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The growing use of the interactive whiteboard (IWB) in primary school teaching forms part of a number of initiatives within the schools of the United Kingdom to develop the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in teaching and learning. The IWB presents both challenges and opportunities to teachers, particularly in terms of staff development and training. This study uses classroom observation and semi-structured interviews with teachers now working in a recently built, technology-rich primary school to develop a generic progressive framework and developmental model for schools introducing the IWB. This framework can be used to assess and guide teacher progress on the continuum towards becoming a ‘synergistic user’. As teachers make this transition there is a fundamental requirement to adopt an interactive teaching style, alongside the gradual development of specific ICT skills. The study also examines implications for teacher education and training for schools, both prior and subsequent to the introduction of the IWB into classroom use. These include specific technical and pedagogical competencies which need to be addressed for effective interactive use of the IWB in classroom teaching  相似文献   

杨昊 《现代教育技术》2012,22(12):40-46,52
过去十年,英国的教育研究文献显示,使用信息技术确实有助于老师尝试富有创意的教学方法,但这些更多的是零星的个案,并未系统而可持续地推动学校教育的变革。然而,这一变革却对充分挖掘信息技术的教学功能,培养学生获得信息社会所需的学术和工作技能至关重要。文章以英国如何将ICT融入中小学教育的实践为例,探讨了信息技术推动学校教育变革的本质及必要条件。观察英国的改革历程对我国教育信息化发展具有一定的借鉴和参考意义。  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织在修订以往《教师ICT能力框架》的基础上,对标《2030年可持续发展目标》,制定了囊括18项教育ICT能力的《教师ICT能力框架(第3版)》。作为指导教师使用ICT的职前和在职培训工具,很多国家和机构结合当地实际对该框架内容进行了调整,以便实现教师专业发展目标。本研究采用内容分析和文本分析方法,梳理了联合国教科文组织《教师ICT能力框架》的演变脉络,从能力框架开发原则、内容架构、实施案例和资源开发三个维度,深入解读这一能力框架,并提出落实能力框架,需要政府、师范院校、在职教师专业发展机构、骨干教师和校长的强有力领导。构建符合我国国情的教师信息技术应用能力框架,要出台基于“循证实践”的教师信息技术应用能力提升政策;利用智能技术助推课程动态评估;加强教育资源生态系统整体建设;分层制定科学的教师ICT能力提升计划。  相似文献   

The overall appeal of ICT in education in China is promoting deep integration of ICT technology with teaching. From a regional point of view, intelligent terminals, such as laptop and tablet, were integrated into classroom, in Beijing, Shanghai and other developed cities. Interactive media equipment (whiteboards, interactive TVs and iPad etc.) have been applied in classroom teaching with deeper and broader ways. However, regarding the pedagogy, it is still a challenge to apply ICT technology for the revolution and further development of classroom instruction properly. In order to evaluate the quality of classroom teaching in an ICT environment and support teachers teaching with ICT technology in daily life practices, this study explored, measured and analyzed the features of classroom instruction in ICT environment, according to the sample lessons from a district in Beijing. Based on our prior research findings on Pad-enhanced teaching pedagogy, the “TPOCME Deep Classroom model” was proposed. 66 sample lessons that applying the TPOCME model was analyzed. The study found that student’s Higher-order Thinking, Classroom Participation and Meaningful learning all have qualitative improvement compared with the traditional classes. The progress concerning the integration of ICT in education and teaching changes the relations between teaching and learning in traditional classes. This study also proved the effectiveness of the proposed model and provided a basis for further development. It was an exploration of promoting ICT-enabled classroom teaching pedagogy in China.  相似文献   

