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Social policy‐making in the UK under the Labour government has galvanized around the issue of social exclusion, identifying young children (0–4 years) and their families living in areas of high social disadvantage to be particularly at risk. This paper attempts to recover the experiences and views of professionals concerned with the delivery and implementation of a multi‐agency programme tackling the social exclusion of these young children and their families known as Sure Start. The data are based on the analysis of documentation, attendance and observation at meetings, and 32 semi‐structured interviews with members of the inter‐disciplinary team responsible for the Sure Start programme's delivery. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed using open coding from grounded theorizing. The paper, in reflecting on the problems and dilemmas of multi‐agency approaches and reported in other research, considers how the preliminary findings from this study suggest the team have managed to accommodate and overcome these potential difficulties, to facilitate an integrated, holistic and user‐centred approach to the programme. The paper concludes by considering the possibility that the team's approach may be conceptually located within an organizational social capital framework as posited by Nahapiet and Ghoshal.  相似文献   

This paper explores and questions some of the evidence used to support early childhood interventions in the UK, and reports on discussions with three rural Mini Sure Start project leaders in Devon. Sure Start funding in the UK has been repeatedly increased to provide more centres for 0–3‐year‐olds and their parents. It is increasingly linked to welfare to work policies designed to encourage a culture of ‘hardworking families’ in areas of traditional deprivation. This finds resistance among parents to the idea of combining work and childcare for the under‐3s. It also uncovers the complexity for key workers of trying to implement government directives in areas of rural deprivation.  相似文献   

Sure start     
This paper outlines what is involved in Sure Start, one of New Labour's key social policy interventions. It is argued that there are policy continuities with older redemptive policies which focus on young children. It is also argued that Sure Start could provide a bridgehead for a more socially democratic orientation into early childhood policy.  相似文献   

Using stories from two employees in the UK Sure Start initiative, this paper offers insight into the complexity of developing a professional identity within a newly established, nebulous role of ‘outreach worker’. Such a role is highly diverse in terms of its duties and the people with whom it engages. As such, it poses challenges for individuals occupying the position, in terms of both populating their professional existence with meaning and locating the evaluative frameworks that provide this existence with a sense of value. Interviews were used to collect data on participants’ experience of working in the new post, their prior background and imagined futures. The study considers the relationship between biography, context and the way in which individuals story their professional selves. It attempts to utilise narrative theory to illuminate the dynamics within which these outreach workers exist, and methodologies they draw upon in order to inhabit their role meaningfully.  相似文献   

UK Sure Start Children’s Centres (SSCCs) aim to lessen behavioural disorders yet we lack evidence concerning how this is achieved. This study evaluates one possible mechanism: improved home learning environments (HLEs). Data come from a longitudinal study of 2568 families and children recruited at a mean age of 14 months from 117 SSCCs in England in 2012. Behavioural disorders were measured at 38 months via the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. HLEs were measured at 14 and 38 months via parental interview. Families’ use of SSCCs was measured via parental interview at 14, 22, and 38 months. This study suggests that the use of SSCCs is associated with fewer preschool behavioural disorders via intermediate changes to the quality of HLE’s. Implications are discussed for social policies and for early years’ professionals.  相似文献   

Who cares? The classed nature of childcare   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper I undertake a critical discourse analysis of the recent recruitment drive the Sure Start Unit has waged on Government web pages to encourage greater access to, and uptake of, careers in childcare. I argue that the messages inherent within the Sure Start Unit’s rhetoric are laden with classed notions about who should enter the childcare workforce. The simplistic and unproblematic presentation of several key issues are deconstructed and attention is drawn to the normative classed assumptions made about status, equal opportunities, pay and conditions and education and training which mask the reality of working in an unstable and poorly respected employment sector.  相似文献   

我国在新世纪建设和谐社会,教育公平是和谐教育的重要组成部分,也是和谐社会的重要基石。国际社会近年来非常重视从起点上保证教育公平,也就是为早期教育提供公共经费,并推动综合性的社会服务方案。本文通过分析美英两国的"开端计划"和"稳健起步计划",从起点——早期教育阶段建设和谐教育的国际经验,针对我国的现实提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

男性公民参与计划是英国“确保开端”(SureStart)项目中提出旨在呼吁广大男性公民参与学前教育服务体系。该计划主要包括增加学前教育管理体系中的男性数量、提高社会对男性参与学前教育工作的认同感、为父亲群体制订参与计划、增强父亲的自信心和责任心。项目一经实施,便取得了颇为显著的成果。借鉴英国男性公民参与计划经验,对推进我国男性参与学前教育服务体系以及学前教育发展同样具有重要意义。  相似文献   

