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在乌克兰,游客支付了一定费用后就可以试试军队装备的真家伙:不仅仅是用著名的7.62毫米口径AK-47冲锋枪进行射击,还能驾驶T-80坦克兜上一圈,甚至还能发射反坦克火箭弹。[编者按]  相似文献   

维梯 《科学生活》2013,(2):42-43
据中国工业和信息化部去年年底发布的数据显示,截至2012年11月底,中国手机用户人数达11.04亿,这意味着目前约82%的中国人是手机用户。3G手机用户人数达2.2亿,大约占到手机用户总人数的20%。2012年度前11个月,互联网用户人数增长240.3万,移动互联网用户人数由1.11亿增长到了7.5亿。  相似文献   

一、因特网与电话网的融合动因 因特网的发展,带动了电脑业的发展,但是把电脑的用户仅限于因特网的使用者,现今的市场规模还不够大,这是因为电脑入网要交纳入网费、网络使用费,及户负担比较重。这还不是问题的全部,在日本,因使用汉字,这对相当的一部分用户不大会使用电脑(英文),但却经常使用传真,如果让传真与因特网上的电脑可以互通,这对促进因特网的发展,将是很大的。如日本现有900万台传真机在电话网中运行,它依然是当今最重要的一种通信工具。 电话网是世界上最完善(包括规程、管理、计费、网管…  相似文献   

初次使用有线因特网服务可能是一次激动人心的经历。图像和文本飞也似地从你眼前闪过,显示的全运动视频音频图像没有一丝抖动。当你看到这些时你会觉得因特网的本来面目就应该如此。即便于是对于网络老手而言,它也象一个全新的新世界。  相似文献   

面临因特网时代我省科技中介机构的对策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据CBIReserch的调查显示,截止1999年底,中国大陆的因特网用户数达到779万人。最新报道现中国大陆上网人数已突破1000万人。传统的交易渠道和代理正面临因特网的威胁,因为通过网络,买卖双方很方便直接洽谈。面对因特网如大潮般的涌来,我省科技中介机构如何面对,如何有针对性的、有重点的选准突破口,是摆在每一个以技术贸易为主业的科技中介机构面前的问题。  相似文献   

4月29日,在比利时埃诺省举行了生态净水站揭幕仪式。该水站是由乌克兰自主研发、比利时埃诺省与乌克兰波尔塔瓦地区政府联合建立的。  相似文献   

因特网上版权保护的新进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘青 《情报科学》2001,19(11):1213-1217
因特网的发展大大推进了人类社会信息化的进程,但与此同时,也引发了一系列新的问题,尤其是对传统知识产权制度产生了重大影响。本文主要从因特网上作品版权保护归属、网络传输、复制、网络数据库、版权保护的技术措施以及因特网上版权保护的国际化发展趋势等几个方面,结合 我国现行的著作权法和国际最新发展动态,阐述了因特网的版权保护的新进展。  相似文献   

四通八达的因特网,路由器犹如一颗颗心脏,将信息流泵向云云冲浪者。国家“863”计划重大专项———“中国高速信息示范网”的核心路由器项目,近日通过国家科技部组织的验收。这标志着我国已成为世界上少数几个掌握新一代因特网核心路由器关键技术的国家之一,中国网民将可以利用具有自主知识产权的高性能核心路由器,以成千上百倍于现在的速度自由冲浪。这一技术可以使中国自主建设新一代因特网,有效地保证信息安全,大大缩短了与西方发达国家在新一代因特网方面的技术差距。我国新一代因特网有了自己的“心脏”  相似文献   

乌克兰飞机制造业的技术人员,最近完成了世界上最大型飞机安—225的研制。这种新一代飞机的大小是波音747的两倍,耗资高达2000万美元,并于最近进行首次试飞。 安—225带有六引掣,翼展达88.4米。这架改进过的新一代飞机装备了新的飞行员座舱和乘客座舱、新的通风设备和照明系统。 安东诺夫航空公司的官员期望改进型的安—225能参加今年6月在法国举行的国际航空展。 这架飞机能装载275吨货物,飞行距离4500公里,航行速度为每小时800~850公里。安乐诺夫航空公司期望它能满足日益增长的对非标准件货物…  相似文献   

