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In recent years, music at Leaving Certificate level has come under increasing focus in media and higher education discourse as an easy option. In particular, scant attention has been paid to the musical knowledge and skills needed in the transition to higher music education within the Irish context. This paper addresses the perceived gap in knowledge through an examination of documents and student and lecturer experiences in higher music education. Findings reveal that students who have access to private music tuition because of their greater cultural, social and economic capital have a distinct advantage in higher education over those who have relied on the state for music education. Moreover, there would appear to be a shift in emphasis from practical to theoretical knowledge in the transition to higher education. More critically, the paper argues for a reappraisal of curriculum and knowledge at both levels in light of the implicit privileging of epistemic access to ‘powerful’ knowledge in private music education.  相似文献   


This article argues that learner-centred education needs to shift from a discussion only on pedagogical activities such as group-work and other cooperative learning strategies. It suggests that the focus of learner-centred education should be on the cultural world of the African child and how this influences the way in which he/she learns Western science. The African child often experiences cognitive dissonance/perturbation when learning Western science. The article draws on insights from the theory of collateral learning which was originally developed by Jegede. It argues that unless policymakers and teachers take into consideration the cultural frameworks of learners, there will not be a sound basis for improving school science and school mathematics in South Africa. Spending more on resources and increasingly testing learners, as is currently done in South Africa, will not improve school science in South Africa. Improving school science in part depends on rethinking leaner-centred education, which means critically looking at the important role that cultural frameworks of learners play in learning Western science.  相似文献   

新课程改革后,中学音乐课堂教学必须进行重组或转型以适应新课标的要求。为适应新课改的发展。中学音乐教师应具备科学的世界观、价值观和思维方式;有精湛的专业技能。才能展现教学艺术;要有丰富的文化修养等综合的素质,才能成为新一轮基础教育课程改革合格的音乐教师。  相似文献   

西周乐教在我国历史上第一次形成独立完善的乐教制度,它不同于现代意义的音乐学科敦育,是为国家培养人才的通才式教育,西周乐教是对此前上古时代音乐教育的理性反思,本文拟从史学的角度分析西周乐教的形成,内容及其文化内涵。  相似文献   

高等教育发展与文化选择有着千丝万缕的联系,文化选择可以为高等教育提供发展的原动力,为高等教育发展提供价值规范和文化创造的源泉。在高等教育发展的过程中,高等教育发展的文化选择主要是对科学文化、价值文化和审美文化的选择。高等教育发展的文化选择必须遵循客观性原则、价值性原则、创新性原则和渐进性原则。  相似文献   

如何音乐课的术科属性特点与音乐艺术的审美教育特质,成为以音乐审美为核心的音乐教育改革中的焦点。音乐教育的化属性和技能属性并存的特性是客观存在回避不了的。以音乐审美为核心的音乐教育要直面音乐教育中的音乐基础知识,音乐审美不能脱离音乐基础知识学习。音乐基本能力培养和音乐基础知识学习方式需要改革,要将音乐审美教育融入其中,而不是回避和取消。  相似文献   

中国学校乐教的全面兴盛是在西周时期,但人们对在西周之前的殷商学校乐教状况的认识却有些模糊不清.任何事物的发展不是一蹴而就的,正是殷商时期的铺垫,才造就了西周的辉煌.在记载殷商的历史文献中出现了“商人以乐造士”“殷人作乐于瞽宗,瞽宗殷学也”的文字记载,可见乐教在殷商时期就受到人们的重视.笔者从考证商代学校出发,继而考证其乐教场所、音乐教育内容,授乐者及“受众”,力图再现殷商时期的学校音乐教育.  相似文献   

音乐是文化的主要表现形式,教育是文化的主要传承机制。音乐教育的根本属性应当是文化传承。在世界文化日趋多元化的今天,音乐教育应当自觉担负起文化的使命。由于音乐教育长期受西方的影响,对音乐的文化属性与教育的文化关怀,均未充分重视,对此应当予以反思。国际音乐教育的发展趋势是将音乐当作文化来传承,尊重本民族音乐的文化地位,因此,我们的音乐教育改革,应当以文化关怀为目标进行,这样,才能适应社会需要,跟上世界音乐教育的步伐。  相似文献   

《外国音乐史与名作赏析》教学中应该坚守建立理论体系、培养理性思维的核心课程价值准则,区分理论知识的积累与理论思维的培养两者的不同性质。在教学上,应改变历史与作品各自独立教学的情况,注重培养学生的理性思考与分析的能力。模式探索上分三部分:一、加强课堂上学生思考、分析、讨论的比重;二、加强课前课后作业的监控与落实;三、利用学生助教团队提升管理效率与学生的实践能力。  相似文献   

随着21世纪全球经济一体化和多元文化时代的到来,在西部大开发的历史机遇下,宁夏回族自治区的经济建设及社会发展急需具有多元文化知识结构的建设人才,这些都和文化教育紧密地交织在一起。音乐教育是全面素质教育中一个不可代替的组成部分。笔者对现今宁夏回族自治区高校音乐学科的教育、发展等方面进行了一些实地调查和分析。  相似文献   