For over a decade, all three‐year‐olds in England have been entitled to a free part‐time early education place. One aim of this policy is to close developmental gaps between higher‐income and low‐income children. However, the success of the initiative depends on children accessing the places. Using the National Pupil Database, we examine all autumn‐born four‐year‐olds attending in January 2011, and ask whether they started attending when first eligible, in January 2010. One in five children did not access their free place from the beginning, and the proportion is much higher among children from families with persistently low incomes. We also find differences by ethnicity and home language, but these factors explain only a small share of the income gradient. We go on to explore associations between non‐take‐up and local area factors. In areas with higher child poverty rates, take‐up is lower overall, but the gap between low‐income and other families is smaller. There are also various associations between take‐up and local proportions of different provider types (maintained, private, voluntary, Sure Start). In particular, the voluntary sector seems to have more flexibility than maintained provision to offer places in January, and more success than private providers in reaching children from lower‐income backgrounds. The analysis also highlights how take‐up overall is relatively high and the gap by income level is smaller in areas with more Sure Start provision. This suggests that aspects of Sure Start facilitated access among low‐income families, and could perhaps be replicated as implementation of the free entitlement continues to be expanded.  相似文献   

英国布莱尔政府学前教育改革政策及其主要特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1997年~2007年英国首相布莱尔执政期间,英国先后出台了多项学前教育改革政策,应对其学前教育发展、教育改革乃至社会发展的困境与危机.其中最重要的学前教育改革政策有:"确保开端"、"每个孩子都重要"、"儿童保育十年战略"及"早期奠基阶段",它们极大地推动了英国学前教育的改革与发展.布莱尔政府学前教育改革政策具有四方面突出特点:鲜明一致的价值取向与政治意图;注重各项政策间的连续性与稳定性;政策制定的战略性与前瞻性;持续增加财政投入以保障政策实效.  相似文献   

This paper examines the numbers and roles of those teachers employed as teachers in 249 Sure Start local programmes. It looks at their roles and the numbers appointed in relation to: regions of the country; the length of time programmes have been running and the lead agency of the programme. It discusses the perceptions of respondents, through narrative discourse, and throws light on the attitudes of some staff within programmes on the concept of including teachers in integrated centres delivering children's services. This information may be useful for strategic planners and programme managers when discussing the issues surrounding the employment of teachers in Children's Centres.  相似文献   

Participatory literacy programmes in developing countries are often seen as an important tool for women’s empowerment and equality. This articles problematises the way in which evaluation of progress towards these goals is couched in a linear trajectory, and often fails to uncover the messy reality of women’s negotiations to achieve their own aims. Drawing on an example of a literacy programme for internally displaced people in northern Sudan, the article highlights instances of potential challenge or reinforcement of gender stereotypes and how these were perceived by participants and project staff, situating it within the debate on gender, literacy and empowerment. The examples show that a more nuanced approach to evaluation of progress towards gender equality and empowerment is needed if power relations are to be truly understood and challenged. In addition, appropriate safety mechanisms must be built‐in to projects, acknowledging that women’s ‘empowerment’ may also lead to women in danger.  相似文献   

By utilizing all of the voices of homeless children and families we can gain a better understanding of their needs and thus be more effective in designing programs that can support them in becoming more independent. This article reviews the importance of the voices of homeless preschool children and their parents as well that of the professionals who work with them in developing responses to this problem. Strategies that empower homeless preschool children and their families are noted. These strategies include: quality preschool care, therapeutic practices that empower the entire family, case management schemes that provide support to homeless children and families, and societal changes that empower the family. Critical roles that early childhood education professionals can carry out in this empowerment process are delineated and discussed.  相似文献   

Storysack projects (in which sacks including books and artefacts to help children learn through play are made and distributed), are proliferating in the UK and beyond, often involving work with parents. However, little of this work has been reported. One way to find out about new storysack project ideas is to talk with those directly involved. This article documents a conversation between a university researcher and a practitioner. The focus is on the use of a grid to discuss the educational content of storyacks with parents. The work is located within a Sure Start programme in the north of England.  相似文献   

