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食客产生于先秦时期,并趋于繁荣。根据食客多样性的性格特征,大致可以把食客归纳为以下六种类型:足智多谋而衷心保主、忍辱负重而成就大业、舍生取义而知恩图报、投机钻营而重利忘义、大智大勇而宽仁爱国、雕虫小技而卑傲虚荣等六种类型。从文学角度认识和研究先秦时期食客的形象,有助于了解这一特殊阶层在当时的社会、政治、文化、学术等领域中的作用,也能够从他们身上学到传统的士林精神,给浮躁的当今社会注入新鲜的血液。  相似文献   

司马谈在《论六家要旨》中对先秦诸子思想进行了精要的总结。阴阳家作为六家之一,在先秦学术史上拥有着崇高的地位。从《论六家要旨》的文本出发,考据先秦时期阴阳家的发展历程,进一步研究司马谈对阴阳家评价中“四时之大顺”的优点以及“使人拘而多畏”的缺陷,由此探讨司马谈《论六家要旨》对阴阳学派发展中承上启下的作用。  相似文献   

徐燕 《天中学刊》2009,24(4):80-83
隋唐系列小说在一定程度上吸收并继承了先秦复仇文化,主要表现为隋唐系列小说描写的各种复仇故事并未突破先秦时期的复仇类型,也可以从先秦复仇文化里找到事实与理论依据.  相似文献   

初中语文第六册《曹刿论战》和第五册《得道多助,失道寡助》两篇著作,都是先秦时的散文,都论述了战争,而值得深思的是两文都蕴含了一种“取信于民、以民为本”的军事思想。先秦时期是我国历史上社会分争最为激烈的时期,在这种背景中,一些有识之士在总结了历史经验教训的同时,也认识到了人民群众的强大力量,懂得了要取得战争的胜利必须得到  相似文献   

总体而论,在两汉时期,寡妇再嫁是一种普遍存在的现象,但从西汉至东汉时期,女子寡居再嫁现象呈现出一种减少的趋势。两汉时期寡妇再嫁的原因可以归结为生理需求、谋求生存、教化不严、人口性别比例失衡、先秦遗风等几个方面,但因其所处社会阶层的不同,这些因素所起的作用又存在着较大差异。其中,生理需求、礼教淡漠是公主、官宦等社会中上阶层女子选择寡居再婚的决定因素,而生理需求、谋求生存、性别失衡、先秦遗风等因素是平民百姓等社会下层女子选择寡居再婚的主要动因。  相似文献   

从文化层面上看,将《春秋左传》中提供关于"盟"的诸多例证进行归类、对比、总结,可以探讨先秦时期"盟"的内涵、类别等方面的问题。先秦时期"盟"有着"告其事于神明",以超自然的力量见证、约束订盟的双方共同践行盟约的内涵。同时,根据《左传》中表述的盟的目的性,可以将先秦时期的"盟"分为"为两国通好而盟"、"为了攻打别国而盟"、"为促成他国间的友好而盟"、"为了自保而盟"。  相似文献   

《吕氏春秋·淫辞》篇中“荆柱国庄伯”一段文字中有六则歧义句,这些歧义句可分为因词的多义而产生歧义、因句法结构不固定而产生歧义、因语义模糊而产生歧义等三种类型。《淫辞》篇中的歧义句反映战国时期诸子百家中的名家已经注意运用语言的歧义来进行论辩,启发古汉语研究者要重视先秦名家的语言研究。  相似文献   

文章主要是对先秦时期的乐器发展进行叙述,并从乐器的类型以及材质对远古时期的乐器进行归类,及简单对每一时期出现的重要乐器进行简单叙述,从最开始的陶器、石器、青铜器、到"八音",乐器的材质在不断的增多,而最终"八音"的出现更是为后世乐器的发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

从先秦到汉初是中国历史上谏诤最盛行的时期,尤其是以口奏形式劝谏的言谏。这些言谏谏例主要保存在早期史传散文中,属于历史叙事的范畴。从叙事的角度来讲,言谏的叙述受到先秦时期文化、意识形态及其他话语类型的限定。文章主要从德礼系统和谏辞选择的依据两方面进行考察,冀求对史传散文叙事研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

义利观是中国社会价值观的一个重要问题,义利之辩在先秦时期已经开始。儒家的义利观从孔子到孟子、郡子有一个从联系到对立的演变过程,但基本思想是贵义贱利。这种思想形成了中国封建社会的传统价值观,影响深远。而先秦时期的墨子、管子、韩非子等人则与儒家针锋相对,明确提出义利统一观。其观点具有历史进步性。  相似文献   

新课改的实施要求教师必须转变观念,即职能的转变:从演员到导演的转变;理念的转变:由照亮了别人,燃烧了自己,到照亮了别人,提升了自己的转变;知识结构的转变:由轻量型到重量型、从单一型到复和型、从封闭型到开放型、从被动型到创造型的转变。  相似文献   

通过湖南花垣和苏仙两矿区野外踏查,数据检测Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd在两矿区相应植物土壤及植物中的含量及相关分析。结果表明:两矿区均受到Pb、Zn、Cd的污染。Pb元素在苏仙矿区是重污染,Zn对花垣矿区为中度污染,Cd对两矿区污染均为重污染,综合污染指数表明两矿区均为重污染。通过富集系数、转移系数、滞留率分析,发现14种优势植物表现出不同的吸收和富集特征,其中箬竹(Indocalamus tessella?tus)、油茶(Camellia oleifera)为富集型植物,菖蒲(Acorus calamus)、灯心草(Juncus effusus)、节节草(Equisetum ramosissimum)、毛萼莓(Rubus chroosepalus)、茅草(Imperata cylindrica)为根部囤积型植物,飞龙掌血(Todda?lia asiatica)为规避型植物。  相似文献   

