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目前教育叙事研究作为一种质的研究方法被广泛运用于教育研究领域.然而对于教育叙事研究是什么却存在着误解.教育叙事研究与教育叙事的本质区别在于其具有的研究气质.本文对如何做教育叙事研究的一般操作步骤进行了论述,一般而言做教育叙事研究有三大步骤:做好准备工作走进参与者生活——收集整理叙事材料——撰写研究文本.此外,做好教育叙事研究还要注意以下几点:由理论语言到生活化语言;研究者要与参与者保持交互主体关系;保持做研究的科学严谨态度.  相似文献   

Scientific research in universities is undergoing a process of restructuring. To a large extent this process is driven by the changing roles of research funders, research producers and research users. Business is the dominant producer of research, government - through departmental research agencies and research council institutes - is second in importance and universities are relatively minor producers. However, in all sectors there is a process of fragmentation through which independent research producers are emerging. The balance of research funding in the last decade or so has shifted relatively from the dominance of government to the dominance of business, with a growing relative contribution from charities and from overseas. But this diversification of funding has taken place within a broadly stable aggregate level. Research users have started behaving much more as research customers: it is estimated that eighty three per cent of British scientific research is purchased by those in business or government, who wish to use it very directly in their work. These changes pose challenges to the traditional view of university research as a public good or a cultural enterprise; increasingly it is becoming a mode of economic production.  相似文献   

“Transfer” from research into practical applications is mostly seen as an autonomous domain between research and practice. For educational research, the author develops a conception in which transfer is a part of research, especially of applied educational research with a focus on teaching activities and teaching-learning materials. The criticism of traditional teaching research is examined and a research and development approach to didactics is proposed as a chance to combine theory and practice. The article comprises considerations on the scientific nature of research and development in didactics borrowing concepts from Bunge and Stokes and R & D in the economic sciences. The last section shows two research examples and closes with considerations for process and product evaluation in didactic research and development.  相似文献   

高等教育的学科化研究与多学科研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国高等教育研究的认识论中存在着“学科论”与“领域论”的学科属性之争,由此导致高等教育的学科化研究和高等教育的多学科研究两种研究方法。高等教育的学科化研究直指高等教育学学科建设,而高等教育的多学科研究则被高等教育理论和实践证明是行之有效的方法,是目前高等教育研究的主流范式。两种研究方法各有其效用,但缺陷和不足也十分明显。在“学科论”和“领域论”两种观点在未来一段时间内仍将存在的情况下,如何厘清高等教育的学科化研究与多学科研究之间的关系是高等教育研究不断创新的关键所在。  相似文献   

Funding of academic research in Nigerian universities by Government (5 per cent recurrent grants) is a policy dictated by the National Universities Commission (NUC) as the central body for allocating research funds. This research fund, little as it is, is irregular and inadequate and to make it worse is difficult to access. These aforementioned factors have contributed to the decline in research activity as a means of attaining sustainable development in Nigeria. Thus, this article proposes a dual support system of funding academic research as follows: a devolution of the power of the NUC as the central body for administering research funds and the encouragement of another separate body such as the Education Tax Fund (ETF) to promote a healthy competitive research process and collaborative research among university research groups and individuals. These separate bodies (NUC and ETF) should be similar to the dual support system of operation, policies and procedures in the UK, where there is the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and the Research Councils. These bodies collaborate to build and maintain a sustainable research base in the UK. The dual support system as it is operated in the UK is very efficient in backing research in universities, because the research is supported at a marginal cost and provides a research council component of provision irrespective of geographical location.  相似文献   

论有意义的教育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育研究不是一种学院化的职业,本质上不是为了一种知识体系而完成、实现自己。有意义的教育研究是指以教育的方式来研究教育。为此,应该意识到教育研究本身所蕴涵的实践本性,教育研究本质上是一种实践性的社会活动,教育的生活世界是教育研究的家,是教育研究的生命所在,应该在教育研究中达成基于这一实践本性基础之上的实践理性。  相似文献   

