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激励理论在高校思想政治教育中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
激励,就是激发、鼓励,即通过各种形式的外部刺激,使人们产生一种奋发向上、士气高昂的进取精神。激励是思想政治教育的行之有效的方法之一。本文首先概述激励理论的类型,分析了激励方法的特征和高校思想政治教育的激励艺术,最后提出了激励理论的4个运用步骤。  相似文献   

论英语学习动机的培养策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
动机是影响语言学习的非常重要的情感因素。影响学习动机的主要因素有学习者需求、学习兴趣和社会环境等,英语教学中可采用目标性和计划性学习、持久性学习和情感等策略,以培养学生英语学习动机。  相似文献   

高职院校学生英语学习动机缺失影响因素及提升策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习动机是影响学生学习活动的重要因素之一。本文通过对高职院校英语教学与学习动机理论的探讨,分析高职学生学习动机缺失的影响因素,提出提升英语学习动机的途径与策略,旨在最终提高英语教学效果。  相似文献   

Learning motivation has a special explanatory status in educational psychology and educational practice. Motivation and learning often are studied separately. In the achievement motivation tradition, achievement situation is the connecting link between learning process and achievement need. The explanatory power of this link has limitations. The activity concept is proposed as a unit which is able to offer a broader basis for a unified concept of learning motivation.  相似文献   

高职院校应用写作课是一门实用性很强的公共课,本应是一门学生乐意学习的课程,然而教学情况并非如此,其中一个很重要的原因就是学生对该学科认知不足,学习动机缺乏。本文从奥苏贝尔的学习动机理论、高职应用写作课堂学习动机激发的必要性、高职院校应用写作学习动机激发策略几个方面进行阐述,以求有效解决高职院校应用写作课学生学习积极性不高,学习效果较差的问题。  相似文献   

词义的理据就是事物现象得名之由,主要分为语音理据、形态理据和语义理据。在介绍这三大理据的基础上,理论联系实际,将词义理据理论应用于词汇教学,指出了该理论对于词汇教学所起到的帮助作用。  相似文献   

Despite its importance to educational psychology, prominent theories of motivation have mostly ignored emotion. In this paper, we review theoretical conceptions of the relation between motivation and emotion and discuss the role of emotion in understanding student motivation in classrooms. We demonstrate that emotion is one of the best indicators of the classroom goal structure as well as of students’ reports of avoidance behaviors. Furthermore, we suggest that emotional constructs should be included in comprehensive studies and theories of motivation. We conclude with a discussion of both methodological and theoretical implications of including emotion in classroom studies of motivation.  相似文献   

Testing and Motivation for Learning   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
This paper presents the procedures and findings of a systematic review of research on the impact of testing on students' motivation for learning. The review was undertaken to provide evidence in relation to claims that, on the one hand, testing raises standards and, on the other, that testing, particularly in high stakes contexts, has a negative impact on motivation for learning that militates against preparation for lifelong learning. Motivation is considered as a complex concept, closely aligned with 'the will to learn', and encompassing self-esteem, self-efficacy, effort, self-regulation, locus of control and goal orientation. The paper describes the systematic methodology of the review and sets out the evidence base for the findings, which serve to substantiate the concern about the impact of summative assessment on motivation for learning. Implications for policy and practice are drawn from the findings.  相似文献   

During recent decades, the classical one‐dimensional concept of achievement motivation has become less popular among motivation researchers. This study aims to revive the concept by demonstrating its predictive power using longitudinal data from two cohort samples, each with 20,000 Dutch secondary school students. Two measures of achievement motivation were constructed on the basis of Hermans' Achievement Motivation Test for Children. Results showed that these measures predicted later educational attainment and achievement, and were related to movements in educational career. Our measures of achievement motivation showed a certain stability over time; this stability decreased, however, with the length of the interval between measurements. In addition, a consistent decrease of motivation with age was found.  相似文献   

高等数学是高等职业教育的一门重要的基础课。我国大部分高职院校高等数学的教学效果并不理想,未能达成预定的教学目标,其中一个很重要的原因就是学生对该学科认知不足,学习动机缺乏。奥苏贝尔学习动机理论认为学习者的学习动机将直接影响着学习效果,因此,有必要提出高等职业院校高等数学课学习动机激发的几点策略。  相似文献   

在管理心理学上激励是一个非常重要的功能,是管理心理学以及管理学的核心问题,也是管理心理学研究的热点问题之一。它贯穿于管理过程,是生产力和创造力的促进剂、推动力,也是以人为中心的管理思想的主要管理职能的体现。激励就是调动人的积极性的一种过程。正确地认识激励理论、模式。不失时机地采用适当的激励方法与手段,对各级管理人员具有很大的指导作用。研究管理心理学,主要目的为了掌握个体与群体的心理状态,激发每个员工的积极性,做到人尽其才。本文旨在对激励方法的基本原理和应用作一个简单的整理和总结。  相似文献   