新的上网工具比那些价格昂贵而且操作复杂的电脑更小巧简单,价格也更便宜。这些设备将为所有的人带来方便,不论男女.老少,富有还是贫穷。进入网络,整个人仿佛置身干一个数字的世界。网络设备将缩短人们之间的距离。因特网信息工具应运而生,但现在它们的未来却不容乐观。  相似文献   

董映璧 《科学学研究》2002,20(2):218-220
本文研究了乌克兰建立国家科技创新体系的过程、采取的政策与措施及其出现的问题 ,对我国正在建立的国家创新体系有一定的借鉴意义  相似文献   

侯霞 《情报杂志》2021,(2):21-23,30
[目的/意义]乌克兰危机中,俄罗斯以有限军事行动达到了克里米亚“脱乌入俄”的目的。俄罗斯打赢这场“混合战争”,极大依赖情报支持。目前国内尚无俄在乌克兰危机中的情报问题研究。[方法/过程]总体上采用逻辑分析法,利用外语和情报研究优势,广泛收集翻译第一手英文、俄文资料,通过文献分析法,全面梳理俄罗斯在乌克兰危机中的情报活动;通过辩证分析法,总结俄情报特点和启示。[结果/结论]情报活动古已有之,各国对其从未等闲视之。俄在乌克兰危机中情报活动的技术进步、理念创新,体现出情报已是“混合战争”中最重要的一种作战样式。  相似文献   

乌克兰在前苏联时期是仅次于俄罗斯的重要加盟共和国。在社会转型时期,科学事业受到极大冲击,在很多方面已经落后于俄罗斯;但是,在军工科技方面,乌克兰的实力仍然不容忽视,乌克兰与俄罗斯军工科技领域的合作是两国的必然选择。  相似文献   

能源是经济运行的血脉,乌克兰危机爆发引发区域性能源供应危机和全球性能源市场动荡,全球能源格局和能源科技发展趋势发生深刻变革,对我国能源领域科技战略产生深远影响。文章基于对世界主要经济体能源战略转向研究,结合国际能源贸易、全球低碳转型和国家能源安全等角度,聚焦能源领域科技战略趋势研判。文章认为:(1)能源供应本土化已成为全球能源科技战略发展方向;(2)清洁能源时代,能源技术成本属性逐渐增强;(3)全球加速清洁能源技术研发进程;(4)清洁能源领域国际科技合作面临新挑战。此外,结合我国能源结构现状,从战略部署、研发平台、研发导向、创新体制和国际合作等角度提出政策建议。研究结果对我国构建能源体系新格局和能源科技新战略提供参考和启示。  相似文献   

The question of the medical laboratories staff training is currently in the focus of attention in Ukraine. Laboratory technicians with a college degree are prepared in the medical colleges for two or four years depending on school educational level. During their practice they are assessed every five years on completing the additional improving course. The position and their job responsibilities are defined by the Ministry of Health Protection. Bachelors of clinical laboratory diagnostics (CLD) are trained in medical universities obtaining the appropriate license. The position and their job responsibilities are similar to laboratory technicians' ones. The CLD specialists are prepared by the CLD departments in the medical academies of postgraduate education or medical universities' faculties of postgraduate studies. Those graduates, who have already acquired a degree in Medicine or Biology are eligible for the training program. Biologists pass courses of specialization for five month whereas doctors pass the specialization for ten month including four month practice. If the doctors wish, they can do the masters degree program within doing the specialization. However, because their position and job responsibilities are not determined by the Ministry of Health Protection of Ukraine, masters are allowed to practice their profession at the level of specialists. The specialists that practice clinical biochemistry, laboratory immunology, microbiology and medical genetics have to take the additional appropriate two-three month specialization courses. During their practice, specialists are assessed every five years. For assessment the commission takes into account the quantity of credits that a specialist has received within five years. Credits are earned for attending the scientific conferences, publishing scientific works, books or handbooks, professional training and pre-assessment module courses. The position and their responsibilities are defined by the Ministry of Health Protection of Ukraine. Currently there is no system in Ukraine for higher academic education for professionals in clinical laboratory diagnostics. We are aware of this fact and are committed to the improvement of the Ukrainian teaching clinical laboratory diagnostics system.  相似文献   

