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《数学教学论》教学中实施模拟课堂教学实践的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
模拟课堂教学实践就是学生在教师的指导下,以数学教学理论为指导,充分发挥教师的创造性,自行设计教学方案,并模拟中学数学课堂对其中的一个教学设计方案进行教学实践.模拟课堂教学实践分为前期准备、课堂教学设计、模拟课堂实施和总结评价四个阶段.它充分调动学生自主学习的积极性,有效地促进学生之间的相互学习;创造理论与实践相结合的机会,深化学生对数学教学理论的理解;提供训练教学技能的平台,促进学生数学教学能力的初步形成.  相似文献   

在课堂教学中真正落实学生的主体地位,让学生真正成为数学课堂的主人,促进学生自主地发展,是现代数学课堂的重要标志,是高中数学素质教育的核心思想.教师要在教学设计上充分体现学生的学情,设计出符合学生认知规律的教学方案,是让学生真正成为课堂主人的前提;选择恰当的教学模式为载体,实实在在改进课堂教学,是让学生真正成为课堂主人的重要手段;教师不断更新教育理念,提高教育理论水平,理论联系实际,指导教学实践,在课堂教学中,不追求形式而重在落实"让学生通过自己思维来学习数学",是深化数学素质教育的目的.  相似文献   

新的课程标准对学生学习数学的有效性提出了新的要求,然而学生学习的有效性关键靠我们教师教学的有效性。在长期的小学数学教学实践和反思中我觉得教学的质量与效果都是从学生学习的有效性上体现出来的。那么如何提高小学数学课堂教学的有效性来扎扎实实促进学生在课堂上有效学习、成功发展呢?笔者认为我们的小学数学课堂教学要做到以下几点。  相似文献   

有效课堂是实现教学目标的课堂,强烈的目标是有效教学的基础,教师对新课程教学目标及课堂教学目标把握得越好,教学越有效。数学课堂教学的有效性,指在数学课堂教学中教师通过多媒体或自制教具等多种教学手段,采取有效的教学方法,让学生通过自主学习、小组合作学习、探究性学习等多种方式掌握数学知识,促进学生知识与技能、过程与方法、数学思维协调发展,不断提高课堂效率和课堂效益。  相似文献   

杨秀明 《考试周刊》2012,(65):65-66
"对话教学"作为课堂教学的一种活动方式,要求教师将课堂教学的重点放在对学生学习活动的组织、指导和合作上。作者在教学实践中从四个方面寻求优化数学课堂对话的策略。  相似文献   

谈中小学数学教学中的"五导"   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中小学数学课堂教学中的"五导"即教导、指导、引导、辅导、疏导,这既是教学方法,也显示为一种理念.教导行为是指教师对课堂教学内容进行适当地有效讲授与讲解,让学生进行有意义的接受学习.指导行为主要指教师对学生进行学习策略指导,旨在促进学生的可持续发展.引导行为主要是针对教学的核心是学习而言,教师要通过有效的引导行为,促进学生主动学习.辅导行为指针对教学结果的反馈,了解学生的所缺与所需,对学生采取有针对性的帮助.疏导行为指数学教师应引导学生欣赏数学美,疏导学生惧怕数学的压力.教师作为学生学习的帮助者,应根据不同的课型、不同的教学目标对课堂的"五导"教学策略进行选择,有所侧重、有机结合,以促进学生的发展.  相似文献   

<正>引言:趣味化教学作为数学课堂中不可缺失的一类教学支架,教师在教学环节应当实施情境引导、生活指导、方法教导,引入各种各样的趣味元素,尝试激发学生的探索欲、学习欲,从而提高数学课堂教学品质、教学效率。新时期,在小学数学课堂教学环节,教师需要整合丰富多样的趣味性教学元素,丰富数学课堂教学内涵,调动小学生参与课堂学习的主动性,以此来提高小学数学课堂教学水平,给予学生丰富、全面、完整的课堂学习体验。1趣味性教学在小学数学课堂教学中实施的意义分析趣味性教学充分践行“寓教于乐、先王乐教”的教学思想、教学理念,教师可在教学过程中引入趣味性的教学  相似文献   

