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This paper presents a mathematical model of the dynamic interrelationships between education, creativity and happiness based on both theoretical insights and evidence from recent empirical neurological studies. In this context, the results are conditional on an individual’s learning effort and risk‐aversion. Specifically, I focus on two main determinants of creativity (divergent and convergent thinking) and compare two main educational policies (scholarships versus unstructured training) with regard to their impacts on the happiness gained from creativity in the general and healthy population. A test is provided by matching the model’s predictions with the results of recent neuroscience research. Numerical simulations suggested that improving convergent thinking is more important than improving divergent thinking for creativity to generate happiness throughout an individual’s life, provided that both divergent and convergent thinking have been achieved to a sufficiently large degree, and that unstructured training (i.e., extra‐curricular activities) in divergent thinking (e.g., in accounting schools) is necessary to reach wealthier students who have more difficulty learning. In contrast, scholarships or unstructured training in convergent thinking (e.g., in art schools) are necessary to reach students who learn easily but who are less wealthy.  相似文献   

我国目前的通识教育课程设置片面地鼓励发散思维培养,发散思维培养过度,收敛思维培养被遏制。然而收敛思维方式也是创新思维的重要形式,在通识教育中起着不可或缺的作用。因此,通识教育理念里两种思维方式的培养同样重要,两者看似对立其实互补,只有保持"必要的张力"才能使通识教育健康发展。要保持"必要的张力",通识教育课程的调整路径...  相似文献   

For the past few years, creativity has gradually become an important element in the national cultivation of talent in Taiwan. Although traditionally art education is closely linked with creativity, the academic research on general art education is very insufficient. Therefore, the goal of this research is to investigate how creativity could be cultivated in curriculum planning for general art education at technology universities as well as what students’ learning process was when they participated in a course's creative activity. The research applied the theory and steps of creative problem‐solving (CPS) on a general art course to design a group practical activity combining with the local community. This involved converting the steps of creative problem‐solving into different stages of group design activities with the goal of constructing a design process equivalent to the process of problem‐solving. The main research results revealed that students could experience the problem‐solving process through group design activities and develop their divergent and convergent thinking at the same time. Moreover, the cooperative learning model is the most appropriate teaching strategy for students from non‐art‐related departments when cultivating their creativity.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a substantial growth in research that probes children's ideas about natural phenomena. This article places the research in a context that enables comprehension of how it informs and influences the practice of science education. To this end, past, present, and developing styles of research are discussed. The predominant style of past research was based on elaborate experimental designs and complex statistical analyses of data. Studies employing that style helped focus concern on questions about individual learning which the studies did not actually seek to answer, e.g., why does the learning resulting from a particular treatment vary between individuals? What is understanding and how can it be assessed? Such questions lie at the heart of current probing of children's ideas. Some issues of importance in the probing of children's ideas are considered, as are ways in which these issues have influenced the development of a current style of research. From this present context, developing styles in the research field are described. These focus particularly on research on the strategies used by learners, and on the continued growth of interaction between research and practice.  相似文献   


