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Through an analysis of policy documents, archival material, interviews and journal articles, this paper attempts to map those discourses which have become an important part of the meanings and practices that make up the physical education curriculum in New South Wales, Australia, from 1880 to 1980. It uses a feminist perspective to argue that the dominance of a masculine agenda, built around organized sport and the human movement sciences, has marginalized other pedagogies and other forms of physical activity, such as gymnastics and dance, which are more likely to be associated with women. Physical education possesses characteristics which make it a particularly potent site within education for discourses about the body. When organized sports dominate the curriculum, the valuing of individual achievement through aggressive competition, within a context of male dominance, becomes the normative standard. This typically works against women's and girls’ participation in physical education and physical activity; it also contributes to the (re)production of notions of women being ‘weaker’ and ‘lacking’ in relation to male superior strength and skill. There has been a marked and continuing absence of oppositional discourses in Australian physical education to contest the dominance of the masculine tradition. Contestation has been framed primarily within liberal feminist or ‘equal opportunity’ discourses which rarely challenge the dominant forms of physical education. Further analyses using feminist perspectives are required to challenge existing curricula.  相似文献   

This article examines continuity and change in the management of gender with specific reference to infant mistresses, whose quest for autonomous control of their own departments in the largest South Australian primary schools threatened the maintenance of patriarchal authority in and through the administration of state schooling. The complex location of these women is discussed in relation to the broader history of infant education in South Australia and the sexual division of labour in teaching. In taking account of their active resistance to the imposition of male hegemony in a sphere of education which was traditionally ‘woman’s work’, the article describes infant mistresses’ networks, the strategies of power and rhetoric they deployed, and how they built professional boundaries to protect their distinctive interests. It also examines the means adopted by headmasters and the Education Department to manage the troubling spectre of the independent female principal so that men’s self‐esteem, social and professional status, ‘natural’ authority over women, and employment opportunities in the ‘manly’ realm of school administration might be preserved.  相似文献   

Drawing on notions of the modern pilgrim and postmodern tourist, this paper explores the discursive resources concerning women, travel, and transience as they apply to female teachers working in the Canadian north. In particular, it traces the discourses evident in the talk of twenty‐five women teachers currently working in northern First Nations (indigenous) education. Although both were invoked, neither the postmodern teacher–tourist nor the modernist pilgrim–teacher were easily mapped onto the positioning of the ‘woman’ teacher. Alternative discourses of the female teacher need to be developed to organize the work of women teachers who come to teach in the Canadian north or indeed any site of minority or multicultural education.  相似文献   

This article examines contestations and recent trend-setting approaches in the historiography of education in India in the post-1800 period. British colonialism created a huge rupture in South Asian society as regards the provision of education. Historians of education have asked what sorts of indigenous educational institutions and methods were present in pre-colonial India: in this context, the article discusses the work of historians who researched indigenous Indian village schools, key to educational transmission until the early nineteenth century. The educational work of the nationalist leader M.K. Gandhi inflected the work of such educational historians. The article devotes some attention to ways in which twentieth-century ‘new education’ reinvented aspects of pre-colonial South Asian education. Marxist, feminist, Dalit and Subaltern historians of education have analysed the differential and hierarchised spread of ‘western’ education in South Asia. Nonetheless, this article shows how the educational agency of Dalits, women, peasants and working people has been analysed by scholars. The article then examines recent scholarship which views the origins and growth of ‘western’ education in South Asia in the framework of transcultural transactions. It ends from the vantage point of connected and entangled histories of education, looking beyond the unit of the nation state.  相似文献   

This article will examine Asian women’s experiences of financial support in higher education. The article is based on 30 in-depth interviews with Asian women who were studying at a ‘new’ (post-1992) university in the South East of England. Women identified themselves as Muslim, Hindu and Sikh. The findings reveal that women’s religious and cultural background affects their attitudes towards financial support whilst at university. Through their participation in higher education, women are able to use their social and ethnic capital to enable them to receive financial and other kinds of support necessary for their success in higher education.  相似文献   


Lesbian women's experiences of education frequently occurs within a contradictory public relationship: their identity ‘woman’ is usually ‘visible’ whilst their identity ‘lesbian’ remains generally ‘invisible’ ‐ both in educational settings and within wider educational discourses. By drawing upon examples of self‐understanding of lesbian identity this paper discusses the meanings and connections between these two identities from the perspectives of lesbian women themselves. The inclusion of self‐understanding of lesbian identity as a central feature in exploring the relationship of lesbian women and education permits a discussion of both lesbian oppression and lesbian agency. I will discuss this with reference to my recent study of lesbian women and education. The inclusion of self‐understanding of lesbian identity illuminates the complex relationships which exist between individual identity meanings and those which are socially constructed and maintained within an educational system based upon the ideology of heterosexism.  相似文献   

