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Factors to which women attribute their success were explored in this study using narrative analysis of the life stories of contemporary eminent women living in Finland. The participants were 12 Finnish women who have achieved success and peer recognition in various fields including science, business and finance, politics, and the arts. Four universal themes emerged from an analysis of the interview data. In their stories of achievement, the main factors were their personal self-reliance, the superiority of their work, and their interdependence with others including family members and co-workers. In addition, every woman talked about the egalitarianism that pervades Finnish society and its importance in the home and workplace. The voices of these women confirmed and extended the knowledge base about the course of talent development for females and the meaning of success for eminent women.  相似文献   

唐传奇的作者大多是进士出身,也就是说他们并不是靠着门荫而进身朝臣的,他们中的绝大多数是来自中下层的地主知识分子。一个新兴阶级必然要在文学上有所反映,而具有广阔包容力的唐传奇正好成为中小地主知识分子在文学上的阵地,这可以说是时代的选择。这反映在具体的作品中就是书生形象的大量出现,并且唐传奇第一次把女性作为与男性平等的群体而加以描写刻画。  相似文献   

Both K-12 schools and STEM disciplines are embedded in White supremacy and exclusion, making it that much harder for Black women to maintain an interest and sense of belonging in STEM. Through a Critical Race Feminism methodology, we tell the counterstories of our two co-authors, two Black women, over the course of their lives. Through these counterstories (stories that run counter to normative stories of STEM as male and White), Kelli and Samantha show us how they negotiated and maintained a sense of belonging in STEM even through moments of self-doubt in their STEM trajectory. These negotiations allowed them to carve a space for themselves within STEM. A key finding from these counterstories was the resilience both women developed through their participation in counterspaces and support from family and teachers that helped them develop pride in their STEM identity trajectories. Our study adds to the research on Black women's journeys in STEM by describing resilience strategies that our authors were forced to develop in response to White supremacy and how they were able to maintain their STEM identity by creating a counterstory that allowed them to maintain their sense of belonging within STEM. And yet, we conclude by asking if resilience is enough since both women questioned their authentic and valued place in their respective STEM disciplines because of the dominant storyline of STEM as White and male. Their stories reveal the deeper truth that change is needed in STEM to empower students of color to see themselves as not just tolerated but valued members of the discipline.  相似文献   

《聊斋志异》中的女鬼的境遇反映了封建社会中妇女的恶劣的生存环境;她们重亲情、努力返归人世的行为和结局蕴含了中年民族特有的尚人伦、重人世、以人为贵的化心理;富有才学的女鬼形象是作心目中理想女性的寄托体。  相似文献   

This article tells the stories of four middle class, white, English women whose participation in educational policy making is little known: Annie Leigh Browne (1851–1936), Margaret MacDonald (1870–1911), Hilda Miall‐Smith (born 1861) and Honnor Morten (1861–1913). In doing so, it provides a perspective on the circumstances that enabled or encouraged or compelled women’s political mobilization in the socially divided Victorian city. Working through local government, voluntary societies, women’s organizations and settlement houses they operated at the margins of high politics and yet were self‐consciously redrawing the imagined boundaries of political terrain. Combined, their stories suggest the power of female networks to challenge a landscape of male public space within a matrix of specific local circumstances and cultural politics. The paper uses the creation and presentation of stories about the self across a range of social and cultural practices, both public and private, to situate the women as public moralists. They had strong commitments to ‘doing good’, which they combined with a feminist agenda. The author suggests past women’s political initiatives raise contradictory issues that still leave contemporary feminism uncertain and confused.  相似文献   

《名媛诗话》收录了许多反映"妇德"内容的清代女性文人的诗文、事迹,本文通过对此记载进行分类梳理,并在此基础上,对其诗歌、事迹以及她们对于"贞节"的评判进行论述,来管窥整个清代女性整体对于"贞节"观念的认识、理解与实践态度。  相似文献   

