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王刚 《考试周刊》2011,(79):20-21
离散是近年来族裔文学研究的一个重要内容。美国华裔作为一个离散群体,在文化身份认同方面表现出离散文化的特点。本文从离散理论的视角研究美国华裔作家任碧莲的《梦娜在希望之乡》中主人公梦娜的身份建构,试图说明任碧莲用梦娜不断变化的身份认同质疑族裔与文化身份的固定化和唯一性,从而提出华裔离散者身份建构的流变性与混杂性。  相似文献   

在美国华裔作家伍慧明的处女作《骨》中,空间书写是作者建构华裔文化身份的手段。小说中不同世代或背景的华裔对于唐人街的不同态度,体现出他们在中美两种文化之间所做出的选择。就小说而言,老一辈的华裔移民宁愿固守在唐人街的狭窄空间中,体现出他们对于中国文化传统的留恋。新一代的华裔却对唐人街有着更为复杂的情感,两位妹妹在困境中选择了死亡或自我流放,体现了她们对于身份的困惑。而小说的叙述者莱拉最终在出走和坚守之间做出妥协,选择在华人社区与白人社会接壤的边土地带生活。因此,本文试图通过探讨不同人物的空间选择,深入剖析空间与文化身份之间的对应关系,以及边土地带对于华裔移民建构混杂性文化身份和主体性的重要意义。  相似文献   

魏蓉婷 《文教资料》2011,(14):30-32
美国华裔文学作为少数裔文学中的一个亮点,集中体现了现当代华裔作家对自身族裔文化身份问题的探究与反思,他们通过小说的表现形式,从华裔家庭内部关系冲突中攫取素材,对华裔的文化身份与文化认知进行解析注释。这些小说中,父辈与子辈间的代际文化冲突是一个鲜明的主题,由于华裔男性在文化地位与社会地位中的尴尬处境,父与子的关系模式不仅能反映文化因素在华裔家庭内部的影响与变化,而且可溯及两种异质文化由对抗到融合的主要线索,有助于理解当代华裔文学的独特的文化背景。  相似文献   

伍绮诗的《无声告白》是一部中美跨族裔婚姻悲剧。小说以詹姆斯·李及其子女为代表的华裔群体深陷精神困境,无法跨越中美文化藩篱,产生严重的身份认同危机与情感焦虑。对华裔边缘人文化“他者”形象进行解析,能够诠释其身份游离的特殊性,暴露出华裔在美国文化语境中真实的生存现状。华裔群体自我和解下的文化反思,不仅能够引起读者对华裔身份归属问题的思考,同时,也展现出伍绮诗对中美文化关系的忧虑与展望。  相似文献   

美国华裔特定的生活环境使得华裔作家对中西两种不同的文化有自己独特的认知,反映在作品中常常表现为对固守中国传统文化的老一代移民和完全西化的华裔青年的形象的刻画。在此过程中,作家也加深了对自身华裔族群的文化属性的认识与思考,厘清了族裔文化的独特属性,从而有助于确认族裔集体身份。本文将以华裔作家雷祖威(DavidWongLouie)的短篇小说《爱的痛苦》为例,通过对文中的华人母子形象的分析,找出作家对其对华裔族裔身份的认知。  相似文献   

通过分析美国华裔女性作家的身份,以及女性作家笔下的女性人物的文化身份认同危机,阐述在美国社会中,少数族裔艰难的文化身份认同之路。对在美国生活的华裔女性作家来说,中国文化始终是她们精神的皈依之处,是她们得以安身立命的根基。  相似文献   

由于历史断层和文化错位之类社会现象的逐渐普及和日益深化,对于文化身份的各种认同问题业已构成当代华裔美国文学的重要主题之一。本文运用当代文化研究思潮中身份研究的相关理论,分析小说《骨》中两代人的文化经历和身份经验,并在对“身份危机”的多重意义进行深度解读的过程中,以鲜活的文学经验不断加深对于华裔身份杂体性的认知视角和阅读体验。  相似文献   