In the late 1980s, the Soviet Union was among the foremost leaders of world science, thanks in large part to its heavy involvement in military programmes. The USSR developed a large research infrastructure but it lacked effective mechanisms for the commercialization of research results. The main aim of the transformation of R&D systems in the post-Soviet states in the 1990s and early 2000s was the re-orientation of scientific activities away from military and towards civilian goals. Analysis of statistical data at the macro-level suggests that this attempt was not particularly successful. Indeed, most newly independent states could not even preserve a ‘critical mass’ of scientific activities in order to remain among the list of significant producers of research results. In the post-Soviet countries (and in this paper we focus on Russia and Ukraine as the largest states of the region), inputs from the R&D system have failed to generate wealth-creating outputs because of a systemic inability to use the resources for generating commercially viable results effectively. All post-Soviet countries, including Russia and Ukraine, urgently need not only a major transformation within the R&D system, but also important changes in the wider ‘environment’. It is important to stress that, in recent years, changes in R&D have been determined not only by the general economic situation itself but also by the general policy of the post-Soviet states. While Russia has expressed ambitions to regain its former influence as a great power and to use S&T to achieve this goal, Ukraine has no clearly determined objectives for the development of its national science system. However, both countries face certain common problems. The development of relevant institutes and the stimulation of demand for R&D results from the side of industry, broader involvement in the international division of scientific work, and the introduction of adequate legal protection for intellectual property rights are all of critical importance for S&T institutes and other research organizations in Russia and Ukraine. This paper shows that the reforms in the R&D sector have been relatively modest and rather unsystematic over the last one and a half decades. The key challenges, which relate to the inertia and the negative aspects of the previous period (for example, a extremely low level of replacement of aging manpower, largely outdated scientific equipment in research laboratories, and institutional mechanisms that are not relevant to the market economy), pose serious problems for the transformation of the R&D systems in both countries, despite new possibilities and a willingness to increase financial support for R&D.  相似文献   

Cholesterol and phospholipids were estimated in serum and bile from hepatic duct and gallbladder of twenty five patients of gallstone with functioning gallbladder (Group-I) and an equal number of patients having diseases other than of hepatobiliary system acting as control (Group-II). Group-I patients showed high serum cholesterol and low serum phospholipid levels as compared to those of Group-II. Cholesterol levels in hepatic duct and gallbladder bile were higher in Group-I than in Group-II whereas the phospholipid levels in the bile of Group-I were lower than in Group-II. The phospholipid: cholesterol ratios in hepatic duct and gallbladder bile of Group-I were 2.76 and 3.03 respectively as compared to 5.62 and 5.92 in Group-II.  相似文献   

行动中的科技与广告在科技传播中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在今天科学技术一体化步伐越来越快,知识经济日益深入发展的背景下,传统的知识观念和知识生产模式都发生了变化,这一切都对传统的科技传播体系形成了挑战。广告在科学技术社会化中的特殊地位和角色使得广告必然在今后的科技传播和科技创新体系中扮演很重要的角色。  相似文献   

高校班级是一个复杂的微型社会,我们必须把它作为一个社会组织来建设和管理;同时,高校班级又是对大学生教育的一个重要的载体,班级管理还必须注重教育性。而且高校班级管理的社会性和教育性是互动的。  相似文献   

预算绩效管理是高校绩效管理的重要环节,管理效率直接关系到高校运行与发展,但是受到多种因素的影响,现阶段高校预算绩效管理改革较为缓慢.探讨预算绩效管理概念,分析高校预算绩效管理工作价值,提出高校预算绩效管理工作问题和对策,旨在提高高校预算绩效管理质量和效率.  相似文献   

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