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Facing the trend and pressure of globalisation, the history curricula of Hong Kong and Shanghai have been undergoing reforms in order to better equip the youth for coping with rapid contextual changes. At the same time, there have been attempts to reposition nationalism in the changing contexts. This paper aims to compare and contrast how the forces of nationalism and globalisation affect, and are re‐presented in, the contents of the junior secondary history curricula of the two cities, with a view to exploring the convergent and divergent trends of development in the two systems (capitalist and socialist) within one country. It is expected that the findings will shed light on the continuities and changes in the junior secondary history curricula of the two cities, and explore possible alternatives for the improvement of history education.  相似文献   

As with colonial transition elsewhere, the language patterns in Hong Kong have changed with the return of sovereignty to China. Biglossia (whereby Hong Kong Cantonese and English predominate) is shifting to triglossia, as Putonghua, the official language of the People's Republic of China, has become increasingly important. This paper focuses on the impact of colonial transition and in particular the emergence of Putonghua and on the language subjects in the primary and secondary school curricula in Hong Kong. It argues that, whilst the rationale for promoting Putonghua is logical, tensions are evident in the school curricula, most notably in two areas. Firstly, the curricula were already heavily biased in favour of language subjects and, secondly, the necessary teaching expertise for Putonghua is not readily available.  相似文献   

This study forms part of a wider comparative research project investigating the mechanisms and outcomes of school-based curriculum (SBC) development in kindergartens between the two neighbouring cities of Hong Kong and Shenzhen, under the umbrella of ‘one country, two systems’. This comparison will help to clarify how sociocultural contexts may affect early childhood curriculum (ECC) innovations by comparing the kindergartens of socialist and capitalist China. Data are presented from qualitative case studies of four kindergartens—two in each city—corresponding to the three levels of curriculum analysis and comparison: intended curriculum, implemented curriculum and curriculum ideology. Comparative analyses revealed that the SBCs of the four cases were different but all tended to balance and integrate diverse approaches in terms of curricular and pedagogical practices. The commonalities of SBCs in Hong Kong and Shenzhen kindergartens were due to shared cultural values, propelled by both ‘modernization’ and Chinese traditions, while the unique characteristics of SBC practices in each society were shaped by different social contexts. The educational philosophy of progressivism has greatly influenced ECC innovations in the Chinese kindergartens to varying degrees and in different ways. Implications of this comparative study are also presented for future research and practice.  相似文献   

"一国两制"是在一个中国的框架内,大陆实行社会主义制度(这是统一后的主体),而在香港、澳门、台湾保留原有的资本主义制度不变。两种制度在国家宪法和法律的保护下共同存在、相互竞争、共同发展,这是两种制度在一国之内的和平共处。在马克思主义发展史上,和平共处思想首先是由列宁提出的;以毛泽东为代表领导人发展了列宁的和平共处思想,把其应用的范围扩大到处理相同制度国家间的关系;邓小平的"一国两制"把和平共处原则运用到一国之内,发展突破了列宁、毛泽东的和平共处思想。  相似文献   

The society of Hong Kong objected strongly when the government instructed schools to change their medium of instruction from English to Chinese at the junior secondary level soon after Hong Kong was reunited with the People's Republic of China in 1997. This paper tries to make sense of the objection to this piece of politically correct and pedagogically sound policy. It analyses the situation from Bourdieu's ideas of habitus and various types of capitals. The paper argues that the government's effort to persuade Hong Kong society to accept mother-tongue education on pedagogical grounds alone was to no avail because the English language has not only become a habitus of society; it also serves to distinguish Hong Kong people from mainland Chinese. The failure of the government was partly due to its insensitivity to the nature and social functions of language.  相似文献   

WAI-CHUNG HO 《Compare》2003,33(2):155-171
This paper presents a comparative study of extra-musical learning in the music classes of the schools of Hong Kong and Taiwan, where education is geared towards democracy and citizenship at a time of unstable national identity for both communities. Taiwan has been undergoing a process of indigenisation since 1945, whilst Hong Kong's sovereignty was returned to the People's Republic of China after 1 July 1997. This paper argues that the transmission of extra-musical learning is essentially a response to the particular needs of these two Chinese historical-social contexts, which require their music curricula to be securely grounded in the ideology of a culturally based education for 'citizenship'. Despite different approaches to western-based musical knowledge in schools, Hong Kong and Taiwan attempt to promote a sense of national identity and an essentially Confucian set of moral values as a central goal of school music education. The promotion of ethno-cultural nationalism in Taiwan's music education is regarded as a democratic goal for the Taiwanese state, though in practice, the educational systems of both Taiwan and Hong Kong are coloured by the global context.  相似文献   

