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MSDS在化学品安全管理方面具有重要作用。介绍分析了MSDS的内容、意义及在我国高校化学实验室的应用现状。提出利用MSDS提高化学实验室化学品安全,加强药品采购、储存、使用、处置等方面管理,建立化学品标签为化学品使用者提供清晰的危害性认识和合理的防护措施建议,并在日常实验教学中提高学生安全意识和规范意识。同时指出需加强实验室人员对MSDS的认识,建立MSDS信息库,充分发挥MSDS在实验室安全方面的作用  相似文献   

近几年高校化学类实验室安全事故频发,化学类实验室的安全已成为高校必须正视并急待解决的一个重要问题.化学品的安全使用和管理是化学类实验室安全管理的重要环节,因此,全面引入并实行MSDS(Materiai Safety Data Sheet)及GB/T16483-2008(《化学品安全技术说明书内容和项目顺序》)规定MSDS的十六部分内容,将能有效地降低或杜绝化学安全事故的发生.  相似文献   

通过对墨尔本大学化学品安全管理的考察,介绍和分析了该校的化学品申购和许可证、化学品风险评估、准入和培训等制度,以及安全网站和ChemWatch化学品管理系统建设、材料安全数据表MSDS的使用及环境健康安全监测系统等方面的管理措施,结合我国高校化学品管理的现状,阐述了建立可操作性的实验室管理制度、建设先进的信息化管理系统、建立材料安全数据库、实行化学品风险评估制度等的重要性,提出了提升我国高校化学品安全管理水平的若干建议。  相似文献   

高校化学实验室承担着实验教学和科学研究的任务,需要使用危险化学品。针对目前高校实验室危险化学品安全管理存在的问题,本文从硬件管理、制度建设和人员管理三个方面探索了危险化学品安全管理的对策,为高校化学实验室危险化学品安全管理提供了思路,对减少危险化学品安全事故、推动教学科研实验顺利开展具有重要作用。  相似文献   

近年来,高校实验室因危险化学品使用不当造成的事故时有发生,严重影响了师生健康安全和正常的教学秩序.结合北京市高校实验室危险化学品专项治理工作,该文总结了高校实验室危险化学品安全管理现状和专项治理工作取得的成效,分析了实验室危险化学品管理仍然存在的难点问题,提出了强化实验室危险化学品安全管理的建议.  相似文献   

由于高校化学实验室存放着种类繁多的危险化学品,其发生事故的概率通常较大.该文将PDCA循环模式应用于地方高校化学实验室的日常管理,旨在通过构建安全管理体系、实施安全管理措施、落实安全监督检查以及强化安全问题整改4个层面,逐步解决化学实验室的安全问题,提高实验室的整体安全管理水平.  相似文献   

分析高校化学实验室存在的安全隐患,阐述加强危险化学品安全管理的几点措施,指出制定适合其自身特点的安全管理规定,建立行之有效的安全管理及防护体系,是防范危险化学品事故的重要保障。  相似文献   

危险化学品的管理对高校的安全稳定意义重大。高校学科多、实验室数量大、分布广、实验室人员集中、流动性大的特点对危险化学品在购买、使用、储存、和废弃处置等环节上埋下了安全隐患。该文在分析危险化学品事故对高校的直接和间接影响的基础上,对高校危险化学品的管理提出管理对策。  相似文献   

高校化学实验室管理中EHS文化的构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
EHS管理体系(environment环境,health健康,safety安全)是指建立环境、安全、健康的组织机构及其职责、程序、过程和资源等构成的整体,是三位一体的管理体系,其影响目前已涉及化工、食品、纺织服装、电子仪器等行业.与企业的EHS文化风起云涌相比,高校化学实验室存在明显的冷漠和后知后觉.从EHS管理体系的先进性和高校化学实验室管理文化的社会责任的角度讨论了在高校化学实验室管理中引入EHS文化的意义,并从事故应急程序、化学伤害的第一时间救治、化学实验室的一般安全问题、化学品管理、实验室人员培训实施等5个方面,着重讨论了高校化学实验室EHS管理标准化文件的构建.  相似文献   

高校实验室化学废弃物的处理与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校实验室化学废弃物的处理一直是困扰政府环保部门、高校实验室管理部门和实验室工作人员的难题.对于实验室产生的化学废弃物,政府环保部门光靠堵是不能从根本上来解决实验室安全及环境保护的问题.政府管理部门应拿出切实有效的处理办法和措施来规范生产、销售及使用化学品的相关单位和人员,对废弃化学品进行无害化处理,使实验室化学品使用达到国家环保部门的排放要求.就高校实验室化学废弃物的现状、处理方法和途径进行了调研,针对废弃化学品处理中的问题提出了一点建议.  相似文献   

论述了MSDS的含义、作用以及将其引入生物实验室管理中的必要性,有必要将MSDS应用于生物实验室的管理中。可通过加强药品的采购,重视药品的储存管理,正确使用化学药品,科学处理废弃药品,严格MSDS培训等措施来提高生物实验室的管理水平。  相似文献   

在分析主流数据集成方法的基础上,结合我校数字化校园建设过程中的具体实践,提出了一种基于T-ETL的复合式数据集成方案,从而解决了各部门业务系统之间的数据互通问题。研究表明,该方案能保证数据的实时性,降低数据传输开销,消除数据交换中的性能瓶颈和安全隐患,提高了系统的整体性能。  相似文献   

