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一定的修辞目的要求采用直接写作或间接写作法。直接写作或间接写作法是商务英语信函写作最常用的建构篇章模式的写作方法;采用直接写作或间接写作法会产生完全不同的修辞效果。  相似文献   

一定的修辞目的要求采用直接写作或间接写作法。直接写作或间接写作法是商务英语信函写作最常用的建构篇章模式的写作方法;采用直接写作或间接写作法会产生完全不同的修辞效果。  相似文献   

商务英语写作是英语专业商务方向学生的必修课,也是将来能从事国际商务工作的重要技能之一。商务英语写作涉及商务业务知识、惯例和做法、语言修辞等诸多方面。就语言这方面来讲,商务英语写作不同于其他写作文体。除了需要流畅的语言表达外,还要分析所处的商务环境,从而确定写作目的和对象。因为面对不同的情况和对象,在语言表达上应该运用一些技巧。  相似文献   

高职商务英语写作的主要问题可分为两大类:普通英语作中常犯的错误和不合乎商务文书文体要求的错误.最好的解决途径是强化写作训练,形成一个建立在熟悉商务英语文体特点和积累一定词汇的基础上、以学生为主体地位的、循序渐进的商务英语写作训练机制.  相似文献   

写作是初中英语的教学难点,学生在心理上惧怕,在语法、修辞等方面错误较多,语篇意识薄弱,修辞不当,思维方式受母语干扰等。因此,初中英语写作教学要树立学生的写作信心,由浅入深地加强语法训练,在阅读中积累写作素材,循序渐进地培养写作习惯,采用同伴互助的方式让学生相互取长补短,共同提高初中英语写作水平。  相似文献   

关于体裁以及体裁教学法的研究已经有三十多年的历史,至今方兴未艾。在体裁发展史上主要有三大学派:北美的新修辞学派、澳大利亚的系统功能语言学派和专门用途英语学派。本文从其对体裁的理解、理论基础及研究特点的角度浅谈这三大学派并重点分析其对商务英语写作教学的启示,以期探究体裁教学法在我国商务英语写作课堂中的应用。  相似文献   

商务英语教学的目标是培养具有有效国际商务交际能力的人才。要想与西方进行有效交际,就必须要掌握西方的文化。深谙其修辞规范。本文借鉴西方修辞学理论指导商务英语教学,把商务英语教学与国际话语实践紧密联系起来,通过“五个转变”改革培养模式、教学内容、教学方法适应国际交往和发展的需要,培养有国际意识、国际交往能力、国际竞争能力的国际化人才。  相似文献   

本研究通过问卷调查法和随机访谈对2013级商务英语1班和2班学生进行调查,从学生的基本情况,其对商务英语写作态度和影响因素等方面了解其在学习商务英语写作时的影响因素,最后设置问题了解学生对商务英语写作课的期待。通过对收集数据分析,本文发现,1班和2班学生在熟悉文体结构特定句型、规定时间内能否完成写作任务和写作练习时期待老师给出提示等方面存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

读者意识是一种作文教学观,是一种倡导在近似真实情境中进行写作的训练方式。国际写作组织既倡导“为自己写作”,也倡导“为不同的读者写作”。很明显,当前我国中小学生习作缺乏读者意识,这是基础教育阶段学生写作水平低下、缺乏写作兴趣的根本原因。在作文教学设计中,切实转变师生观念,用正确的导向引领学生,指导学生建立习作的协作组织,扩大读者群,进行广泛的阅读交流,侧重特定文体和语体修辞训练,注重模拟写作训练等,是树立学生习作读者意识的有效措施。  相似文献   

大学英语书面表达一直是非英语专业学生英语学习的薄弱环节。为克服传统的写作成果教学法的不足,应引入写作过程法,加强写作的整体训练。写作过程法将写作大体分为三个阶段。通过在“写前阶段”培养学生的目的意识、读者意识、布局谋篇等写作意识,有助于学生写作水平的提高。  相似文献   

目前,我国约有2亿少年儿童,但只有部分儿童拥有自己专用的家具,大部分的儿童仍在使用着成年人的家具,运对儿童生长发育过程中的健康极为不利。基于儿童的身心特点和发展特点,儿童家具的选择至关重要。  相似文献   

自上世纪以来,敦煌写卷的释读研究取得了空前的成就,各个领域诸如天文、地理、医学、经济、社邑等皆有涉及。这些书籍释读精当,校录允恰,为我们提供了很好的释文读本。但是客观而言,还是出现不少误释误录之处,以下就这些释录不当之处略陈数例,以俟教于方家。  相似文献   