This paper explores methodological issues of recording, revisiting and portraying women’s life experiences and their connections to the past, to their families and to their communities. It examines the personal histories and collective memories of a group of low‐income Hispanic women, through the application of an innovative research tool that uses pictures and storytelling as projective techniques. The FotoDialogo Method uses a set of original drawings to initiate dialogical interviews, to inspire research participants to tell their stories, and to critically analyze the situations presented in these stories. The research study took place at a community‐based organization providing non‐formal education programs to the Spanish‐speaking population in a US inner‐city setting. The FotoDialogo Method has the potential to be an effective tool to help underprivileged women break the silence concerning their experiences of oppression and to engage them in a process of self‐discovery and transformation that empowers them to become change agents within their families and communities.  相似文献   

才子救佳人:中国的考试英雄   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方文化中的侠义精神往往带有浪漫爱情色彩。经典及传统故事中的西方英雄们经常为了自己的心上人甘愿赴汤蹈火,九死一生。在西方文化中,英雄救美,侠骨柔情更显英雄本色。中国的传统故事中虽然也充满了动作英雄,可是他们对美人的观感与西方动作英雄的观感恰恰相反。中国的动作英雄不但不拯救美人于水火中,反而认为红颜祸水;他们不但对美人没有展现浪漫情怀,相反是避而远之。那么谁来拯救中国的美人?在中国传统故事中,这个英雄救美的责任就落在寒窗苦读、金榜题名的才子们身上。他们虽然手无缚鸡之力,却能凭借在考试中拔得头筹而拯救佳人,我们因此称其为"考试英雄"。本文首先分别阐述东西方经典及传统故事中的动作英雄,然后回顾中国特有的考试英雄形象,并对其原因进行分析。  相似文献   

The current article provides insight into thesubjective meanings attached to school changeby women school principals and the ways theyconstruct and interpret the relation between adesired school change and their own self-renewal.Through an inductive analysis of life storydata of 6 women principals in mid-career, thestudy unearthed school change-renewal cyclesthat prevail throughout their career span.Every cycle links four personal experiences:lack of stimulation in their work, search forchanges and innovation at school,energy-replenishing, and a sense ofself-fulfillment. Our results show that throughthe construction of school change-renewalcycles in the life stories, the initiation andimplementation of school change is implicitlyconceived as a positive contributor of one'srenewal and growth.  相似文献   

In this article, we have followed women and men with a Swedish or an immigrant background that have completed the Upper Secondary Health Care Program. In which occupations do they work? Who employs them? Which target groups do they serve? Official statistics and survey data were used. The interaction between occupational structure and educational experiments was in focus. Gendered and cultural segregation and concentration within and between occupational groups were analysed in relation to defined target groups and employer. We found that official statistics were not sensitive enough to capture the latent structure, while the survey uncovered signs of concentration and segregation of the care workers to certain occupations or target groups. Traditional career patterns were strengthened. Elderly care attracted women while mental care attracted men. We also found some unexpected paths among immigrant workers who chose more autonomous niches.  相似文献   

唐传奇作为一种时代的产物,对它的研究绕不开当时的社会历史条件。法律作为重要的社会组成部分,其对社会秩序的维护、造成的社会风貌、体现的价值观念对唐传奇皆有影响,自然也是研究唐传奇值得关注的重要内容。唐代婚姻法对女性社会地位、生活处境等均造成影响,在唐代婚姻法影响下形成了唐传奇典型的三类女性形象。从唐代婚姻法的角度,可以更好地理解当时女性的生存境况、理解不同女性形象的丰富内涵。  相似文献   

葛洪《神仙传》共记载九位女仙,较《列仙传》而言,她们开始独立于男仙,自成神仙系统,且大多来自民间具体可感的真实人物,民间色彩增强;结合当时社会背景来看,葛洪对她们的塑造明显体现出了当时女性社会地位的提升;她们的故事被后世古籍竞相收录、改编,并在演变过程中形成一定的影响。  相似文献   

唐宋之际,传奇作者开始较多关注女性,在作品中塑造了一系列血肉丰满的女性形象,女性由此进入传奇并成为主角。《霍小玉传》与《谭意歌记》分别是唐、宋传奇的优秀作品,从《霍小玉传》到《谭意歌记》足以见出埋没已久的女性主体意识在宋传奇中的逐渐复苏。本文从《霍小玉传》与《谭意歌记》的对比入手,分析女性主体意识在宋传奇中的呈现及其原因和意义。  相似文献   

