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陈红 《科技风》2011,(15):234-235
社会科学的不断发展,生命技术诞生。生命技术包括转基因技术、基因治疗技术、克隆技术、异种移植等,其本身就是一种具有风险属性的技术,包括安全风险和伦理风险。它对社会或人类的影响深远,以及在利用高新技术干预人体过程中涉及未知的、不确定的因素太多,因而现代技术在促进经济与社会发展的同时,也产生或存在许多的负面的效益或因素,引起人们对人体客体化的忧虑,以及对维护人的价值和尊严的关注。本文从理解生命技术和技术伦理的含义出发,了解了技术与伦理之间产生冲突的历史必然性和客观性,然后研究生命技术的安全和伦理风险及其伦理问题,通过制定和实施严格的制度管理和有效的伦理规范,开发新的战略控制和规避生命技术风险。  相似文献   

随着人工智能的井喷式发展,其涉及的伦理风险,也从科幻作品中走进现实,成为众多主体热议的话题。本文以技术接受模型及风险感知理论为基础,以信任为中介,构建了公众对于人工智能伦理风险的感知与其参与风险治理意愿的研究框架,并通过实证检验了相关假设。结果显示:人工智能伦理风险感知对公众参与意向具有显著的负向影响,其中公众对科研机构和政府的信任在人工智能伦理风险感知与公众参与之间起部分中介作用。该结论为构建“政府主导、专家引领、公众参与、社会监督”的治理新格局提供了科学依据,对于新兴技术实现科技向善具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

克隆技术的发展充分彰显了人类对生命奥秘探索的能力。但若把此技术实际应用于克隆人,还具有极大的风险,并给伦理带来极大的冲击。科学家作为科技活动的行为主体,应承担起相应的责任。  相似文献   

克隆技术的发展充分彰显了人类对生命奥秘探索的能力.但若把此技术实际应用于克隆人,还具有极大的风险,并给伦理带来极大的冲击.科学家作为科技活动的行为主体,应承担起相应的责任.  相似文献   

在转基因技术争议的社会背景之下,对于既蕴含巨大能力又潜存诸多风险的纳米技术,欧美各国在其发展伊始,就启动了相关的伦理和社会研究,开展了大量公众参与实践。由此,伦理考量在纳米技术发展过程中呈现出鲜明的"上游参与"倾向,不再仅仅扮演事后评判的角色,而嵌入了技术的实际发展过程,发挥了更加积极的角色。  相似文献   

疯牛病事件与英国科技伦理环境的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
疯牛病事件所引发的震荡不仅仅局限于食品安全和健康领域,更深深触动了英国社会,并促使人们意识到科学与社会之间的关系发生了根本性变化,科学和技术的发展和应用已经越来越与社会、公众、伦理等因素联系在一起。疯牛病事件在改变科技伦理环境的同时,也促进了科技发展伦理环境的建设。在经济、科技全球化的今天,中国同样面临着各种科技伦理环境问题,尤其是近年,公共卫生、食品安全事件屡屡发生,通过对疯牛病事件的剖析,可以从一个侧面了解英国当代科技伦理环境变迁的起因、过程、影响因素和实际效果,从而为探讨我国当代科技伦理环境的状况、制约因素、发展动向提供一个较为理想的参照依据,为我国科技发展的伦理环境建设提供借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

基于中国粮食安全与食品安全现实情境,结合社会系统论和风险社会理论引入系统信任、风险/收益感知、科技观、传播媒介等系列变量,对重庆、湖北、浙江三省市城镇居民进行问卷调查,分析调查数据比较国内研发的转基因水稻和进口转基因大豆的公众接受度及影响因素。研究发现,公众对转基因水稻的接受度比转基因大豆的接受度高,受到更多风险感知等结构因素的显著影响。信任国内转基因研发机构、转基因技术保障粮食安全的收益感知是对这两种转基因作物与食品的公众接受度都有正向显著影响的关键因素。比较研究结果表明,中国的转基因风险管理要聚焦粮食安全保障、专家系统的信任机制建设和科技观引导。  相似文献   

庞祯敬 《科学学研究》2017,35(6):816-823
研究在解构转基因技术议题中公众对政府信任的内涵、结构维度的基础上,通过预置模型、问卷调查,结构方程探索了基于政府信任的转基因技术公众态度理性决策路径。研究发现,在信息不对称和信息传播权力"重心"下移的情势下,"信任-感知-态度"的场域成为转基因技术公众态度形成的路径依赖,在转基因技术议题中,公众对政府的契约型信任、合作型信任和制度型信任,能显著作用于以感知利益和感知风险为基础的个体理性决策机制,从而影响转基因技术公众态度。  相似文献   

