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2001年教育部颁布并试行的《基础教育课程改革纲要》和2004年教育部拟定的草稿《全日制聋校义务教育语文课程标准》这两个聋校语文的指导文件里面郑重提出了自主、探究与合作的崭新学习方式.聋校的语文课程改革是我国基础教育课程改革的一部分,其成败关系着整个新课改的成败.文章试图结合聋校语文教学的实际情况,论述当前聋校语文教学中存在的问题;自主、合作和探究学习实践中需要注意的几个问题;新课改教学示范案例与点评以及转变学习方式的重要性.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the common educational challenges faced by curriculum developers in the UK at the turn of the 21st century and the steps taken to address them by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority in England and the Council for Curriculum Examinations and Assessment in Northern Ireland. The paper explores how the solutions emerging during the three curriculum review phases of 1998–1999 and 2005–2007 in England and 2000–2004 in Northern Ireland came about largely as a result of collegial working between the two bodies. As well as considering steps taken to develop aims that would drive curriculum change and a curriculum that would address the learning needs of students in the 21st century, the article also considers the lessons learnt about managing and supporting curriculum change. Developments in England and Northern Ireland serve to illustrate that an effective curriculum needs to: articulate clearly the key aims that will shape and drive it; be sufficiently visionary and flexible to allow teachers to respond to the needs of students now and in the future; and provide on-going support to help embed and sustain change. The three are inter-related and successful curriculum development involves considering them together.
Carmel GallagherEmail:

Ian Colwill   is a freelance educational consultant. Until his recent retirement, he was a member of the executive of the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority in England with responsibility for curriculum development. He began his career teaching history in a secondary school in inner London before becoming an advisory history teacher for the Inner London Education Authority. He has since held senior posts in a succession of bodies advising the government on curriculum and assessment development with responsibility for developing and revising the national curriculum and producing a wide range of support materials. Carmel Gallagher   is currently a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the UNESCO Centre, University of Ulster. Until recently, she was the manager in charge of Curriculum and Assessment Development at the Northern Ireland Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA), a post from which she has been seconded. She began her career teaching history in a large comprehensive school in West Belfast during some of the worst years of the Northern Ireland Troubles. She was seconded from this post to a number of curriculum development projects before she became the officer in charge of the history curriculum at the newly formed Northern Ireland Curriculum Council (NICC). Soon after this organisation merged with the Northern Ireland Secondary Examinations Council to form CCEA, she took over responsibility for the curriculum review process from 1996–2006, the production of a wide range of support materials and the development of an implementation strategy.  相似文献   

Educational institutions in the Arab Gulf are requiring rapid changes to enhance English language learning to keep up with globalization and economic growth. This urges the need for investigating policy changes such as effectiveness in curriculum orientations and their impact on the actual process of teaching in order to gauge how educational institutions are performing. This paper reports the findings of a survey study on curriculum enactment in the English Language Foundation Program of a higher education institution in the Arab Gulf region. Data collection methods included a survey and interview with teachers investigating their opinions about the curriculum, how much support it offers teachers to reach the objectives of the course, and whether/to what extent as well as the reasons why they feel they need to modify the curriculum at the implementation level. Results showed that most teachers exercised discretion in using the prescribed curriculum materials due to individual contextual factors. Results also indicated that either when implementing the prescribed or modified materials, most participants highlighted the importance of using reliable quality resource materials that can help teachers as well as students to enhance the learning process. Findings have implications for English as a second language curriculum design in Arab higher educational contexts.  相似文献   

Teachers need to develop the ability to adapt curriculum materials. Two elementary teachers, Maggie and Catie, were asked to write narratives about their use of and changes to particular reform-oriented science lesson plans. Maggie drew on her knowledge of and experiences with students, as well as other knowledge, experiences, and resources, to make productive changes to account for her students’ prior knowledge and abilities. Catie based her curricular adaptations on her learning goals—but these were not aligned with the learning goals of the curriculum materials. The paper discusses implications for teacher education, professional development, and educative curriculum materials.  相似文献   