Medical education is a domain with fast-changing knowledge and attention to knowledge application and higher order thinking; therefore, how to implement effective teaching is a crucial issue. Based on the technology-based learning model, this study provides a multi-dimensional analysis of published papers on the flipped classroom in medical education from the SCOPUS database, including the form of the learning materials, learning system or player, learning strategies, educational technology, application domains, research issues, participants, and research methods. Based on the results, the application of flipped classrooms in medical education has grown rapidly over the past decade, with the number growing dramatically from 7 papers in 2014, to 16 papers in 2015, and 22 papers in 2016. It was found that a great number of studies adopted instructional videos uploaded on online learning systems or used existing online videos to conduct before-class teaching in the before-class stage of the flipped classroom; moreover, most studies involved no online discussion in the before-class stage. As for learning strategies in the in-class stage, the most frequently adopted strategies were issue discussion, practicing or doing exercises, and problem-based learning. This implies that most studies mainly emphasized basic knowledge understanding and skills training, while little attention was paid to developing learners’ higher order thinking skills. In addition, the majority of studies explored students’ learning interest/satisfaction, learning experience, and performance on the cognitive aspect, while little research was found to investigate their preparation degree or cognitive loading. Based on the review results, this study provides the research trends and potential research issues of flipped medical education to serve as a reference for researchers, instructors, and decision makers.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on how academic staff perceive their roles and responsibilities regarding work-related learning, and how they approach and implement work-related learning activities in curricula across academic environments in higher education. The study is based on case studies, including semi-structured interviews and analyses of course syllabuses in two higher education institutions. The results reveal divergent approaches between environments with limited and extensive work-related learning, and we present four different strategies for including work-related learning in curricula: add-on by someone else, add-on about the profession, integration of teaching and learning activities and integration with additional value. These four strategies represent a very diverse understanding of the role of education, ranging from education for academia to education for work outside academia, and contain various perceptions of the roles, types of work-related learning activities and integration in the ordinary curriculum.  相似文献   

This feature draws on a 2012 National Research Council report to highlight some of the insights that discipline-based education research in general—and biology education research in particular—have provided into the challenges of undergraduate science education. It identifies strategies for overcoming those challenges and future directions for biology education research.Biologists have long been concerned about the quality of undergraduate biology education. Indeed, some biology education journals, such as the American Biology Teacher, have been in existence since the 1930s. Early contributors to these journals addressed broad questions about science learning, such as whether collaborative or individual learning was more effective and the value of conceptualization over memorization. Over time, however, biology faculty members have begun to study increasingly sophisticated questions about teaching and learning in the discipline. These scholars, often called biology education researchers, are part of a growing field of inquiry called discipline-based education research (DBER).DBER investigates both fundamental and applied aspects of teaching and learning in a given discipline; our emphasis here is on several science disciplines and engineering. The distinguishing feature of DBER is deep disciplinary knowledge of what constitutes expertise and expert-like understanding in a discipline. This knowledge has the potential to guide research focused on the most important concepts in a discipline and offers a framework for interpreting findings about students’ learning and understanding in that discipline. While DBER investigates teaching and learning in a given discipline, it is informed by and complementary to general research on human learning and cognition and can build on findings from K–12 science education research.DBER is emerging as a field of inquiry from programs of research that have developed somewhat independently in various disciplines in the sciences and engineering. Although biology education research (BER) has emerged more recently than similar efforts in physics, chemistry, or engineering education research, it is making contributions to the understanding of how students learn and gain expertise in biology. These contributions, together with those that DBER has made in physics and astronomy, chemistry, engineering, and the geosciences, are the focus of a 2012 report by the National Research Council (NRC, 2012 ).1 For biologists who are interested in education research, the report is a useful reference, because it offers the first comprehensive synthesis of the emerging body of BER and highlights the ways in which BER findings are similar to those in other disciplines. In this essay, we draw on the NRC report to highlight some of the insights that DBER in general and BER in particular have provided into effective instructional practices and undergraduate learning, and to point to some directions for the future. The views in this essay are ours as editors of the report and do not represent the official views of the Committee on the Status, Contributions, and Future Directions of Discipline-Based Education Research; the NRC; or the National Science Foundation (NSF).  相似文献   

