  相似文献   

The Programme for International Assessment (PISA) is an important cross-national study of 15-year olds academic achievement. Although it has traditionally been conducted using paper-and-pencil tests, the vast majority of countries will use computer-based assessment from 2015. In this paper, we consider how cross-country comparisons of children’s skills differ between paper and computer versions of the PISA mathematics test. Using data from PISA 2012, where more than 200,000 children from 32 economies completed both paper and computer versions of the mathematics assessment, we find important and interesting differences between the two sets of results. This includes a substantial drop of more than 50 PISA test points (half a standard deviation) in the average performance of children from Shanghai-China. Moreover, by considering children’s responses to particular test items, we show how differences are unlikely to be solely due to the interactive nature of certain computer test questions. The paper concludes with a discussion of what the findings imply for interpretation of PISA results in 2015 and beyond.  相似文献   


New evidence presented in this paper shows that existing accounts of Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in developing countries underestimate both progress and inequality because they do not take into account the large proportion of 15–16-year olds who are ineligible for the PISA sampling frame, primarily due to dropout or delay. In such countries, who makes it into PISA (sample eligibility) heavily influences representivity and therefore the interpretation of PISA results. We use PISA in Turkey 2003–2012 as a case study to show how combining measures of access (from the Turkish Demographic and Health Surveys) and learning outcomes (from PISA) can account for changes in the underlying population. We find the percentage of 15–16-year olds reaching Level 2 in PISA is up to twice as large as that reflected in official PISA reports. These findings have strong implications for inter-country and inter-temporal comparisons using PISA, particularly for developing countries.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a recent study of the education policy uses and impact of international large-scale assessments, namely the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The paper focuses on two overlapping dimensions of PISA’s education policy use in the context of Spain. These include political dimensions, such as the use of PISA to initiate and justify the 2012?2013 educational reforms; and technical dimensions, namely the use of PISA in the development of national-level indicators used to benchmark progress and guide education and curriculum reform. The study points to the growing dominance of PISA as a powerful policy tool. Findings from the paper add to the body of literature on the different ways in which international assessments are used to guide education policy within national spaces and the role of the OECD as an agent of transnational policy steering.  相似文献   

This paper empirically documents media portrayals of Australia’s performance on the Program for the International Student Assessment (PISA), 2000–2014. We analyse newspaper articles from two national and eight metropolitan newspapers. This analysis demonstrates increased media coverage of PISA over the period in question. Our research data were analysed using ‘framing theory’, documenting how the media frames stories about Australia’s performance on PISA. Three frames were identified: counts and comparisons; criticisms; and contexts. Most of the media coverage (41%) was concerned with the first frame, counts and comparisons, which analysed PISA data to provide ‘evidence’ that was then used to comparatively position Australia against other countries, reference societies, which do better, with particular emphasis on Finland and also Shanghai after the 2009 PISA. The other two frames dealt with criticisms and contextual issues. This paper only focuses on the first frame. The analysis demonstrates the ways in which media coverage of Australia’s PISA performance has had policy impact.  相似文献   

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