Why a critical pedagogy of place is an oxymoron   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Given the growing environmental awareness, educators – especially in science and environmental education – need to avoid embracing a ‘critical pedagogy of place’. Why conflating critical pedagogy with place‐based education is an oxymoron, and why it perpetuates the thinking and silences that undermine both the diversity of the world’s cultures and ecosystems are the main foci of this essay. The main theorists of a critical pedagogy of place – Paulo Freire, Henry Giroux, Peter McLaren, and David Gruenewald – draw on a tradition of thinking that emphasizes decolonization and reinhabitation. While these words create the illusion of a culturally and ecologically sound approach to place‐based education, these theorists are unable to recognize the nature and ecological importance of the cultural commons that exist in every community – and that represent alternatives to a consumer‐dependent existence. In effect, their commitment to universalizing the process of decolonization without a deep knowledge of the diverse cultural practices that have a smaller ecological impact meets the definition of an oxymoron where two contradictory positions are assumed to be compatible. A culturally informed knowledge of place takes account of different approaches to dwelling on the land, as well as the ability to listen to the keepers of community memory of past environmentally destructive practices and of sustainable traditions of community self‐sufficiency. It is not driven by a Western ideology that takes for granted the progressive nature of change, or assumes that Western theorists possess the answers that the other cultures should live by.  相似文献   

丰子恺先生是我国辛亥革命后新文化时期著名的教育家和艺术家。除了在文学与美术方面有相当的研究与大量的论著外,亦对音乐有着深厚的造诣,并以一个音乐教育家的身份对西方音乐在中国的普及与教育作出了巨大的贡献。丰子恺先生重视以钢琴为主导的音乐教育,在半个世纪前便有着"艺术可以兴国"的先进思想,对于21世纪我们的高校音乐专业教育中的钢琴教学,至今仍具有启示、借鉴和指导的积极意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines music education’s legitimation of values as a means of preparing students for entry into the new ‘knowledge society’ of the People’s Republic of China in a global age. It explores the ways in which values education relates to the teaching of both musical and non‐musical meanings in the dual context of nationalism and globalization, and discusses some problems that values education faces in school music classrooms. It examines the ways in which globalization has pressured values education into resolving the apparent contradiction between national identity and national unity in the ever‐changing play of Chinese history and politics. It concludes with a discussion of how music education might juggle three pairs of apparently contradictory relationships in the curriculum: between contemporary cultural and social values on the one hand, and traditional Chinese and Communist ideologies on the other; between collectivism and individualism; and between national and global cultures.  相似文献   

多民族、多文化的世界,需要多元音乐文化教育。"以中国民族音乐为本,弘扬保护中国传统音乐文化,了解学习世界音乐文化"是中国多元音乐文化教育的原则。培养"多元音乐文化观"需重视:转变教师观念,改革高等师范音乐教育;尊重审美规律,用美的音乐来说话;紧扣时代脉搏,融入时代元素。  相似文献   

民族民间音乐是中华民族音乐的重要组成部分,是中华音乐之根,是劳动人民智慧的结晶。把民族音乐的种子播向下一代,保护、传承和开发地方民族民间音乐,将地方民间音乐系统地纳入地方高校音乐教育体系,是地方高校音乐教育的社会职责,也是地方高校特色办学的具体措施。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the cultural conflicts around the Western notion of child‐centeredness in Taiwanese preschools. The implementation and translation of Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) in Taiwan is highlighted as an example to understand productions of differences, norms and cultural conflicts in Taiwanese early childhood education. Throughout this paper, it is argued that multiplicities and differences are not acknowledged but instead are dangerously ignored while assumptions are made about a singular norm and homogeneous universal standard. From this perspective, it is asserted that the global circulation of a particular Western notion of child‐centeredness should be (re)conceptualized as a cultural construct through which a particular system of reasoning or cultural knowledge is perpetuated.  相似文献   

With the increase in state‐mandated high‐stakes testing across the USA, schools and school districts are considering ways of increasing instructional time for core curricular subjects such as mathematics, science, English, and social studies. One seemingly logical approach to improving test scores is to reduce the time spent in subjects that are not tested, most notably art, music, and physical education, thus increasing time for the tested subjects. In this study, data was collected from 547 Virginia elementary school principals who completed a survey indicating the time specialists taught art, music, and physical education in their schools. After controlling for socio‐cultural opportunities associated with the school community, partial correlations between time allocation and school‐level passing rates on the Virginia Standards of Learning tests indicated no meaningful relationship between time allocation to art, music, and physical education and school achievement. The findings from the study do not support the notion that a reduced time allocation to art, music, and physical education is related to higher test scores.  相似文献   

由于历史原因,高师声乐教学长期以来一直受表演专业的影响,在教学中重技轻艺,文化意识淡薄。这已严重制约了高师声乐教育的自身发展,也不能适应我国基础音乐教育改革的需要。因此,在新的历史条件下,必须对高师声乐教学目前存在的问题进行改革,在改革中应把握好三个方面的关系:即师范素质与专业性的关系;歌唱技能与音乐文化知识的关系;歌唱共性训练与个性发展的关系等。只有这样,才能把声乐技术教育与教师综合素质要求很好结合起来,从而使高师声乐教学更好地适应我国基础音乐教育改革并为其服务。  相似文献   

教育体制在确立其知识体系时,需要进行一系列的文化辨别、筛选、组织的建构过程。文化选择表现为对某种文化的自动撷取或排斥,是从某种特定标准出发,对现有文化进行权衡与分析,从而作出细心甄别、大胆选取的过程。不同的文化选择,既决定了不同的知识建构方式,也决定了教育在社会分层或社会整合方面的不同强化效应。构建和谐社会的教育文化选择通常有两种方式:价值认可和价值赋予。将教育发展融入和谐社会构建的宏大工程之中,应该进一步审视并完善教育的文化选择机制。  相似文献   

当前我国一些高校教师的形象受到社会各界的质疑,主要原因在于一些高校教师放弃了其应承担的神圣使命,沦为利益集团的代言人。德国哲学家、教育家费希特提出,学者除应承担普通人的使命外,还应承担3项主要使命:一是献身科学知识的追求;二是传承科学文化;三是提升社会道德。我国高校教师尤其是一些重点大学的教授无疑包含在他所说的学者之内。他的思想有利于我们全面理解高校教师的责任,为我国高校教师的职业道德建设提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

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