This study investigated the ways a diverse group of university women in the USA utilised racialised and classed discourses of femininity in the creation of subjectivities. Interview and focus group data were collected over a two‐year time period and focused on how women navigated the higher education setting. Two forms of femininity, ‘Hill girl’ and ‘City style’, were salient. Hill girl femininity was based on markers such as white skin that had been tanned, and consumption practices. City style femininity was also defined through consumption practices and identification as a woman of colour. Material markers like race and class both limited and expanded the discourses available to women. New subjectivities were created with particular rights, while simultaneously making them subject to policing. The women in this study used contrasting and, at times, contradictory discourses to explore various forms of femininity that were connected to institutional power and privilege.  相似文献   

This article draws on data collected during a pilot study conducted in two west London schools exploring young people’s understandings of success. It considers ways in which ‘discourses of success’, as part of New Labour’s project of re‐inventing schooling, may shape young people’s subjectivity. The article examines articulations between New Labour policy and aspects of social difference and how these structure new identifications with success. In particular, the article explores how class, gender and ethnicity shape discourses of success and how they are implicated in their distribution. In conclusion, the article indicates how current education policy (particularly in relation to educational success) articulates the ‘public’ domain with dimensions of the ‘private’ self and suggests that understanding this is vital in the pursuit of social justice.  相似文献   

This paper explores Indian women’s views on arranged marriages in the United Kingdom. It is based on research carried out with 32 Indian women studying at a university in the South East of England, UK. The article draws on Wenger’s social theory of learning to explore how Indian women’s participation in communities of practice in higher education contributes to their participation in arranged marriages. The concept of ‘social capital’ is used to discuss how women are able to negotiate their participation in arranged marriages, It is used to examine the knowledge and identity resources that women develop through their participation in higher education, which provides them with the means from which to develop the necessary ‘bridging ties’ leading to their active participation in the wider South Asian community.  相似文献   

In this article, memory is examined as it relates to origin stories of the Reggio Emilia approach – an internationally renowned Italian education programme – and to the articulation of women’s experiences of gender and their narrative identity in this very particular context. The article shows that a number of women who partook in the founding of the Reggio Emilia schools suffer from what Ricoeur terms ‘wounded memory’, which occurs when public recognition and legitimisation of one’s own narrative is actively marginalised, suppressed or erased in historical, official and institutional accounts. The author describes this experience and feeling shared by the Reggio Emilia women who were interviewed and argues that this ‘wounded memory’ can be linked to a wider concern with gender inequality. The article concludes by presenting some of the missing accounts of leadership, creativity and initiative that were gathered among these women whose memory has been wounded.  相似文献   

This paper draws on the theoretical resources offered by feminist scholarship to enquire into the discourse of the intellectual and how women do being an academic. My starting points are threefold: Val Hey’s interrogation of Butler’s work and her emphasis on the importance of sociality; Carrie Paechter’s exploration of the available personal sets of masculinities and femininities that modify the ‘person who is me’; and my own attempts to draw on other traditions in theorising agency and a sense of self. Drawing on these resources I re‐read some data on academic identities to explore the potentialities of academic personhood and the discourses associated with the idea of the intellectual as a site of gendered personhood. The position of woman as intellectual is analysed in terms of Beauvoir’s assertion ‘I am a woman’ and the paradox of a universal voice and the female sex.  相似文献   

In a world marred by the fears of religious extremism, Muslim women have become subjects of various global projects that aim to modernize ‘traditional’ Muslim societies through women’s education and empowerment. Embedded in these discourses is an assumption that all educated Muslim women will empower themselves through challenging the ‘oppressive’ structures of their families and communities. This paper challenges these homogeneous narratives of education and empowerment through highlighting the complexities of educated women’s daily lives in rural Pakistan. We situate the lived experiences of rural educated Pakistani women in global mainstream as well as in local historical narratives regarding the role and purpose of education for women. Our analysis reveals how the educated women participants’ lives were shaped by a complex gendered hierarchy that facilitated educated women to take on new roles while simultaneously requiring them to maintain harmonious relationships with family and community members.  相似文献   

The 1990s, a decade of democratic advances and consumption euphoria in South Korea, heralded a new wind called ‘neoliberal education’. It is within this historical juncture that I conducted an ethnographic research on low‐income youths who had dropped out of mainstream high schools. While I investigated these youths’ educational and career aspirations, I examined how discourses in neoliberal freedom and free marketization shape (and are shaping) these youths’ self‐fashioning. Central to my analysis is how this process of identity construction is intersected with class marginality. A predominate number of youths in my research express their preference in service sector and/or entertainment industries. The paper addresses how neoliberal discourses and consumerism ;rhetoric are negotiated and transformed in youth’s narratives on aspirations. The analysis speaks to the ideological pitfall of neoliberalism, echoing critical scholars’ thesis that neoliberalistic education with free market principles perpetuated and broadened existing inequalities.  相似文献   