在分析地质灾害气象预警预报的业务基础上,考虑到提供地质灾害预警预报功能服务的共享,提出了一种云计算平台上的GIS服务动态聚合的地质灾害气象预警预报系统的分布式体系架构,并将其应用于全国地质灾害预警预报平台中。应用实例表明该动态聚合服务实现了地质灾害气象预警预报分布式数据的服务功能共享。  相似文献   

社区矫正风险评估机制的分析与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区矫正是一项系统性工程,而其中风险评估机制则是开展社区矫正的基础性工作。对社区服刑人员进行风险评估可以提高社区矫正工作的质量和效果,降低服刑人员重新犯罪率,实现社区矫正工作的科学化和社会化。上海市率先开展社区矫正风险评估制度的实践,积累了一定的经验,取得了不错的效果,但在内容设置和具体执行中仍然存在一些问题,如初次测评的情境介入、测评人员素质、测评表制定等。为此,需要对风险评估机制进行深入论证,在专业培训、测评表完善、测评部门协调、评估督导制度以及专业机构协助等方面下功夫.进而为实践部门提供科学指导。  相似文献   

Central Community College (CCC; Columbus, Nebraska) has taken the lead in several business, industry, and educational collaborations, beginning locally, then expanding statewide. This article shares two models that other community colleges may wish to replicate. The first describes the development of a collaborative team. The second shows that, by using the collaborative team approach, community colleges can generate substantial increases in both funding and full-time equivalents (a basis for community college funding inNebraska)while serving business andindustry.For example, since June 1998 CCC has generated nearly $1.4 million for its business and industry training programs. As a result of collaboration among CCC, the Nebraska Community College System, government agencies, and business and industry, the Statewide Interactive Multimedia Training Library was established.  相似文献   

针对社区医疗地域分散、与外部系统活动频繁等特点,提出了基于SOA的社区医疗信息系统信息集成的设计与实现方法。利用.NET框架的高度集成、跨平台共享等特点,通过Web Service封装对外的业务处理模块,提供了统一的服务接口,从而实现对分布异构数据进行数据交流。提出了利用.NET中的WebService技术实现SOA集成的解决方法,充分论证SOA在社区医疗信息系统的重要作用。  相似文献   

Geographic information systems have experienced rapid growth and user adoption over the last four decades, due to an increasing value to the business community. However, business schools are not teaching geospatial concepts and the related location intelligence to their students. This curriculum decision seems completely at odds with business’ day‐to‐day dependence on a wide array of geographic information system applications. Business schools typically teach relational and object‐oriented database courses, quantitative methods, decision supports systems, and Visual Basic for Applications, which are all directly related to the basic concepts of geographic information systems. In addition, these concepts are all part of location intelligence, a more business intuitive term than geospatial analysis. Spatial data modeling is discussed and compared to standard data modeling frameworks such as ANSI/SPARC. Geographic standards are introduced, along with an overview of the OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL. A discussion of how to utilize MySQL open source database software for spatial queries is included, along with a comparison to PostgreSQL/PostGIS. Through the use of these software programs and the techniques introduced in this article, it is possible to integrate the concepts of location intelligence into business curriculum without requiring students to learn new GIS‐specific programs. Enhancing student knowledge of this subject area through existing skill sets provides for smoother integration of this material into existing curriculum, as these topics could be added into established courses and would not require new courses to be developed.  相似文献   

The study reported in this article was a factorial experiment that addressed the usefulness of the Rynes and Barber (1990) applicant attraction model and the Byrne (1971) similarity-attraction hypothesis as theoretical frameworks for conducting empirical research about community college faculty recruitment. Study participants (N = 136) were business professionals completing the masters of business administration degree who position announcements of community college business faculty vacancies. The independent variables were job mobility (relocation required vs. relocation not required), recruiter background (business vs. education), and applicant gender. The dependent variable was a composite rating for applicant reaction to a job described in a faculty position announcement. Both male and female applicants rated jobs most favorably when the job did not require relocation F(1,128) = 5.16, p.05 and the recruiter conveying the job message had a professional background similar to that of the applicant F(1,128) = 11.97, p.001. These findings have implications for theory, educational recruitment practice, and future research.  相似文献   

Rouse [Rouse, C. E. (1995). Democratization or diversion—the effect of community-colleges on educational-attainment. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 13(2), 217–224] finds that enrollment in a community college may divert students from attaining a bachelor's degree. However, this result may be due to selection bias, as the population of community college students should be quite different from those who attend 4-year institutions in terms of both observable and unobservable characteristics. This study uses propensity score matching to non-parametrically balance a data set from the 1996 Beginning Postsecondary Students survey in order to overcome issues associated with selection bias. Results from a Cox proportional hazards model indicate that attendance at a community college lowers the hazard rate for completing a bachelor's degree. The results are consistent with previous studies.  相似文献   

Every so often, it is important to stand back and look at the whole context of our field of research and practice. In this article, I do this by shedding light on the ways we view the term vocations and the consequences of those views for education and training in community colleges and adult and community education providers of all kinds. I ask the question: What is Vocational Education and Training (VET) for? I ask this particular question because I know the answers are contested, staking out claims for territory in research and practice. The answer to the question that this article explores is that vocational education and training ''serve industry.'' Using Australia as a specific example of such a Western country, the article argues that the entrenched meanings for VET as serving industry have disenfranchised a large proportion of the population - especially small business and the rural sector. The article is pointing out that the resulting version of VET is gendered, classed, and urban-specific. This structurally entrenched position is then contrasted with data reported from empirical studies currently examining (among other things) the nature of vocations and work at a community level and the manner in which they are created there. The article raises three important implications: the convergence of Adult and Community Education with VET, learning pathways, and the effects on small business.  相似文献   

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