小学数学是一门基础课程,课堂是学生学习数学的主阵地,因此教师要在新课程标准的指导下,充分尊重教学规律、原则,整合、细化教学任务,采取各种有效的教学方法和手段,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的实践能力、思维能力和创新能力,从而提高课堂教学效率和教学质量,提高学生的综合素质,促进学生全面发展。笔者结合教学实践,谈谈如何提高数学课堂教学的有效性。  相似文献   

基础教育受到国家关注和大力支持,初中是学生学习的重要阶段,初中数学是一个重要组成部分。要切实让学生重视数学,认真学习数学,提高数学学习质量和效率,需要构建核心教学课堂,培养数学课堂凝聚力,教师应该准确把握数学教学核心要求,密切关注学生数学课堂学习情况,师生共同努力,培养数学课堂凝聚力,提高学生数学综合能力,促进数学课堂教学优化,构建初中数学核心课堂。就构建核心教学课堂,培养数学课堂凝聚力进行探究,期望对提高初中数学课堂教学质量和效果有所增益。  相似文献   

数学课堂活动教学,就是在数学课堂教学过程中.通过对具有活动性的数学问题的解决,促进学生主动参与、主动探索、主动思考、主动实践,使学生的学习能力得到全面发展的教学形式。它提倡的是参与、探索、思考、实践的学习方式,与新课程理念所倡导的自主、探究、合作的学习方式是一致的。通过对课堂教学的研究和探索.我们发现:数学课堂活动教学是一种较为理想的新的教学方式。在新课程理念的指导下,它将更具有生命力。  相似文献   

陈赛平 《成才之路》2022,(9):130-132
随着新课改的推进,中小学课堂教学不仅要完成教学任务,还要培养学生学科核心素养.数学课堂教学如何基于核心素养发展需要优化课堂教学策略成为值得探讨的重要话题.践行数学学科素养,教师要立足学生的实际情况,优化教学课堂策略,从学习氛围的营造、数学问题的设计以及自主性的发挥等方面着手,力求使每个学生都能充分展示自我学习素质,提高...  相似文献   

In order to adapt teacher education to new demands in mathematics classrooms, it is necessary to change the courses in mathematics at the university. Teachers’ beliefs about mathematics, learning and teaching has great impact on their teaching. At the University of Göteborg, a co‐operative project has been conducted in order to design a programme based on problem solving in courses taken by prospective Comprehensive School teachers (grade 4‐‐9). The main purpose of the project has been to make student teachers more reflective about mathematics as such, about learning and teaching. Another purpose of the project has been to use a teaching method in a university course‐‐a method which could be applied in a school classroom. The student teachers have worked co‐operatively in small groups of 3‐4 students and the educators role has been that of a facilitator. A preliminary evaluation indicates that student teachers have developed an insight into the complexity of learning and teaching, even though there are variations in this respect. However they still have difficulties in applying the method to teaching mathematics at school.  相似文献   

课堂教学设计的好坏直接决定着课堂教学的效果。只有课前的精心预设,才有可能在课堂上实现精彩的生成。但多数小学数学教师的课堂教学设计仍停留在传统意义上"课本知识"的设计层面,缺乏对课程资源、学习情境、学习方式、教师角色、学习群体等多种因素的综合考虑。为此,作为数学教师,只有认真钻研教材,做好"教学设计",才能真正改进课堂教学,有效地提高教师专业水平。  相似文献   

This study examined the complexities of the collaborative relationship between student teachers and cooperating teachers in secondary mathematics from the perspectives of the student teachers. Four cohorts of student teachers (N = 170) in secondary mathematics were surveyed using a questionnaire that measured their perceptions of two dimensions of their student teaching experience: collaboration with their cooperating teachers and the classroom practices of their cooperating teachers. Although analysis of the responses revealed that student teachers were generally satisfied with the amount and quality of the collaboration, two important results were revealed. First, about half of the respondents reported spending less than an hour collaborating weekly with their cooperating teacher in various contexts. Second, certain classroom practices of the cooperating teachers were found to be significantly associated with whether they spent more or less than an hour collaborating with their student teachers, and were significantly correlated in most cases. This explicit linkage suggests that the classroom practices of cooperating teachers may extend to the mentoring approach they take when working with student teachers. Suggestions for teacher education programs and cooperating teacher support are shared.  相似文献   

