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David Reeder was one of the most important conservers of the traditions of urban history scholarship established during the 1960s at the University of Leicester under the leadership of Professor H. J. Dyos. Among Reeder’s major achievements were the application of the skills and objectives of such scholarship to the history of education, and in turn his reminding of urban historians of the importance of the educational dimension within their studies. Reeder was also a key figure in the international diffusion of teaching and research in urban educational history, and in promoting an interdisciplinary perspective that drew together past and present studies of urban educational policy and related social issues. This tribute article places his work in the context of changing attitudes to the history of urban education from the early 1970s to the early 1990s, and focuses by way of illustration on collaborative work between its writer [BM] and David Reeder in national conferences and in contributions to publications on the subject.  相似文献   

Professor Sir Godfrey Thomson is one of the key foundational actors in the history of the educational sciences in the UK. At a time when educational studies and the study of educational psychology were very closely linked, in the decades of the mid‐twentieth century, Thomson was a crucial figure in education research. He is known for his work on intelligence, factorial analysis and the validation and production of intelligence tests (the Moray House tests). However, he viewed himself as a teacher in his work as a professor at the University of Edinburgh and as director of Moray House teachers’ college. He managed closely an ambitious plan to develop an advanced school of education, combining the university department of education, teacher training and a demonstration school, and supervised and taught on many of its courses. This paper is based on a unique resource, an audio recording of Thomson teaching in the early 1950s. It considers the distinctiveness and the research value of this audio source in relation to complementary oral and documentary sources.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the relationship between educational psychology research and educational reform, this essay reviews the development of educational psychology studies in the last 20 years in China. The study shows that: (1) Rapid development has been made in the areas of establishing discipline systems; (2) Research fields have been expanded and research directions have been localized; (3) The theoretical basis for quality education has been derived from education psychology studies; (4) The psychological foundation for curriculum reform and instruction has been implemented, and (5) China has committed to serve and expand current educational practices. __________ Translated from Psychological Science, 2005, 28(6)  相似文献   

Scholarship in education beyond school has developed largely outside university departments of education, and has rarely engaged systematically with the study of education in schools. The paper concentrates on three areas: adult education, higher education, and further education. The development of the extra-mural tradition meant that adult education was less an object of scholarly study than a means of spreading scholarship to the wider population, with important exceptions such as historical studies. Since the 1970s, the volume of research and postgraduate education in adult education in British universities has grown considerably. The study of higher education was marginal until the 1960s; its subsequent development was relatively slow until the 1990s, when the quality of university teaching came under wider external scrutiny. The study of further education and vocational training is characterised by disciplinary fragmentation, with much activity taking place in departments of psychology, economics, sociology and management, as well as in those former polytechnics that specialised in training further education teachers. The rise of integrative concepts such as lifelong learning suggest greater potential for cross-disciplinary scholarship that can engage the diverse body of those interested in teaching and research about this field.  相似文献   

裕固族教育研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
裕固族教育是一个重要的学术研究领域。文章从裕固族教育史,中小学地方课程开发,裕固族语言使用与教学,裕固族学生教育心理,裕固族文化与学校教育等五个方面对裕固族教育研究文献进行了梳理,肯定了裕固族教育研究领域取得的成就,并指出了存在的问题及今后可能的研究取向。  相似文献   

This paper provides an historical survey of special educational provision in Britain by tracing the part played since 1944 by psychologists, psychiatrists and guidance clinic personnel in meeting the requirements of children with special educational needs. While the pre‐1944 story is covered in such standard works as Pritchard (1963), discussion of the period since the Education Act of 1944 is scattered in research journals and isolated book chapters. The present account attempts an initial synthesis, outlining the history of educational psychology since the appointment of Cyril Burt in 1913; the change from a medical to an educational model of special need; the growth of child guidance clinics; the role of the psychiatrist; development of new guidance concepts in the 1970s; and an outline of treatment approaches in child guidance. The paper concludes by referring briefly to the allied fields of counselling and research in education for children with special needs.  相似文献   