Meeting the challenge of human rights education: the case of Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since 1 July l997 Hong Kong has become a Special Administrative Region under the Peoples Republic of China. There is a difference in the interpretation of human rights between East and West. Even before the change of sovereignty human rights education was not an important element in the Hong Kong school curricula. The hidden curriculum is not supportive of human rights education either. During the United Nation Decade for Human Rights Education (1995–2005), Hong Kong people are torn between the dichotomy of liberalism-communitarianism over human rights. This paper examines the attitude about human rights of the Hong Kong Chinese people and the issues of human rights in Hong Kong schools, thereby throwing light on the prospect of human rights education in its relationship to education reform taking place in Hong Kong. The conclusion is that Hong Kongs education reform proposals already embody the spirit of human rights and they have laid the foundation for the development of human rights education.  相似文献   

根据在香港和澳门的实证调查,指出目前两地初中学生在人类与环境、法制与纪律、理财与生活、礼貌与情谊、家庭与父母方面表现良好,但在国家与社会、人生与修养、科技与学习方面存在问题;比较两地中学生品德状况,香港中学生总体上优于澳门中学生;比较不同出生地学生品德状况,回归前从内地移民而来的学生品德总分最高、回归后移民而来的得分次之、出生和一直在港澳生活的学生得分第三、从其他地方移民而来的得分最低.借鉴文献资料,分析了出现上述现象的历史和现实原因,最后提出了加强和改进香港和澳门中学生公民教育的建议.  相似文献   

Ideology is the central principle of classification in the dominant sociology of comparative education. It occupies an unchallenged a priori status in thought and research. This exaggerates the differences between capitalist and socialist education systems. The two systems do not exist and develop self‐referentially. The faults of analysis which treats the two education systems as polarised types are illustrated by juxtaposing it with a world system approach. This is used as the basis for proposing that advanced socialist societies are fully integrated into the capitalist core. Their education systems operate to both subvert and reproduce the characteristic division of power in the world system between core, periphery and semi‐periphery.  相似文献   

Since the mid‐1990s in Hong Kong there has been a slow but obvious shift from expecting students with disabilities to be educated in segregated special schools to providing more opportunities for them to be educated alongside their mainstream peers. Pre‐service teacher training institutions have begun to offer modules of study in order to assist mainstream teachers in coping with greater diversity in their classes. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the adequacy of an inclusive education module on the attitude change of pre‐service teachers in Hong Kong. A convenience sample of over 200 pre‐service secondary teachers in a B.Ed. (Honours) Programme at one university participated in the study. Data were obtained through a three‐part questionnaire to find out whether there were any substantial changes in their attitudes, concerns and confidence for inclusion before and after taking a module of study on inclusive education. Findings and implications are drawn in light of preparing teachers to cater for diversity in the schools in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

The mathematics classroom in Beijing,Hong Kong and London   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reports a classroom observation study which intends to characterise the instructional practices in junior secondary mathematics classrooms in Beijing, Hong Kong and London, focusing on the different cultural beliefs pertaining to mathematics and mathematics teaching and learning between the Chinese and Western cultures. The results show that there are striking differences in classroom practices between the three places, and the differences seem to be related to the differences in attitudes towards mathematics and mathematics teaching and learning. The findings point to the potential of the cultural perspective in interpreting results of comparative curriculum studies.  相似文献   

The paper describes the development of a new distance education institution in Hong Kong. The methods and systems used to assure that its courses and degree programmes are of the highest quality are described. The paper addresses the means by which new courses are produced: a direct import from another institution, adaptation of an imported course, and in‐house production. Although established by the Hong Kong Government the institution is required to become self‐financing within four years — the paper describes some of the consequences of this policy especially on quality. The paper concludes by comparing the performance of Hong Kong students on courses taken from the British Open University with that of their British counterparts.  相似文献   