通过引用的声明方法揭示出引用其实就是对内存空间的多种使用机制;并结合实例阐述引用在作为函数参数、函数返回类型、运算符重载和多态方面的应用;总结了对引用在应用中的注意事项.  相似文献   

通过对重轨钢中夹杂物的研究发现,在铸坯和钢轨中存在有一种类型的MnS复合夹杂,其外围有一层TiS或者Ti-Mn-S,能够在钢轨轧制过程中阻止MnS夹杂的变形。由此提出了加钛处理控制重轨钢中MnS夹杂的新思路,并对这种思路的可行性进行了分析探讨。当钢中氧含量很低,加入适量钛,控制在钢液中不析出钛氧化物,而在凝固过程中首先析出MnS,而后在MnS外围析出TiS或者Mn-S-Ti的复合夹杂物,可以抑制MnS夹杂在轧制过程中的变形。建议工业上冶炼重轨钢时,可以在RH精炼结束时加入0.01%~0.02%的钛,以达到控制长条状MnS夹杂的目的。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Regulation, handling and bioremediation of hazardous materials require an assessment of the risk to some living species other than human being, or assessment of hazard to the entire ecosystem. As- sessment endpoints are values of the ecosystem that are to be protected and are identified early in the analysis. Such endpoints may include life cycle stages of a species and reproductive or growth patterns. Ecosystem risk assessment is at its dawn with this area of environment sci…  相似文献   

Responses from N = 60,598 interviews from the 2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (the 10 states and the District of Columbia that included the optional Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) module) were used to test whether associations between childhood adversity and adult mental health and alcohol behaviors vary by race/ethnicity and sex. ACE items were categorized into two types – household challenges and child abuse. Outcomes were current depression, diagnosed depression, heavy drinking and binge drinking. Logistic regression models found ACEs significantly associated with depression and excessive alcohol use, but sex did not moderate any relationships. Race/ethnicity moderated the relationship between ACEs and heavy drinking. In stratified analyses, compared to those not exposed to ACEs, non-Hispanic blacks who experienced either type of ACE were about 3 times as likely to drink heavily; Non-Hispanic whites who experienced child abuse or both ACE types were 1.5–2 times as likely to drink heavily; and Hispanics who experienced household challenges or both ACE types were 1.2 and 11 times as likely to report heavy drinking. ACEs impact depression and excessive alcohol use similarly across men and women. With the exception of heavy drinking, ACEs appear to have the same association with excessive alcohol use across race/ethnicity. It may be prudent to further investigate why the relationship between ACEs and heavy drinking may differ by race/ethnicity such that prevention strategies can be developed or refined to effectively address the needs of all sub-groups.  相似文献   

Heavy metals, such as cadmium, copper, lead, chromium and mercury, are important environmental pollutants, particularly in areas with high anthropogenic pressure. Their presence in the atmosphere, soil and water, even in traces can cause serious problems to all organisms, and heavy metal bioaccumulation in the food chain especially can be highly dangerous to human health. Heavy metals enter the human body mainly through two routes namely: inhalation and ingestion, ingestion being the main route of exposure to these elements in human population. Heavy metals intake by human populations through food chain has been reported in many countries. Soil threshold for heavy metal toxicity is an important factor affecting soil environmental capacity of heavy metal and determines heavy metal cumulative loading limits. For soil-plant system, heavy metal toxicity threshold is the highest permissible content in the soil (total or bioavailable concentration) that does not pose any phytotoxic effects or heavy metals in the edible parts of the crops does not exceed food hygiene standards. Factors affecting the thresholds of dietary toxicity of heavy metal in soil-crop system include: soil type which includes soil pH, organic matter content, clay mineral and other soil chemical and biochemical properties; and crop species or cultivars regulated by genetic basis for heavy metal transport and accumulation in plants. In addition, the interactions of soil-plant root-microbes play important roles in regulating heavy metal movement from soil to the edible parts of crops. Agronomic practices such as fertilizer and water managements as well as crop rotation system can affect bioavailability and crop accumulation of heavy metals, thus influencing the thresholds for assessing dietary toxicity of heavy metals in the food chain. This paper reviews the phytotoxic effects and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in vegetables and food crops and assesses soil heavy metal thresholds for potential dietary toxicity.  相似文献   

随着工业和汽车制造业的发展以及环保要求的不断提高,润滑油基础油生产逐步向APIⅡ和Ⅲ类基础油转变,其中国内市场对中高黏度重质润滑油基础油需求量较大。但由于原油质量变差,采用传统“老三套”工艺无法生产合格的重质基础油,而采用异构降凝技术成本过高。因此RIPP开发了一种将加氢技术与“老三套”相结合的组合工艺,即“糠醛精制-加氢处理/加氢精制-酮苯脱蜡-白土精制”工艺流程,可以生产出满足HVIⅡ类标准的重质基础油及优质光亮油产品。  相似文献   

数学命题的证明步骤是由已知备件逐步推演形成的系统。我们完全可以把这些推演过程转化成为真值形式构成若干推理的前提,然后把这些前提合取并与之导出的结论构成数理逻辑蕴涵式。如果能证明该蕴涵式为重言式,那么其数学命题的证明推理形式就是正确的。  相似文献   

重载铁路运输线中桥墩类型多为圆柱型、圆端型以及矩形板型,随着重载铁路运输干线列车轴重以及载运量的增加,给桥墩也带来了许多不利影响,如横向振幅过大、振动加剧等,严重影响了线路运营安全。以圆柱型和圆端型桥墩为研究对象,通过理论计算并结合朔黄铁路多座桥梁运营性能试验,对两种类型桥墩横向振动特性进行了系统研究。  相似文献   

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