文章以美国华裔文学作品《喜福会》为研究对象,通过分析作者在创作过程中所运用的文化翻译,以及通过分析作品中所展现的代际移民之间的文化冲突,即拥有不同文化属性与背景的母女之间的文化冲突,透视了处于主流文化中边缘化群体的美国华裔,不断追寻自己的文化属性以及文化身份的历程,并探讨了美国华裔作家在文化身份建构历程中,只有充当两种文化中间的文化传递者,才能在两种文化中找到自己的位置。  相似文献   

文化身份一直以来都是华裔美国文学中的主题,其定位在华裔美国文学吏上屡经变迁,即从文化认同、反认同再到否定的认同;或是像黄玉雪那样完全屈服于美国文化,或是如赵健秀对美国文化完全对抗,但是任碧莲却在其作品中表现出了文化身份定位的特殊性,超越了长期以来华裔作家在两种文化处境中苦苦挣扎的困境,展现给我们一个多元文化杂交的文化世界.  相似文献   

文化身份研究是华裔美国文学中一个重要的研究视角。在华裔美国文学史一个多世纪的发展过程中,各时期的华裔美国人对文化身份的认同并不是一成不变的,而是有一个逐渐变化的过程。他们在中美两个世界中对自我的认同经历了从固守中国到接受美国、到拥抱世界的过程。这种动态的思维对今天的文化发展与自我认同都有不可忽视的意义。  相似文献   

It has been argued that in higher education academic disciplines can be seen as communities of practices. This implies a focus on what constitutes identities in academic culture. In this article I argue that the transition from newcomer to a full participant in a community of practice of physicists entails a focus on how identities emerge in learning how to highlight certain aspects of personal life histories. The analysis of interviews with 55 physicists shows that physicists often perceive experiences in their childhood as the first step into their professional identities as physicists. These experiences involve recollections of the ability to think scientifically (e.g., ‘go beyond the surface’), and the ability to play with toys which can be connected to the practical life of physics. The process of identity formation can be described as developing in a relational zone of proximal development, where old-timers recognize particular playful qualities in newcomers as a legitimate access to a physicist identity. The article discusses how play which physicsts connects with a scientific mind can constitute a relational zone of proximal developments in a community of practice as a particular “space of authoring” in a physicist culture, which cut across other cultural differences.  相似文献   

本研究从认知角度调查了白族高中生在三语语境下的民族文化认同、主流文化认同和西方文化认同情况。通过对大理市某高中的高三白族学生进行调查,发现白族学生对主流文化和民族文化有较高的认同,同时,对西方文化认同度较低,说明西方文化对白族高中生的主流文化和民族文化并未产生威胁。然而,白族学生对本族文化的认同并没有对主流文化认同高,说明在教育过程中,应该注意加强本族文化的传输和教育,以保证中华民族文化的多样性。  相似文献   

民族认同与国家认同是民族地区青少年需要面对的双重认同问题,树立正确的民族认同观与国家认同观直接关系到民族文化的传播和国家的稳定。在对新疆南疆地区2116名青少年进行比较研究后发现:南疆地区维吾尔族青少年的国家认同较民族认同相比表现得更为积极,与汉族青少年相比,他们的国家认同较低而民族认同较高 国家认同的形成会提升维吾尔族青少年的民族认同 来自县镇和城市的青少年群体在国家认同和民族认同上都较高,而农村的相对较低 父母亲的文化程度越高,子女的国家认同与民族认同就越高。  相似文献   

Many schools in Hong Kong are concerned with the growing number of enrolments of students from Mainland China. This article examines the immigrant students’ constructs of their cross-cultural identities. It reveals how these students experience a journey of transformation in language, culture and identity. Qualitative data were collected from unstructured interviews with 12 immigrant students from Mainland China from six secondary schools. Two cases which are representative of the sample are reported. The study showed the transformation of the cross-cultural identities of these students, in the process of which they adopted the new culture into their lives and made it their reality while they still strongly connected part of their identity to their Mainland Chinese background. Despite some negative experiences of adaptation, they adopted a meritocratic approach to making sense of their cross-cultural experience. It was used as a form of agency to overcome, or at least ameliorate, feelings of discrimination, loss of cultural support and being immigrants in the ‘new’ society of Hong Kong. Lastly, two implications for the promotion of education for immigrant students will be discussed at school and legal levels.  相似文献   