This study investigated early childhood teachers’ beliefs about information and communications technology (ICT) and play in preschool, as well as their confidence in integrating ICT in the classroom. A 28-item questionnaire was compiled and administered to 190 early childhood teachers in Greece. Although ICT play (which can provide learning opportunities) has largely replaced traditional childhood play, in Greece, there is inadequate integration of ICT in early childhood education. In this study, two factors were extracted: ‘playing with ICT as an effective mode of learning and developing children's technological competence’ and ‘ICT use as free play’. The fewer the years of teaching experience and the higher the teachers’ computer self-efficacy, the stronger was the view that ICT play is not just free play. Teachers’ beliefs and confidence affect their classroom practices and, consequently, the children's learning. Viewing ICT as a mode of learning that should be embedded in the curriculum is expected to lead to ICT integration in a teacher's daily practices. The implications for in-service teacher training are therefore discussed.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的高速发展,加之后疫情时代线上教学的广泛使用,慕课现阶段已经进入全面崛起的发展阶段,对当前教育领域带来了较为深远的影响。很多教育领域的专家和研究学者指出,慕课的出现是在出现印刷术之后最为伟大的发明和创造,使得我国的教育领域展现出更为光明的发展前景和无限的曙光。慕课作为一类创新性的教育形式,与我国的高等继续教育具有较高的契合性,二者具有相似的教育理念——颠覆传统教学形式中的课堂教育。慕课具有较为灵活的教学形式,设计较为丰富多样,更加适合高等继续教育这一教育群体,能够有效满足高等继续教育的育人需求。因此,基于理论层次进行分析,实现高等继续教育自主学习和慕课之间的牵手,不管是创造的社会效益还是带来的教育意义,相较于普通的教学形式来说都具有更强的教学价值和推广价值,但是在使用新教学形式的过程中也不可避免地会带来一些新挑战,面对慕课为高等继续教育带来的挑战和机遇,需要积极探索正确的使用路径,促使我国的高等继续教育事业实现创新性突破和发展。  相似文献   

开放教育“教”与“学”的模式决定了其课程教学的重点是引导学生进行研究性学习.即正确认识教与学矛盾的复杂变化,找出其必然联系,不断改革传统教学手段和方式,积极合理地引用信息技术和现代科技手段,促使教学内容向网络化转变,教学管理向技术型转变,构建新型教与学关系,本文主要从开放教育中研究性学习入手,进行渗透研究性学习,来激发学生学习兴趣,逐步提高学生研究性学习能力,培养学生创新能力与综合实践能力,以适应素质教育发展的需要等方面展开研究。  相似文献   

教师信息技术能力(简称ICT能力)是信息技术推动教育变革的关键要素。经济与合作发展组织开展的教师教学国际调查(简称TALIS)呈现了教师在理解、准备和应用信息技术能力三方面的表现。基于TALIS 2018的调查数据,本研究运用方差分析和多元线性回归方法,呈现了我国教师信息技术应用能力的表现及影响因素,以寻求提升教师信息技术应用能力的可行策略。研究发现,与国际数据相比,上海教师理解和准备信息技术能力表现良好,信息技术应用能力欠缺。不同性别和学历的教师信息技术应用能力表现没有显著差异,不同教龄教师信息技术应用能力有显著差异,教龄越高的教师信息技术应用能力越强;在已有的专业发展活动中,相比阅读专业发展文献、课程研讨会、线上培训和教育专家论坛等活动,正式的资格证书或学位培训、参观考察以及加入教师专业发展学习小组等对教师信息技术应用能力的正向影响更大。本研究建议应不断深化信息技术能力培训的实践导向、促进多元主体的参与、构建系统化的信息技术能力学习路径及重视经验型教师的引导作用。  相似文献   

A literature review on perceptions of the interactive whiteboard during the teaching practicum shows that there has been insufficient analysis of student teachers’ perceptions of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). However, these perceptions are highly useful to create a full picture of the effectiveness – and indeed the drawbacks – of using ICT in the classroom. In this study, we examine and analyse evidence from teaching practica to assess the success of ICT – specifically the interactive whiteboard – as a teaching tool, using a qualitative method. The accounts are first-hand, scientific reflections made by student teachers from La Serena, Chile, during their teaching practicum in primary schools; for this reason they are extremely useful in analysing this teaching tool’s effectiveness in the classroom. Among the main results for students’ perceptions of incorporating technology as part of their training, we found a set of variables for good practice when using the interactive whiteboard, including: incorporating technology as an engaging didactic resource; making the most of technology for improving learning; determining when best to use the whiteboard; and identifying any limiting factors together with students’ suggestions for improvement.  相似文献   

