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1.〔问〕fall、feel、fell与 felt总是容易混淆 ,如何区分呢 ?〔答〕fell是 fall的过去式 ,意思是“落下、摔倒”,felt是 feel的过去式 ,意思是“感觉、觉得”。如 :(1) He fell off his bike yesterday.他昨天从车上摔了下来。(2 ) I felt sick.或者 I'm feeling sick.我觉得不太舒服。(3) He fell but did not hurt himself.他摔了一跤 ,但没伤着。(4) How are you feeling now?Are you feelingthirsty?你现在觉得如何 ?渴吗 ?此外 fall还可与其它词构成短语 ,如 :熟睡 fallasleep/病得起不了床 fall ill in bed/破碎、落空 fallto pie…  相似文献   

IT 作为第三人称单数,常常用来指代单数的事物,其实它的本领可不止如此!不信,我们一起来瞧一瞧。 [It 的基本技能】1.It 可以用来指除人以外的一切生物和事物。如:—Where’s his book?他的书在哪里?—It’s in his desk.在他的书桌里。  相似文献   

1.thumb:大拇指。英语的all(fingersand)thumbs意为“笨手笨脚”,例如:I’m all fingers and thumbs this morning.I don’t seem to be able to button up my shirt.今天早上我的手怎么这么笨呢,好像连衬衫都扣不上了。He was so excited that his fingers wereall thumbs and he dropped the teacup.他激动得手都不好使了,竟把茶杯摔了。2.forefinger=index finger,即食指。前缀fore-表示“位置靠前的”(placed at thefront),所以从排位上说,forefinger应为“第一指”。3.middle finger:中指。此指居中,名正言顺,且与汉语说法也一致。4.…  相似文献   

一、词语例解蘸麟黔燃【用法】n.l)内容;(常用复数)目录(t hing(s)eontained in other thing(s);what 15 written or said in a book,ete.) E呷ty out the eontents of your purse·把你的荷包里的东西全部掏出来。1 like the style of his writing but 1 don’t like the content.我喜欢他的写作风格,但是不喜欢他写的内容。The Freneh newspaPer 15 always six p鳍es in eontent.那家法文报纸总是有六版的内容。注意:Conient当“里面的东西;内容”解时大多用其复数形式;但指作品、讲话之类的“内容”解时却是不可数名词,只能用单数。…  相似文献   

1.This is his sister.这是他的妹妹。向一个人介绍另一个人,用This is...。例如:This is my mother.这是我的妈妈。This is Gina.这是吉娜。【特别提醒】This is...的其他用法:(1)用于指空间上较近的事物。例如:This is a car.这是一辆小轿车。This is Lily’s bag.这是莉莉的书包。(2)用于电话用语,意为“我是……”。例如:—Who is that?你是谁?—This is Tom speaking.我是汤姆。2.And that’s m y sister.那是我妹妹。(1)And用于此句表示承接关系,起连接的作用。不用翻译。(2)句中that’s是that is的缩写形式。意为“那是”。此句式常用于介绍离其较远的人或物。例如:That is a desk.那是一张桌子。That’s his brother.那是他的哥哥。3.Is thatyourbrother?那是你哥哥吗?这是由that is构成的一般疑问句,意思是“那是……吗?”指人时,常指不明确其性别时。回答时用:Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.例...  相似文献   

I.hope作名词,意思是“希望;期望”,既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词(表示抽象意义/概念)。常有以下几种用法: 1.hope可用作句子的主语。例如: Her parents’hopes are too high.她父母的期望太高了。There is no hope of his success.他没有成功  相似文献   

绵羊性格温顺、胆小,却出现在很多用语之中,如: 1.cast/make sheep’s eyes送秋波,送媚眼(因sheep’s eyes多喻指“温柔多情的目光”) Tom’s been making sheep’s eyes at his girlfriend all night long.汤姆整个晚上都在含情脉脉地注视着他的女友。  相似文献   

英语中,有些及物动词可以有两个宾语,指人的宾语叫作间接宾语,指物的宾语叫作直接宾语。通常的结构是:“动词+间接宾语+直接宾语”或“动词+直接宾语+for/to+间接宾语”。介词to表示动作对谁做的,for表示动作为谁做的。例如:Please show Tom the book.(=Please show the book to Tom.)让汤姆看看这本书。Mother made Mike a big cake on his birthday.(=Mother made a bigcake for Mike on his birthday.)在迈克生日的那天,母亲为他做了一个大蛋糕。在下列情况下,常用第二种结构,即将间接宾语置于直接宾语之后:1.强调间接宾语时。例如:G…  相似文献   

1.some day,one day,the other daysome day(可合写为someday)意为“总有一天”、“有朝一日”。例如:I hope to see Niagara Falls some day.我希望有一天去观看尼亚加拉瀑布。one day意为“某一天”,它既可指将来的某一天,也可指过去的某一天。例如:One day,he happened to meet his cousin and then talked a lot.一天,他在街上偶然遇到了他的表兄,他们在一起谈了很多事情。I wish I could fly like a bird one day.我希望有一天我能像鸟一样飞翔。the other day意为“几天前”、“前几天”,主要用于过去时态。例如:We visited Haiwa…  相似文献   