聚焦人工智能监视技术的伦理监管困境,采用文本分析挖掘公众对AI监视的伦理关注,并进行整体和分场景比较,结合深度学习与神经网络对伦理属性进行情感分析。研究发现:公众关注的19个伦理问题贯穿AI监视技术的“动机-过程-结果”生命周期,关注程度在工作、教育和生活场景下存在差异;公众对AI监视整体持负面态度,对其动机合理性、过程正当性及监管有效性存在质疑;通过重要性-情感联合分析可以确定治理优先级,重要性等级高-情感值低的伦理问题需高度重视;最后,结合道义论与目的论,构建了AI监视的伦理审查框架。  相似文献   

基因技术在极大地促进人类社会发展和进步的同时,也给人类带来前所未有的伦理风险和文明忧患.由于基因技术伦理风险的特殊性和复杂性,传统的风险控制和治理有效性不足.为实现基因技术发展与人类福祉的统一,必须重新审视传统风险治理机制,从"以人为本"的技术人文导向、跨国界的制度化调控、风险语境中的新型科技伦理观以及公众参与基因技术决策等方面,寻求更为有效的应对基因技术伦理风险的社会控制战略.  相似文献   

论理工科博士生科技伦理素养及提升路径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了提升理工科博士生科技伦理素养的重要性和必要性。区分了内部伦理和外部伦理,分析了科技伦理素养缺失的九种表现形式,并从文化、制度和教育层面探讨了相应的路径。  相似文献   

Despite considerable research in advanced countries on public perceptions of and attitudes to modern biotechnology, limited effort has been geared towards developing a structural model of public attitudes to modern biotechnology. The purpose of this paper is to identify the relevant factors influencing public attitudes towards genetically modified (GM) soybean, and to analyze the relationship between all the attitudinal factors. A survey was carried out on 1,017 respondents from various stakeholder groups in the Klang Valley region. Results of the survey have confirmed that attitudes towards complex issues such as biotechnology should be seen as a multifaceted process. The most important factors predicting support for GM soybean are the specific application-linked perceptions about the benefits, acceptance of risk and moral concern while risk and familiarity are significant predictors of benefit and risk acceptance. Attitudes towards GM soybean are also predicted by several general classes of attitude.  相似文献   

技术的生态伦理规约是指在技术系统中相关技术主体的技术活动要受到生态伦理准则的规范与约束。技术主体在技术活动中应遵守以下生态伦理原则:尊重并保护生态环境,保护生物多样,合理应用技术开发和利用资源,经济价值与生态价值并重,促进人与自然和谐发展等。实现技术的生态伦理规约,要加强技术主体的生态伦理自律控制和他律控制。要通过建立健全技术评估和预警制度,从源头上杜绝违反生态伦理原则的技术产生。  相似文献   

In 2009, the United States Air Force aired a series of science fiction-themed recruitment commercials on network television and their official YouTube channel. In these advertisements, the superimposition of science fiction imagery over depictions of Air Force operations frames these missions as near-future sci-fi adventure, ironically summarized by the tagline: “It’s not science fiction. It’s what we do every day.” Focusing on an early advertisement for the Air Force’s Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle, this essay explores how themes essential to the science fiction genre play a role in influencing contemporary attitudes about autonomous and semi-autonomous robotic weapons, as well as the way in which the aesthetic and functional qualities of these advanced technologies are used to frame moral arguments about their use. As a reconfiguration of the near-future battleground in the guise of science fiction, the “Reaper” ad reveals the way in which science fiction has come to serve as a functional-aesthetic benchmark and cultural sounding board, against which “every day” technologies can be measured and claims about their value, ethos, and social appeal are made. This essay explores the ethical entanglements between science fiction film and video games, and military technology, and the complex role science fiction plays in influencing public attitudes towards military technologies.  相似文献   