With the ‘narrative turn’, a momentum gathered in the wider social sciences that asserted that listening to, asking for, gathering and analysing stories provided a new impetus to researching human behaviour. The argument evolved: people are storied beings and to generate a more in-depth understanding of people and their experiences, researchers need to begin with their stories. But the stories people tell are also deeply embedded in narrative frameworks and narrative environments that make up what I conceptualise as institutional storytelling. Arguably, institutional storytelling has a profound impact on the stories people can and do tell. Narrative inquiry has much to offer to the analysis of institutional and personal narratives. In this article, I will address the question of the relevance of narrative inquiry to gather and analyse the stories that people and institutions tell. Drawn from an empirical sociological study of women’s narratives of their weight management experiences in the context of their participation in weight management classes, I present a case for narrative ethnography as a critical methodological strategy to analyse the complex relationship between institutional and personal narratives.  相似文献   

Six commonly used basal readers were examined to determine how the aged were depicted. The results indicated that although the aged were shown in a positive manner, rarely were they the main characters of the stories and rarely were their personalities fully portrayed. An adjective checklist revealed that the aged typically were shown as active, kind, wise, and hardworking. They rarely were portrayed as fashionable, attractive, or good‐looking. Illustrations also tended to be stereotyped, with women portrayed as bespectacled, wearing aprons and their hair in bows, and sitting in rocking chairs. Men tended to smoke pipes, be bald, and wear suspenders. These results tend to substantiate those of previous studies.  相似文献   

Sharing breastfeeding stories has enormous value for both teller and listener. In a culture that often misunderstands and devalues breastfeeding and the nursing relationship, stories reduce women's anxiety and insecurity, validate their experiences, reveal the social and cultural roots of these experiences, and illuminate why breastfeeding matters so much to women.  相似文献   

斯坦贝克在收入《长谷》中的三个短篇小说《菊》、《白鹌鹑》和《紧身甲》中生动地刻画了三个“女强人”的形象。作为普普通通的家庭主妇,她们在各自生活的空间内以不同的方式强烈地表达了希望摆脱男性束缚的愿望,她们的挣扎是痛苦的,但从某种意义上说也是成功的。她们不愧是那个时代的女中豪杰。作者精湛的写作手法在这几篇故事中得到充分的体现。  相似文献   

This study narrates the role of education/training in the career success stories of twelve women on an Irish active labour market programme, Community Employment (CE). All from lower socio-economic groups, having early school-leaving backgrounds, and, prior to CE, were long-term unemployed. CE enhances the employability of the long-term unemployed by offering job opportunities and providing education/training. Using narrative inquiry, it understands how the women (re)construct their interpretations of their career success following critical moments of change in their lives. The study narrates the stories on a case-by-case basis according to the category of critical moment that each participant experienced and then views the chronicles via the lens of social class as mediated through the educational structure. It, therefore, specifically recognises the micro-individual and macro-social aspects of a person’s interpretation of his/her career and education/training experiences. To understand the change process inherent in the stories, a theoretical construct, Giddens’ (1991) fateful moment, is operationalised by examining how the critical moments evolve in to fateful moments facilitated by the structural influence of the education/training provided by the expert system of CE. The study concludes by proposing three categories of career success for this sample to take account of their altered career structures.  相似文献   

夏洛特·勃朗蒂的<简·爱>和约翰·福尔斯的<法国中尉的女人>讲述的都是女人的故事,反映的都是女性的主体意识.但由于两位作家的性别不同、所生活的年代不同以及对女性美的理解不同,使得他们对女性角色的刻划呈现出各自的鲜明特点,更因为他们对妇女在社会中的地位的认识程度不同,使两部作品反映的女性主体意识也出现了很大的差异.  相似文献   

《柳荫记》《上天台》《三世缘》《解石钟》《孟丽君》等几部记述"女扮男装"故事的黄梅戏,通过语言和非语言手段建构话语角色,塑造了一批敢于走出闺阁争取自由幸福生活的女性形象。"女扮男装"者最终恢复了女儿身,回归家庭,体现出深厚的传统性别文化意识。"女扮男装"故事的大团圆结局,符合平民百姓的审美趣味,反映出黄梅戏的民间性和平民化特点。  相似文献   

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