Systematic changes to higher education curriculum typically occur within the extended timeframes of formal curriculum review processes. Programmes need to be reviewed periodically for internal and external accountability or to determine whether the curriculum has lost its coherence due to the accumulative effect of continual small-scale changes. These programme reviews often lend themselves to the introduction of innovations in teaching and learning however experiences suggest that these innovations are often short-lived. Even with well-thought-through project plans, adequate funding and staffing, and robust project evaluations, a curriculum innovation may fail to take hold and continue beyond the short-term. In this article we work towards developing a general framework that identifies the various factors and drivers that are essential to sustain important curriculum innovation beyond the short-term. The framework is developed from an analysis of several curriculum innovations related to the embedding of graduate attributes to highlight the important factors necessary to ensure longevity in important developments in teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Vietnam universities have experienced remarkable changes brought about by their internationalization policies. The switch to English as a medium of instruction (EMI) for some academic programs was one of these critical changes. Literature has reported numerous issues related to EMI, including inadequate language proficiency of teaching staff. This paper looks at a qualitative research study on how a government university from Vietnam employs different strategies to enhance teachers’ English proficiency. The study reveals that the introduction of new supporting systems, assessment bodies, recruitment criteria and institutional strategies on training, monitoring and motivation have created cultural change within the teacher community. This cultural change, which includes elements such as self-directed learning, peer learning, professionalism, and ‘open-to-change’ attitudes, has been perceived by both leaders and teachers to be conducive to teachers’ language learning. The findings presented in this paper seek to contribute to the formulation or adjustment of policies related to educational reforms, such as curriculum reform, teacher recruitment and teacher professional development in non-English-speaking countries.  相似文献   

针对教学研究领域的三个主题:教学设计、课程设计、信息通信技术与媒体,国际教学设计研究领域的学者们主要关注如下研究热点:认知和学习心理学研究成果为教学设计模型提供了新的理论基础和创新途径,课程开发和信息通信技术需要进一步整合到教学设计模型中;课程开发及其对教学设计模型的影响;信息通信技术对教学设计和课程开发的影响,从更加整合和全面的视角来看待学习、教学、课程和技术之间的关系。《教学设计中课程、规划和进程的国际观》从以上三个方面展示了国际观点。当前教学设计研究和实践逐步形成以下发展趋势:一是教学设计研究越来越呈现出跨学科特点;二是运用技术创建有效学习环境成为教学设计研究的重要领域;三是欧美学者在教学设计研究领域既共享众多核心观点,又在研究角度、内容上各有不同,使得整体研究成果深度交融。  相似文献   

移动通信技术的发展使依托移动设备的微型学习成为可能,满足了成人学习者短小、松散、实用的学习需求。微型学习的理念和移动学习融为一体,为提高学习效率和质量提供了保证。然而,从目前的现状来看,对微型学习课程设计原则的研究非常有限。要充分发挥微型学习"短小、精悍、实用"的特点,尤其需要针对成人学习的特点以及移动设备的特征对课程设计原则进行深入研究。通过对移动学习的相关学习理论、已有的课程设计原则进行了研究和分析,提炼微型学习课程设计的原则和要素,为形成符合成人移动学习特点的课程设计提供参考,使成人学习者能够利用"零碎"时间进行学习,发挥移动设备和技术的特点和功能,使新媒体技术支持下的学习变得更加高效。  相似文献   

当前过程性评价已成为基于核心素养培育的课程评价的应有之义。“以证据为中心”(ECD)的理论模型可回答有关评价目标、内容、标准、情境等关键问题,高度契合核心素养对课程评价改革的现实吁求。然而,在基于ECD的课程评价改革实践过程中,存在着因评价模式单一化、学科知识片面化、学习境域分离化等问题引发的现实困境。为摆脱传统结果性评价桎梏,落实过程性评价,应以上位框架为表征,重构课程评价蓝图;以素养目标为导向,把握评价关键要领;以真实境况为索引,创设有机评价生态。  相似文献   