Although the history of formal education in the Nordic countries has relatively long roots, its broader and more systematic study started early in our century then gained momentum during the second half. But the formal educational systems in the Nordic countries vary to a high degree due to geographical, political and economical circumstances, and so do their histories. The three articles in this section survey studies of the history of education in Denmark, Finland and Norway, particularly during the last four decades and they tell rather different stories. The Danish contribution shows how studies have been motivated by higher educational needs for readings about the history of education and by researchers' curiosity to detect causes of occurrences and developments as well as their consequences. The second article outlines the Finnish development by means of a chronological (1940‐1960, 1960‐1980, 1980‐1990) and thematic division. Finland was influenced in this research area by Germany, but this influence lay dormant after the Second World War until the 1970s. Naturally the study of the Finnish history of education has a particular interest because of this nation's turbulent historical past and special current geographical and political position. The Norwegian article starts with a pessimistic confession that Norwegian historical pedagogy today seems to be on the defensive and marginalized, but it finds comfort in the fact that a new generation of researchers have entered the scene. The contrast between the older and the new generation in their views about research topics, trends and thematic orientations is then followed and documented throughout the article. Thus the firm documentation shows that there is a trend within the new generation to study recent history at the sacrifice of the ancient, to prefer the study of history from below instead of history from above, to choose more enthusiastically the study of social powers and structures instead of the history of ideas and persons, and to focus on the study of foreign pedagogic in order to establish a kind of standard to measure Norwegian developmental excellence against, instead of focusing on the study of foreign pedagogic per se. The article ends with viewpoints on the role that theoretical scientific reflections could play in educational history research, and it presents the contemporary scene with it's problems and promises.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国的历史教育学研究进程在大致经历了历史教学法研究的繁荣、历史教育学科体系的建立及专题化研究的全面展开三个阶段之后,进入了反思推进的新时期。这反映出历史教育对40年来我国教育改革与发展的能动适应。梳理这一历程,有助于我们更好地立足新时期的育人需求,重新审视原有的逻辑起点、概念范畴和研究路径,以新的思路推进历史教育学的理论与实践研究。  相似文献   

从教育心理学的角度,运用建构主义观点,对大学体育课教学模式进行较系统地设计和研究.改变过去那种传统的教学模式,为进一步提高教学效果,开发学生思维,提高学生的学习自觉性和积极性,推动高校教育教学改革的发展和进步.  相似文献   

Contemporary society’s expectations of educational psychology, and of a role for educational psychologists within these expectations, were major themes of, and subtexts to, many of the papers delivered at recent annual courses of the Association of Educational Psychologists (AEP). The distinctive contribution of educational psychology and a perceived “identity crisis” of its practitioners was the subject of examination in recent issues of Educational Psychology in Practice. Within this context it may be both salutary and heartening to review the aspirations of educational psychologists, during a period from the mid‐1960s to the late‐1980s, to shed their stereotype as psychometricians, and later as gatekeepers to special education, in favour of a supportive role to pupils, teachers and parents. Articles published in this journal and its predecessors are drawn upon to illustrate the earlier search by educational psychologists for a role and a status within the local government field. Reference is also made to the author’s experience of working as an educational psychologist from the early 1950s to the end of the 1980s.  相似文献   

高等教育的质量和大学生综合素质的提升,影响到全社会的和谐与否。以大学生为主体的和谐校园建设已成为人们关注的课题之一。随着高等教育的发展和高校招生规模的扩大,贫困大学生群体的数量也不断扩大,关注贫困大学生的精神贫困,注意满足他们的精神需要,从心理和精神上帮助贫困大学生是高校义不容辞的职责,也是高校学生教育和管理工作面临的一个重要课题。本文对贫困生心理健康方面存在的主要问题进行了分析,剖析其中的原因,找出解决的对策和教育方法,使贫困生心理能健康发展。  相似文献   

This article is a historical look at the struggle to integrate feminist knowledge into the mainstream higher education curriculum in the UK. The research presented is based on interviews with academics and students of an 'old' university during the late 1960s to the mid-1980s. It forms part of a larger research project on the history of women's studies in higher education in the UK, and is a case study of one institution which resisted the integration of feminist knowledge into the mainstream curriculum. Through an examination of the social relations of the University and the structure of the curriculum, it is argued that feminist knowledge was 'silenced' to a certain extent. The factors which contributed to the resistance of feminist interventions serve to illuminate various aspects of the culture of higher education in the UK, which has historically viewed feminist knowledge, and women's studies, with a degree of ambivalence.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the liberal studies movement – an important if under-researched episode in the history of education. It examines the lived experience of a set of former vocational students, the great majority of whom eventually went on to teach in further and higher vocational education. All participants had undertaken a course of liberal studies alongside a programme of work-related learning at an English college of further education at some point between the mid-1960s and the late-1980s. The paper presents two key findings: first, whilst participants’ experiences were varied and uneven, most seemed quite agnostic about liberal studies in their youth; second, the great majority of those who took part in the research were substantially more positive about their learning in retrospect.  相似文献   

通过对当前音乐教育心理学的发展现状的分析指出,音乐教育心理学已经成为音乐心理学的一个重要组成部分,对音乐教育心理学研究方法的思考具有现实意义。当今我国音乐教育心理学研究一方面亟需加强“量的研究”,另一方面必须重视“质的研究”,在教育实践中采用行动研究模式将两者有机地结合是实际有效的研究方法。  相似文献   

作为兴起于20世纪60、70年代的跨学科领域,妇女学的历史与高等教育学有许多相似之处。二者的兴起均得益于高等教育的发展与改革,以多学科研究起家,进而强调一种跨学科的研究,并最终凭借不懈的努力在大学里成功获得建制。不过,比较吊诡的是,高等教育学虽然是源于"大学研究它自己"而诞生的一门新学科,但在今天妇女学对于整个大学改革的影响却远比高等教育学的影响要大。究其根本,妇女学在学术目标设定、制度基础构建等方面都较高等教育学要略胜一筹。  相似文献   