There is a growing recognition of the importance of pre‐literacy skills among pre‐school children. Evidence that children from relatively deprived backgrounds face poorer outcomes in speech and language development and educational achievement has led to an assertive attempt to lessen social inequalities at the earliest opportunity. The UK government‐funded Sure Start initiative aims to provide services to promote play and learning opportunities for such children under the age of four. This paper describes the background and method of setting up an Early Listening programme in a deprived, multicultural and multilingual area of North London. We also present findings on the effect of the programme on children's phonological awareness. The results indicated improvement in rhyme awareness following direct input, with more tentative signs of positive trends in phonemic awareness and visual memory. We suggest that this programme may have considerable value in a wider local educational context. The information gathered from this pilot work will assist the development of more definitive research.  相似文献   

The need for improved collaboration among educators in the schools has been repeatedly documented in both first wave (legislated learning) and second wave (empowerment/school restructuring) education reform movements. This article describes the role of educational collaboration as one important key to professional sharing of best practices in the restructuring of schools. Critical issues and practical strategies for developing and implementing this shared planning, decision-making, and problem-solving process are discussed. The importance of operationally defining educational collaboration as it is to be implemented in each individual school is emphasized. issues and strategies for developing school norms that support educational collaboration, including redefining and clarifying professional roles, systematic staff training and support, developing organizational structures for collaboration, and providing professionals with adequate time for collaboration, are reviewed and critiqued.  相似文献   

Since 1965, Head Start has stood as a model, two-generational program for promoting developmental competencies among children living in socioeconomic disadvantage for the US and international communities. The cornerstone of Head Start is the promotion of caregivers’ involvement in their young children’s development and early learning. In accomplishing this ambitious goal, Head Start operates from a variety of programming options, one of which is home-based. The home-based Head Start program can occur alone or be combined with a classroom-based program. Relative to its classroom-based counterpart, the home-based program has received little empirical attention. To this end, this study explores the association of home visiting frequency to caregiver involvement as it occurs naturally in a combined Head Start program serving families in small urban communities. The interrelationships of child and family demographics to caregiver involvement as well as participation in the home-based program were also examined. Consistent with prior studies, two-parent families reported greater involvement in the children’s preschool education than other family structures. Additionally, home visiting frequency was higher for Hispanic families relative to African American and Caucasian families. Notably, home visiting frequency did not correspond with families’ report of their involvement with their child at home or preschool or their communication with classroom teachers. Although the exploratory nature of this study does not yield conclusions, it does call attention to the need to empirically investigate the development and integration of evidence-based caregiver involvement interventions in the home-based Head Start program.  相似文献   

Chinese children with an urban household registration (hukou) normally attend subsidized preschools for three years prior to primary school. This is an experience available to relatively few of China's many millions of migrant children whose families are registered as rural residents but choose to migrate to urban areas. This paper presents research, in the form of a case study, which examined an informal playgroup for rural-registered migrant children whose parents worked in a Beijing market. The playgroup was established by volunteers to provide an affordable, though limited, alternative preschool experience for migrant children. The original programme was derived from community concepts that initially underpinned the “Sure Start” intervention in the United Kingdom. In the paper, survey data is utilized to determine if an informal playgroup can be a positive alternative in a context where migrant children have little capacity to access the preschool programmes available to their urban counterparts.  相似文献   

Quality teacher-child interactions are characteristic of effective classrooms resulting in benefits for all children, but may be particularly important for children from low-income families. The purpose of this study was to explore the perception of Illinois Head Start teachers related to how I am Moving, I am Learning (IMIL) could improve the quality of their instruction as measured by the Classroom assessment scoring system (CLASS®), an observation instrument used to assess the quality of teacher-child interactions across three broad domains and their supporting dimensions. While the study found that early childhood professionals perceive IMIL as a meaningful resource, additional research is needed to substantiate the preliminary findings as well as to guide training initiatives that would help Head Start professionals to make the connection between IMIL and the CLASS®.  相似文献   

Conclusion Longitudinal research on effective early childhood education programs has consistently demonstrated the importance of home-school communication (Berger, 1981). Ernest Boyer has stated it simply yet profoundly: “Good homes make good schools.” Child care programs must commit themselves to involving parents in their program with parent, child and staff acting as a unit (Yawkey & Bakawa-Evenson, 1975). This can be done by building a relationship with families that begins well and continues to develop in positive ways. Day care professionals can best enhance the development of children by planning programs which are responsive to the needs of families. Denise D. Shaffer is currently a granduate student in Early Childhood Education at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She has worked as a day care teacher, family day care coordinator, and early intervention specialist with a Head Start program. She sincerely thanks Dr. Mary Renck Jalongo for her review of this article.  相似文献   

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