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在学校教育中,教师主要通过教师教育话语来实现课堂教学。然而,教师话语霸权的产生与存在有深刻的原因,并且教师教育话语的霸权对实现教师与学生真正的民主平等地对话造成了重重障碍。在新的教育环境下,教师教育话语的转型将是解决这一问题的有效尝试。  相似文献   

专业身份(认同)作为教师教育的重要组成部分,目前已成为教师教育研究关注的热点问题.实习(职前)教师对教师职业身份认同的实现是实习教师不断与实习环境的多种构成要素之间互动的结果.在实习环境的构成要素中,人际互动对实习生身份认同的影响最大,而人际话语沟通是人际互动中最显著的方式.文章通过个案展现了话语在一位硕士实习教师对小学教师职业认同过程中所起的作用.认同的过程是在外部权威话语和内部话语的张力作用中伴随着自我效能感的提高而实现的.  相似文献   

福柯认为,话语是构建事物的一种思维方式、一种机制,话语即权力。话语生产总是依照一定程序,受到控制、挑选、组织与分配。其全景敞视的教师话语理论试图阐明教师是整个社会规训机制的一个环节,教师的具体职能就是规训学生。然而事实表明,福柯的权力/话语理论并未能给人们指引出一条解决教育问题的可行道路。伴随着人的主体性、独立性、生成性等观念的出现,教育也发生着根本性的转变,这种转变反映在师生关系上,就是对话理论思潮的兴起,强调理解性、交互性、情境性、生成性的对话似乎更有利于现代师生关系的发展。  相似文献   

教师教育中有两个问题值得探讨 ,一是话语转变问题 ,二是制度重建问题。话语转变是指师范教育话语向教师教育话语的转变 ,话语的转变导致了教师教育的培养和培训制度的重建 ,教师质量由学历教育向资格证书制度的转变 ,教师教育管理由微观管理制度向宏观管理制度转变。为了实现制度的有效转变 ,需要建立非政府和非赢利的教师教育机构认可制度  相似文献   

自1970年代以来,世界范围内的教师教育研究与实践出现了一种话语上的转向,反思、实践、对话、经验、建构、校本、合作……已成为教师教育中的流行用语,这种话语上的转向代表着教师教育的传统范式正在被建构主义教师教育范式所取代。建构主义教师教育范式以导正教师信念、建构教师认同为目标;以实践社群作为教师专业发展的组织载体,强调教师教育管理中的赋权;以经验性课程为主,在教学上注重反思,倡导案例课程和案例教学。  相似文献   

孙舒和 《海外英语》2013,(19):52-53
英语教师话语输出的质量和效率,严重影响着课堂生态系统中各教育要素的联系与均衡。该论文从英语教师话语研究的特点入手,简要分析了大学英语教师话语研究的现状以及改进策略。  相似文献   

教师教育中的理解与视域融合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师教育的意义不在其所传播的话语中,也不存在于教师身上,它存在于教师与其他教育者的视域融合之中。在教师教育中,教师与教育知识都是处于历史之中,教师的专业发展与教育知识的增长变化一起构成一种内在的相互作用,在这种相互作用中教师与教育知识构成一个统一体,构成一种运动关系的效果历史。任何教育知识的理解与接纳都是教师运用自己的语言的自我理解与接纳。他们的视野与教师教育的课程安排间的融合与抗拒,推进了教师理解的创造性发展。视域融合并不完全是一种"共享"、共识,它一直包含着一种深刻地质疑与批判。  相似文献   

服饰话语的符号性决定了它对服饰的呈现只能以一种间接的方式实现,所以服饰话语中的服饰具有极强的抽象性和精神性.中国现代作家对作品中的妓女形象的服饰描写是经过深思熟虑、选择后的呈现,具体呈现什么和呈现的方式都渗透着作者对服饰意义的理解,也融入了作者的主观情志,掺杂了作者对于服饰的想象.  相似文献   

幼儿园教育活动是一种教师和幼儿共同的话语实践活动。在有些教师的教育活动中,教师的话语权彰显得多一些;而在有些教师的教育活动中,幼儿的话语权彰显得多一些。福柯认为,话语不仅是一种实践,更是一种权力。一个个体在言说的同时,就是在实行着对听的“符号暴力”。如果在教育活动中,作为言和作为听的身份能够实行有效的互换和轮流,从而带有某种对话的意味,那么对话双方就是在寻求着一种在已有“前经验”基础上的“视域融合”。如果在教育活动中,话语实践出现了不对称,一方始终在言说,而一方不得不处于听的位置时,“话语霸权”就生成了,它就是作为强势的一方对作为弱势一方的话语入侵。  相似文献   

“纵向话语”即在教学活动中,师生之间存在着主客对立的对话关系,教师是学习过程的主体,控制着课堂的话语。这种对话关系呈现出灌输式教育固有的特征。一、关注:教师“纵向话语”的病态表现为进一步分析教师纵向话语的表征,探寻教师话语权的症结所在,笔者对市区内28节语文课进行了实地调查分析。根据纵向话语的不同表现形式,划分为以下几种类型。  相似文献   

校企合作进行实践教学已成为高职院校服装设计专业教学工作者的共识,但在实际操作层面,仍存在不少问题,理论课主导课程体系的现象尚未得到根本改观,以“教”为中心向以“学”为中心转变的步伐较为缓慢。南通职业大学尝试校企合作模式下的服装设计课程体系项目化改革,将服装结构设计、服装款式设计和服装成衣工艺三门原来独立开设的课程合并贯通起来,实施流程化、理实一体化教学,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