于守刚 《成人教育》2019,39(4):81-84
介绍相关动机理论,聚焦近二十年期间外语教师执业动机实证研究的三个阶段性特征(择业动机分析、动机减退分析、动机动态探索),指出动机分析为考察外语教师的心理需求与价值取向提供了一个独特的视角,并为外语教师的继续教育提出了四点建议:深化继续教育内涵、调整继续教育理念、丰富继续教育模式、促进继续教育常态化,以推动继续教育从短期的知识技能培训转变为终身学习能力的培养。  相似文献   

成长档案袋应用于大学英语写作的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习动机是语言学习成功的一个重要组成部分.中国的外语学习者大部分都持有"工具型动机".为了让学习者的工具型动机在外语学习中起积极的作用,对语言学习过程中的评价制度进行改革---使用新型的形成性评价体系代替终结性评价体系可以促进学习效果.本研究将"成长档案袋"记录这一形成性评价手段应用于大学英语写作过程,进行实证研究,探索促进写作能力以及学习者自主学习能力的有效途径.  相似文献   

动机是影响学习效果最主要的非智力因素之一,是激发人们行动的主观原因,是人们行动的内部动力.在英语教学中,激发内在动机,发挥学生的主体作用,将是英语教学的主流.  相似文献   

动机对于外语学习者来说,是决定学习者成功实现目标的重要原因之一,而课程教学模式是保证人才培养质量和教学质量的重要手段。在基础日语教学中,建构激发学生的课堂学习动机的教学模式对促进学习者的学习和提高教学质量是有利的。TARGET模式是一个有关课堂动机激发的教学模式,它从六个层面阐述了课堂结构对学生目标定向的作用,提出了有利于掌握目标定向的课堂结构和相应的教学策略。将TARGET教学模式应用于基础日语教学中,建构激发课堂学习动机的基础日语教学模式,可以激发学生的学习动机,提高课堂学习效果。  相似文献   

师范专科院校非英语专业学生外语学习动机研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动机是影响语言学习成功的一个重要因素,从不同层面可分为:融合性动机与工具型动机,内在动机和外在动机等。师范专科院校非英语专业学生的英语水平层次不齐,学习英语的兴趣也不浓。因此,文章对师范专科院校非英语专业学生外语学习的动机作了研究分析,以帮助教师理解学生个体差异,激发学生学习外语的主动性和积极性,进一步促进师范专科院校非英语专业的外语教学工作。  相似文献   

自主学习环境下的学习动机研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习动机分为内在动机和外在动机,内在动机是自主学习能力培养的决定性因素。调查发现,在使用自主学习中心学习外语过程中,学习者的外在动机占主导地位,而内在动机严重不足。因此,进行自主学习培训,应提供网络学习资源和服务的详细信息,开展学习能力培养竞赛,展示成功范例,推进教师发展。  相似文献   

动机是影响二语习得过程的一个重要因素。关于动机对二语习得的影响,不同学者的观点各有不同。实际上,积极的态度和手段能促进语言学习者对语言的学习,真正激发学生的学习动机,提高语言学习的效率。  相似文献   

Motivation in recent years has come to be looked at as one of several key factors influencing learning and teaching in formal as well as in informal education. This paper looks at motivation for literacy acquisition and underlines the complexity of motivational factors, expressed in different historical strands: political; economic/functional; religious.The need to consider various motivations in literacy programmes and approaches has become more and more recognized, not only on a practical but increasingly on a more theoretical level. Holistic approaches and institutional collaboration become important.A growing Zairian literacy programme constitutes the basis of this paper which enquires into grassroots level motivations on the part of participants and local leaders. The programme is multilingual, its approach touches various motivations and its structures are linked to churches. In the light of these parameters the most prevalent aspects of motivation turned out to be those building self-esteem.The paper concludes that the structures in to which a literacy programme is inserted, its goals and philosophy are largely responsible for the building of motivation, as they—at least in the programme evaluated—provide the framework where the newly acquired skills can be applied. Thus, in this programme a link is demonstrated between the delivery of literacy and the development of motivation. A wider application of these skills may require collaboration between the various institutions interested in the target population and their educational advancement.  相似文献   

动机是影响外语学习成败的关键因素之一,受诸多因素的影响,高职学生的外语学习动机错综复杂,文章从语言、学习者和学习情景等三个不同层面对其进行分析,并探讨了外语教师如何激发学习者的外语学习动机,以充分发挥学生在外语学习中的主体作用。  相似文献   

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