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This study, building on previous studies stressing the bond between positive sense of ethnic identity and school belonging, puts at its center the very process of ethnic identity construction. Thus, identity is viewed as co‐constructed, within a social–constructionist perspective on learning. The study is two‐folded. It starts out by describing how participants in a Finland–Swedish preschool setting orient to ethnic identity in everyday interactions. Video recordings are analyzed using conversation analysis, a relatively recent approach to the exploration of how ethnicity is accomplished in interaction. It shows that the different ethnic backgrounds of the children were considerably more prominent in the informal self‐initiated interactions between themselves than in situations where adults were present. The children mainly used ethnicity as a resource to investigate themselves in relation to others to negotiate status and construct in‐ and out‐groups. The second part focuses on how to create a more inclusive school‐setting by more actively supporting students' ethnic identity construction. It discusses the experiences from a teacher–researcher collaboration, where the way children constructed ethnic identity in the first part of the study was taken as the starting‐point for the development of new practices. The study suggests the ongoing ethnic identity construction in everyday educational settings to be a fertile area for further research. We need to know more about how these processes can be supported in a manner that is sensitive to the students' needs to decide for themselves whether, and how, they wish to orient to their own ethnic backgrounds.  相似文献   

东南亚的傣-泰族群主要分布在泰国、缅甸、老挝、越南。在不同国家官方的识别族名不同,缅甸定为“掸 族”,老挝、越南与泰国都定为“泰族”。笔者在进行跨境民族文化调查时发现,东南亚的傣-泰族群大部分自称“傣”,只有 与外族、特别是外国人交流时,才以“泰”自称。这些族群分属两大文化圈,一是信仰南传上座部佛教文化圈,一是坚持原 始宗教文化圈。除宗教区别外,他们在区域分布、语言文字、习俗文化等也有各自特性。  相似文献   

Ismet Şahin 《Interchange》2003,34(4):383-420
Education should develop the common values needed to enhance the unity and progress of a multi-ethnic, multicultural society. In order to enhance effective learning, students' varied backgrounds should be taken into consideration when designing a curriculum. Clearly, if the curriculum is dominated by the culture of an ethnic majority, and the existence of different ethnic and cultural groups are ignored, the students of non-majority origin perceive themselves to be distinct and may develop antagonistic attitudes toward education, which often lead to failure.In some parts of Turkey, especially the Eastern and Southeastern regions, the majority of the population is of different ethnic origin. ahin and Gülmez (2000b) studied the efficiency of education and the factors affecting the success of students in both regions. They found that illiteracy in those regions was higher when compared with the other regions, that females received less education, and that secondary school students were less successful in nationwide examinations such as OSS (selection examinations for OYS) and OYS (student placement examinations for university entrance). Ethnic diversity alone is not as effective when maintained by cultural diversity. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the differences in cultural values of students with different ethnic backgrounds. Differences in curriculum and teaching materials were analyzed with regard to the perceptions of those students who identified themselves as ethnically different and not of Turkish origin.The results of this study indicate that the quality of the school curriculum and text books assessed were significantly different for those students identified to be not of Turkish origin and therefore appeared to be culturally unresponsive, a factor which may lead to the educational failure for many students of different ethnic origins.  相似文献   

以人为本与民族地区地方高校图书馆职工队伍建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以人为本对于民族地区地方高校图书馆职工队伍建设有现实意义。民族地区地方高校图书馆职工队伍建设应做到:以人为本,在配备职工时重点考虑有志于民族文化研究的人员;以人为本,增强职工事业心,建设为民族文化研究服务、科研型职工队伍;以人为本,结合民族地区实际,培养感情,建设和谐的职工队伍。  相似文献   

在田野调查和有关文献分析的基础上,对裕固族学校教育功能进行较为深入的、整体性的社会人类学分析后发现:裕固族学校教育应该有两个基本的功能,一是传授现代社会主流文化知识,促进社区发展,使学习者适应主流社会生活,并通过筛选和分配实现向上的社会流动;二是传承本民族文化,使学习者通过文化濡化适应所在社区生活,从而维系民族认同和所在社区的存在与稳定。  相似文献   