This study examines the two kindergarten teachers’ shared professional identities in teamwork in an effort to clarify what constitutes their shared identities and how these identities affect the teachers’ professional practices and beliefs. The relational nature of identity maintains that individuals are not the only constructors of their identity, and the literature on teacher education emphasizes the importance of identity in teacher development. The in-depth analysis of the two kindergarten teachers’ narrative interviews revealed how the educators constructed their professional identities by intertwining the features of their context, feedback, and teaching. The findings indicate that the shared professional identities of the two early childhood teachers are developed and negotiated through four shared features: commitment, feedback, educational tasks, and professional agency. Together these four shared features shape the teachers’ professional roles and pedagogical practices—either by giving support to professional growth and empowerment or by having a decreasing effect on the teachers’ professional identity and agency in early childhood contexts.  相似文献   

In a time of mass schooling in most parts of the world, the discourse of the “woman primary teacher” is often the subject of discourse. Yet most stories of these women teachers emerge from other (Western) contexts, with little known about how changing education processes affect the gendered identities of women in other cultural settings. This paper explores how women teachers negotiate their gendered identities in Hong Kong, where modernization has already mingled with the indigenous Chinese culture. It provides the stories of four Chinese women teachers as they engage in ongoing construction and negotiations of gendered identities over their life histories in Hong Kong. All are ethnically Chinese, of different ages and at different stages of their personal and professional lives, and all have grown up in Hong Kong. A framework of post-colonial concepts of hybridity and border crossing helps to suggest how identity resources develop in relation to a range of contemporary practices which are experienced as both pressures and opportunities. These Chinese women teachers' identities are seen to be complex, fluid and multi-faceted, continually under construction in their daily lives, with changes experienced in both work and family settings.  相似文献   

In this study, we develop a model of science identity to make sense of the science experiences of 15 successful women of color over the course of their undergraduate and graduate studies in science and into science‐related careers. In our view, science identity accounts both for how women make meaning of science experiences and how society structures possible meanings. Primary data included ethnographic interviews during students' undergraduate careers, follow‐up interviews 6 years later, and ongoing member‐checking. Our results highlight the importance of recognition by others for women in the three science identity trajectories: research scientist; altruistic scientist; and disrupted scientist. The women with research scientist identities were passionate about science and recognized themselves and were recognized by science faculty as science people. The women with altruistic scientist identities regarded science as a vehicle for altruism and created innovative meanings of “science,” “recognition by others,” and “woman of color in science.” The women with disrupted scientist identities sought, but did not often receive, recognition by meaningful scientific others. Although they were ultimately successful, their trajectories were more difficult because, in part, their bids for recognition were disrupted by the interaction with gendered, ethnic, and racial factors. This study clarifies theoretical conceptions of science identity, promotes a rethinking of recruitment and retention efforts, and illuminates various ways women of color experience, make meaning of, and negotiate the culture of science. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 1187–1218, 2007  相似文献   

This study focuses on how teachers of minority ancestries construct and represent their family language identities. Drawing on poststructural (Hall, 1996; Norton, 2000), postcolonial (Ang, 1994; Luke &; Luke, 2000) and sociocultural (Holland, Lachicotte, Skinner, &; Cain, 1998) theory on culture, identity, and language we explore the complex nature of the linguistic identities of 25 teachers of Chinese and 20 teachers of Punjabi ancestries. We consider the different ways in which respondents of these ancestries represented their identities in minority languages in various sociocultural settings and the implications of these representations for employment. Accounting for this diversity should contribute to reconstructing authoritative discourses (Bakhtin, 1981) regarding employment of racial minorities in public education and thus to making mainstream institutions more equitable and inclusive.  相似文献   

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