Inquiry-based curricula are an essential tool for reforming science education yet the role of the teacher is often overlooked in terms of the impact of the curriculum on student achievement. Our research focuses on 22 teachers’ use of a year-long high school urban ecology curriculum and how teachers’ self-efficacy, instructional practices, curricular enactments and previous experience impacted student learning. Data sources included teacher belief surveys, teacher enactment surveys, a student multiple-choice assessment focused on defining and identifying science concepts and a student open-ended assessment focused on scientific inquiry. Results from the two hierarchical linear models indicate that there was significant variation between teachers in terms of student achievement. For the multiple-choice assessment, teachers who spent a larger percentage of time on group work and a smaller percentage of time lecturing had greater student learning. For the open-ended assessment, teachers who reported a higher frequency of students engaging in argument and sharing ideas had greater student learning while teachers who adapted the curriculum more had lower student learning. These results suggest the importance of supporting the active role of students in instruction, emphasising argumentation, and considering the types of adaptations teachers make to curriculum.  相似文献   

In South Africa, there is increasing state monitoring of curriculum coverage. This is a response both to classroom research which shows that teachers do not always cover the official curriculum in the specified year and to learners’ poor achievement in international tests. In the province of KwaZulu-Natal from 2013 to 2016, the provincial department of education embarked on a systemic reform programme called Jika iMfundo in 1200 schools, which is focused on improving curriculum management and coverage. We interviewed 29 Heads of Department (who are also teachers) in fifteen schools who had participated in the Jika iMfundo programme for these three years, asking them about their experiences. The findings show that teachers experience tension between the fast pace required by the curriculum trackers and slow pace of learners and they believe that increasing pacing to cover the curriculum hampers the quality of the learning. Teachers also said that the curriculum coverage trackers do not account for different school contexts. We argue that while the programme has provided clear curriculum guidance to teachers who need it, it has not sufficiently acknowledged the huge variation in learners’ competence. Nor has it yet enabled teachers to develop the content knowledge and the pedagogical content knowledge necessary to teach learners who are not at the same grade level (although they are in the same classroom). Curriculum coverage is a necessary, but not sufficient intervention, unless there is also a focus on pedagogy and teaching at the right level. We recommend an intervention that enables teachers to identify individual learner’s existing learning gaps, and equips them to teach at the right level in order to provide learners with opportunities to develop foundational knowledge and skills to succeed in further education, rather than one whose primary focus is only curriculum coverage.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore further an under-developed area – how drivers of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment conceptions and practices shape the creation and uses of technologically based resources to support mathematics learning across informal, non-formal and formal learning environments. The paper considers: the importance of mathematics learning in informal and non-formal as well as formal settings; how curriculum focuses on pedagogy supporting these needs, contrasting this focus in England and Serbia; and in these contexts, the roles of homework, the potential of technologies and the roles of the teacher. Technological developments to support mathematics learning for 11- to 14-year-old pupils in the two countries are explored and contrasted, and ways that recent developments inform our understandings of formal, informal and non-formal learning through learning activities, learning support and settings are modelled. The conception of ‘extended pedagogies’ is introduced; implications are outlined.  相似文献   

Ongoing curriculum change in higher education is essential to enhance student learning and better prepare them for the job‐market. However, research shows that faculty are reluctant to implement such changes because students generally react adversely thereby negating any potential benefits, and moreover, sanction faculty through lower evaluations and future enrollment. Yet, understanding of the effect of curriculum changes on students’ course and instructor perceptions is limited. In this article we attempt to fill this gap. Drawing on two empirical findings—students’ motivation to attend college becoming increasingly extrinsic since the 1960s and their inability to recognize, ex ante, the value‐added by a curriculum change—and the norm life‐cycle theory, we argue that any effort‐increasing or grade‐threatening change is viewed as non‐normative and will lead to an adverse student reaction. However, this adverse reaction will dissipate over time once a critical mass of students is convinced of the merits of the new curriculum. We find support for our hypotheses by analyzing change in student perceptions following curriculum changes at a U.S. University. In addition, we also find that once the adverse reaction dissipates, students’ perceptions of the new curriculum become more positive than the old curriculum, only to be reversed once the revised curriculum is accepted as the new norm.  相似文献   

The introduction of the National Curriculum in 1988 caused much discussion (some of it angst‐ridden) among both academics and practitioners working with pupils with severe and profound learning difficulties, and much of the meat (and the angst) of these discussions is still going on today. We argue that 24 years is a long experiment; that despite the best intentions of many, the experiment has failed; it is therefore well past time for separate and distinct pedagogies to be formulated for both severe and profound learning difficulties. Such pedagogies can only exist as part of the current National Curriculum if they are recognised as distinct curriculum models for those with severe and profound learning difficulties.  相似文献   