Hong Kong underwent tremendous changes after the transfer of its sovereignty to China in 1997. This study attempts to explore the changing role of schools in preparing students for future democratic citizenship in the post-colonial era. Different researchers have postulated that schools play a crucial role in the political socialization process in meeting the developmental needs of adolescents. A mixed-method sequential explanatory research design was adopted to assess the effectiveness of Hong Kong schools in promoting civic learning. The significance of the present study was to analyse the school context by using the assessment framework from the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) Civic Education Study (CivEd) to generate citizenship education studies. An extensive review of research related to the role of schools through formal and informal curricula was conducted. This process helped extend the current understanding of the effectiveness of the political socialization in secondary schools in Hong Kong and contributed to the further development of the research on political socialization in the Chinese context. The findings from this study would help educators or policy makers rethink the future role of schools in citizenship education.  相似文献   

香港中学及高等教育于2009年开始实行"334"新学制。新学制对高中课程架构与设置进行了调整,对高中考试评价及大学招生条件进行了相应的改革,并将以中学文凭考试取代现行的香港中学会考和高级程度会考。  相似文献   

随着第一届香港中学文凭考试顺利完成,香港的"三三四"新学制改革在2012年进入了一个新阶段。经过多年的讨论、咨询、研究和筹备,它在三年制高中终于得以落实,香港学生终于可以获得更完整、更全面的高中教育。香港中学文凭考试的设计,配合了新学制和新课程的发展,更满足了全体学生和社会中不同利益相关者的需要。同时,在科目设计上增加了应用学习课程,使一些对传统学科兴趣不大的学生可以通过香港中学文凭获得、达致某行业技能的资历。对于选修传统学术科目的学生来说,校本评核避免了以往"一试定生死"的局面。而水平参照成绩汇报方式,能够让大学或雇主等不同利益相关者更清楚地理解学生的实际能力。中学文凭考试的新标准为教育界和社会整体普遍认同。  相似文献   

This paper applies the concept of hegemony as a form of ideological and cultural domination to understand the orientations and strategies of the capitalist state and civil society actors participating in the process of determining the medium of instruction for secondary schools in Hong Kong between 1982 and 1994. During this period, language policy making became a public arena in which the state and organised civil society actors struggled to maintain or establish hegemony in controlling and mediating the allocation of societal resources under democratisation and changeover of sovereignty. As their hegemonic struggles lacked any coordinated effort to cultivate a collective will among the general public, ambivalence over the use of the mother tongue versus English as the medium of instruction continued to haunt practitioners.  相似文献   

本文以多元文化科学教育的观点,对港澳台沪初中科学课程标准的核心知识及知识结构进行归纳与分析,提出建构初中科学课程知识体系要遵循的原则;应注重课程内容的适应性、整合性、人文性,强调初中科学课程内容的国际化与本土化和个性化结合,以及在多元文化科学教育视角下初中科学课程知识结构的建构建议。  相似文献   

This study examined the metacognitive developmental patterns of Hong Kong school students. Students rated their own metacognitive competencies by responding to an inventory of six motivational‐ and cognitive‐metacognitive subscales. Results showed that students' metacognitive competencies decreased with age—from primary 4 (age 9) to secondary 5 (age 17)—with a sharp decline noticeable at the primary/secondary school transition. Age had a more powerful effect than gender on students' perception of their metacognitive competencies. This decreasing pattern of Hong Kong students' metacognitive competencies is contrary to the developmental trends found in Western countries. However, the comparatively high academic performance of Hong Kong students also suggests some different recommendations about student learning.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, Mainland China has witnessed a massive outflow of students to higher education institutions in Hong Kong. In the context of an up-surge in Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong, this research aims to explore (1) why Mainland Chinese students choose to study in Hong Kong over other higher education systems, (2) perceptions about the advantages and disadvantages of studying in Hong Kong, and (3) challenges in the process of acculturation from their homeland to Hong Kong. Five key themes are identified: education, finance, learning culture, language, and discrimination/labelling. While Mainland Chinese students often struggle to blend into the new environment, most gradually become accustomed to the local way of life. What remains a challenge is (perceived) discrimination following political tensions over the “one China, two systems” framework. This paper identifies the expectations and dissatisfactions of the participants with regard to studying in Hong Kong, ultimately offering higher-education administrators an insight into how to better cater for the expanding share of Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong’s universities. This research is significant because it extends the literature by examining acculturation and cultural adaptation issues in an increasingly globalized context.  相似文献   

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