Whereas history is seen by some as crucial in developing a sense of identity and fostering social cohesion, it is however, often based around narrowly nationalistic views of the past, and yet little is known about how students relate to the past they are taught. Thus, this paper focuses on the history curriculum and the ways in which students aged 12–14, from different ethnic backgrounds, relate to it. Moreover, the small-scale study which enabled this paper, focused, in particular, on whether students enjoyed and valued history and whether they felt any sense of personal connection to the topics studied. Drawing on survey data collected from 102 students and focus group discussions with 42 students, from two high schools, the findings indicate that although many students enjoy history, they fail to fully understand its value. Additionally most students, especially those from minority ethnic backgrounds, feel a lack of personal connection to the past, as they do not see themselves in the history they are taught.  相似文献   

The collection of ethnic and racial statistics has become common in a growing number of institutional settings. Yet contemporary approaches to race and ethnicity suggest that the very process of compelling people to assign themselves to one of a small number of racial or ethnic 'boxes' is, at best, essentialist and, at worst, racist. This article will explore this problematic terrain, and venture a pathway through it, with the aid of findings from a study of ethnic minority English and Welsh student teachers' attitudes to ethnic classification. The discussion comprises three parts. The first sets out to provide a brief theoretical analysis of the genesis of ethnic monitoring within the modern state. It is concluded that ethnic monitoring may usefully be regarded as a problematic necessity, a process that itself needs constant monitoring. With this agenda in place, we move on to assess the implications of our findings on student teachers' attitudes to ethnic monitoring. Their pointers for reform are discussed in the third and final section of the paper, where the policy implications of research are outlined.  相似文献   

土家族的神繁杂多样,列祖列宗、天神地主、文官武将、龙蛇虎马、古树奇石、洞崖滩路等等,无所不有。土家族普遍笃信物或人之灵魂变成神后,就能为自己服务,以实现为自己除暴安良、惩恶扬善、除病消灾、佑人安康、驱鬼逐疫、保家护族的目的。  相似文献   

贵州省普定县仙马村大花苗族族性音调,初步断定其源自本民族的谐音乐器"阿江",使用的乐律为"自然律"。在进一步的研究中,发现其特有的含中立音的羽调式及其终止音,是该族族性音调的典型特征。  相似文献   

作为一名具有强烈民族感的少数民族文化女权主义者, 托妮*莫里森在其小说中探索了黑人妇女解放的问题.她主张黑人妇女要挣脱主流文化审美观与价值观的桎梏,弘扬黑人妇女的传统美德,建构黑人妇女独特的文化价值观,在不脱离黑人民族文化的基础上实现妇女的解放.  相似文献   

There is little research that has examined the role of mothers in their children's education in the rural space of the school, particularly in relation to the experiences of Black and minority ethnic (BME) families who are newcomers to the rural space. This article attempts to redress the balance and examine how BME mothers are positioned in rural primary schools in England (UK) which are predominantly White. This article is based on 20 in-depth interviews conducted with mothers who identified themselves as Black or from a minority ethnic background (India, Pakistan or Bangladesh). All of the respondents had moved into the areas in the last 10 years. The findings from this research suggest that mothers are active agents in the education of their children; however, their experiences reveal that within the White space of the school they are positioned as ‘other’ and ‘outsiders’ as they navigate the diasporic space of the White countryside.  相似文献   

This article addresses the influence of White American ethnic consciousness on educators in the community college classroom. In the event that issues of a multicultural nature arise in this setting, educators may find themselves responding to the information with differing attitudes and behaviors. These varied stances may stem from the process of moving from an unresolved to a more integrative stage of ethnic consciousness. White identity stages are presented, and their implications for classroom instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

少数民族双语教师跨文化适应问题研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对少数民族地区双语教师这样一个特殊的教师群体而言,使用两种语言进行教学在表面上是语言技巧问题,但隐藏在现象背后的却是深层次的跨文化适应问题。心理适应、社会文化适应与文化融合三个因素密切地联系在一起,共同形成少数民族地区双语教师在面对语言和文化差异时的跨文化适应类型。影响其实现跨文化适应的因素既有外部的环境因素,又有教师自身的因素,在对双语教师进行跨文化适应培训时要充分考虑这些因素。  相似文献   

笔者认为学生辍学的最根本原因是学生看不到自己的进步,没有成功感,因而造成自信心不足,从而导致辍学.因此教师要让学生认识到自己的进步,进步就是成功,坚持就是胜利,从而有成功感。  相似文献   