魏晋风度是指魏晋士人放浪形骸,离经叛道的特异风姿,是中国封建社会士子群体对传统道德、礼教的叛逆。其行为的放荡、个性的张扬充分表现在士人们的言谈、举止、服饰、饮食、玩乐等方面。魏晋时期的服饰文化,反映了士族阶层的生活方式和生活态度。从一个侧面体现了他们所处时代的特征。  相似文献   

The belief in the central role of the teacher has a long and comparative history. This article aims to critically analyse the discourse of the centrality of the teacher by both historicising and problematising the ideas and practices associated with this discourse. First, the article describes the discourse as it was taken up during the twenty‐first century when the teacher was viewed as the linchpin to building universal education systems. The idea that the ‘master makes the school’ is examined and the policies that stemmed from this thinking (e.g., the establishment of formal teacher training, teacher testing and certification) are outlined. The contemporary manifestations of this discourse are then described to show how the pervasive belief in the central role of the teacher has influenced education policy reforms, which like teacher policy reforms in the nineteenth century operate to shape and regulate the profession. Further discursive effects are analysed including the de‐contextualisation of educational reform and the de‐professionalisation and de‐politicisation of teachers and their work. The relationship between effective schools research and the centrality of the teacher discourse is also considered within the contemporary moment. This comparative study refers to the discourse of the centrality of the teacher in Australasia, Europe, Great Britain and North America, and suggests that our collective focus on the teacher has had some serious, unexpected effects on teachers and the work they do.  相似文献   

This study compares the form and substance of supervisory discourse between university supervisors and elementary student teachers during postobservation conferences in two teacher education programs with similar organizational structures but with very different ideological orientations. One program represents a traditional-craft orientation to teacher education while the other represents an inquiry-oriented approach. The findings indicate a great deal of similarity with regard to both the form and substance of supervisory discourse in the two programs and suggest the need for changes in the organizational context of student teaching if innovations in the curriculum of student teaching are to be realized.  相似文献   

In this cross-case study we focus on school-based teacher education in Sweden and Finland. Through the use of focus-group interviews with mathematics teacher educators in Finland and Sweden, the study shows that there are substantial differences in how school-based teacher education is introduced and portrayed in the discourse about teacher education and prospective teachers' learning. The school-based teacher education among the Finnish groups is made relevant in relation to several aspects of prospective teachers' learning. In the Swedish groups, school-based teacher education is portrayed as an organizational problem and few aspects of prospective teachers' learning are brought into the discourse. The results cannot be generalized to the two countries but show interesting conceptualizations of school-based education potentially useful for teacher educators and scholars.  相似文献   

The current cult of the personality of the teacher and personal development as an official goal in education policy documents are problematic as they make it difficult to distinguish a teacher from a seducer, thus blurring the distinction between education and therapy. In order to describe the pedagogical bond proper the article draws on Lacanian psychoanalytic concepts such as identification, suggestion, and transference. Lacan's distinction between the discourse of the university and the discourse of the master is presented in order to clarify, firstly, the formal characteristics of a pedagogical social bond, and secondly, the difference between being authoritative and being authoritarian. Furthermore, the psychoanalytic concept of the unconscious serves to point towards the fundamental unpredictability of pedagogical praxis. As teachers we are dealing with subjects and not with the individuals, persons or egos of psychology.  相似文献   

国际教师教育范式转移及其哲学基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代以来,国际教师教育研究与实践出现了一种话语上的转向,这种转向实际是教师教育范式的转移。新的教师教育范式在目标确定、组织管理和课程教学等方面都呈现出新特征。与建立在客观主义哲学基础上的传统教师教育范式不同,新的教师教育范式以主观主义哲学为基础,两种哲学对知识与人性的不同看法是两种教师教育范式差异的根源。  相似文献   

This paper draws on major research findings in international literature in order to provide a critical review of a number of key issues and trends in the initial education of high school teachers. Firstly, this paper contextualizes the prevalent discourse surrounding the field of initial teacher education (ITE) and explores the effect that this discourse has on the conceptualization of teachers' work. Secondly, this paper focuses on the debates regarding the most propitious site for the teacher education enterprise, the programme structure for ITE, the field placement or practicum, the relationship between subject study and pedagogy, and the overall effectiveness of teacher education. The paper concludes by considering the new challenges that the field of initial teacher education must confront and the implications of such challenges for the ITE curriculum.  相似文献   

The influence of teacher education on teaching is a problematic area, both in practice and in research. Often, because much research adopts a “first-order” perspective which focuses on teachers' behaviors, influences of teacher education are seen as temporary, negligible, or difficult to determine. The study reported here grew out of a general concern to document, via a “second-order” perspective which examines their thinking and perceptions, how teachers modify or improve what they do through formal teacher education. It addresses three important areas which have received little attention in recent research: foreign language teaching, in-service graduate education, and the role of a shared, professional discourse in developing teachers' conceptions of teaching. The paper presents a summary of the findings of an 18-month longitudinal study which examined how foreign language teachers' conceptions of their classroom practice developed as they took part in an in-service teacher education program. The paper discusses how the program's shared professional discourse contributes to increasing the complexity of the teachers' thinking about their teaching and suggests that as they learn to articulate their de facto ways of thinking in the shared discourse, the teachers gain greater control over their classroom practice and are thus more able to shape it to their own ends.  相似文献   

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