在心理学研究中,有定性研究和定量研究之分,或者有质化研究和量化研究之分。定性或质化研究通常被认为是一种人文社会科学的主观研究范式,定量研究或量化研究通常被认为是一种实证自然科学的客观研究范式。在心理学的历史中,有过定性研究占主导的时期,也有过定量研究占主导的时期。出现过定性研究对定量研究的排斥,也出现过定量研究对定性研究的排斥。在心理学的理论中,重要的是寻求定性或质化研究与定量或量化研究的关系定位。在心理学的方法中,重要的是寻求定性或质化研究与定量或量化研究的研究定位。  相似文献   

In this article the concepts of research tradition, research programme, research tool and research orientation are used to clarify the character of phenomenography. Phenomenography is said to be fundamentally a research orientation and to be characterised by the delimitation of an aim in relation to a kind of object. The aim is to describe and the kind of object is a conception. Phenomenographic research also has common characteristics of method of a general kind related to the orientation and these are called a research approach. The orientation and approach together are said to represent a research specialisation. The historical roots and the ontological, epistemological and methodological assumptions of this research specialisation are described and summarised. Lastly, phenomenography is described as a reaction against and an alternative to dominant positivistic, behaviouristic and quantitative research and as making its own ontological, epistemological and methodological assumptions with inspiration from, and similarities to, several older and concomitant traditions, without agreeing entirely with any of those.  相似文献   

British universities differ considerably in the strength of their research orientation. Those of higher prestige tend to have a stronger orientation towards research, while those of lower prestige have a weaker research orientation, A university that is strongly research oriented in one group of subjects is likely to be so in the others it teaches too. It is the conventional wisdom that a good researcher is likely to be a good teacher at undergraduate level, and the negative relationship between the degree of research orientation and undergraduate wastage rates provides some slight support for this. The relationship between research and teaching seems to be more an indirect one (that anyone with the ability to do good research is likely to have the ability to teach well at university level) than a direct one (research makes a university teacher a better teacher).  相似文献   

生活体验研究是范梅南教育现象学研究方法,这种研究方法是在现象学基础上,受教育科学研究范式转型的影响下提出和发展起来的。生活体验研究是一种强调“人”的研究方法,有实践性、反思性、敏感性和人文性的特点;同时生活体验研究作为人文科学视野中教育学的一种研究方法,在使教育研究由理论走向实践的过程中,也有其本身的实践路径。  相似文献   

促进研究与实践结合是高等教育研究中的一个重要问题,行动研究法是解决这个问题的一个有效途径。本文介绍了运用渤海大学运用行动研究法进行高校后勤管理改革的案例。本研究也可以看成是使用行动研究方法培养高等教育专业博士(EDD)的一个案例。  相似文献   

改革开放后形成了书院研究热。然而许多研究在书院研究上持双重标准,在界说书院时所持的是科学的标准,在研究过程中则放弃了这一标准,转而将书院等同于普通官立或私立教育机构。持双重标准的书院研究于书院研究无益,于借鉴书院经验进行教育改革无补。书院科学的界说当应有民间创办而非官办、承担着藏书、修书职能和高于蒙学诸要素;只有一以贯之地坚持这一标准,才是书院研究的出路,才可能取得更有价值的成果。  相似文献   

混合方法研究:美国教育研究中的新范式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
混合方法研究是指研究者在同一研究中综合调配或混合定量研究和质性研究的技术、方法、手段、概念或语言的研究类别。它是在美国质性、定量两种研究方法范式的争论中产生的。其理论基础是实用主义和系统哲学。混合方法研究程序设计包括确定研究问题、确定研究目的、选择研究方法、收集资料、分析资料、解释资料、使数据合法化、得出结论并撰写最终报告等步骤。其突出优势是在研究中能增加交叉性优势,压缩非重叠性弱势,提高研究的效度与信度。  相似文献   