In this article, I trace lines of materialist pedagogies in the history of women workers’ education following feminist interpretations of Spinoza’s assemblage of joyful affects. More particularly, I focus on the notions of laetitia [joy], gaudium [gladness] and hilaritas [cheerfulness] as entanglements of joy and trace their expression in practices and discourses inscribed in archival documents that I have reassembled around the theme of women workers’ education. My reading of Ethics follows a range of feminist thinkers that have engaged with Spinoza’s ‘ethics of joy’ in education and beyond. The article draws on extensive archival work with personal auto/biographical documents and public essays of women workers/educators/writers in Paris and New York that span the period between 1830 and 1950. What I argue is that it is the experience of creative and radical education that has created a platform for workers to re-imagine themselves in the world with others.  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of the discourses associated with physical education in Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence. We implement a poststructural perspective in order to identify the discourses that underpin the physical education sections of the Curriculum for Excellence ‘health and well-being’ documentation. Discourses related to physical activity and health are particularly prominent, along with a related concern with motor skill development. Our focus lies with the ways in which these discourses are likely to be taken up and deployed within Scottish educational establishments. The paper thus explores the ways in which these discourses might ‘work’ to produce specific effects on practitioners and pupils. This involves speculating about how practitioners and students might engage in specific practices relative to these discourses. We conclude that the discourses identified lend themselves to interpretation and negotiation in multiple ways in the context of Scottish physical education, with specific consequences for the experiences and subjectivities of practitioners and children.  相似文献   

This article examines the ways in which Gipsy Hill Training College’s (GHTC) graduates represented their lives and work in the college magazine, the Gipsy Trail. The so-called ‘Wraggle Taggle News’ featured snippets from married and single women teachers at every stage of their lives and work in Britain and overseas by the late 1930s. It will be shown that graduates integrated discourses of the modern woman and Gipsy Hill’s modernist ideals of individual autonomy, and educational and social progressivism into their paid work and domestic situations, leisure and propaganda work across their life course. Indeed, it was a case of ‘once a teacher, always a teacher’ and everywhere a modern woman teacher in the interwar years.  相似文献   

While developmental discourses have been heavily critiqued in relation to education systems, less attention has been paid to how these impact the data collection process in classroom research. This article utilises Foucault’s concept of regime of truth to highlight the pervasiveness of developmental discourses when conducting research in primary schools. Such a theoretical framing makes explicit how developmental discourses work and are constructed as ‘truth’, which limit the possibilities for alternative perspectives. This article shows how this regime of truth works in practice by reflecting on qualitative research conducted with two age groups in two primary schools in Australia, focusing on the researcher’s navigations of these discourses. In particular, this article examines the impact of developmental discourses on conducting research with multiple age groups, initiating research, choosing methods for data collection, and negotiating power relations and ethical practices.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen an exponential rise in the popularity of cognitive–behavioural programmes as a means of rehabilitating ‘offenders’. Although the programmes have been evaluated by a number of researchers, very little qualitative work exists, particularly with regard to the discourses mobilised by practitioners, and the production of gendered subjectivities in this setting. Consequently, this article focuses on one woman, ‘Michelle’, who attended an Aggression Replacement Training programme as part of her probation sentence. By drawing on Francis’ [2010. Re/theorizing gender: Female masculinity and male femininity in the classroom. Gender and Education] notion of gender monoglossia and heteroglossia I aim to provide a nuanced account of Michelle's seemingly straightforward ‘performance’ of ‘female masculinity’ [Halberstam, J. 1998. Female masculinity. Durham, NC: Duke University Press]. Through an analysis of the discourses mobilised by practitioners I also demonstrate that within this discursive environment the rehabilitation of female ‘offenders’ continues to be one of conformity to traditional ‘feminine’ gender norms as well as a desistance from crime.  相似文献   

In this article, we conduct a discourse analysis of the strategic plans of two universities, one from the global South and the other from the global North, to understand how the constitution of space and place reconfigures human experience in the two institutions. We argue that universities do not simply respond to dominant logics of globalization but are active participants in its production. We draw on feminist geographers to elaborate how these universities’ discourses of internationalization reify a division of higher education as local ‘place’ and globalization as abstract global space, ‘out there’. This imaginary spatiality obscures the work of the ‘local’ in producing the ‘global’ with important implications for the redefinition of the student-citizen, useful knowledge, and managerial practices.  相似文献   

Drawing on in-depth interviews with seven older women who teach teachers, this paper explores some of the dilemmas that shape and pattern their working worlds, specifically in relation to age and issues of ageism. While the paper will start from the words and experiences of these women, the intention is to foreground three theoretical concerns. First, the paper explores the ways in which older women repudiate discourses of ageism. The point here is to demonstrate that while (some/many) older women are ‘objectified’ through their age, others (middle-class professionals in particular perhaps) have some capacity to challenge this and reject a pathological account of themselves. Second, and contradictorily, the paper seeks to tease out the ‘uncomfortable’ ways in which discourses of ageism may well be reproduced and performed by older women as they seek to distance themselves from ‘others’ who they see as caught up in stereotyped age-positions. Third, the paper questions the very real research dilemmas involved in the problematics of representations; how can bits of data, short spoken accounts, be used to ‘represent’ the lives of these older women? Holding this paper together is the fact that all the data have been collected from women who work in teacher education (in the UK). Teacher education is a feminized and gendered division of labour, where men occupy most of the senior positions and thus are in a position to ‘sculpt’ the sector. Older women who teach teachers work in a complex cultural occupation setting where their sex, class and previous teaching experience positions them in a subordinate position. As they become older, what does all this mean for them?  相似文献   

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