将颠覆性技术采纳过程中企业的财富和决策者的风险态度纳入技术采纳的影响因素中,构建基于企业财富和风险态度的企业集群在颠覆性技术采纳问题上的演化博弈模型,研究企业之间采纳颠覆性技术的进化稳定策略,并通过MATLAB仿真分析探索企业财富和风险态度对企业采纳颠覆性技术意愿的影响。研究表明:企业财富一定、企业决策者的风险态度不同时,企业最终都会趋向于采纳颠覆性技术,但是风险偏好的企业显著地比风险规避和风险中立的企业更快地采纳颠覆性技术;企业决策者风险态度相同时,财富多的企业和风险容忍度高的企业采纳颠覆性技术的意愿更为强烈。  相似文献   

李牧南  王流云 《科研管理》2019,40(1):89-104
在智能制造和工业互联网的体系架构中,三维打印(增材制造)是重要的核心技术之一。但是,当前大部分针对三维打印的相关研究更多聚焦于创新和市场潜力。针对三维打印技术普及和产业化可能带来的健康、环境和生态风险等问题,相关研究则较为零散,而且分布在化学、材料、物理、生物和环境等不同专业和研究领域。这给相关的科技政策制定和预防式公共治理措施出台带来了一定的信息阻塞和决策障碍。此外,目前有关新兴技术潜在风险识别的理论和实证研究均较少,相关的量化分析尤甚,可以认为是当前科技评价和技术管理研究领域的盲点之一。针对当前有关新兴技术潜在风险识别与评估的相关科学问题,本文提出了一个基于朴素机器学习思想的跨学科主题词挖掘框架,并结合当前较为热点的三维打印技术进行了实证分析。理论和实证分析显示,本文提出的跨学科主题词挖掘框架对于某个具体新兴技术潜在风险的分析,具有一定的内容识别效果,这对于相关的公共治理决策和科技政策制定,或许具有一定的参考价值和积极意义。  相似文献   

以特许经营模式下的跨境物流联盟内技术授权为研究视角,考虑各博弈主体进行技术授权时的非理性心理因素及风险偏好影响,将前景理论与演化博弈理论相结合,运用前景价值函数完善支付矩阵的相关参数,以此对联盟内企业技术授权过程进行演化博弈分析,并运用仿真分析各影响因素对联盟内企业进行授权成功与否的影响。研究结果表明:在特许经营模式下的联盟内企业进行技术授权时,其成功与否受双方授权成本、风险及直接收益等因素影响,其授权技术是否存在潜在无形收益决定了技术引进企业的决策,但技术引进企业对其潜在无形收益的大小并不敏感。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate factors influencing employees’ knowledge-sharing behavior on social tagging supported systems. Using the strong theoretical background of the well-known technology acceptance model (TAM), this paper proposes and empirically validates a model that fits the social and technical nature of social tagging tools within the public sector. The analyses in this paper were based on data collected from a large survey of more than 480 respondents working for two public organizations in the United States. The findings demonstrate a significant impact of the role of social presence in encouraging employees to create and share content. Further, there is a strong relationship between the benefits employees receive from using tagging tools and their creation and sharing of tagged content. Specifically, the following factors showed a significant impact on employees’ creation and sharing behavior, specifically their attitudes towards and intentions to create and share tags: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, social presence, and pro-sharing norms. For researchers, the paper offers an opportunity to further study knowledge-sharing behavior regarding social media technologies. The findings should motivate practitioners to inject these tools with a social aspect so that employees are encouraged to share content.  相似文献   

We propose a conceptual framework to analyze technology adoption in mega infrastructure projects, and assess their potential to innovating large socio-technical systems. Drawing on an in-depth empirical analysis of Heathrow airport's Terminal 5 project, we find that innovation hinges on technology adoption decisions that are governed systematically by two intertwined determinants - assessment of expected profitability and development of absorptive capacity, both of which are distributed across various interdependent actors. On an ad hoc basis, technological decisions are also affected by other factors, namely attitudes toward risk, politics, and (lack of) established standards. We reveal how a schedule-driven project framing creates an underlying boundary condition that constrains the longitudinal process of building a ‘whole collective’ with capacity to absorb new technologies. The innovation potential of mega projects is thus subjected to a fundamental, unifying tension: on the one hand, they offer a one-off opportunity to invest in cutting-edge technologies and innovate socio-technical systems; on the other hand, project stakeholders have limited time to develop capacity to absorb novel technologies and negotiate differences on assessments of profitability and risk. Stakeholders may therefore be compelled to agree to adopt proven technologies upfront to reduce uncertainty and mitigate risks, thus limiting the innovation potential of new infrastructure development.  相似文献   

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