Student teaching is often a capstone experience in the preparation of mathematics teachers. Thus, it is essential to better understand key aspects of the experience. We conducted a qualitative study of post-lesson conferences led by supervisors (classroom cooperating teachers and a university supervisor) working with mathematics student teachers. Analysis of conference communications revealed differences in the types and content of communications in conferences led by the cooperating teachers and by the university supervisor. Cooperating teachers tended toward evaluative supervision that lacked a focus on the mathematics of the lessons while the university supervisor tended toward educative supervision, guiding student teachers to reflect on and learn from their own classroom experiences including the mathematics of their lessons. Differences are discussed, and suggestions concerning the supervision of student teachers are made along with recommendations for further research.  相似文献   

在现实的数学课堂教学评价实践中,教学被异化为评价而不是为了数学课堂教学本身。数学课堂教学评价不能只重"评"的形式而忽视"价"的本质,本真的数学课堂教学评价的价值在于促进学生和教师经由数学教学活动获得发展,它应当是为了数学课堂教学,而不是为了评价本身。本真的数学课堂教学评价不仅基于对数学课堂作为教学基本形式所具有一般课堂性质的正确理解,而且要基于对数学课堂作为数学学科教学实践活动所具有特殊课堂性质的深刻领会。应当重视在数学课堂教学中数学活动这个特殊学科背景意蕴下构建数学课堂教学评价的本真内涵。  相似文献   

This article reports on the results of a survey of 45 secondary mathematics cooperating teachers’ perceptions of the primary purposes of student teaching and their roles in accomplishing those purposes. The most common purposes were interacting with an experienced, practising teacher, having a real classroom experience, and experiencing and learning about classroom management. The most common roles were providing the space for experience, modeling, facilitating reflection, and sharing knowledge. The findings provided insights into the cooperating teachers’ perceptions about both what should be learned through student teaching and how it should be learned. These findings paint a picture of cooperating teachers who do not see themselves as teacher educators—teachers of student teachers. Implications for mathematics teacher educators are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from an ongoing study exploring how the Content Representation (CoRe) design can be used as a tool to help chemistry student teachers begin acquiring the professional knowledge required to become expert chemistry teachers. Phase 2 of the study, reported in this paper, investigated how collaboration with school-based mentors (associate teachers) on teaching practice (practicum) might impact on this process and student teachers’ development of their pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). The collaboration involved identifying and discussing pedagogical issues related to a practicum-teaching topic using a student teacher’s draft CoRe as a starting point and ongoing focus for the professional dialogue. Practicum offered an opportunity for aspects of student teachers’ PCK, as embodied in their draft CoRes, to be explored and expanded upon in classroom programmes with the support and input of associate teachers. The findings were influenced by different contextual factors; however, the student teachers found their CoRes to be very useful frameworks for engaging in focussed professional dialogue with their teaching mentors. They valued the expertise, currency of knowledge and mentoring of their associates and reported positively about the contribution this support made to their PCK development via the CoRe design process and the transformation of the CoRe into classroom teaching.  相似文献   

Teachers of mathematics orchestrate opportunities for interactions between learners and subject matter. Therefore, mathematics teachers need rich, multidimensional content knowledge for teaching mathematics, which incorporates knowledge of the subject matter, students, and teaching. Studying this mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) necessitates more than a unidirectional assessment. In this study, the mathematical knowledge for teaching reasoning and proving of two secondary mathematics teachers was investigated through classroom observations and clinical assessments. Results indicate that using MKT as a frame for examining classroom practice, in addition to assessing the MKT a teacher possesses in a clinical setting, provides an in-depth and innovative method for investigating MKT. The comparison of the two cases also identifies student positioning as a key mediating factor between MKT and opportunities to learn. Implications for using MKT as a lens for examining practice in teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

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