教育研究之生命意识探寻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育研究之生命意识,是对教育研究存在自身的思寻,是对教育研究自身作为一项有生命活动的思寻。教育研究之生命意识为教育研究者自身生命之意识,是教育研究者之个性的自我意识;教育研究之生命意识在于以整个生命的方式进行教育研究,要求以对生命的敏感性和理性关切来进行教育研究,让感官和人心都活跃起来;教育研究之生命意识表现为对生命和教育研究的一种精神担当,是对生命和教育的不断追问和困惑,而非给生命和教育提供技术方案,在于对教育和生命之赤子情怀和真性情;教育研究之生命意识蕴含于对生命和教育的宽恕,在于对教育研究的一种多元追求和关注。  相似文献   

Action research in graduate management research programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how action research may be applied to graduate management research programs. After distinguishing action research from traditional research and establishing that the former is more appropriate for developing managerial competencies than the latter, the paper discusses issues of conducting action research within a graduate management research program. These issues centre on the key concept of distinguishing between action research project and a thesis action research project. Distinctions between action research projects at Masters and PhD levels are noted. It is argued that ideally the core action research project has to be part of the PhD candidate's full-time work. Future difficulties are canvassed.  相似文献   

教育叙事研究属于人文主义的研究范式,具有自己的特征:它以经验性的故事作为研究的对象,而不是量化的数据;它以意义的阐释作为研究目的,并不追求论证变量之间的因果关系。教育叙事研究对教师专业发展具有重要的促进作用,表现为:教师从事叙事研究有助于构建反思性实践共同体;叙事研究可以促进教师成为研究者;叙事研究有助于通过经验反思而积累实践知识。  相似文献   

以中国知网数据库收录的2000-2019年发表于CSSCI期刊的有关转喻的文献为数据,运用CiteSpace 5.7.R2软件对其进行可视化分析,重点关注研究趋势、研究机构、研究学者、期刊分布、学科分布、研究热点和研究前沿,在此基础上绘制20年来转喻研究的科学知识图谱.分析发现,20年来转喻研究呈递增的趋势;期刊分布多...  相似文献   

农村教育既是我国教育事业发展的重要构成,也是教育科学研究的关键领域。通过对2010—2019年全国教育科学规划农村教育类立项课题的量化分析发现:我国农村教育研究仍相对薄弱,高级别课题立项尤显不足;立项地域分布整体较均衡,立项单位明显以师范类高校为主,且非“双一流”高校是研究主体;研究内容偏社会热点和教师发展,相对忽视理论建构与课程教学。为此,研究建议加大对农村教育课题投入力度,推进高级别立项成果产出;鼓励多类型、高水平院校关注农村教育研究,引导跨机构、跨组织的协同研究;强化农村教育理论研究与过程研究,逐步实现研究的内在自主与理论自觉等。  相似文献   

In this paper, I present a conceptual argument for ‘teaching-led research’ in which university lecturers construct courses that directly and positively influence their research, while at the same time, safeguard and enhance the student experience. A research-pedagogy for higher education considers the link between teaching and research, but rather than the more usual conception of research-led teaching, in which teaching is enhanced by research, it becomes teaching-led research in which research is enhanced by teaching. I argue that this idea is foundational to the modern research university, but also difficult to realize unless teaching and learning are designed for these ends. A potential model is teaching undergraduates as researchers with students learning by doing research and I present a case study from a science degree programme. I conclude by anticipating the likely cultural and political barriers to teaching-led research and suggest how tensions can be managed.  相似文献   

论教育研究的特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王洪才 《教育学报》2005,1(6):28-33
教育研究的根本特性是什么?传统的“研究对象独立、研究方法独立和概念体系独立”的回答方式是不成功的。本文认为,考察教育研究的特殊性必须从研究主体的特殊性出发,并从教育活动目标特殊性寻找答案。由此可以得出,教育研究特殊性表现在研究目的的先验性、研究方法的综合性、研究对象的典型性和研究结果的启示性上。  相似文献   

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