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How much do teachers in tertiary education know about the sustainability characteristics of their incoming students and, if this knowledge were to be available, how could their educational approaches be influenced by this knowledge? In New Zealand, Otago Polytechnic has committed itself to the goal that every graduate may think and act as a sustainable practitioner, and staff are changing their approach to teaching to achieve this. This research sought to benchmark the environmental worldview attributes of an incoming cohort of Otago Polytechnic students to support academic staff who need to know more about the sustainability interests and characteristics of their students, so that they may provide appropriate educational programmes. The research was also designed as the first stage of longer‐term research to evaluate the impact of these institutional changes on how students transform during the period of their tertiary education experience. The data and analysis presented here suggest that even before students start to study in the institution different groups have substantially different sustainability values‐sets. The authors anticipate that the research instruments and approaches used in the present study will contribute to a substantial national exploration of the sustainability value‐sets of tertiary students.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the design and evaluation of an innovative instructional approach to developing oral presentation skills. The intervention builds on the observational learning theoretical perspective. This perspective is contrasted with the traditional training and practice approach. Two sequencing approaches – learners starting with observational learning versus learners starting with practice opportunities only – were compared. It was hypothesised that learners starting with observational learning would outperform learners in the practice only condition. The results suggest a significant differential impact on development of oral presentation skills. This impact of the observational learning training approach is only found in a limited number of evaluation criteria. Results additionally suggest that students are highly motivated to learn this type of skill. Interaction effects between student characteristics and instructional interventions were not significant.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe the leadership perceptions and practices of principals who promote positive school experiences for Aboriginal students. This qualitative multi-case study encapsulates 14 semi-structured individual interviews conducted with nine principals from the Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island. Findings indicate that the principal’s belief in students, emphasis on student belonging, promotion of relationships and promotion of culturally relevant school experience were seminal in creating a positive school experiences for Aboriginal students. An implication of the study is that leadership embodied via an Aboriginal worldview has great merit for fostering educational success for all learners, regardless of ethnicity.  相似文献   

Engineering professionals in Australia and internationally are coming under increased pressure to practise engineering more sustainably. In response to this pressure, the Institution of Engineers, Australia, has updated the procedure for accreditation of the engineering baccalaureate to ensure inclusion of sustainability learning. In order to graduate, Australian engineering students must now 'understand sustainability'. This paper reports on a theoretical synthesis of the literature on sustainability and understanding, and an empirical investigation into sustainability conceptions held by a group of chemical engineering undergraduate students at the University of Sydney. During the theoretical synthesis we examined what it might mean for a student to understand sustainability by deriving a suite of sustainability principles and describing the component parts of an expert-like understanding of sustainability. In the empirical investigation, students' written responses to the question 'In your own words, what is sustainability?' were analysed using a modified version of the Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy. The SOLO analysis revealed broad structural variation in the way our students understood sustainability.  相似文献   

Sustainability issues are increasingly important in engineering work all over the world. This article explores systematic differences in self-assessed competencies, interests, importance, engagement and practices of newly enrolled engineering students in Denmark in relation to environmental and non-environmental sustainability issues. The empirical base of the article is a nation-wide, web-based survey sent to all newly enrolled engineering students in Denmark commencing their education in the fall term 2010. The response rate was 46%. The survey focused on a variety of different aspects of what can be conceived as sustainability. By means of cluster analysis, three engineering student approaches to sustainability are identified and described. The article provides knowledge on the different prerequisites of engineering students in relation to the role of sustainability in engineering. This information is important input to educators trying to target new engineering students and contribute to the provision of engineers equipped to meet sustainability challenges.  相似文献   

金融工程专业的大众化和应用型人才培养目标,决定了综合实践能力的培养成为金融工程本科专业教学改革的着力点。通过构建理论教学、专业实训、资格考试、商科大赛、第二课堂、项目实践和专业辅修“七位一体”的人才培养体系,以生源选择、养成教育、师资队伍、校内实验室和校外实习基地建设为保障,实施专业人才培养评价体系,提升人才的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

为了更好地适应社会经济发展需要,以培养应用型、复合型高层次人才为目的的专业硕士培养进入了快速发展时期。本文结合食品工程领域专业硕士培养方案,从课程设置、实践平台、考核体系等方面对食品工程专业硕士的培养现状进行了分析,并提出了相应对策,以完善食品领域专业人才的培养。  相似文献   

协同创新是新时期非常重要的办学理念和办学战略。在通识教育发展趋势下,新建地方应用型本科高校应当抓准时机,全面贯彻协同创新理念,紧跟国家实施“2011计划”的脚步,找准自身在协同创新体系中的定位,积极探索协同创新的建设路径和模式。具体讲,新建地方应用型本科高校应围绕以下几点积极探索协同创新之路:树立创新协同理念,搭建多种协同创新平台,创建多样协同创新模式,建立创新协同机制。  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for understanding the role that systems theory might play in education for sustainability (EfS). It offers a sketch and critique of Land and Meyer’s notion of a ‘threshold concept’, to argue that seeing systems as a threshold concept for sustainability is useful for understanding the processes of learning for sustainability. With an understanding of systems approaches as a key part of the practice of sustainability, educators do well to focus on ways to facilitate learners’ internalisation of systems thinking through EfS. This is particularly relevant given that sustainable development requires learners to go out into the world and apply sustainability theory to create change. The capacity to do this, it is argued, depends on learners’ understanding and internalisation of the core concepts of sustainability, such as systems.  相似文献   