The theoretical background and different methods ofconcept mapping for use in teaching and in research on learning processes are discussed. Two mathematical projects, one on fractions and one on geometry, are presented in more detail. In the first one special characteristics of concept maps were elaborated. In the second one concept mapping allowed students' individual understanding to be monitored over time and provided information about students' conceptual understanding that would not have been obtained using other methods. Regarding the students' individual concept maps in more detail there were some additional findings: (i) The characteristics of the maps change remarkably from fourth grade to sixth grade; (ii) There is some evidence that prior knowledge related to some mathematical topics plays a very important role in students' learning behaviour and in their achievement; (iii) Concept maps provide information about how individual students relate concepts to form organised conceptual frameworks; (iv) Long-term difficulties with specific concepts are able to be traced. These findings are discussed with regard to results of other studies as well as to their implications for the teaching of mathematics in the classroom.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and provide psychometric evidence of the Educational Development Impact Questionnaire (EDIQ) for evaluating complex outcomes of multifaceted educational development work within centres of teaching and learning. Our study addresses the need for a user-friendly and psychometrically sound survey instrument adaptable to differing higher education contexts. Our outcomes framework, mapping the intended short- and medium-term outcomes of our centre’s educational development activities, provided the necessary framework on which to create survey items. Scores from 267 instructors from a research-intensive university provided the data for examining the EDIQ’s initial factor structure using exploratory factor analysis. We justify our use of two different cut-scores to generate two models of factor structures. Factors common to both models are instructor growth, scholarship of teaching and learning, technology integration, impact on students, and knowledge enhancement. We discuss how the models provide different opportunities for assessing short-term and medium-term outcomes over time and the usefulness of the EDIQ beyond the current study context.  相似文献   

Recent research into composing processes has focused on instructional intervention strategies that promote effective composition practices within computerized writing environments. The field of computers and composition has benefitted both from advances in computing tools and developments in learning theory. The innovative computer tool discussed in this paper uses the macro-command language of a full-featured word processor to enact strategic support designed to help writers with their written work. From a theoretical standpoint, this tool created a writing environment based on Vygotskian theory of mediated learning and was grounded in an instructional strategy known as “procedural facilitation.” To evaluate the effectiveness of this computerprompting tool, a second macro application was used to log student keystrokes, thereby tracking student writing development, revisionary practices, and keystroke reactions to the prompting partner. Students using the prompting tool enacted divergent and convergent thinking assistance that appeared at the bottom of their computer screens while the system saved a process record of their keystrokes. Procedures for creating macro-driven prompting programs and keystroke-logging devices are discussed. Additionally, a catalog of prompts and summary of keystroke-mapping benefits are provided. Finally, our research using the macro-driven prompting partner and keystroke-register tool is detailed.  相似文献   

通过分析TALIS2018关于教师教学实践的数据,从教学时间、教学方式、评价反馈三大方面可勾勒出全球和上海教师教学实践的四大特点:用于实际教学时间多,但新教师与经验教师有差距;近2/3的课堂上教师经常采用讲授策略;不到1/2的教师经常采用促进学生"自主学习"的策略;近八成的教师会为学生提供建设性反馈,而形成性评价运用频率不高。在分析上海教师的课堂教学实践与其他国家的异同后,讨论了五个问题:课堂管理的本质是管理,还是教师的沟通、组织与激发学生的能力?激发学生认知,对教师专业能力的挑战是技能,还是学科教学知识抑或学科教学经验?怎样使用信息通信技术真正让课堂中的教与学发生改变?教师的反馈与让学生评估自己的进步一样吗?提高教师命题研究能力的意义何在?作为教育专家的教师如何在工作中运用专业知识和技能以及如何进一步发展和改进。  相似文献   

Medical school curricula are undergoing transformational change in response to calls for integrating content across courses and years to enable better retention and application and for individualizing learning to meet the diverse backgrounds and thus differing needs of students. To address the related teaching challenges, faculty can employ solid principles of adult learning and instructional design and use teaching strategies that stimulate different learning styles. We developed laboratory sessions that follow a learner‐centered instructional design model we refer to as “PLHET,” reflecting the steps of preparing, linking, hooking, engaging, and transferring learning, and also applied teaching strategies that reflect Kolb's four styles of learning (accommodative, divergent, assimilative, and convergent). We utilized a group learning format to promote active learning, teamwork, and self‐direction. Preliminary data based on student surveys of laboratory activity show positive responses. In the future, we will test the hypothesis that this design will improve medical students' performance. Anat Sci Educ © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