TIGERA father and his small son werestanding in front of the tiger’s cage at thezoo.Father was explaining how ferocious(凶猛的)and strong tigers are,and junior(年少者,晚辈,这里指儿子)was taking it allin with a serious expression.“Dad,”the boy said finally,“if the tigergot out of his cage and ate you up…”“Yes,son?”the father said expectantly(期待地).“What bus should I take home?”theboy finished.  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
Goldfish Stan:I won 92 goldfish.F red:Where are you going to keepthem?Stan:In the bathroom.F red:B ut what w ill you do whenyou want to take a bath?Stan:Blindfold them。金鱼斯丹:我赢了92条金鱼。弗雷德:你想在哪儿养它们?斯丹:浴室。弗雷德:但是你想洗澡时怎么办?斯丹:蒙住它们的眼睛!I N eed Y our FootballG eorge knocked at the door of his friend’shouse.W hen his friend’s m other answ ered,he asked,“C an A lbertcom e out to play?”“N o,”said the m other,“it’s too cold.”“W ell,then,”said G eorge,“can his footballcom e out to play?”我要玩足球乔冶敲着他朋友家的门。当朋友的妈妈来应门时,他问:“阿尔伯特...  相似文献   

有这样一个句子My teacher's nameis Gao Hui.“在这个句子中出现了在名词后面加上“’s”的现象,这种现象在语法上我们称它为“名词的所有格”。同学们很有必要对这种语法现象有所了解和掌握。名词所有格的构成是在名词的后面加上“’s”,它表示该名词对其后面所紧跟的人或物的所有关系,译成汉语时往往可以译作“……的”,如本文上段中提到的“My teacher’sname(我的老师的名字)”。如:my father'sfriend(我的父亲的朋友),his sister's class-mates(他姐妹的同学),Kate’s brother'sroom(凯特的兄弟的房间),等等。另外,在学习所有格时我们还要注意下面两点:  相似文献   

Little George was crying one day, and his dad asked him why. “I’ve lost 5 pence,”sobbed George. “Never mind,”said his dad kindly, “Here’s another 5 pence for you.”At which George howled louder that ev-er. “Now what is it?”asked his dad. “I wish I’d said I’d lost 10 pence!”一天小乔治哭了,他爸爸问他怎么了。“我丢了五便士,”乔治哭着说。“没关系,”爸爸和蔼地说,“我再给你五便士。”但乔治哭得比以前更响了。“这是怎么了?”爸爸问。“我后悔刚才没说丢了十便士。”开心天地…  相似文献   

Forgetful Grass     
It was too late at night when an old man came to a small town.He found an(小旅馆)and wanted to1there for the night.After he had gone to hisroom,the owner said to his wife:“Look at his bag.There must be much2init.Let’s take it3when he’s asleep,and we can become rich.”“No,no,”said the woman.“He4look for his bag tomorrow morning.If he can’t5it,he’ll telephone the police.”They thought for a few minutes.6the woman had a good7.“Wehave forgetful grass.Why8some forgetful grass into his f…  相似文献   

英语中 ,含有表示时间的until短语或从句的句子是常见的 ,由于英汉两种语言表达习惯的差异 ,不少学生在英汉互译时 ,往往出现谬误。例如 ,他们把“直到我们回到了家 ,天才下雨。”译为“Itraineduntilwewerebackhome .”(应译为 :Itdidn’trainuntilwewerebackhome.) ;把“Ididn’tmeethimuntilthesummerholidays.”译为“直到暑假我也没见到他。”(应译为 :直到暑假我才和他见面。)要解决这个问题 ,有以下两种基本途径 :一、从语法角度…  相似文献   

ve Just Bitten My Tongue “Are we Poi,onous?”the young snake asked his mother. “Yes,dear,”she replied.“Why do you ask?” “Causel’ve just bitten my tongue!从〕tes: (l)poisonous adj.有毒的 (2)Causel’ve just bitten my tongue因为我刚咬了自己的舌头。句中Cause是Because的缩略形式。英语笑话(英文)…  相似文献   

在一部美国西部电影中,一位老警长年轻时枪法如神,威振四方。当时因匪徒猖獗,新警长请他复出平匪,他说:“My day is gone.”从字面看,他的话含义是:我的日子已经完了。因为“is gone”一般的解法是“死去”或“失去”。但这里的 day 指的是“得意的日子”或“辉煌的时期”,表示他觉得自己老了,无用了。我们时常可以看到这样一句古谚语:Every dog has his day.(每条狗都有他的出头之日——即凡人都有得意时。)莎士比亚笔下的哈姆雷特也曾指出:The cat will meow and the dog will have his day.(猫会喵喵叫,狗  相似文献   

1.O ne day a m an asked hisguest (客人 )to stay for dinner.A ttable there w as only one cou-rse ofbeancurd(一道豆腐菜)。 某天, 一人留客吃饭,桌上只有一道豆腐菜。 nd,“Beancurd is m y life,andnothing else tastes (尝 )better than it.” 他对朋友说:“豆腐是我的 性命,什么也比不过它呀。” 3.Som e days later,the m an w en t to his guest’s hom e. H is2.The m an said to his frie- friend knew his special liking(嗜好)and m ixed som e beancurdin a fish course (一道鱼)and am e…  相似文献   

A A:You’re mad(=crazy,insane疯狂)!Stark(=completely),raving(狂乱地,疯狂地) mad! B:Oh,I don't know.Weird(=strange,odd,queer奇怪),maybe,but not mad. C:Nobody in his right mind would do a thing like that! A:It's so foolhardy (=foolishly bold,reckless 鲁莽的)man(伙计,非正式称呼).You could get hurt,and seriously. B:I know.My mother used to(经常)scold(挑剔,指责)me all the time about it. C:Well,she doesn't seem to have had any effect(效果). B:Actually,I listened to her a lot of the time,but,really,nothing serious has ever happened. A:All I can say is,"Somebody up there likes you!”(上帝保佑你,非正式用语)  相似文献   

1.sometimes是副词(adv.),意为“有时”。例如: I have sometimes had lettersfrom him.我有时会接到他的来信。 Sometimes we go to thecinema.有时我们去看电影。 Sometimes he goes to workby bus.他有时乘公共汽车去上班。 2.sometime是副词(adv.)意为“在某个时候”,既可指过去某个  相似文献   

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