课程的通用性设计可以提供一系列策略以利于克服现有课程中固有的障碍和缺陷,并通过课堂实践的融入来建构多元化选项和高灵活性的课程服务,最大化所有学生的学习机会.能力导向的课程修正以通用性设计理念为导引和实施策略,在经典课程理论框架之内对课程目标、课程方法、课程信息和课程评价等四个领域进行全方位修正,针时不同课堂教学来设计课程期望、内容、方法和结果,从而实现培养与发展所有学生的学习能力,改善与提高所有学生的学习效果的目标.  相似文献   

This article reports on a UK study identifying innovative practice in the use of ICT to link home and school and its potential for enhancing learning. It is set in the context of recent political tensions and the mismatch between ICT use in the home and traditional educational systems. The theoretical framework draws upon curriculum theories and reviews what is already known about home use of ICT. A survey was administered to schools identified for innovative models of practice in both teaching and learning, and management and administration. From the 115 responses, eight contrasting case-study schools were selected. Three exemplars highlight a shift in practices: a move towards self-directed learning; greater flexibility and autonomy for students; and improved communication between home and school. We argue that technology could support a broader access to the curriculum, but that policy-makers should be aware of the digital divide issues. Young people's home use of technology suggests a rich experience involving exploratory activities, access to knowledge and the opportunity to publish their views. Curriculum reform is essential in order to maximize the potential of technology. It demands a shift away from current curriculum and pedagogy towards critical thinking and knowledge construction.  相似文献   

This study investigated curriculum influences on student mathematics achievement by following two groups of students from fifth to sixth grade that were taught either the reformed curriculum or the conventional curriculum. Analyses with three-level modeling were conducted to examine learning outcomes of the students who were assessed three times over a period of 18 months. Achievement was measured with regard to computation, routine problem solving, and complex problem solving. Affective aspects included self-reported interest in learning mathematics, classroom participation, views of the nature of mathematics, and views of learning mathematics. The results showed overall improved performance among all the students over the time on computation, routine problem solving, and complex problem solving but not on the affective measures. There were differentiated patterns of performance between the groups. On the initial assessment, the reform group performed better than the non-reform group on calculation, complex problem solving, and indicated higher interest in learning mathematics. The two groups did not differ on the other achievement and affective measures at the first time of assessment. There was no significant difference in growth rate between the groups on the cognitive and affective measures except that the non-reform group progressed at a faster pace on calculation. Therefore, the non-reform group outperformed the reform group on computation at the third (last) assessment. These results are discussed with respect to the possible influence of the curriculum on student learning.  相似文献   

This paper considers curriculum integration in the secondary school context and investigates the claims made that it can enhance learning outcomes for students. I argue that curriculum integration should be utilized not as a main means of curricular delivery but as a supplementary opportunity to put disciplinary knowledge to use in certain, well-planned contexts. In other words, disciplinary learning comes first and is then deepened through application in an interdisciplinary context. This argument is illustrated through a case study of a new ‘21st Century’ secondary school where interdisciplinarity is a cornerstone of the school’s philosophy. Methods for the study included weekly observations, interviews, focus groups and a survey. I conclude by suggesting that teachers require further time and assistance to develop programmes and evaluative criteria to ensure learning moves beyond thematically generated common sense knowledge, towards interdisciplinary insights.  相似文献   


This paper describes the revision of a curriculum that was initiated to engage and sustain students' interest in the macro dimension of social work practice. Specifically, we describe how two junior policy courses, a seniormacro practice course, and a research methods course were revised to include a service learning approach. This article provides a review of the literature and focuses on the development of service learning in two social work courses. Results of subsequent research are discussed, indicating service learning provides successful opportunities to engage students in macro social work practice.  相似文献   

文章试图用"泰勒原理"中教育目标的确定、学习经验的选择与组织、教学结果的评价四个维度去解读现行《大学英语课程教学要求》,通过对比发现《大学英语课程教学要求》正践行着《课程与教学的基本原理》许多原则,这就进一步体现了"泰勒原理"对课程设计的指导性和我国大学英语改革的科学性。  相似文献   

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