The central Florida region, faced with record tourism, a large service population, and significant population growth over the next few decades, must rely on a community-based institution of higher education with lifelong learning offerings, a local community college, to create world class public safety education and training for the region. Furthermore, the literature indicated public safety organizations served by community colleges operate in an open-rational system, while colleges operate in a natural system—and there is no current literature to explain this phenomenon. To establish a new School of Public Safety within these contrasting systems, Valencia College and the central Florida public safety community utilized a collaborative, creative problem solving model with a divergent and convergent thinking strategy to develop the school. It is a school with an on-going intentional public safety service integration training and education philosophy with distributed, isomorphic college-wide public safety programming. The open-rational and natural systems theory explains the strategy and how this theory enhances the School of Public Safety at Valencia College and in central Florida at the social psychological, structural, and ecological levels. The theoretical framework, the comprehensive visioning approach, results of the strategy, values to the student, and public safety organizations and community discussed in this commentary contribute to the body of knowledge on public safety education and training models at community colleges.  相似文献   

探究式学习的内容分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新一轮基础教育课程改革大力倡导在各学科中,面向全体学生,开展多样化的探究式学习。很多的教育专家、一线教师对探究式学习进行了积极的探索研究。探究式学习在我国研究、实施的现状究竟如何?又有怎样的变化、发展趋势?还存在哪些主要的问题?怎样解决这些问题?针对这些疑惑,作者使用内容分析法对教育技术领域具有代表性的三种杂志近几年来关于探究式学习的论文进行了认真的分析、研究,并尝试着给出了解决问题的答案和策略。  相似文献   

Teaching how to teach in the laboratory is one of the main aims of science teachers’ in‐ and pre‐service training. But teacher‐trainers must make some essential decisions concerning the type of laboratory teaching they are training for. At the time of ‘learning by discovery’ and of learning of discovery ('syntax of discovery'), the enquiry oriented laboratory was expected to give the pupils opportunities to perform miniature‐‐but exemplary‐‐research programmes. Later, a new approach stressed the technological and social implications of knowledge, i.e. its relevance to the pupil. At about the same time, constructivist theories of ‘conceptual change’ provided teachers with explicit instructions concerning the teaching of scientific concepts and principles. Another issue was the position of general cognitive skills such as logical and critical thinking, in laboratory teaching. Recently, the computer has opened new possibilities and introduced new strategies. Teachers must be trained to appreciate the various approaches as complementary and educationally fruitful, so as to select rationally the most appropriate strategies.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades, higher education institutions have found themselves using vernacular that was once chiefly found in business disciplines, such as value‐added and competitive advantage. With the rising costs of tuition, newer‐generation students are seeing themselves more and more as customers and universities are beginning to adopt customer‐centric strategies and missions. However, even with this paradigm shift, little research has been done to extend traditional service management concepts to educational settings. This research attempts to bridge this gap by applying the SERVQUAL scale, a well‐validated and widely used service operations construct, to the classroom environment. The findings show that the SERVQUAL scale exhibits both reliability and convergent and divergent validity; in fact, in these regards, it outperforms traditional student assessment scales. Moreover, the scale can explain significant amounts of variances in student‐related outcome variables such as satisfaction and learning. This innovative approach to measuring classroom service quality does indeed show that students can be viewed as customers and has far‐reaching implications to all stakeholders in the delivery of higher education.  相似文献   

In this article, we address four main questions, including: What is self-regulated learning for? What key strategies do students need to guide and direct their own learning process? What cues in the learning environment trigger self-regulation strategies? What can teachers do to help student to self-regulate their learning, motivation, and effort in the classroom? We illustrate that answers to these questions have changed over time and that changing conceptualizations of the self-regulation process have influenced the assessment tools that were used. We also point to changing classroom conditions as a factor that has affected the assessment of self-regulation. Finally, we formulate some questions that need to be tackled in research on self-regulation and introduce the articles and commentaries in the special issue that provide some cutting-edge work on the use of assessment to register self-regulation over time.  相似文献   

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