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Developing a relativistic concept of the pre-modern archive, this article considers the relationship between knowledge inside and outside the archive to determine how Spain’s historical documents about its new American territories were kept and used. The starting assumption is that collections of documents about the Spanish Conquista circulated among people and were not permanently stored within fixed archival spaces, such as small lockable cases (arcas), private collections of documents (archivillos), or the actual state archives (archivos). This article thus re-evaluates the state of knowledge about the new American territories of Spain and its distribution across various archives and collections. It draws particular attention to the use of historical documents by official chroniclers of Spain and historians of the Conquista of the Spanish Americas.  相似文献   

Michaux’s National Memorial African Bookstore, Harlem, NY, was the epicenter of black literary life and bookselling, 1933–c.1975. Michaux migrated from Virginia to escape farm work and his brother’s evangelical church, opting instead—despite the lack of formal education—to become a trafficker in ideas, through bookselling. A self-styled Garveyite, Michaux advised Malcolm X, though he never joined the Nation of Islam or advocated revolution. The bookshop—with a huge inventory of books about black experience and spearheaded by the charismatic bookseller (known as “The Professor”)—attracted a loyal clientele, championed famous writers and artists, and hosted international leaders (especially Africans). A rallying point for political speeches, often delivered in front of the store, in its period, there was no other black bookstore in America with Michaux’s influence.  相似文献   

Archivists have long tried to understand users from the viewpoint of their archival collections. Such an approach misses important perspectives about use in, and users of, archives; how they perform research and develop knowledge while using archives. This study aims to comprehend the use of archival materials in research from the users’ perspective. It attempts to understand users’ perceptions of the impact of archival collections on their research, how and when archival materials are involved in the research process and how much weight they grant those materials in support of their thesis, from an actual research topic, the No Gun Ri massacre. The case of the No Gun Ri incident provides a good example of how archival materials play a role in historical discussions and an opportunity to look at archival contributions. No Gun Ri researchers acknowledged that archival documents were essential source materials for details about the incident and a major player in stimulating controversies and, consequently, provided the impetus for further publications. General recordkeeping situations also provided a circumstantial context of the incident. However, No Gun Ri researchers agreed that oral history was the most valuable and influential evidence for their major ideas and used archival documents to provide hard facts about the details of oral history. There are some unique research patterns of No Gun Ri researchers identified in this study which are different from the typical assumptions of archivists.  相似文献   

Hägglund’s “radical atheism”—innovative thinking within the philosophical current of “speculative materialism”—revitalizes deconstruction and provides an important basis to define parameters for the archivist’s role as activist for social justice. This paper argues postmodern archival theory gets deconstruction wrong by misreading Derrida’s “Archive fever” as a theory of “archontic power”; this misleads archivists on the call for justice. Properly understanding that justice is undecidable, radical atheism explodes the tension between postmodernists’ appreciation of all views and perspectives and their commitment to right unjust relations of power. This paper first advances the negative argument that “Archive fever” is not about power and injustice. It then advances the positive argument that “Archive fever” is Derrida’s effort to look at actual archives to resolve Freud’s problematic theorizing of a “death drive.” In a close and comprehensive reading of “Archive fever,” this paper explores the notion of “archive fever” as a death drive and suggests Derrida’s efforts are inconclusive. Viewed through the lens of radical atheism, the archive’s “traces”—the material of actual archives writ large in the manner of Derrida’s thinking about a universal archive—serve to mark the flow of time. Understanding the structure of the trace reveals the source of internal contradictions, discontinuities, and instabilities in the meaning of all things. It explains why justice is undecidable. In face of the unconditional condition of this undecidability, we as archivists and humans are compelled to make decisions and to act. Deconstruction politicizes our actions and evokes a responsibility that cannot be absolved.  相似文献   

王增如 《传媒》2000,(9):25-26
丁玲离开我们已经13年了,我曾有幸在她身边工作五年。回想她生前的音容笑貌,留给我最深印象的就是她的创新精神。《中国》是丁玲在八十岁这一年创办的大型文学双月刊。《中国》耗尽了丁玲晚年的心血,也鲜明地体现了她的创新精神。  相似文献   