Using statistical data on the implementing conditions of China’s educational expenditure published by the state, this paper studies the Gini coefficient of the budget educational public expenditure per student in order to examine the concentration degree of the educational expenditure for China’s basic education and analyze its balanced development condition. As the research shows, China’s basic education is undergoing an unbalanced development due to diversified factors, which is mainly reflected as follows: firstly, the budget educational public expenditure presents a four-tiered appearance of the strong, the less strong, the less weak and the weak, which lead to a great discrepancy between the two opposing extremes; secondly, the compulsory education in rural areas is still confronted with great difficulties; thirdly, the general senior secondary education is loaded with the crisis of unbalance. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a balanced development policy framework of the basic education and pay close attention to the benefit and effectiveness of the educational input. In addition, it is also important to clearly stipulate the criterion of the government’s educational allocation and to support the disadvantaged areas in order to promote the balanced development of the basic education. __________ Translated from Education Research, 2005:9  相似文献   

英国高校创业教育由20世纪60年代发展至今,取得了显著的成效,形成了鲜明的特点。如:政策支持,教育资金有保障;三位一体,共建创业教育网;高校支持,创业教育环境优;结构完善,教育课程种类多;方法灵活,学习模式重实践;等等。这些经验值得我国高校创业教育借鉴。  相似文献   

In this article, I trace the teaching of history in schools from the subject's establishment as a university discipline in the 1870s through the crisis in school history in the 1960s. A number of factors prompted this heart searching: the questioning of the heavy emphasis on British national history, the changing nature of the discipline, and the increasing emphasis on technical and scientific education. The response of history educators was profoundly influenced by the views of Bloom (1956) and his associates, with their concern for taxonomies of educational objectives, and of Bruner (1960), with his stress on the need for teachers and students to be clear about the underlying principles that give structure to the subject; these ideas provided the organizing structure for the main history curriculum development project of the 1970s, the Schools Council History 13-16 Project (SCHP). Research into children's historical thinking based on the Piagetian developmental framework, however, seems to suggest that the SCHP was setting itself impossible goals; children were not really able to construe history in the ways the project demanded much before the age of 16. More recent research, which has adopted a different methodology, has advanced a much more optimistic view and points to the potential of children for real historical thinking. I conclude by examining the recently imposed History National Curriculum and the extent to which its assessment arrangements are underpinned by research, and I speculate on the likely effects of the new regime on the teaching and learning of history in England and Wales.  相似文献   

In studying the historical development of early years provision, a clear factor in raising its profile was the growth in scientific study of children, especially the reception and interpretation of Piaget's research. For an understanding of how the mediation of new thinking and new discoveries influenced students and teachers, textbooks provide an important documentary source, but evidence is also available through oral history in the living memories of practitioners themselves. This paper draws on the testimony of early years teachers who began their careers between 1927 and 1955 and continued teaching into the 1960s and 1970s. The account below begins with reflections on psychology and education in the early decades of the twentieth century drawn from a 1936 conference organised by the Nursery School Association of Great Britain, and from a widely used textbook that represents the gradual trend towards ‘fragmentation’ of educational theory into a multiplicity of disciplines. Reference is then made to two popular textbooks by prominent Froebelians, Brearley and Hitchfield, and by Ruth Beard illustrating the growing influence of Piaget as a post facto rationale for a pedagogy that was proceeding by instinct. Walkerdine, Lister and Hall are researchers who have investigated from various angles the impact of Piagetian psychology on primary practice, but the process whereby this translation from the laboratory to the classroom takes place is one that demands further investigation. Vital evidence lies in the living memories of early years teachers whose careers spanned the 1930s to the 1970s and a rich quality and personal texture of the data is apparent as retired early years teachers recounted their professional careers. It offers a more complex account than the grand narratives that historians have traditionally compiled from purely documentary evidence centring on great thinkers, key texts and policy initiatives. The role of in‐service education was clearly important in the experiences recalled in this paper. Above all we find evidence of a distinctive shift in teacher–child relationships over that historical period and of the contribution made to this by psychological theory, epitomised in the figure of Piaget and in his focus on the individual learner.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代兴起的妇女史,已经引用社会性别分析范畴,转向妇女—性别史,在这种新趋势的影响下英国教育史学家开始借鉴妇女—性别史的研究方法,引入社会性别的分析范畴,修正了社会教育史学,扩大了教育史研究的视野、空间和深度。以英国教育史学引入社会性别分析范畴为鉴,未来我国教育史研究应在密切加强女性教育史理论和实践结合的基础上,重新审视和解读教育史史料,避免教育史研究建立在两性对抗的基础之上,注意性别与阶级、等级的交叉及妇女群体教育的差异性,在平等与差异中展现妇女教育的全貌。  相似文献   

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