冉阿让是雨果的长篇小说<悲惨世界>的主人公.他曾经因为偷了一块面包而做了19年苦役,社会的不公使他仇视一切.经卞福汝主教的启发,冉阿让决心从善.他自我牺牲,正义善良,以德报怨,终于变成了一个纯粹的人.  相似文献   

湖南近现代著名教育家杨昌济对湖南现代大学教育事业的发展作出了重要的贡献。其主要功绩是:他在20世纪之初就提出要发展湖南大学教育,第一个站出来呼吁创办湖南大学,对创办湖南大学的必要性与重要性作了严密科学的理论论证和充分的舆论准备,并对创办湖南大学的具体方案、经费、选址、方法与步骤都作了精心筹划。湖南大学正是在以杨昌济为代表的一大批社会贤达的呼吁、推动与共同努力下创办起来的。  相似文献   

As part of a large scale mathematics study, students were asked to make up a mathematics problem that would be difficult for a friend to solve. They were also asked to solve the problem themselves. A sub-sample of 11- to 13-year-olds was interviewed while they worked through the items in the study.The problems made up by a group of eight more able and eight less able children from this sub-sample are reported here, together with the comments the children made during the interviews about their respective problems.The results highlight features of the problems made up by the two groups of children. In general, the more able children made up problems of greater computational difficulty, with more complex number systems and with more operations than their less able peers. In addition, there is evidence to suggest that the more able students planned their problems and were able to work out the answer, while their less able peers had difficulty with both the planning and the solution of their own problems.As the substance and style of the problem made up by each child uniquely reflects that child's mathematical experiences and ideas, the made up problem is a particularly useful tool for studying mathematically talented children for whom routine tasks are usually completed quickly and accurately.  相似文献   

In traditional feeling-of-knowing procedures, participants make judgments on unrecalled items only (e.g. Hart 1965). However, many researchers elicit feeling-of-knowing judgments (FOKs) on all items. When FOKs are made on all items, participants may use recall as a basis for judgments, leading to higher magnitude judgments for recalled items, but causing a relative floor effect for judgments for unrecalled items. We suspected that resolution (relative accuracy) would be better when FOKs are made on all items than when they are made on unrecalled items only. We examined the issue by comparing across studies, reanalyzing data from another experiment, and by conducting an original experiment. In the literature review, we included 83 conditions across 52 studies. We found that feeling-of-knowing judgments made on all items showed higher resolution than feeling-of-knowing judgments made on unrecalled items. This was replicated in the reanalysis of existing data of a single study that used both methods. In the original experiment, we collected feeling-of-knowing judgments for general-information questions. The experiment confirmed that resolution for predicting recognition was higher when feeling-of-knowing judgments were made on all items than when they were made only on unrecalled items. We discuss both methodological and theoretical implications of these data.  相似文献   

This exploratory study used an interview technique to find the frequency of different types of errors which a group of year 6, Papua New Guinean students made on a mathematics test. A further investigation was made into reading, comprehension and careless errors. Although the general trend for errors was the same for western students, some striking differences were found. In particular Papua New Guinean students made far fewer careless errors.  相似文献   

杨晦是中国现代学术史上著名的学者,他在剧作、翻译、评论、文艺理论和教育方面都做出了突出的成就与贡献。但由于种种原因,目前学界有关他的研究几近寥寥。杨晦以"文艺—社会"的辩证关系作为批评的理论地基,对古今中外的作家和作品展开了深入精辟的读解评骘。他的批评时常逸出文本对象之外,表现为批评的"延宕"。事实上,他是通过批评别人来鞭策自己,充分显示了一个现实主义批评家执著的理性批判精神。  相似文献   

This article attempts to build a cross-reference between a Doctoral program in Business and Administration (DBA) and the concept of ‘Action Learning’ made known within this programme, while also highlighting the relevance for ‘Action Learning’ in the authors professional daily life. The experiences made during the studies, when the concept of Action Learning was first introduced and applied, are gleaned and thus compared to the professional problems encountered by consultants in the financial industry. The chances and benefits for the professional life are highlighted, and suggestions are made to enrich the student experience while attending a DBA-program.  相似文献   

国内公示语汉英翻译研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公示语是指在公共场所给公众看的文字语言,用途广泛,意义重大。近年来众多语言学、翻译学专家对公示语的翻译进行了多方面的研究和探讨,取得了可喜的成绩。但从整体看还存在着诸多缺憾,从当前国内公示语翻译研究现状入手,以期促进我国国际语言环境、人文环境建设的健康发展,提升各大城市的文明形象。  相似文献   

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