邵堃  霍星  巩琳 《教育技术导刊》2021,19(12):101-103
软件工程专业以培养能够在软件工程应用领域从事软件开发、软件项目管理和软件服务等工作的工程应用型人才为目标。阐述践行社会主义核心价值观、优化专业能力和人文素养培养的课程思政教学改革思路,并呈现软件需求分析课程在软件工程人才培养中基于案例的思政教学设计方案。调查结果表明,软件需求分析课程教学改革方案设计合理有效,学生参与度从91.6%提高到98.6%,学生对于一些热点问题的合理认知率也从76.3%提高到88.2%。该教学改革实践对学生人生观和价值观可产生积极的引导作用。  相似文献   

高中男女生数学解题思维定势的特点与差异调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数学解题思维定势是指解题者在解决数学问题的思维过程中表现出来的思维的定向预备状态,同中学生的数学解题思维过程中普遍存在各式各样的思维定势,这些思维定势的总体特点是:以技能性定势,知识性定势为主,以策略性定势为辅,具有显著的迁移性,女生的数学解题思维定势中知识性定势,技能性定势成分相对多于男生,而策略性定势成分则少于男生,在数学教学中,应“精加工”陈述性知识,注重变式训练,加强数学思想方法的教学。  相似文献   

本文针对采矿工程毕业设计与就业、考研形势,分析了采矿工程专业毕业设计中出现的问题和不足,阐述了近几年在选题、培养学生独立解决实际问题、加强指导等各个方面采取的一系列教学方法和改革措施。为提高采矿工程专业的毕业设计质量和探索采矿工程人才培养模式提供了新思路。  相似文献   

Sustainability, enhancement of personal skills, social aspects of technology, management and entrepreneurship are of increasing concern for engineers and therefore for engineering education. In 1996 at Delft University of Technology this led to the introduction of a subject on sustainable entrepreneurship and technology in the course programmes of Chemical Engineering and Materials Sciences Engineering. This subject combines lectures, project work in which a business plan is written, sustainability and presentation training. This paper shows that it has been possible to combine entrepreneurship, sustainability and project education successfully in a subject for undergraduate engineering students and describes background, assumptions, outline, results and recent adjustments of this subject. It includes a discussion on how to integrate sustainability and entrepreneurship in terms of triple P (People, Profit, Planet) and how to incorporate it pragmatically in the key elements of a business plan: (1) business idea, mission and strategy; (2) context, stakeholder and market analysis; (3) marketing; (4) production; (5) organisation and management; (6) finance and reporting. Attention is paid to results regarding the business plan, spin-off like start-ups and also to the learning results of both students and lecturers. It ends drawing some lessons derived from the subject’s results and the learning experiences of both students and lecturers.  相似文献   

While Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) theory has been widely applied to various populations, it has seldom been tested on college students. This study extends VBN theory to examine what socio-psychological factors influence sustainability behaviors among university students. Undergraduate students are an interesting and novel population, as they are still forming their values and beliefs, and therefore may be more open to engage in sustainability efforts. This study assessed five sustainability behaviors: (a) support for political candidates who say they will strengthen environmental policies, (b) recycling, (c) electricity use, (d) food selection, and (e) transportation choices. Findings support the notion that one’s values matter in environmental decision-making, but that different values are associated with different behaviors. Those who adhere to biospheric and altruistic values were more likely to engage in a range of sustainability behaviors whereas those who adhere to egoistic values were less likely to engage in most behaviors. Those who adhere to traditional or openness to change values showed mixed results. We discuss the theoretical application, practical recommendations for behavior change campaigns, and offer suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

工程图学是工科学生表达创新能力的基本手段。通过基于机械创新能力的工程图学课程体系构建,提出“图学思维能力+产品构建思维能力”的工程图学思维培养模式,构建基于三维数字化建模设计表达手段新平台。同时对基于机械创新设计的个性化设计模式、项目引入模式、项目组设计模式等培养模式进行了深入的研究和实践。  相似文献   

在当前复杂多元的职业发展环境条件下,当代大学生职业选择和职业评价中个体本位价值倾向突出,缺乏群体职业价值认同,普遍出现了职业价值困惑,影响了职业价值观的成熟和稳定。大学期间是职业价值观教育的一个最佳时期,高校应充分利用大学期间的有利条件,以社会主义核心价值体系为引领,本着"以人为本"和"开放包容"的原则,摒弃传统一元思维定势,开展多元范式职业价值观教育,促进大学生构建和谐稳定的职业价值观。  相似文献   

本文从工业设计专业的设计表现形式入手,通过对理工类工业设计专业学生的综合设计表达能力培养现状的调查,分析了当前我国高等院校理工类工业设计专业学生综合表达能力培养体系的不足,并结合工业设计专业的特点及要求,提出并初步建立了以实验独立设课为手段的设计表达实验课程体系,实践表明该体系有助于提高学生的综合表达能力。  相似文献   

机械设计实践实验教学课程是培养学生机械创新设计能力、创造性思维和工程实践能力的重要课程。为解决机械设计实践实验教学效果差的问题,文章提出可基于Fischertechnik模型搭建机械创新人才培养平台,结合教师科研、机械工程专业学科竞赛与大学生创新创业训练计划项目以及16+2实践周“职业技能训练”开展机械设计综合创新实验训练,培养学生的综合设计能力、工程实践能力、创新实践能力、团队协作能力等,并取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

项目教学法在机械创新设计课程教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本次机械创新设计课程的教学设计以新产品开发为教学项目。本课程是发挥学生个人想象力和协调合作能力的开放性实验课。学生通过自己动手进行各种相关工程实践的创新设计,一方面获得基本实际技能的训练,培养独立思考和操作的能力,另一方面培养分析和解决实际问题的能力,激发创新潜能,从而为毕业设计以及今后从事生产技术工作打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

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