知识经济时代的到来,使得人们比以往任何时候都更加重视知识产权的法律保护问题.  相似文献   

谷裕 《全国新书目》2022,(3):122-123
<正>本书组织翻译了德国《浮士德》研究的重要代表性文献。包括《浮士德》最新注释本的出版前言,研究史概要,新近出版的学术专著的导论,就某个问题、某个场幕的深度解读。文献选择既有经典研究,也有基于新理论方法的最新研究成果。  相似文献   

正为纪念《随笔》杂志创刊三十周年,2009年《随笔》杂志编辑部同仁埋首旧纸堆,从180多期过往杂志的几千篇文章中精选出230多篇美文集结出版,取名《随笔三十年精选》,煌煌三卷近一百万字。彼时我已供职于这家杂志两年多,根据工作安排参与选集的部分编选工作,并担任该书编选具有集合呈现的冲击力量在参与文本的编选之前,我一直存有偏见,总觉得编选(或曰选编)算不得是件伟大的事——编选者本身并不生产  相似文献   

<正>一本书或一篇文章问世之后,能在学界引起反响是件好事。谈好谈坏、见仁见智的说法都应该理解与包容。作者或编者不必因为批评或有失分寸,或稍离事实而去一一回应。但李开金、易竹贤《也谈〈故训汇纂〉与〈经籍\诂〉》一文(1)(以下简称"李文"),却把"脱离历史实际去苛责阮元和他主编的《经籍\诂》,甚至否定《经籍\诂》的开创之功"这样一顶无中生有的大帽子扣到我们的头上。而且为了"坐实"这种  相似文献   

随着我国冰雪运动竞技水平的发展及影响力的增加,冰雪运动的杂志也就必然成为社会的需求之一,杂志的营销策略也是杂志能否成功立足于体育杂志之林的重要参考标准之一。本文就以《<冰雪运动>SPEED ski&snow board》杂志的营销特色为例,运用文献资料法、个案研究法、数理统计法、专家访谈法对此加以分析,并对其未来发展中的营销方式产生思考,给出建议。  相似文献   

本刊讯在河南大学百年华诞到来之际,大象出版社将"百家讲坛"主讲人、河南大学知名教授王立群完整版的扛鼎之作《王立群读<史记>之汉武大帝》隆重推出,并在9月25日河南大学百年校庆当日下午于河大明伦校区大礼堂前做精彩讲座。除了这本新作外,王立群教授集结了之前所出版的共计10册大作作为献给母校百年盛典的一份厚礼与广大校友和读者朋友见面。2007年,河南大学知名教授王立群在央视"百家讲坛"讲述"王立群读史记"的第一个系列汉武帝,并出版了登上"百家讲坛"之后的第一本书:《王立群读<史记>之汉武帝》。令人遗憾的是,当时只出版了一个删节本的《王立群读<史记>之汉武帝》。原著34万余字,读者见到的只有20万字左右,其中大量精华被删减,令广大读者和"群丝"引  相似文献   

《信息网络传播权保护条例<草案>》中有关图书馆合理使用的条款,在版权所有者、图书馆及版权使用者中引起很大争议.本文主要评析了争议中的几个焦点问题在数字环境下,图书馆的合理使用是否应予保持;图书馆的合理使用是否伤害出版社等版权所有者的利益;享有版权限制的是否应该是公共图书馆.  相似文献   

蒋星煜所著《中国戏曲史钩沉》中《范文若的生平与<博山堂三种>》一文出现了四处学术错误与论述偏差,笔者通过对《博山堂三种》原刊本研究、对《南词新谱》、《玄雪谱》、《歌林拾翠》、《媚幽阁文娱》等明末戏曲及小品文选集的辑佚与比较研究,对蒋文中的错误与偏差提出了商榷。  相似文献   

本书从影像史学视角出发,对影片《苦干》进行挖掘,在当前对抗战史的研究中独树一帜。客观真实地反映了日军对中国的侵略,数百万难民流离失所及大后方城市生活景象,以第一手的生动铁证,揭露了日军无差别大轰炸的暴行。同时,通过对电影画面中普通市民"跑警报"中生活画面的分析和解读,勾勒出一幅乐观豁达、坚强不屈、内容丰富、气势恢弘的中国抗战各阶层社会生活的历史画卷,不仅记录了战争的血与火,而且展现了中国人民坚忍不拔的抗战精神。  相似文献   

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