随着少数民族大学生的入校,各民族之间的接触、化上的碰撞、心理上的冲突将不可避免。为了使少数民族大学生对自己的心理结构做适当调适,以较快适应大学学习生活,我们有必要对西部大开发时期少数民族大学生面临的心理矛盾与冲突进行分析研究,以期对其发展的现实性问题做理论与实践的探讨。  相似文献   


Drawing on 48 in-depth interviews with Black immigrant and second-generation boys at Bridgewood secondary school in New York City, this article points out how the high educational aspirations expressed by Black African and Caribbean boys are strategically deployed as features of an ethnic project to counter anti-immigrant sentiments and anti-Black racism in US society. The findings indicate that in a context of rising xenophobia along with the historical and continual stereotypes of Black people in the US, participants’ aspirations for elite higher education function as strategies to enhance their individual and ethnic reputations. High educational aspirations were also used to justify emigration to and worth within the US. At its core, this article illustrates how participants mobilized aspirations to represent themselves as moral migrants and ‘worthy’ ethnic minorities. Moral claims and ethnicity-based campaigns associated with aspirations are problematized because they reinforce the hierarchical racial order that informs US society.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the performances and the progress made by pupils of minority ethnic origin between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 in British secondary schools. The data used in this paper were collected as part of a PhD study by Haque (1999). The paper discusses findings from multilevel modelling analyses carried out on 12 of the 20 schools in the research study. In particular, it reveals that whilst differences exist in the performances and the progress of pupils of minority ethnic background in their Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 examinations, these differences become substantially reduced when background factors (other than ethnic origin) are taken into account. The paper concludes that in order to identify accurately and reduce the nature of disadvantages for pupils from particular minority ethnic groups, policy-makers, schools and teachers need to differentiate these groups beyond their national origin.  相似文献   

Linda Pagett 《Literacy》2006,40(3):137-145
Although it contains a statutory inclusion statement, England's National Curriculum “hardly acknowledges the learning practices of different minority groups” ( Gregory and Williams, 2003 , p. 103). Through observation and interview, this study examines the repertoire of languages that six children for whom English is an additional language (EAL) choose to use at home and in their primary school settings in the West of England. The study bears out and extends previous research, which indicates that children from various ethnic backgrounds are involved in a struggle where they construct and reconstruct their identities according to the social situations they find themselves in. In addition to code switching between languages, the study reports on children using ‘bilingual parallel speech’, an unresearched practice. It shows that there may be a tension between schools' efforts to build upon the children's use of the home language and the children's reluctance to use it in a school setting, where the dominant institutional language is English, and where they would prefer to appear ‘like everyone else’. Social capital would appear to be an important factor affecting children's use of language and this may make them reluctant to maintain and develop their home language. Schools may need to consider strategies that value bilingual children's commonality with the school culture.  相似文献   

This study, focusing on the life stories of three pre-service Latina teachers in the United States, explored how they positioned themselves as learners of English and teachers of Spanish in their oral narratives, and how their past experience as minority students shaped their current professional identity negotiations as language teachers. Positioning analysis of their narrative accounts indicated that these female teachers, throughout their education, felt different or isolated because of their ethnic identity, language background, and socioeconomic class. They negotiated memberships in different communities across settings in their lives. Understanding the conflicts and struggles that they experienced and unique strategies that they used to overcome them will hopefully provide insights for all teachers and teacher educators in linguistically and culturally diverse contexts.  相似文献   

Total raw self-esteem scores of 1303 children, including Chinese children in Britain and Hong Kong and White British, were assessed by using the Self-esteem Inventory developed by Coopersmith (1967). Across all samples, the results show little differences between children of different ages, whereas statistically significant differences occur in the independent variables of ethnic groups, gender and educational aspiration. Despite the social disadvantages that the UK Chinese may face, they have significantly higher self-esteem than their Hong Kong Chinese counterparts, but have little differences from their White peers. This indicates that they are likely to have positive feelings and academic confidence in being themselves and as part of the host society. In contrast, Hong Kong children tend to have low levels of self-esteem, which may be caused by the more self-effacing and modest values in Chinese culture, a traditional authoritarian style of education or highly competitive pressures created by schools, families and society.  相似文献   

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