信息技术支持的学与教变革是教育信息化系统改革中的关键。我国信息技术支持的学与教,在理论层面已开始由“要素观”逐步转向“生态观”,但实践层面的变革思路上存在着“技术导向”的倾向,这导致研究者热衷技术应用而忽视学与教本身。通过对比中外教育信息化政策以及分析新加坡的典型案例,发现国际上学与教变革的新措施均体现出“学习导向”的特征,并有四个主要动向:关注信息时代学习者的能力结构、挖掘教育“大数据”以分析学习者行为、构建个性化网络学习空间以培育新型学习方式、倡导“以学习者为中心”的新型教学模式。我国应将信息技术支持的学与教变革思路逐渐由“技术导向”转到“学习导向”。  相似文献   

Since our first studies of information and communications technology (ICT) skills and ICT use at universities in 2004, ICT and its use by students has changed greatly. In order to obtain a more detailed picture of ICT skills, we first construct a new instrument to measure the self-perception of ICT skills (49 items) and of ICT use (53 items) by students. This allows us to find some patterns for ICT skills and ICT use. In order to explain these patterns, two basic hypotheses are formulated. The first suggests that positive ICT learning experiences at home, in school, and with peers could contribute to mastering a higher level of ICT skills and more frequent use of ICT among bachelor’s students, a hypothesis that aligns with Dewey’s learning theory. The second hypothesis suggests that there is a similarity between the characteristics of information systems and scientific research, and that students who identify more with scientific research would be more likely to have greater ICT skills and a higher frequency of ICT use. Both hypotheses are tested among bachelor’s students, using some important contextual variables (gender, domain of study, ICT course in secondary school or at university, and education level of parents). It can be concluded that there is a relationship between the ICT learning experience and the research-oriented identity commitment of bachelor’s students on the one hand, and their command of ICT skills and the frequency of use of computers, ICT instruments, and ICT programs on the other.  相似文献   

Results are reported from a study in which teachers' views of highly achieving ninth grade classes in Norway (KappAbel national competition winners) were compared with teachers' views of average achievement classes with regard to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and pedagogical practices. The main purpose of the study was to answer the following questions: What differential role does ICT play in the two kinds of classes as it relates to learning performance in mathematics, and how does the use of ICT relate to teachers' reported views and pedagogical practices? The key findings of the study are the following: First, KappAbel teachers were more likely to have studied math at universities whereas the control teachers were more likely to have studied at colleges. Second, KappAbel teachers were more likely to emphasize reasoning-oriented as compared with instrumental- or rule-oriented teaching of mathematics. Third, KappAbel teachers do perceive weaker general effects of ICT in relation to learning than control teachers; however subject specific ICT tools like spreadsheets are more used for purposes of exploration and research than in control classes. It is the teacher-guided student activity that makes the difference.  相似文献   

Over the years there has been a strong urge to incorporate information and communications technology (ICT) in teaching practices; however, the pace of integration has been characterised as disappointing. Teachers’ lack of competence, their resistance and lack of availability and stability of computers and infrastructure have been offered as explanations. The paper advocates sociocultural theory as a fruitful approach in the research on developing teaching practices with ICT. Empirical evidence from the discourses of student teachers and mentors during internship is used to illustrate how practised identities for teaching with ICTs emerge in action through processes of positioning and authoring. An enhanced understanding of the situated interplay of personal and institutional horizons for meaning making could be crucial for the development of programmes for learning to teach with ICT.  相似文献   

Information and communication technologies have the potential to enhance teaching and learning in higher education by improving access to and interaction with information and resources, and by facilitating dialogue between people. The benefits for learners studying independently are considerable. From the students’ perspective, networked learning offers opportunities that both draw upon existing ICT expertise and present new challenges. However, studies with UK Open University students indicate the potential for mismatches between teachers’ assumptions and learners’ actual ICT experience and competencies. Effective networked learning involves operational and intellectual components and students need to be well prepared for both.  相似文献   

形成性评价对学习的促进作用在我国各学段的教育教学中受到重视。在实际教学中,该评价方法引起教师角色的变化和具体的评价实施策略是实现形成性评价促学价值的关键。教师需要改变传统教学中知识传授者的角色,转变为教学与评价活动的设计者和组织者,学生表现的观察者和诊断者,以及提高学生学习的推动者。通过师生共设与分享学习目标和评价标准,全面收集和准确解读学生信息,做出学生乐于接受并据此调整学习的有效反馈等策略,提升学生学习效果和促进其终身学习能力的发展。  相似文献   

This qualitative study focuses on newly qualified teachers’ use of information and communication technology (ICT) as a tool for meeting the challenges of their everyday work. The overarching aim is to investigate whether they can contribute to new knowledge about learning in ICT contexts. Theoretical points of departure concern the changeable nature of learning in situations where ways of communicating knowledge and skills are changed. The study draws upon interviews and observations. The findings show intersections picturing the new technique as partly changing the circumstances for teaching, learning and collaboration between colleagues. The new teachers’ utterances show that ICT utilisation is extensive and exhibits great variation both among female and among male participants. Boundary‐crossing changes become visible in the collaboration between more experienced teachers and those who are newly qualified, especially when they work on a common development project. However, there are relatively few teachers who bring up active ICT use in connection with pupils’ learning. Changed roles because of ICT competence raise questions about the importance of systematic ICT features within teacher education. Many of the newly qualified teachers wish they had more knowledge about ICT and related techniques. Another question is whether newly qualified teachers who show interest in using the technique can take on the role as agents of change in their active and creative use of ICT.  相似文献   


A key question for educational researchers is whether information and communication technology (ICT) use enhances teaching and learning. In this paper, the authors report findings from a three-year study (2001–2004) investigating teaching and learning effects of ICT use in 26 secondary schools in New Zealand as perceived by teachers. The most obvious effects did not include changes in teaching philosophy or pedagogy but rather increased efficiency of management and administration of teaching, including lesson preparation and presentation. In terms of student learning teachers considered that improved presentation was the biggest impact of ICT use. In addition to the positive consequences of ICT use in education, negative aspects were also reported by teachers, with plagiarism being a frequent concern. Overall, social and motivational effects were more frequently observed in comparison to learning and cognitive effects so that, although the study identified some positive effects of ICT use on teaching and learning, these were mostly surface or indirect and did not change pedagogical beliefs or practice to a great extent.  相似文献   

Learning outcomes are presented as a tool that can enhance teaching and learning in higher education, in particular by fostering student‐centred learning. However, the ways in which this change can and should take place and the specific kinds of enhancement involved are often unclear. This article analyses common claims about the advantages of learning outcomes for teaching and learning and their relationship to student‐centred learning. The potential links between these concepts are investigated, based on interviews with teachers and students from a range of degree programmes at Norwegian and English universities. The interviews with 29 teachers and students suggest that learning outcome approaches are influencing course planning and some aspects of teaching practice, supporting more transparency and clear communication with students and offering a way to address particularly weak or traditional teaching. However, there is limited evidence that learning outcome approaches promote student‐centred learning, and the analysis identifies several tensions between the challenges student‐centred learning ideals pose to traditional teaching practices, in terms of transferring power and choice to students, and perceived pressures to specify and assess learning outcomes. It also suggests that teachers’ and students’ beliefs about the conditions and practices that lead to the most satisfying and successful elements of learning in degree courses are unlikely to be addressed through either learning‐outcome or student‐centred reforms.  相似文献   

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